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/lit/ - Literature

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20987030 No.20987030 [Reply] [Original]

Um bros.... where is he wrong?

>> No.20987036

What question am I asking when I paint a nice looking basket full of flowers?
Art is for bringing out emotions. Questions can be asked any time by any one.

>> No.20987046

>religion is for avoiding them
based. consider the similiarity of this famous quote from critique of pure reason
>I have found it necessary to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith

in a way, pure practical reason is the faculty of avoiding questions (since there can be no science competent to answer them) in order to merge with the divinity of pure action

>> No.20987048
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There is no such thing as questions or answers.

>> No.20987051

true, everyone knows there are certain questions for which their can be no special answer, and that to attempt to answer them is to fall into antinomies. religion therefore, sidesteps this dialectic of illusion, and proceeds to act in spite of an absence of knowledge. by sidestepping the question, the pure practical reason is able to able to attain the celestial abode.

>> No.20987053

imagine taking a superhero comic book writer seriously

>> No.20987062

that last part. political control is about avoiding asking questions. he put "religion" in the place where "the use of religion for political control" should be. BTW the same thing can be said about science used for political control when people tell you not to do your own research and simply trust the experts. It can also be said about art being used for political control when the patrons of the arts tell you that certain iconography in art is enlightening while decrying other forms of iconography as degenerate to the ideals of the times (like in pre renaissance europe or world war 2 with the book burnings).

>> No.20987138

he thinks art and religion are different things

>> No.20987141

lmao at the goats on the bottom

>> No.20987186

I’d prefer to see Alan less of this guy

>> No.20987339

In the head, mainly. But probably elsewhere too.

>> No.20987370

Imagine if this came from anybody other than a comic book writer

>> No.20987378

I dont get it

>> No.20987387

>Art is for asking questions
Prove it

>> No.20987798
File: 315 KB, 456x525, weathered eyes – veteran skies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soul journeys, whilst mind journals; consciousness travels, whilst nature travails; sorrow questions, whilst fury conquers.

Preferential/favouritistic selection complexifies with personal development, which is why one should equalize quotas with quests, tending toward simplenitude.

>> No.20987812

This guy got cucked by a lesbian. Who cares what he thinks

>> No.20987871

I hear this every time Moore is bought up can someone tell me that happened or give me a link explaining.

>> No.20987872

>Questions can be asked any time by any one.
Are you mental?

>> No.20987873

Religion is also for answering questions.

>> No.20987893

Before Christ western religion could have questions raised about it. Ever since it’s just a deified man’s mythological sacrifice used to create dogma so powerful people can maintain power.

>> No.20987937

And there you have it, you asked a question. A scientist asks questions before trying to find an answer. A philosopher asks a question before trying to find an answer. Religious people ask questions but they are usually satisfied with God being answer to everything. There is nothing about art that makes asking questions an exclusive to it, neither is all art asking questions.

>> No.20988018
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Moore is alright, but I'm more of a David Sim kind of guy.

>> No.20988021

He unironically got cucked. His wife left him for a woman.

>> No.20988035

>you asked a question
That was my joke. But I agree with you either way

>> No.20988050

Science is a religion. It's axioms are believed by blind faith.

>> No.20988454
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>Science is a religion. It's axioms are believed by blind faith.

>> No.20988463

No he's right. Science isn't supposed to be a belief but rather truth claims that need constant verification. If you can't do that then you're not doing science, you're doing religion

>> No.20988535


>> No.20988546

He isn't wrong.

>> No.20988669
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>where is he wrong?
Science is for asking questions, art is for answering them, religion/myth is for encoding them into our way of being.

>> No.20988682

wheres the amogus?

>> No.20988739

How is he wrong/

>> No.20988741

Art is interpretation, science is definition, religion is explanation

>> No.20988772



art is exteriorization of our condition
science is acquitance of our needs / desires
religion / philosophy is the search for meaning and study of the needs

>> No.20988784
File: 66 KB, 882x731, R (68).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lit can you help me out? Who was the philosopher who categorized art like this, something like scripture, then literature and then aesthetics? It's been so long since philosophy class.

>> No.20988794

All art is at once surface and symbol.
Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.
Those who read the symbol do so at their peril.

It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors.

Diversity of opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex, and vital.

When critics disagree the artist is in accord with himself.

We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.

All art is quite useless.

>> No.20988911

Science itself is a question

>> No.20988926

That "Woof" made me kek.

>> No.20988979


>> No.20989083

>With his first wife Phyllis, whom he married in the early 1970s, he has two daughters, Leah and Amber. The couple also had a mutual lover, Deborah, although the relationship between the three ended in the early 1990s as Phyllis and Deborah left Moore, taking his daughters with them.

>> No.20989167
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Art is for asking dumb questions like "is there a meaning to life". Science is for answering dumber questions like "what is the most efficient way to cool a living room". Of course religion avoids these questions; who wouldn't?

>> No.20989181

>Art is for asking dumb questions like "is there a meaning to life"
Wasn't that philosophy? Isn't art just expressing themselves? Am I dumb?

>> No.20989208

>religion is for avoiding them
>t. Occult anarchist who still resents his parents for taking him to church

>> No.20989225

Based on what?

>> No.20989245

Alan Moore is just a deeply confused guy. He calls himself an anarchist and for years refused to vote. The person who finally got him voting again was Jeremy Corbyn, a Leninist who wants the state to have as much power as possible. Because anarchism.
He also thinks early American comic book writers, who were mostly Jewish, were white supremacists who loved the klan.

>> No.20989402

Would repacd "art" with philosophy and we then have a pretty good quote

>> No.20989430

truly a genius asking the tough questions.

>> No.20989436

Moore is like a chapocel who happens to have a really high verbal iq and a knack for fiction.

>> No.20989521
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Seethe more chud

>> No.20989522

>Art is for asking questions
Quite the narrow view and it reveals his bias as a writer of fiction, as opposed to being a musician or painter or sculptor etc.
>science is for answering them
Correct, but it should be noted that science typically attempts to answer questions of a very different type than those asked by works of fiction.
>religion is for avoiding them
Very glib, but incorrect. Religions attempt to answer the most fundamental questions which have kept humans up at night ever since we first were ignited by the spark of sentience. Where does this world come from? What is the purpose of us being here? How should we act while we are here? Is there anything to hope for beyond this life?
The real problem is that the answers provided by religion have lost their persuasiveness for a great many people, including Moore obviously, and that the values and norms espoused by the main religions run counter to Moore's. It's not that religions avoid questions and attempts to answer them, it's that Moore simply doesn't like the answers they've come up with.

>> No.20989644
File: 1.12 MB, 1098x921, science_goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science is for answering them
What retard still believes this?

>> No.20989655

nowhere, he's the only British writer i respect

>> No.20989664

What tool did you use to make this?

>> No.20989763

i'm back on /lit/ for the first time in many years and i'm kind of shocked at how anti-intellectual this place has become. before it was just full of pseuds but now it seems most anons are proud to be full blown retards.

>> No.20989776



They’re religious.

>> No.20989801

the christian larping started before i left. honestly i'm surprised it's still going strong.

>> No.20989838

>art is for answering them
Based. All answers are within us. Tat tvam asi.

>> No.20989866

Stable diffusion. Check on /g/ they have a general for it.

>> No.20989911

Not everything is Reddit scientism, obviously this stuff is cringe but by saying there’s no truth being sought or questions being answered in science your just taring it with the same dismissive brush that Moore has painted religion with.

>> No.20989936


>> No.20990899
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>> No.20990912
