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20987565 No.20987565 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that argue against female "agency". Non fiction preferred.

>> No.20987573

The bible
The quran

>> No.20987576

Like against feminism, emancipation, empowerment? What the fuck do you mean by "female agency"

>> No.20987577

Anything more recent?

>> No.20987585

Like I dunno, the belief that women should take whatever penis is given to them and be grateful for it.

>> No.20987586

sex and character by otto weininger

>> No.20987591

I figured this as much, anything else? I already have that and plan to read it

>> No.20987607

The “On Women” essay by Schopenhauer

>> No.20987619
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>> No.20987659
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>> No.20987773

Reverse the order on these. "On Women" is a short primer. Sex and Character is longer work. From there you can move into shit like Freud's positivist attempts to understand female sexual psychology - Freud on penis envy, female hysteria, etc.

>> No.20987796

Okay tranny

I apologize for your mental retardation

>> No.20988053

Freedom is the law of the universe retard, every ant and every bird and every atom of every molecule is free

>> No.20988063

Ana karenina

>> No.20988080

Nice thread

>> No.20988083

Incel thread

>> No.20988093

>lets oppress and tyrannize half of the population again because my dick game weak
learn to fuck, incel

>> No.20988100

I love woman so much bros it's unreal

>> No.20988124

Kingly perspective


>> No.20988175

Uhm. Well, I wouldn't say that has much to do with agency. Agency implies responsability for consequences. Maybe this obsession with autonomy is more relevant. Listen, a lot of women are shit. Same can be said about most men but you don't really care about them as much. But a completely enslaved wife will not be fulfilling in any meaningful way.

>> No.20988180

>I apologize for your mental retardation
Women don't think they should "take whatever penis is given to them"

>> No.20988233

I'm 40 and have been with plenty of women to know they're whores

>> No.20988238

They don't but I want to see arguments against this

Yeah that's probably what I'm going for. Like I said I'm this guy here>>20988233
so I'm well aware, im just curious if anyone dared to argue in favor of this before

>> No.20988242

Like I said....also ywnbaw

Literally don't c

>> No.20988887

>Like I said

>> No.20990896

bump, redpill me on the woman question (ps, im married and love my wife)

>> No.20991027

>The bible
You never read the bible.

>> No.20991039

That's the most perfect answer to woman question

>Apparently nature, in giving man an absolutely irradicable taste for women, must have foreseen that, without this precaution, the contempt inspired by the vices of their sex, vanity in particular, would be a great obstacle to the maintenance and propagation of the human species.

Chamfort, A Cynic's Breviary

>> No.20991209


>> No.20991232

Girls are being fed the lie that sleeping around and becoming childless unmarried career women is empowering. Women belong in the kitchen. They should be stay at home moms who work for their husband and their children not for some jew who doesn’t care about them.

>> No.20991296

What about unattractive women, infertile women, ect?

>> No.20991308


Exceptions do not make the rule

>> No.20991311

Having the freedom to do something IS empowering.

>> No.20991312

Women having freedom is overrated. Look where it got us.

>> No.20991313

Cerebus 186. Everything you need to know about women is there.

>> No.20991316

Where it got us? The modern world is comfy and you can express yourself as you wish

>> No.20991340

What about the freedom to murder?

>> No.20991354

Just go fishing

>> No.20991371

Murder humans that is