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20990712 No.20990712 [Reply] [Original]

Any good instruction manuals on creating a good or atleast decent goverment?

>> No.20990740

Just read Spartan how government works.

>> No.20990804

No such manuals that aren't just biased clap-trap.
I've mulled the issue over for most of my life, and there aren't any better governments than a completely diffused direct democracy.

>> No.20991566
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, BB21D2E2-57AF-4561-851B-7134E0F53474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Mein Kampf. That book is the work of a 160 IQ man

>> No.20991582

On liberty, John Stuart Mill

>> No.20991612

'The English Constitution' by Walter Bagehot.

>> No.20991783

>I've mulled the issue over for most of my life, and there aren't any better governments than a completely diffused direct democracy.
wow thanks! the ruminations of a stunted reclusive schizoid. Illuminating!

>> No.20991786

All great societies fell because of immigration. What else is there to know?

>> No.20991787

lol you haven't read it. do you think nobody else watches youtube?

>> No.20991796


>> No.20992180

You can’t think it over? You have no follow up questions?
The first part of the sentence stops the thread right there. There aren’t any “good instruction manuals” for this.

>> No.20992286
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what the fuck are you on about, do you believe that just because you haven't read it nobody else has?

Try reading a book yourself for once you fucking retarded zoomer faggot trannny nigger instead of projecting here.