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20995496 No.20995496 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books on the maddening effects of big cities

>> No.20995522

none. Because big cities are perfectly fine and helath and people are happy there. otherwise they wouldn't exist. I have a barber and a cobbler close to me. Wow!

>> No.20995524

what an evil little shit. i'm sure he'll plead to manslaughter and be out in less than ten.

>> No.20995529

not like some opioid fiend never knocked over a rural pharmacy before buddy

>> No.20995530
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Best I could do given time constraints, plus I'm on my phone


>> No.20995534

not a problem, because there is another pharmacy 2 blocks away. Great!

>> No.20995538

so the crooks pay tribute to saudi arabia and vladimir putin while driving between robberies? wow rural life truly is better!

>> No.20995540

I dont understand this. He was totally compliant, and the guy shot him anyway. For what? Shits and giggles? Books for this?

>> No.20995565

Crime and Punishment

>> No.20995567

>completely empty
big city... right

>> No.20995569

Desert Solitaire

>> No.20995577
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Also read Triumph of the City for a steel-man for the case of urbanization.

>> No.20995578

Why did the asshole shoot the guy? Fucking retard.

>> No.20995584

The Metropolis and Mental Life:

>> No.20995612

Would woulnd't he? If the coward can't fight for his life then he shouldn't keep it

>> No.20995634

>fight the guy with a gun with bare hands
No wonder you are retarded.

>> No.20995637

forgot quote

>> No.20995641

What a retarded worldview.
>fight, get shot
>don't fight, get shot
You damn well know the gunfag would shoot the guy if he attacked him

>> No.20995669

Why are you posting this shit on /lit/.

>> No.20995675
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