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20990356 No.20990356 [Reply] [Original]

>The only thing that prevents us from quitting is FEAR! [4%]
>It’s only fear that prevents users from attempting to quit. [4%]
>It’s fear that keeps people from quitting [19%]
>Porn is difficult to give up because of the fear we’re being deprived of our pleasure or prop. [26%]
>Yet every user has that choice every day of their lives, why don’t they opt for it? The answer is fear. [43%]

Which of you recommended this totally average self-help bullshit? I'm halfway through and feel like all that I've read so far could be cut down to half and the point would still be delivered just as effectively.

>> No.20990370

There's a reason the book repeats itself so much. Keep reading, and also analyze your reaction (such an easy thing as reading a short dumb book yet your subconacious mind, for some weird reason, is grasping at every excuse to stop)

>> No.20990373

Anyone who reallys wants to quit porn should pick up the Bible and pray to God, and cultivate humility. Self-help is a cope, many people are lost today.

>> No.20990380

If youre retarded enough to need a book to tell you how to quit watching porn, then you deserve retarded book recommendations

>> No.20990385
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What does "peasy" mean?

>> No.20990398

I will keep reading but it will either be completely bullshit or some genius thing, and I highly doubt the latter.

>> No.20990464


>> No.20990475

The food. Peas. Give peas a chance.
Stupid frog posters. You never belonged here.

>> No.20990654

Aren't there extremely pornographic scenes in the Bible? Like, describing sex and the volume of cum being shot and stuff? Pretty sick recommendation to someone trying to quit porn, anon.

>> No.20990730

>Renouncing our vices is scary
There is some truth to that.

>> No.20990764

>There's a reason the book repeats itself so much.
And what would that be?

>> No.20990788

unironically the only thing that's helped me was this and saying the Jesus Prayer in times of temptation; pray for me anons

>> No.20990808

I'll pray for you tonight, Orthobro.

>> No.20990823
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>> No.20990879
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What I liked about the book (I listened to the audiobook) is that it had some simple truths that I didn't think about. Until then I always thought porn has only downside and just one upside, it gives me pleasure. But he pointed out that is a trap. The fact that I need a high from it is because porn put me in that position in the first place. It changed my mind, I'm way worse at handling boredom or stress than an non-addict. Take a heroin junkie for example, his day is ruined and he can't handle anything if he can't get the next high. But the heroin made him like this in the first place, normal people don't even think about heroin and just handle fine whatever life throughs at them, while he can't even handle merely existing. It's pretty obvious, but it still opened my eyes.

So porn has zero upsides and only downsides, it's 100% destructive. The positive sides are just an illusion. Therefore it is not a challenge to stop it. The counting of days or the magical number of 90 day are counterproductive. You tell yourself that it is something hard that needs willpower. But you should not rely on willpower, because you will fail. You simply stop and that's it. Simple, but it was the only thing that helped me.

But yeah, it is long. If you need a shorter version with basically the same message, check out
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wdh9TMrN5E (audiobook)

>> No.20990893

It's a psychological fact, or aomething about the nature of the world.
Basically, what our mind reacts the most to is rythm. It's why you remember songs or poetry, or even why you LIKE songs and poetry to begin with. To counteract years of programming through porn, repetition works a bit like a magic spell, and makes sure that what you're learning goes deeper than the surface level.
If you read the discourses or Buddha, you'll find out he repeats himself over and over again... during the same speech!

>> No.20990895

based flying eagle spreader.
The truths shall set you free anons...

>> No.20990897

I feel as though I have zero spiritual connection to God. I wish it was as easy as you make it seem.

>> No.20990923

Very dangerous myth, and a misunserstanding.
I won't go on whether God is real or not, or which religion is correct. That's for you to decide, and if you're a christian you have your answer already.
But as a christian, you should know God isn't your fucking personal butler, nor is his job to rescue you from wordly matters.
Being able to quit porn is something that is 100% in your hands. Also, think about how many priests, pastors etc are caught doing shameful acts.
They have it backwards, and so do you: you try to not do any sins because you're a christian and don't want to deface the body you believe God gave you.
You don't become a christian so God can do the work for you to prevent you from sinning.

>> No.20990931

This I guess. Finding God did not give me some magical ability to overcome my temptation, I am not sure who claimed prayer is the best way to resist watching porn or drinking cause they are exaggerating a bit.
All it did was double my want to quit many of my addictions, which for some did push it over the line. The actual best advice is to find ways to reduce your triggers for temptations. For porn it was getting off of 4chan more, too many coomer images on every board.

>> No.20990932

Then reading the Bible and praying aren't a serious way to avoid porn, but the latter will lead to the former.

>> No.20990956

I just watch my favourite egirl instead, porn videos are disturbing and disgusting really.

>> No.20991031

It's what comes after easy, anon.

>> No.20991037
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>> No.20991045

Seems to have worked for ALL THOSE PRIESTS
They didn't use porn to whack off. No-sir-ee. They used orphans

>> No.20991054

Most priests use escorts not orphans to be fair, it's more discrete as long as you pay her well

>> No.20991237

Are you to here to fight and ridicule the book? or to fight and ridicule the reason you started to read the book? why might you be doing a thing like that . . .

>> No.20991262
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>> No.20991339

>To whom chastity is difficult, it is to be dissuaded
Maybe you guys have to work on other things first? I was an addict for a long time, like on real drugs and it only got resolved when I restructured my life into something less pathologic and more purposeful. Whatever, I wish you well.

>> No.20991365

I hope you don't pay them money

>> No.20991409

I had strong urges last night, I remembered to say a prayer and they immediately vanished. Pornography is undoubtedly demonic.

>> No.20991443

I realized I wasn't addicted to porn, but addicted to the thought of being with the woman I love. Watching porn was just a conduit to more intricate sexual fantasies involving her. Once I stopped thinking about her I stopped caring for porn.
Heck even seeing a random bikini picture was enough material for me.
Any person who got limp dick really should read this book though

>> No.20991452
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>>There's a reason the book repeats itself so much.
>And what would that be?

>> No.20991780

This book is literally just
>Don't use porn. Just don't
Ok, thanks

>> No.20991807
File: 298 KB, 721x491, paradise-of-the-holy-fathers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I quit fapping bro I can't do it

>> No.20991924
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Stop groveling before an outside source to save you from yourself. Cultivate Will.

>> No.20992019

I will stop watching porn, if you give me the genuine age-gated love of a woman (that is, love by the time I'm 22). I am 28 now and career established so I cannot experience genuine love, thus I must use porn. God did this.

>> No.20992022

lốm đốm

>> No.20992070

>Like, describing sex and the volume of cum being shot and stuff?
Give example

>> No.20992080

She throated the donkey most vigorously, the bulge was witnessed by Jeshua prodding at the inside of her belly.
-Pornografians 1:21

>> No.20992086

i've been trying to warn you idiots this book sucks. there's no "method". read the whole book and you'll never find step one.

>> No.20992095

There is no step besides don't watch it, porn isn't addictive you use it because you want to. But you guys would rather blame women or Jews.

The only protip is to find an alternative.

>> No.20992100

The only alternatives are more exploitative of women. Men who use porn do so because voluntary consensual romantic access was denied to them during irreversible key developmental teenage and early 20s years and this cannot be undone.

>> No.20992226

Humans can adapt anon, that's why neuroplasticity is a thing. That's why people can get addicted and get rid of their addiction. Just let go of your past and start anew

>> No.20992236

No no no.
Learn to fucking talk to people, then ask women you like out. Marriage and children cure you. The natural life cycle is whats been denied, and it’s uncourageous males denying to themselves.

>> No.20992346

Letting go of the past is a cope. Also best to leave pseudoscience mumjumbo out of your copes when you try to convince other people with them.

No, this is more exploitative of women. Liking is not loving. No different than paying a woman to sexually please you, buying porn, or carrying your child to term with no emotional connection to her.

Whatever aggravated neuroses you have iny our head about le fucking le fuck le talk le fuck le people, it means nothing to me or anyone else when you hysterically spew it forth like vomit. Simmer down and get a grip.

Marriage and children must follow from genuine age gated love. If she isn't interested in you before you have a career, when you are still a gamble, then you are locked out of love. What is seen cannot be unseen.

>> No.20992362

Further, there is no value in associating with women, relationships with women, or having a family with a woman beyond the impetus of romantic love which is accessible to only a minority of men. There are already plenty of children in the world, and if you are afraid of loneliness and spending your life alone you are not a real man. Companionship (fear of loneliness) and propagation through children are insufficient causes for sacrificing your dignity and living in feigned ignorance.

>> No.20992372

Men who are genuinely attractive to and loved by women do not have to "learn to oh em gee fucking talk to people". I know you are immature and that you have never witnessed a woman in love with a man because you believe that behavioral/personality characteristics influence it.

They will throw away their whole identities, self-respect, and life to be with the men they love. Always.

>> No.20992376

Please cope some more instead of facing the reality that you're a weak willed loser, with the potential to be more if only you seized it. It's fun to read :)

>> No.20992377

"no you" is peak seethe. be sure to think more about what i've told you. best of luck.

>> No.20992688

Child. Shut your fucking mouth up. You don't know anything about this.
Women will attach themselves to the ugliest male because he has drive, personality, kindness, etc.
If you are missing sociability, it doesn't matter if you have a handsome face or big dick, and a kind heart. You will become a loser in this race. Make peace with that or learn to stick your neck out.

If you want negative reinforcement of your r9k beliefs, you shouldn't come here.

>> No.20993343

19Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. 21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.

Ezekiel 23:19 to 21

>> No.20993384

>Women will attach themselves to the ugliest male because he has drive, personality, kindness, etc.

"Attach"/interest, I notice how you avoid using the word attraction, romance, love etc. Telling. Changing the language of the conversation like a snake to attempt to change the entire meaning of the conversation.

Its not a race. The men who must compete are the fundamentally unlovable men, they compete for attachment/interest. The lovable men are simply loved. The women compete for them and then the loser women continue on to begrudgingly sort among men they will "attach"/interest toward.

This is the unkind reality you have not yet matured enough to accept. But if childish denial gives you strength, by all means indulge it.

>> No.20993404

Why would I read a fictional story?

>> No.20993446

This isn't true because tons of mentally well adapted normies are completely addicted to porn.

>> No.20993461

Everything from the Bible to Darwin to corporate schlock on the backs of buses demands you reproduce. You're genuinely fucking insane to clearest and highest purpose in life can be easily disregarded, literally every cell in your body has been adapted for you to reproduce.

>> No.20993462

They're not addicted if they are otherwise living ordinary lives. The definition of an addiction requires that it be pervasively disruptive to ordinary life in a debilitating way -- hygiene, eating, sleeping, working, and dating being the primary considerations.

If they are mentally well adapted and living ordinary lives they are not addicted. It is just a pastime.

>> No.20993472

to suggest the* clearest and highest
If you want to quit porn or any other bad habit you should learn more about science.
Learning about how dopamine actually works helped me a lot.

>> No.20993473

And the Bible commands we produce children out of love. Love is demonstrably time and age gated in each person's life.

Also, Darwin made scientific observations, not demands. Most men throughout history failed to reproduce, and now with the recognition of the importance of love in a Judeo-Christian civilizational context, it is impossible for most men to reproduce as per the bible's teachings because most men are demonstrably genetically unlovable.

>> No.20993532

Darwin means evolution here, obviously. Are you pretending to be stupid on purpose?

>So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it;
I see no mention of love.

>> No.20993559

That may be the clinical definition of addiction, but you can be addicted to something while leading a normal life. You have functioning alcoholics for example, who have jobs and families, but who would have to be hospitalized if they quit drinking cold turkey. You have caffeine addiction, which actually helps some people lead normal lives. I bet there are probably some people who are really hard workers because they need the money to buy some e-girls photos.

>> No.20993627

1 John 4:16
God is love. If man is made in the image of God, he is made in the image of love - is thus lovable by definition. A man that is not lovable is thus not made in the image of God and the command that God gives to "them" (those made in his image) does not apply.

>> No.20993632

Best posts ITT

>> No.20993634

This is just a personal moral definition of addiction then, and will vary dramatically between any two individuals even if they share the same religion, background, ethnicity, etc. It renders it non-functional for any intervention purpose.

>> No.20993655

Those Buddhist discourses are so repetitive because they were originally transmitted orally

>> No.20993661

Yes, this is also the reason poetry prior to the 21st century rhymed and was so rhythmic. Nothing really deeper to it other than to make it memorable due to the fact it was transmitted orally. Things are as plain as they appear.

>> No.20993667

Shut up.
Death cults

>> No.20993698

I've read a lot of self-help literature (don't judge) and in pretty much all of them the first half of the book is dedicated to "if you follow this advice given in this book, you WILL ----". I'm pretty sure it's some sort of marketing bullshit where they think that if they keep insisting on something you will subconsciously believe it without evidence.
This book is useless by the way, it's the usual tripe of "it works if you work it, if it didn't work that's because you didn't try hard enough!" It's not really wrong on any points, masturbation is probably more bad than good for you, but this book alone will not make you stop.

>> No.20993699

This is horrible, you should be afraid to jerk off, not the other way around. God books are such fucking jokes sometimes. This will only convince you that fear in any case is bad for you, and leave the reader dangling in the wind.

t. Old faggot, be afraid of what jerking off will rob from you: women, testosterone, masculinity

>> No.20993707

I started jerking off AFTER women, testosterone, and masculinity were robbed from me. You are putting the cart before the horse. Age truly does not beget wisdom.

>> No.20993711


>> No.20993714

well, you make yourself stop nigger. The book only gives you instrictions.
it's literally EASY

>> No.20993723

No one asked for your self contradicting shit analysis of the Bible, what you claim is in the Bible isn't in it, that's why you need to give your "analysis", emphasis on the anal because it smells like shit and that's where you pulled it from.

>> No.20993751

The instructions in the book are useless. Otherwise I agree with you, the reason I mentioned that was because the book boasts something like a 95% success rate which is utter bullshit. If you really want to stop masturbating you can do it without the book, but reading the book will under no circumstances give you a 95% chance to stop masturbating forever.

>> No.20993752

The unread false Christian seethes at the pain the bible brings him.

>> No.20993764

>can't post a passage that corroborates his claim
>contradicts the literal written word of god with their faggot analysis

>> No.20993769

Dude man is made in god's image. Except for some of us, lmao.

>> No.20993773

That's what it implies taken as a whole, unfortunately.

>> No.20993785
File: 511 KB, 1080x1678, mindfulness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exaxtly where you're wrong: the fact that it has to be memorized is EXTREMELY deeper than you think .
Let's say you're trying to quit an addiction, or change your life and your habits. People learn the theoretical "truths" about what they're interested in, have an initial change and then often reverts back to their bad habits.
How does it happen? 100% of the times, they literally "forget" what they're supposed to do, or what their motivations were, essentially all they learned.
What does mindfulness mean? Modernity gave it all kinds of retarded, unrelated and overly complicated meanings.
Etimologically sati = mindfulness. Full mind. "Mindfulness of breathing" = having the object of breathing occupying your mind, and remembering to focus and return to breathing when you distract yourself. Ever heard the sentence "keep in mind that..."? What's another way you could say it? "Remember that..."
Pic related for the etymology of to remember.
What does that mean? That, simply put, remembering, being mindful of and internalizing completely a learned concept are one and the same.
Just as you don't get enlightened listening to the Buddha, the fact that he repeat itself initiates a process that makes it easier for what he's saying to actually stick and develop inside you.
Why do you think it's called "learning by heart"?
The easypeasy book uses the same underlying concept.

>> No.20993798

Not reading this unless you format it into paragraphs. Discarded.

>> No.20994015

How the fuck am i supposed to quit porn if you guys post thots all the time, on blue board too

>> No.20994070

So porn is to blame for my autism, social anxiety, lack of charisma etc? Sounds like bullshit to me, and watching porn cannot be addoctions you don't get sick from fapping like you get sick from heroin. You cant die from fapping. Its habit at most and I argue not more harmful than wasting time on Netflix or on this board

>> No.20994072

Have a fap anon, it's okay

>> No.20994636

The heroin comparison in the book really worked for me as well. Explains the core issue with porn usage succinctly.

>> No.20994649

The book is not about stopping masturbation though? Masturbation is fine, it’s the porn usage that is the issue. The fact that the two are so coupled in many peoples minds is unfortunate.

>> No.20994660

Is that actually from the book? What the fuck does fear have to do with not being able to quit porn? What makes quitting difficult is the lack of a meaningful substitute — the average person has nothing to aim for. They work a dead end job, are in a dead end relationship (if they are in one at all), have no real community to bond with... have no incentive to change at all. They are consumed by boredom, and when you're terminally bored, what ELSE are you going to do to make time go faster besides jerk off?

>> No.20994686

Fear of missing out, the same thing driving a great deal of online addictions.

>Porn is difficult to give up because of the fear we’re being deprived of our pleasure or prop

People are afraid to miss out on all the beautiful women essentially. Even though these urges are insatiable no matter how much porn you watch.

>> No.20994691

>People are afraid to miss out on all the beautiful women essentially.
That's incredibly farfetched. Who actually has thoughts like that? "If I quit porn, I'll miss out on all the beautiful women!" What the fuck?

>> No.20994708

...why else are people watching porn? Watching attractive people fuck is the core appeal, presumably?

>> No.20994716

>why else are people watching porn?
Because they're fucking bored, like I already stated. People have no meaning in life and they struggle to quit porn because you can't just quit the one thing occupying your life with some measure of joy if there's nothing else taking its place.

>> No.20994764

>anglos are embarrassed by this question

>> No.20994785
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is coffee good for you?

>> No.20994800

Okay, so were is that joy coming from? If it was strictly boredom we were dealing with then there are a considerable number of other outlets for that.
In any case, for Easy Peasy and any other porn-quitting method to work, you need to come from the stance that porn is inherently bad. It doesn't matter if you're coping with your meaningless life our not, you are simply better off not watching it and using it to get off. Freeing yourself from harmful addictions is the first step towards having a meaningful life.

>> No.20994820

>there are a considerable number of other outlets for that.
No there aren't. That's the problem. They all fall into the same realm as porn: substance abuse, overeating, binge TV, video games, whatever. All distractions, all there to divert attention from the fact that modern society is lacking in the presence of adequate ritual elders who are equipped to help young people mature and find / create better sources of joy.

>It doesn't matter if you're coping with your meaningless life our not, you are simply better off not watching it and using it to get off.
That's all well and good, but if you don't know what to do with yourself, then it won't make a difference. You'll fall right back into the addiction. Which is what many people do.

>> No.20994822

I don't even watch porn anymore. It's just constant static 24/7. It's over for me.

>> No.20994849

I don't get this conservative turn at all. It's strange. Nobody gave a rat's ass about the supposed harmful effects of porn even 5 years ago, I guess this is the famous pendulum swing against wokeness everyone has been talking about.

>> No.20994872

>Is that actually from the book?
Yes. I agree with you on the boredom thing. When I was waking up at 6:30 AM and coming back home at 11 PM I didn't really have time to masturbate but I also didn't feel like doing it, even on weekends.

>> No.20994874

What about healthy outlets? Sports, fitness, hobbies (literature?!). Lots of options.
I don't disagree that lack of elders is a problem, but people do have the tools to replace coping addictions with productive activities.
and ultimately easy peasy is just here to help you get rid of at least one unnecessary addiction

>> No.20994898

What creates porn addiction? Lack of imagination? I've never been that attached to it. I can just think up scenarios, if I need to.

>> No.20994901

I'll be requesting you sauce on that, anon.

>> No.20994943

I don't think it's real at all, I just think it's a cultural pendulum swing to the cultural right.

An addiction is something that causes people significant psychological distress, nobody who claims to be addicted to porn would have any distress if based rightoid BAP readers didn't tell them it was wrong to watch porn in the first place.

>> No.20994960

I can believe there's something to people "needing" it, because I remember talking to people when I was a teenager who couldn't masturbate without point, which always seemed bizarre to me. Some people can't just make up a girl in their mind's eye.

>> No.20994962

Same here but that's just because the kind of material I want doesn't exist so I just imagine it
I don't personally believe that porn addiction is, imo 'porn addiction' is more like eating because you are bored

>> No.20994964

>What about healthy outlets?
What's the point? That's what many people ask, because in modern society, there's not much of one.

Getting rid of an addiction isn't the solution; getting rid of the lack of meaning is.

>> No.20994967

Forgot to write 'real' after the 'is'

>> No.20994980

I always say to people, you want me to give up some pointless activity(And you're right, it is pointless, and I probably should), you have to offer me something better. I could stop wasting time on the internet right now, but what would I have in it's place? I'd still pretty much just be alone in a house with no direction, and few meaningful human interactions.

>> No.20994995

>I can believe there's something to people "needing" it

Well the psychological distress part is what is required for it to be considered pathological by actual psychologists. A psychologist would never say someone is addicted to chocolate simply because they eat it fairly regularly and get pleasure from it and don't want to live a life never eating it again.

>> No.20995022

whats that thing about repeating something enough that you believe in it? have you considered just listening to anti porn hypno?

>> No.20995044

good post.

though would disagree on technicality that porn doesn't have an upside. Illusions are things as well, its just that its upside in most instances just really isn't worth it.

>> No.20995052

cultivating virtue? self-improvement? these things seem self-evidently good to me, the point being your own well-being.

>> No.20995087

your well-being is not improved by cultivating virtue, or by what you personally think constitutes self-improvement (which will differ arbitrarily person to person).

You are merely speaking from an ego driven viewpoint. The seem self-evidently good to you because you are as aware of yourself as a goldfish. You are as motivated as any other person. If you don't know your own selfish motivations you are a volatile person.

>> No.20995104

>cultivating virtue? self-improvement?
Many people fail to see the point in these things when they look at the downward spiral that humanity as an overall species is currently in. Not saying they are right, just saying that the psyche isn't as easy to fix as "just stop watching porn and you'll suddenly love life and not want to kill yourself out of perpetual boredom"

>> No.20995228

I don't get why repentant coomers need all these complex systems to stop jacking off. Just don't browse the internet all day, thats all it takes. Get a job, read a book, hang out with friends if you have them. No need for anti porn hypnosis or 5 year plans, just do normal things and you will be fine. And if doing these basic things is too much for you, then actually look into fixing your life because you have deeper running problems than porn.

>> No.20995265

nta, but few things. first virtue, honor, etc, are fundamentally things that concern HOW you go about something. its an act of being. Doing something that has justification within the very act as being aesthetically pleasing. Something that outside of any context has intrinsic motivation. its not about things being arbitrary (Which isnt important for tautological things), its about if the process itself perpetuates a sense of meaning whatever that may be.
>Many people fail to see the point in these things when they look at the downward spiral that humanity as an overall species is currently in.
that seems like a particular narrative and an abstraction. If you find that a compelling one I guess, but its still a conscious abstraction rather than a concern of the intrinsic process itself. being vs becoming and all that.

>> No.20995441
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I haven't watched porn or fapped in over a month.

Sometimes this past week i'll check out a twitter of hot girl an accidentally stumble across some if she does only fans but I click out asap.

Is looking at hot girls still just as bad?

>> No.20995459

no its good. I actually really like that I can appreciate good looking women now clothed instead of not even finding it attractive unless they are naked and in some sexual act.

>> No.20995492
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, 1662533438804530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing no fap and porn for some time and my dick seemed to be dead, as in i wasn't getting boners or anyhring . Not until I started seeing pics of smooth fat girls that I started becoming aroused again :/

And this is coming from someone who always dispised them but ever since I hit my 30s I've been low key finding them so hot

>> No.20995730

Asking the Holy Spirit for assistance to resist always works

>> No.20996357
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its rough

>> No.20996559

Why not pray to a woman's FEET?

>> No.20997000
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Some trends just go in and out like a tide. Give it a few more years and we'll be staring down Victorian era prudishness with a fresh coat of paint

>> No.20997012

Such an extreme regression seems doubtful

>> No.20997380
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>> No.20997961

No matter what, at least I'm not this guy.

>> No.20998380

Good thing I'm not a footscum and this pic does nothing for me

>> No.20998411

Because being a simp is satanic.

>> No.20998583

I did this and it made me desire pornography more. God even spoke to me and told me to beat off my cheesey dick while thinking of Mother Mary.

>> No.20998639

need a death metal song about this asap

>> No.20999168

Was porn ever mainstream? As in, could you ever openly discuss a porn tape you've seen with people you wouldn't normaly share a story about you railing some drunk broad you took home from a bar or a crackwhore giving you head in an alley? At best, it was in contrarian libertine circles and those still exist today

>> No.20999199

At least now you know His will

>> No.20999264

>"If I quit porn, I'll miss out on all the beautiful women!"
But that's precisely what I feel. I've got laid pretty late, been thinking about it since pre-school and it hardly ever lived up to porn fantasy. I've met a bunch of women who I can't really appreciate, because I don't really have a "type", I can appreciate different types and can't settle on one, much less commit to a lifelong relationship.
I've had a whole bunch of escorts, first to check all the boxes like different kinds of sex, body type, age and race, then for novelty and racking up body count. It's kinda fun, but still, nothing can beat porn in efficiency of access to new, varied, high quality female bodies on demand.
Whenever I discover a new girl or an old one does something new, I feel genuine joy, way more than I've felt travelling abroad and sightseeing. Thing is, I know I'm not immortal, I'd only be able to beat my meat for a limited amount of years and there are so, so many hot girls in the world, it's like trying to collect grains of sand. At least I'd die knowing I tried to do something about, as I've said, chatting them up for weeks and buying them dinners is nowhere near effecient

>> No.21000142
File: 109 KB, 1080x1350, ASMR-Cherry-Crush-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On no fap or porn for some time but listen to asmr to fall asleep

I discovered asmr cherry crush and for some reason decided to check her twitter cos she's kinda hot (even though I usually hate girls with this anime aesthetic shit but her skin looks so nice)

Anyways I scrolled down and for a split second saw she seems to be doing full porn content, like fucking machines and stuff. As opposed to just lewds.

I got TF out but I've been so tempted the past few days to coom to her content. Haven't succumbed yet but I watch her asmr YouTubes more, and actually watch them and look at her even though normally I just listen with the screen off

>> No.21000386
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>her skin looks so nice

>> No.21000405

Also fuck you look at her what are the chances that this bitch doesn't do porn/onlyfans stuff?

>> No.21000934

wait until you find out the ethnicity behind anti-porn

>> No.21000952

What do you mean "she seems to be doing porn?" You guys are so weird about this stuff, seeing a bit of porn isn't going to hurt you. You aren't obligated to masturbate to it.

>nothing can beat porn in efficiency of access to new, varied, high quality female bodies on demand
But you don't really have access to them, you just watch. You aren't even in the same room.

Is it the jews? If you play both sides, you always win

>> No.21000955

>nothing can beat porn in efficiency of access to new, varied, high quality female bodies on demand
There's no touch though. The thought doesn't make any sense. You're not "accessing" any female bodies.

>> No.21001071

I appreciate the touch, yes, as well as their character and kinks that make it unpredictable sometimes, but if you factor in all the half-assed effort or situational limitations that ruin the fun it all evens out. Then next most efficient thing is paying them a fixed cost straight up as I mentioned, which is fun too, but takes more time and money. There is a fear of missing out too, because girls move towns, go on vacations or drop out of the scene entirely, but the thing I dislike the most is that you can't take photos (which is reasonable) or anything to mark the occasion, so after some time they all start to blend in.

It's all audio and visuals for me, I've seen porn actresses outside of set and they often look underwhelming, to the point where the thought of getting into their pants wouldn't even occur to me. Having sex with lights off diminishes the experience greatly. I also have a good enough imagination to where I can get a buzz just recalling the feeling of being drunk or high, it's just porn is often better than whatever I can come up with. I know what their holes feel like, there is some variation, but they are overwhelmingly similar to fleshlights and other toys, if you need that.

What would make it more "legit" in your opinion? Risk of pregnancy? Unwarranted emotional attachment? Bickering about what you will and will not do in bed? STDs? The "same room" comment cracked me up though, what would that do for me, smell of sweat and cum? And also shit, if there is any anal, which doesn't wash off of you for a couple of days. I wouldn't be embarassed by being near people fucking, would likely high-five them afterward, but real-world sex is much more boring to watch, unless it's all staged.

>> No.21001532

But also this. In my experience, you need both Faith and Will in life.

>> No.21001614

Faith made me witness to the evils of Faith and broke my Faith leaving me Faithless. I saw how Faith was used to practice the same things as Faithlessness, but with a smug sense of righteousness layered on top. It cannot be unseen.

>> No.21001844

Because coomers are only half of the problem. Coomers are just the people that watch the the self destruction, which is doubly bound against being saved, ("stop. WAit, not like that??!!!!!") Monkeys wank only in captivity? It is possible that the modern captivity is exterior, rather than interior: trapped OUTSIDE, rather than in: forced to watch, rather than forced to be that which is watched. If this wasn't true, then the coomer wouldn't be the simultaneous convict and victim - in the entire discussion of porn, and pornogrpahic things, the question of the porn itself, or of the women therein, is never actually taken seriously.
Just look at this. Oil companies make plastic with their 'waste,' their leftovers. Then, what are these women? These plastic women? This is the thing: they don't deserve hate, because they're fake. They're beyond fake. The bridge between 2D and 3D, in terms of visual utility, is all but officially closed. The cause of modern velocity, the stopping of which would cause existential whiplash, is the collective turing test that has failed against the question of women. So what do we do? Go back to 'normal' with this new understanding of women as totally lacking every possible encapsulization of volition? You want to look away from porn, but each day, a girl goes a little further, in her JOI video, she says a little more. And you think, this girl is only good for fucking and nothing else, this girl is already a sexbot. This girl is human in all the legal ways, and machinic in all the spiritual ways. You lose nothing by wanking, because it's already over. You gain everything by wanking, because you see it's true every time you cum. This world is as good as a simulation already.
Here's thermodynamic evidence. There's no such thing as quitting. Quit too early and you miss the bullrun: the ladder to heaven beyond all heavens. The more you have to lose, the more powerful the potential of your position becomes. The more porn you watch, the more you threaten the delusion of the world.
This is even worse, bro. All porn is equally bad, equally toxic, equally spider-like and malicious, weaving it's distorted web around your life.
More proof. E-girls are literally vectors for some kind of transcendental artificial intelligence. That scene in blade runner 2049, where JOI intersects with a real girl. It's already true. Except there is no JOI, just a real girl, totally rescinding her humanity, not even for the sake of pleasure anymore, but just because... just because. You get it? It weighs heavy on your soul: magnets are magnetic, ok, and women, women sell their pictures online, just because.

>> No.21001889

And I'll just say it: The revulsion against pornography is to view women as pure, but this is the lie of the entire world, of all possible worlds. The E-girl phenomenon is damage control - women cauterizing into some homogenous makeup, literally shirking back into their economically metamorphic chitin, is even more disconcerting than porn. Women kind of did with the E-girl thing, or at least they made undeniable, what every machine learning scientist has a wet dream over a computer AI doing.
Porn is just totally low brow shit, caveman tier grug tier, uncivilized coomer. But E-girls, the insistence that there's some 'female quality' to women, and it can be found, redemptively in transactional purity, is exactly what Nietzsche predicted when he said something like women becoming more like men: Women re-becoming 'womanly' at the same time as trannies becoming womanly? Can you see the connection here? The status of 'woman' has been made so redundant by our industrial, maybe even wholly faustian age, that we can only take them seriously as a flowery dress, or cute red lips, and thus, makeup is what maketh a woman, and curves are what maketh a woman, and so on, even 'pregnancy' is what maketh a woman: all these categories gloss over the most fundamental thing: that a woman only has her worth proved, truly, in relation with a man. And so in this sense, porn remains still more truer to attempting to alchemically purify this base than fucking some tindergirl. I mean, every tinder-user is more guilty of this fucked up sexual economy than every coomer. Anime too, anime is guilty of hentai, not the other way around: these latent forms set 'watching' as the perversion: if you do nothing, you are guilty - thus the play continues.
The goal isn't just to quit porn but to reestablish a human-to-human relation, which religion also makes into an organization of shadows. Why can't love, or even just sensuality of the flesh, be enough on it's own? It's not enough for our modern world, to be sure.
Wish me strength in quitting anons.

>> No.21001914

You're literally retarded, you only need to want to stop something and be unable to stop it to be addicted

>> No.21002076

>You don't become a christian so God can do the work for you to prevent you from sinning.

Entirely true, but the point of religion isn't that God is going to directly intervene to keep you from fucking up. The reasoning is that if your highest priority is just self-gratification, you obviously won't be able to stop. An addict needs something to orient his life around that's more important and permanent than his whims, and God is a pretty reasonable choice.

>> No.21002164

We're living in a puritan wave. People have less sex, want to ban porn. Naturism (nudism) declined. Liking sex is considered a personality disorder.

Incels and femcels won, sex is now considered bad.

>> No.21002177

that's false. Atheism is just hedonism and sex addiction and atheism is thriving. Tinder is thriving. Women love it when they see 50 guys everyday contacting them. Women love the casual sex and zero bad repercussion on their life.

The reality is that women absolutely love doing porn, but not watching it, jut lieka actress loves to act but hates watching herself. Yes women love to be fucked by james Deen, like in max Hardcore or like in Woodman's videos. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''makes them vibrate''

Women don't give a shit about relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

And by the way, women cannot be degraded, because women are not pure to begin with . Purity of women is myth, built by men but which women find very very useful. Jews know that women are whores, contrary to romans who think women are pure lol. So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.

What a girl utterly despises are 2 things:
-being called a slut, but only outside of the romp
-having physical contact with repulsive orbiters (but still wants all their attention and all their money) which is why tinder and other onlyfan are a godsend and makes women thrive in democracies

Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

Everything you see in porn is the truth about women. And that's why you hate it.

>> No.21002245

This is one of those fun paradoxes of liberalism we could go on about for hours and hours, I'm gonna keep this brief though.
For all the pushing of boundaries of acceptable public behavior with regards to alternative sexual arrangements and identity including furry conventions, out-in-the-open polyamory, needing an excel spreadsheet to chart everyone's pronouns and identities, people hashing out the specific nuances of their particular version of bisexual panromantic homoerotic sexuality or whatever, plus the blatantly cynical and transactional nature of the dating apps all the way over to premium snapchat and onlyfans, essentially turning all people into marketers of their own sexual product, we still are one of the most undersexed generations to exist since people started trying to keep track of this type of thing.
Casual sex, dance clubs, any semblence of a public square where young people can meet each other, all real life flirting, all workplace romance- it's shut down. Think about the type of people who go "out dancing," in your area. Mostly unhip, trashy people in mine. Used to be that everyone had some sort of communal musical social event every couple weeks. Covid has put the final nail in the coffin of american public life but it was already dead, as Putnam and Lasch so clearly demonstrate.
The millennials and their cosmopolitan liberal adjacents have an intensely cerebral restrictive stand-in for adult sexualities, by removing any and all vagueness, grey area, and accountability to each other, they've managed to lose interest in sex entirely. Personally I think it's because eroticism stends from the tensino found in social grey areas and beyond the boundaries of bourgeois morality, so if bourgeois morality suddenly encompasses all deviance, the deviance is not hot. There's probably a good lacanian way of characterizing this specific pathology.
I'm gonna stop posting about and thinking about this stuff. I honestly don't give a fuck about politics or social issues or other people besides my friends or family and giving it brain space is sort of just cucking yourself. I could be focused on calling my mom and fucking my gf instead of worrying or analysing this shit, other than it's sort of fun to chat about it with you guys. But it's not like we could possibly come up with any sort of actionable solution or whatever.

>> No.21002540

Atheism is not the only thing that is just hedonism. I see the same dynamics in Christianity, including Catholicism, today and throughout its history. Women are women regardless of their faith, and are not truly shaped by it. Men are made blind by their faith to the particulars of women. Religion is hedonism for women as well. They use it to select mates and it ends up being the equivalent of the same partners for most of them.

>> No.21002547

No you retard, water and other basic things of life are not addictions. Jesus what a retarded take.

>> No.21002556

Women having choice is a good thing

>> No.21002593

It is neither good or bad. Goodness and badness are value system derived prescriptions. Your perspective has no value beyond this observation.

>> No.21002600

And fundamentally they have no choice, they are as biologically preprogrammed as men in the manner they select their partners. They have no choice. The preferences do not vary cross culturally. They are innate and they override the will of women, which is why so many end up in abusive situations. We are at fault for our associations and we are the company we keep.

>> No.21002655

REminder that women love porn. Women who are pretty and rich already do porn because they fucking love it.

Melissa Carmen Bulanhagui[1] (born August 16, 1990) is an American former figure skater. She represented the United States internationally from 2005 through 2010. She became the 2006 U.S. junior national bronze medalist and won two ISU Junior Grand Prix medals (gold at 2008 JGP Italy, silver at 2006 JGP Romania). After moving up to the senior ranks, she won bronze at the 2010 Nebelhorn Trophy. In 2011, she decided to compete for the Philippines. She would win bronze at the 2013 Asian Open Trophy and two Philippine national titles (2012, 2013). She also competed at two Four Continents Championships.

In 2019, she became a pornographic actress under the stage name Jada Kai.

>> No.21002910

Calling self-help a cope while pushing more acquiescence as a solution is utterly revolting, it's truly the mindset of slaves.

Very well put post, thanks for putting it to words.

>> No.21003003

The only things you got right are the same for men, the rest is observing women's behaviour from afar and never trying to interact and get her to do what you want. Sounds like a hoax to make you celibate, gay or a school shooter. If you are a "repulsive orbiter", stop being one, you don't need to be a lingerie model to make a girl cum. Also, maybe consider dating someone closer to your level and not some hot stuff jumping from bed to bed.

Don't forget where you are, it's not representative of the rest of the world. When I see God and Faith written with a capital in current year I cringe a little, my dad's a priest and even they aren't so stuck up their asses anymore.

>> No.21003038

I bet you acquiesce a whole lot yourself. Do you have any opinions that would get you fired or jailed?

>> No.21003100

Its funny how people like you reveal yourselves to be ultraconservatives when confronted with reality. All that matters is love from a genuine liberal perspective, there is no such thing as "on your level" there is no such thing as anything being wrong with simping/orbiting a woman, because if love is real she will be wooed by your romantic expressions.

Of course, women have an ultraconservative pseudoarranged marriage perspective on "love" and talk of levels, height, career, etc for men they cannot genuinely love. Its all so hilarious, but also very sad and telling.

And yes, the values have been lost. That's part of the problem. Nobody has morals, values, and the rapey priests that molest dont even make a pretense of enforcing virtue through shame. If your wife is just another whore for exceptionally genetically handsome religious men and a prude for you, what is the point?

>> No.21003110

The focus on a woman's pleasure means a focus on excluding large portions of men from age gated genuine love. Women, as per the settled science, are not able to genuinely love genetically unattractive men. So the more emphasis is placed on "making women cum" the less emphasis is placed on love.

>> No.21003141

>I started jerking off AFTER women, testosterone, and masculinity were robbed from me.

What in the living fuck are you talking about, how fucking old were you when you started jerking off you fucking freak?

>> No.21003148


>> No.21003176

You have to be 15+ to start jerking off after women were robbed from you, that's aspergers territory and you shouldn't be in this thread. You should be getting help for your aspergers.

>> No.21003191


>> No.21003198

You guys seriously need to have a wank and relax jesus christ

>> No.21003210

I accept your concession

>> No.21003234


>> No.21003330

>Putnam and Lasch
Would you mind to provide the texts you're referring to?

>> No.21003432

It's funny how a strawman always fits whatever your point is. Of course all women are conservative gold diggers and all men are vulnerable liberal romantics. You would never consider the girl's appearance and age, you see beyond that and into her soul. Nobody has morals and values but you, and you pay for it with your inceldom. Ordained clergymen should reach out to you for guidance. I struggle to see any reason why a female wouldn't immediately jump at the opportunity to be around you for the rest of her life.

"Love" is so vague, I don't think it can even be used as a point of debate. You use scientific data to support a subjective notion that only truly exists in fiction and temporary obsessive states of mind. What about research about people gradually adjusting their sexual preferrences towards people who are attracted to them, like fatties being into blacks?

If you "love", you won't truly care that she doesn't love you back and let her fuck Jamahl. But no, you want her to be attached to YOU, to boost your ego, and then you can't even stoop low enough to care about her enjoyment. How about that butterface girl next door that has a bit of a weight problem and annoying voice, who haven't been getting laid? That soccer mom that got dumped with 2 kids and bills to pay? You all can't admit that you are superficial and entitled, and blame women or society for it.

>> No.21003468

I was reading this thread post by post and hovered over this reply and started to skip to get to this image faster.
I am a slave.

>> No.21003482

Your immediate seething and personal attacks lend validity to my point. No one is outraged by falsehoods to that degree, let alone so motivated to attempt to attack the character of the person expressing them, unless they feel the pain of truth in the statements written or uttered. Women don't jump at opportunities based on character traits, as per the data, they jump at them based on genetic physical traits. If character traits disqualified a person from romantic attachment from a woman there would be no women in love with antisocial men, or even socially normative misogynistic men like mainstream Christians/Catholics.

Love is not vague, it is certainly no more vague than interest or attraction.

Interest is not attraction, attraction is a prerequisite for love. Attraction is that passionate romantic physically based attraction that occurs in the first few milliseconds of meeting.

Trying to make it personal by suggesting I have not in fact loved taken women or fat women or woman of different races or women with children won't work both for being false on a personal level and because they're not the topic of conversation, which is the general form love takes from woman to man not from man to woman. Man can love anything, he can be in love with a cup of coffee or a bowl of cereal as vastly and profoundly as he loves a woman. A woman narrowly loves by genetics.

>> No.21003516

>I am a slave

>> No.21003701

>So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
>This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.
This red pill almost made me fall out of my bed

>> No.21003723

People be shitting by default on porn that takes, for most of normal men's lives, 20 minutes per day maximum, while ignoring binging and gaming that consume much more time, are as addictive and rot your brain as much.
According to religion, there is no reasong gaming isnt as sinful as porn; porn is the extension of the sin of sex as reprobed by the Bible and gaming should be the extension of gambling games.

>> No.21003809

>if I keep repeating my detached assumptions you better not get mad, or they'll become objective truth
Not how this works, champ. You are hiding behind something outside of your control like genetic physical traits to avoid confronting the fact you could become infinitely more attractive by going up the social hierarchy or at least not acting like a cunt, which is absolutely in your power. Instant results guaranteed, unless you pick up that goalpost again and run with it.

>there would be no women in love with antisocial men, or even socially normative misogynistic men
How do you know they are in genuine love with them? Do they consider them antisocial and misogynistic too, or is in your assumption? What if being bland and self-righteous is worse than antisocial?

>Man can love anything, he can be in love with a cup of coffee or a bowl of cereal as vastly and profoundly as he loves a woman. A woman narrowly loves by genetics
Complete asspull, with sample data deliberately taken from different sources. If you can equate loving a cup of coffee to loving a person, congratulations, you've not even begun your emotional and social development and are likely stuck in a bubble. I fucking dare you to show me a science paper about men being in love with a cup of coffee, with hormone levels and neural responses being anywhere near comparable, and statistics of how common that is. All of your claims are generalizations with no backing, you have no problem insulting and labeling millions of people, but start squirming once someone calls you out personally. You keep making sensationalist statements that aren't followed on

>gaming should be the extension of gambling games
Absolute nonsense, unless you are talking gacha trash. If Christianty allows movies and fiction books, it allows gaming. Porn is specifically letting your seed outside of a woman, which could be used for impregnation, a textbook sin, if lusting over strangers isn't enough.

You can die actually, more than one celebrity died with a dick in their hand, it strains your heart a lot. Also, people asphyxiating themselves and other dangerous kinks that grow out of just jerking off. But yeah, it's no heroin for sure

>> No.21003957

>People be shitting by default on porn that takes, for most of normal men's lives, 20 minutes per day maximum
retarded fossil, shut the fuck up grandpa
t. zoomer

>> No.21004058

Why do you focus on porn rather than on casual sex, polyamory, adultery, constant divorces and whatever else dominates modern sexuality? Isn't that a bigger issue? Extramarital sex is repeatedly mentioned as sinful throughout the bible. Do you engage in it yourself?

>Porn is specifically letting your seed outside of a woman
So is 99% of all sexual activity that is happening nowadays. Or do you believe doing that becomes virtuous if it is done within the proximity of a woman?

That passage you are attempting to reference is specifically about Onan not ejaculating inside his brother's wife.

"But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother."

Also, why are you only concerned with what men do? Why are you not concerned with the promiscuity of women at all?

>> No.21004248

Im a 20.

>> No.21004253

you're an ESL, is what you are

>> No.21004269

You can die from choking on your food too, doesnt stop people from eating. Every anti porn discussion leads to this "porn-to-extreme-kink loophole" when in fact 99 percent of men never develop that and if you do, then porn was merely the trigger for your stupid nature.

>> No.21004275

And you are a bitch who spends too much time porning in his room. Cope all you want, zoomers dont spend hours per day watching porn like you do, they just bust a quick nut

>> No.21004332

>Cope all you want, zoomers dont spend hours per day watching porn like you do
zoomers literally spend half the day on screen time and multiple hours on porn
>noooo you're not normal noooooooo! loser bitch loser coomer nooooo!
My whole peer group had smartphones by the end of elementary and half of us were already porn addicts, and we weren't even the loser nerd group, just the normal mid nerds and completely average in every way
I also don't understand the point in flexing about how heckin well adjusted you are on fucking 4chan and then pretending like you have a monopoly on what "normal people" act like out in the world, lmao, you realize I wasn't born yesterday?
What are you studying, buddy?

>> No.21004343

Oh, and you didn't even deny being a fucking ESL, lmfao
I can see how you wouldn't care about porn if you basically live in the last century

>> No.21004353

spbp and /thread
speaking from personal experience too

>> No.21004447

Sounds like you were too particularly weak to do it on your own. Not really a man at that point.

>> No.21004450

I study medicine, and can assure you gaming would be far more detrimental to it than the daily nut.
I too started porn by 11, yet my habits remain basically the same as i started.

>> No.21004465

He doesn't want to concede this point because he plays video games, probably daily like an addict lol

You caught him out and he is MAD

>> No.21004477

I don't know how to fix any of those though, and this thread was originally porn-themed. Divorces aren't the problem, it's marriages. Adultery was always a thing and likely will always be, don't lie to yourself. The problem with porn is that it is way, way easier to overdo it, because of how cheap and easy it is, even if doesn't have the risks involved with real sex.
I don't follow any religious or secular guidance and play it by ear. If I want to do something, I do it. If the consequence is too much, maybe I won't do it next time. Probably still would

>So is 99% of all sexual activity that is happening nowadays
True. Pretty sure the passage I've read didn't mention him actually sleeping with his brother's wife, but I can't be assed to check.

>Why are you not concerned with the promiscuity of women at all?
It wasn't the point of the post I was referring to, and all in all it benefits me more than it does harm.

You mean fast food specifically, which has no reason to exist other than people being lazy and having poor impulse control, and also slowly forms bad habits and erodes your health. I'm 98% sure a shot of heroin won't kill you the first time around. Unless you regain your footing and get a life at some point, you are pretty much bound to turn into a degenerate.

>> No.21004482

I used to, and still play in holidays yes. It was my escapism during high school from cramming.

>> No.21004494

Sounds like you're a homosexual

>> No.21004500

Imagine equating an art form with beating your meat for 20 minutes. You heathens don't deserve the gift of virtuality

It's not the daily nut, it's nut twice an hour and then the day's over, step up your game goddammit

>> No.21004505

does mwommy hwave to wead you fwom temptwation awwww

sounds like you still like to cram if you know what i mean

>> No.21004545

Gaming is not just art, its a mix of art and sport. It doesnt prevent it from being an addiction due to the way it messes your dopaminergic pathways. Cooking can still be an art form if made by a great chef, yet the comsuption of that food in excess can be an addiction; a game can be masterfully created but still be an addiction to the player.
Anyways, Im not portraying gaming as worse or better than porn per se. In the end, I think that what matters is how much time you find yourself to that thing you cant disconnect to that defines your worse personal addictions, and thats what you should be defining as a priority. Not just do nofap because "porn is le bad" and many times concealing problems that in your life are bigger than porn.

>> No.21004556

Find youself drawn to that thing you cant disconnect from*

>> No.21004576

I don't play video games lmao
also one sec

>> No.21004615

Isn't you considering doing nofap with real possibility of failure a sign that things already go a bit too far? As in a recovering person not getting drunk for a month treating it as an achievement?

>> No.21004643
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>(You) study medicine at age 20 and are an ESL
What this could actually mean:
>you're hyping up a pre-med or medical sciences program in North America (where no 20 year old would be in med school) and are either south/east asian, a literal affirmative-action brown, or some brand of butthurt euro
>you're studying medicine somewhere else which means you barely understand what "porn" means to digital native anglophones
>you're a LARPing underage or NEET trolling others about hecking willpower to feel better about yourself, given that you don't know what you're talking about
and in none of these scenarios are you actually qualified to talk about how normal people relate to fucking anything, much less leisure activities, even porn. You're either being honest, and must be a neurotic near-robotic middle-class striver of some kind, or you're a trolling shithead hyping himself up at which point nothing you say has any value
Typical 20-year-olds don't think about porn as getting in their daily 20-minute-nut except for coping liars who spend way more time than that or actual hyper-regimented grindsetters who don't represent "normal guys".
And I personally am just mediocre and nothing about me is embarrassingly indulgent except the porn addiction, so stop trying to find other shit to trip me up. Again that's very typical coping addict behavior.

>> No.21004650

You have a lot of wolves in sheeps clothing for any kind of movement. When it's woke it's far-left nutjobs and communists among people who feel like the rich getting richer while everyone else is poorer or that cops have some issues. When it's right wing you have a lot of these insincere missionary-hustlers who conveniently have the solution to any issue being participation in their cult.

There is also a legitimate oversaturation of porn in the mainstream. Hypersexualized crossdressers reading to kids, Wet Ass Pussy being interviewed on NPR, memes of porn being mainstream (See the blacked couch thing). You can go back to the 70s and some of that was the case and it helped lead to the counterswing of the 80s. We won't go Victorian prudish unless there's a civil war or something but we will definitely have a counterswing. I expect some kind of hyper marginalization of porn online - banned from twitter, maybe banned from discord (granted they'd be nuts to do that), ect.

As Millennials get older and have kids they will pull a boomer-esque "do as I say not as I do". The generation that was raised on internet chatting & easy access to porn, albeit not as easy as zoomers, will be apoplectic at the access of porn and VR-chatting of their kids.

>> No.21004677

>As Millennials get older and have kids they will pull a boomer-esque "do as I say not as I do". The generation that was raised on internet chatting & easy access to porn, albeit not as easy as zoomers, will be apoplectic at the access of porn and VR-chatting of their kids.
the only people having kids are trumper-tier rightwingers and mystery meat immigrants, the people you describe are fat and sterile and have heccin floofer furbabies

>> No.21004703

Well, Im Poortuguese. People here are as digitally native yet i dont think guys with girlfriends are that bad when it comes to porn. But Im a literal gay, so my perception might be wrong.

>> No.21004713

Everyone in millennial age was raised on internet chatting and easy access to porn. I'm reminded of the quote I heard a clip of with Alex Jones when he was accused of looking at tranny porn:
>There's two types of people - people who admit to looking at porn and liars, and I don't look at porn.

Everybody looked or looks at porn. Past tense or present tense. I know two women who were fujoshi-types back in the day and now they are both mothers. One is a teacher and the other is right-wing light. Most millennials had facebook at some point, might have had twitter, probably used AIM and shit growing up. People become more conservative as they get older so someone who wasn't 4chan-hentai obsessed but consumed porn definitely will have more of an issue with it when their kids are the ones in the firing line. And yes a lot of millennials don't have kids or won't have kids but it's not as if that's 0.

This is the exact same shit as with the boomers. The ones who experienced the sexual liberation of the 70s and 80s, who had plenty of risque dancing since the 50s, were kvetching about grinding and freak-dancing in the 2000s.

>> No.21004754

Is this method about thinking about a decaying corpse when thinking about a woman even worth it in this day and age if you are not a monk?

>> No.21004781

You must be kidding. I have always heard or read stuff about men learning to speak to ladies. This knowledge is spread through culture. Culture at its heart is about how we relate to the community members around us. This body of knowledge changes over time and it seems like it has become harder to spread the culture since we are constantly bombarded with messaging.

>> No.21004789

>bro, shit just happens for normies without any work
this is self evidently wrong to us failed normies, but I guess an autismo like you really wouldn't have any way to tell

>> No.21004974

>porn is the same as water and food

>> No.21005006

This is a hopelessly naieve and neurotic conception of people.

No, culture is downwind of our innate faculties and preferences. It does not produce our faculties and preferences. The particulars are shaped at the margins by environmental factors like community, such as in cases of total deprivation, but otherwise you have placed the cart before the horse.

Once again, once you have witnessed how women behave for men they genuinely love (that is, love for fixed genetic qualities like height), you cannot unsee it and persist in ignorance unless it makes you feel so bad that you can't face it. Women will throw every last bit of their selves away for men they genuinely love.

>> No.21005024

Its best not to out yourself as fundamentally unable to comprehend analogy, comparison, categories, etc. and generally reveal that you are not in possession of the ability to think abstractly.

They had to remove analogies from standardized tests like the SAT because people with deficient reasoning ability like yourself were struggling understanding implicit qualities and comparisons along metrics.

You specified a condition, absolute, in its qualifying an addiction. You got called out. Either you misunderstand abstract language and are embarrassed about it, or you are arguing in bad faith.

>> No.21005077

I'm not the anon you initially replied to actually. I'm calling you out for being a retard yourself. But the subject is clearly regarding porn and addiction to it. Therefore, to say doing some extraneous activity (in this case watching porn, because you like it and can totally stop anytime you want) is the same as a basic need such as food is absolutely retarded at best. It's not an acceptable analogy. Take your bullshit insult and go.

>> No.21005217

>is the same as

Your stunted use of language indicates you suffer from the same deficiencies as the person you are pretending not to be.

I'll point you to my earlier post addressing this >>21005024

>> No.21005223

>to say doing some extraneous activity

No such thing has occurred in this entire thread. You are at the very least arguing in bad faith, at most unable to understand abstract language and comparisons.

>> No.21005252

Let me clarify. I am the guy you replied to above but not the other anon who made the addiction definition.
It just seems like you are angry and justifying your porn consumption.

Calling it abstract language or a comparison doesn't make you less retarded for placing something like porn in the same category as 'water and other basic things of life.' (see >>21002547)
You just keep rattling on about the same nonsense and evading the point though. They are not comparable things. I'm not even gonna waste my time replying again, I'll go back to reading. Goodbye, retard-chama.

>> No.21005299

>It just seems like you are angry and justifying your porn consumption.

This isn't as sneaky an attempt to change the thrust of the discussion and thus save face as you think it is.

>I'm not even gonna waste my time replying again, I'll go back to reading

Acceptable. Leave the discussions to honest agents. Reading is an appropriately passive activity for you.

>> No.21005319

There's nothing sneaky or underhanded going on here. You really have some issues. In case you've forgotten though, this id the literature board, and some anons here read. Pathetic attempt at an insult to call it a passive activity. I know how much you want the last word though, you can have it. But you won't get your (You) from such a weak bait.

>> No.21005335

Dishonest even in your intentions to yourself. Like a woman, you declare what you will do and then don't do it, and make aggravated hormonal declarations about other peoples desires and wants. I will NOT have sex with you.

>> No.21005517
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what do the percentages mean?

>> No.21006476

Women are sex addicts who live on the privilege of having the upper hand on the sex market, but also they hate to see that their lavish life full of gifts and attention from their orbiters cannot be separated from the occasional harassment stemming from the despair of the rejected men who are indoctrinated into thinking that competing for women, with sex seen as the highest reward in a man's life, is the pinnacle of the male life.

It gets worse because a woman will always feel outraged when she thinks that a man who does not merit her is actually trying to court her, to talk to her, to amuse her. This kind of man is the usual poor, ugly, outcast man who have nothing of value to offer to the woman and the woman does not understand why such a man would even orbit her in the first place.
A woman always thinks she deserves better orbiters than whatever men are currently around her.

Then there is the huge female delusion that women are actually not sex addicts and have a harsh life, that they live from predicaments to predicaments and are all subjugated by men. Women need this delusion in order to created a narrative where they are good people and all their problems stems from evil people, in this case men.

Then you combine this delusion with the infatuation of the dogmas of the Human rights replacing the judeo christian god which creates a society of commentaries, of entertainment, of a merger of politics, entertainment and education and you get a humongous resonance box where the narcissists will never ever shut up about the tiniest annoyance in their hedonistic life.

this stems from the bourgeois valuation of women: women were always seen as giving meaning to men's life, by men competing for them and since women spread their legs, they get pregnant. But women never were considered for politics. Women were living with their parents, then with the beta cuck who craved providing for them and then the sluts cheating on the provider with other beta orbiters craving to give sex to women. Then both the sluts and the providers died and the next generation took over, doing exactly the same thing.

>> No.21006478


Now that women are deemed relevant thanks the bourgeois Human rights, as a competition sorting out men for sex AND relevant for politics, the whores are no longer kept under the father household, women spread their legs around age 15 and they keep doing so until well after the menopause. women cannot stop fucking thanks to all the orbiters dying to serve them. The novelty is that they are whores on their own.

Also now the humanist parents want to keep being hedonist. All the american sitcoms are about whores and providers saying having kids is the worst and has a deep negative impact on their pleasures. So they boot the kids out of the house sooner, telling them to have casual sex because that's all the parents now.

Do this for a 40 years and you have the millenials who whines that they cannot get all the same pleasures and comfort as the baby boomers, because housing prices are too high.

Fortunately the men have created dating apps, so the whores and the coomers can still have casual sex and the whores still have a comfy life thanks to all the men competing for them.

Conclusion: So basically sex addicts crave to de-sacralize sex in order to make more popular, but they have to sacralise it again in order to not feel degenerate between 2 sex parties.

>> No.21006481

porn and girls are the same girls want to base their life on sex. you can't love girls without loving porn and you cant love porn without loving girls

>> No.21006550


>> No.21006610

You've managed exactly two lines of text that can be discussed, before slipping into blatantly obvious ideological circlejerk. The very language you use proves you just scraped this off the bottom of the incel containment boards. If there is any evidence that can scientifically separate "betas" from "alphas" I want to see it, all I've seen was evidence of the contrary. "Whore" is a subjective negative assessment, introduce a "non-whore" for comparison, or drop the term.

>there is the huge female delusion that women are actually not sex addicts
There is an even bigger delusion that women are sex addicts, or treat sex in the same way as men. It's a feat of mental gymnastics to rationalize why women don't want to have sex with you or settle with you, but still fuck other people.

>coomers can still have casual sex
No they cannot, dating app works the same as real world dating, but on shorter timeframe. You still need to be conventionally attractive

The leaps in logic, manic ranting, moral high ground, you schizos are the worst. You are the one who can't shut up about everything being wrong, despite living having the most comfort a man ever had in history. Get the fuck out of your "first world" plastic bubble and stop making conclusions about how the world works. You clearly never faced any real adversity in your life, or you wouldn't be here whining about le moral values that would grant you the sex you deserve. How about you introduce your "original" model of an ideal society so we can get it over with

>> No.21006635

>why is a cultist-recruiting book relying on repetition and gaslighting, and targeting the lamest losers?
Gee, anon, it's a mystery.

>> No.21006654
File: 521 KB, 980x653, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think porn addiction is real, but what do you call it when you keep seeking weirder and weirder stuff? Another issue might be a lack of impulse control. Porn use can also be quite expensive for some people.

>> No.21006699

I call it tolerance levels rising, the same as with substances. You can call it being a connoisseur. The problem is vanilla sex with regular girls next door becomes much less appealing and it shows on your performance. I've heard that it goes back to normal once you are in a steady relationship with healthy sex life, but I don't think I'll ever be shocked and revolted by any "degenerate" fetishes I see for the rest of my life.

>> No.21006705

how can you not think porn addiction is real retard? Try quitting for 2 weeks then and see what happens

>> No.21006719

But you absolutely can, you can hate drinking and still do it, because you don't know how to get through your day without it. You can hate porn because it soils the pure and romantic fantasy that gets you attracted to the opposite sex. You can watch porn that focuses on women in pain or getting punished, humiliated and mistreated. You can binge lolicon and buy a rubber child doll. You can attend furry conventions in your suit and commision porn with your OC.
There is even porn with no women at all, crazy thought, I know.
>but anon, I'm the normal guy that only looks at one guy and one girl doing it missionary in the bedroom
Yeah, sure. Search statistics don't lie.

>> No.21006734

I dont remember if that is in the book but the the useful thing is also to change your mindset from
>I am the person who struggles to quit X-addiction
>I am the person who doesnt do X
because in the first case trying to quit is still part of your identity and you expose yourself to danger of relapsing

>> No.21006736

I'll check out that website, thanks.

>> No.21006738

Good thing I hate women. captcha: 0mxyxy

>> No.21007239

Start moving towards God and God will move towards you.

>> No.21007309

Because it's not an addiction but a disorder called CSBD — Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder

>> No.21007388

I didn't watch porn this whole year and didn't even have to try. Just get a comforting and loving woman anon. A real woman.

>> No.21007404

The worst part is knowing that real women, real romance, real affection, real sex, would cure you, but not having it.

>> No.21007504

Whether or not you get a loving woman is dependent on you meeting and securing the love of a young woman based on your genetic qualities (height and handsomeness) before you are established and are still a risk for her to bet on. Her taking a chance on you is a fundamental part of the definition of love from a behavioral perspective of women.

That is because it is age and gene gated. Only a small proportion of the population can access genuine love from women.

The rest get interest, relationships, even families too but not genuine love.

>> No.21007508

I did this and it turned out the many headed God was what moved toward me. Vishnu and Lakshmi came and told me that the God of the Bible is a false God and Mother Mary is a slut of whoredom.

>> No.21007520

Women never love men. Women dont even love kids.
What women love is being provided for and also playing the helicopter mom and virtue signaling and gossiping staying comfy at home while their providers work for them lol

You have to understand that young girls hear sotries from women in their ffamilies and they become directly experienced with older men interested in them. At 15, a girl perfectly knows how to make men compete for her. And at this point onwards, they have no intention to love any man. At 15, a girl views a man as a tool, a little doggy who will do anything for her. Any girl is treated as a princess from such early age until she turns 30.

Verification not required.

>> No.21007529

>Women never love men. Women dont even love kids.

If you've never witnessed the love women inherently and cross culturally have for genetically physically attractive men this would certainly be the take away.

But there are two categories of men: men women love for their innate qualities, and men women are interested in for provision ability/talents/cool things about them.

>> No.21007884

Shit i guess its over then

>> No.21007915

>Any girl is treated as a princess from such early age until she turns 30.
This is true for beautiful women. Soo many women are not beautiful and never get that princess treatment. But they don't even get considered in those generalizations. Which is pretty ironic when you consider that it's the same guys that complain that they are invisible to women.

Next time when you walk on the street look conciously at every you walk by and think about how she also is female, but you would normally not even notice her or have any sexual thoughts, you just walk by and they are invisible to you and when you write posts like these you have forgotten them.

>> No.21007965

I look at femcels too and they just look down at the ground with a sad face, they are even harder to talk to

>> No.21008128
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Fuck, I'm so disappointed. Haven't watched porn or fapped in around 5 or 6 weeks but ended up going on a mini binge just now. Just got off /soc/ and went through a couple of threads and watched a few short clips off twitter.

I didn't touch myself thoughor coom but I'm so disappointed I looked at the material and felt like I lost all my progress

>> No.21008152

>I didn't touch myself thoughor coom
So you still have your vril. Don't beat yourself up, everything is a learning experience. And the fact that you looked at it without fapping shows your progress. Now you can be sure that the last few weeks made a difference and with that in mind you will never binge again.

>> No.21008327

Don't let faggots like this guy undermine your self-esteem and make you second-guess the relationship you are in, just because you feel it's to good to be true

>> No.21008370

Then come pick them up at 30, it's all a non-issue. Or if you are superficial enough, go compete with the rest of them for the fresh new meat that will go stale in a couple of years.

>Women never love men. Women dont even love kids.

>> No.21008392

Then you've met the good ones, the ones I come across are very aggressive and start throwing insults and insane misandristic conjectures until you walk away

I've actualy got to know one lately and got pretty attached, till she flipped out on me for an edgy joke

>> No.21008436

The older I get and the more I see how some people's relationships turn out I'm starting to agree with this and these quote:

>Don't get married, not until you can say you've done everything possible, and until you have stopped loving your chosen woman, until you can see her clearly - otherwise you will be making a cruel mistake that cannot be put right

>Selfish, vain, stupid, totally vacuous - thats what women are when they show themselves in their true colours

Like the 80/20 rule, I feel a good 80% of women are the types mentioned above, that can even trick top 20% type guys if the girl is good looking enough.

That said, I feel the other 20% of women who aren't like that can still be scattered to the other guys as hidden gems

>> No.21008445

It isn't fear, it's me having the natural impulsive urge filling every fiber of my being beyond all other desire to cum
Once you start it never ends, and if you start early you're fucked forever

>> No.21008456

It isn't just thinking, the monk literally went to egypt and covered himself in rotting flesh

>> No.21008474

Here's my easy peasy solution: get a gf. If you can't get a gf, you have nothing to lose from pathologically jacking off. The incels who are also anti masturbation are deeply weird, I wonder why they practice this strange self denial

>> No.21008564

Yes, for developing a new fetish

>> No.21008704

1. How can you ever say you've done everything?
2. Why even marry when there is no more attraction?

>> No.21008754

The types like you are the most unhealthy (or actively malicious) of all

>> No.21008792

No jerk off is easy as fuck

>> No.21009005

I just can't do it anymore lads. Blue-haired cosplay women with bpd on twitter just make me nut instantly. I don't have the willpower to do nofap in 2022 with all these succubi roaming around.

>> No.21009012

Doesn't count if she has bluehair everyone knows that

>> No.21009855
File: 78 KB, 1134x1701, Sunrise-Serenade-queen-babydoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best place to view sfw chubby girls?

>> No.21010033

time to time, i find it easy to leave porn or any bad habit.
when i am highly concentrated on a task. i believe it is how people become workaholics, they find something they can immerse themselves in that is acceptable to them and to other around them.
from December to April this year, i was studying and working over hours. i did not masturbate or played games or watch any show.
when i relaxed i entered again in the state to fail to control myself again. leaving the state of confidence but coming back to my old ways.

>> No.21010057


>> No.21010067

Any recommended channels?

>> No.21010087

Has anyone actually read the whole thing?

>> No.21010138

Anyone else at the point where you literally can't find good porn anymore and just start seething instead of enjoying yourself? Like so much modern stuff today really comes off as producers monetizing their protitution habit, no care is taken at all for the viewer; terrible angles, guy talking, bad lighting, etc.

>> No.21010157

Thought the same after reading it once. Didn't realise it was 100% right. It's fear. Fear of needing porn. Fear of being alone or sad. Fear of having a hole you need to fill once porn is out of your life. It's not a hole to fill, it's just no more time is wasted on porn and so time is availiable for something else more meaningful. All your doubt and skepticism is just the porn talking. Went from 2 days onto my first and only 3 months. I'm not an addict anymore. I won't fall off the wagon because addicts fall off the wagon. Nonaddicts simply don't have a wagon to fall off. Normal people don't "not do drugs" that's what addicts do. Porn has no power over me.

>> No.21010172

I no longer count or care about my "score" because it's irrelevant since I'm no longer addicted. It doesn't happen at some milestone. It happens when you just stop.

>> No.21010177

Retard take

>> No.21010424

If you're over 22 there is nothing more meaningful left available. You are objectively locked out of time gated age gated genuine love.

>> No.21010428

By definition, as with alcohol, there is no such thing as a nonaddict from an addict. Once an addict, always an addict. You can only manage an addiction. You are practicing sobriety. But once you have had an addiction once, you are permanently addicted. This is the neurophysiology of addiction. If porn is an addiction, then by definition it satisfies this criteria. What it means is that given sufficient normative life stress that would not affect genuine nonaddicts, you will relapse. This is definitional, thus not up for debate/discussion.

>> No.21010543

not the correct reference for this verse ...

>> No.21011350

to be fir porn addiction is in name only. people watch porn mostly because they are bored and too tired to do anything else, and as soon as they pick up a non-sexual activity which drives them, they completely forget about porn

>> No.21011363

it's stupid because it's modelled on a book about smoking, but most stuff from the original book doesn't really transfer to porn. for instance, unlike with cigarettes, you can actually watch porn in moderation without any adverse effects to speak of. far more than 90% of men watch porn and only a select few losers who are fuck-ups in every other respect anyway get fucked by it. like, all of my friends watch porn at least occasionally and the only ones who cry about it are unemployed losers with drug problems who watch porn for hours every day. one of those types actually read the book and then told me that me watching porn about twice a week for 20 minutes is basically equivalent to him jerking off 8 times a day to triple anal scenes

>> No.21011375

Given the state of India rn, Hindu deities dont seem like a good source for advice. Christ is king.

>> No.21011382

>I'm halfway through and feel like all that I've read so far could be cut down to half
welcome to every single self help book ever

>> No.21011430

You might have to let it ruin your life even more to make it make sense. EasyPeasy did it for me finally. I'll never watch that unnatural filth, that addictive drug, ever again. Dopamine pathways are subtle behemoths not to be fucked with.

>> No.21011469

It’s not a chemical dependency, but it’s the only way they get dopamine hits. Still a form of addiction.

>> No.21011663

Is this how you cope? You can label people how you want, in the end of the end people that quit don't watch any porn, but you still do. They heal their brain, you fuck it up even more. So good luck with your "always an addict" mindset.

>> No.21011667


>> No.21011714

Kek have any more quotes like this from the bible? Asking for a friend who is doing bible science study.

>> No.21011719


Christianity, the vulgar (Catholic) sense, is pure pornography.

>> No.21011738
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you wouldn't consider it "real" unless it "cured you", and it wouldn't "cure you" unless it was "real"
I hate mentally castrated inceloids so fucking much
not even a roastie you people are just mental poison to yourselves and to others around you. back when it was still legal to kill people for being annoying you'd have been lynched for this shit

>> No.21011753 [DELETED] 

>Edgy claim
>No qualification
Go back to R*ddit, please.

>> No.21011828

prove that beating meat 3 times a week to fairly vanilla porn is damaging your brain

>> No.21011866
File: 3.73 MB, 498x498, 898607283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is definitional, thus not up for debate/discussion.
Nice LARP but neurotic ironclad definitional medicalism is on its way out thanks to based trannies

>> No.21011916

Rent free. I'm not a virgin.

>> No.21012162
File: 1.95 MB, 2073x2764, 20092f36-9a4b-4d7a-a6ed-a5da5cd4bf13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're hopeless

>> No.21012213

The percentage of the book I took them from. These shitty new Kindles don't count pages anymore.

>> No.21012231

is that hair on her ankle im going insane

>> No.21012236
File: 458 KB, 1125x1999, 1655875038079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you do something for women, you do it for this:


Women debate:

>Proposition: There are both biological and social reasons bad boys are appealing.

>Question: Are bad boys sexy? Is this a mistake?

This is what passes for philosophy in 2022.

>”b-but men dominated philosophy for 2000 years, it’s our turn now!”

No man ever pondered in a serious philosophical work whether tits or ass were better.

>> No.21012274

Struck a nerve. Have sex, or lie down in the muck

>> No.21012306

Is it ok to look at feet instead when quitting porn ? (No fapping though)

>> No.21012308

>no man ever pondered in a serious philosophical work whether tits or ass were better
Newfags these days don't even know about Prison School

>> No.21012327

Been nearly 2 months for me no fap and no porn but I've been getting this massive urge to fap even though I'm not even horny rn. I just want to nut to 2021 or 2022 version Persia Monir of all ppl if she still does porn

>> No.21012667

>Is this how you cope? Let me show you what a real cope looks like
Let's hope you have an easy stress-free life, anon

>> No.21012825

God is real, Jesus was just some guy.

>> No.21012899

This actually makes me more motivated to do something for them, because it shows both reflection on their part and systematic interest in the opposite sex, which happens to be me

That quip about male vs female philosophy was pure retardation