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/lit/ - Literature

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20986197 No.20986197 [Reply] [Original]

Italian literature is amazing, far superior to anything else I've read. These authors are especially amazing:

>De Roberto

They're three feet above the french or the americans, both in wordsmithing and psychological characterization.
Why did you keep it a secret from me, /lit/?

>inb4 too much stuff is lost in translation
Probably true, but I'm an italianchad, so I can read it in the original language.

>> No.20986208


>> No.20986213

Everyone from the major cultural centers think their own literature is the best.

>> No.20986221

Yeah but the others are wrong. I'm right.

>> No.20986277

Tfw my italian is still too shit to read anything but kid stories

>> No.20986293

I truly feel sorry for people who are not italian native speakers. They lost the language lottery and are doomed to remain languagelets forever.

>> No.20986303

Pinocchio was fun desu

>> No.20986321
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pls suggest good divine comedy translation. Ciardi or Hollander

>> No.20986326

I'm glad you liked it :) and you should try the Marcovaldo stories by Italo Calvino next, they're goofy little stories for kids so the language should be somewhat simple.

>> No.20986406
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today would be a good day to talk about this book. I read it a long time ago, and today I can't real tell if the feeling I have for the story comes from the book, Godard's movie or both.
anyway, it's one of the saddest stories ever written.
what is up with Italian writers and their ability to depict sadness so majestically?

>> No.20986425

As a Frenchad, Italian is the easiest language to learn (not including french dialects of course) so it’s alright

>> No.20986430

Now try Spanish lit.

>> No.20986520

Dude, are you kidding me? I've finished it yesterday. (I'm on a Moravia bender: "La noia", "Gli indifferenti", "L'uomo che guarda", "Il disprezzo" and now I'm reading "Il conformista").

Moravia is amazing at digging through the mind of his characters. Very few authors can compare.
I also really liked the juxtaposition of the Odissey with the main story.

Frog eater go away reee.

I like Jose Saramago but he's portuguese, isn't he?

>> No.20986525

No such thing with Dante. He's the kind of author you read 100% for the form and 0% for the contents.

>> No.20986643

Fuck me anon why you gotta be so aggressively cringe
This type crass parochialism, especially against France of all places, exudes small dick energy and is further proof of the eternal inferiority complex we have against frogs
I'm a pastafag who read the actual good 20th century Italian lit (and not mediocrities like fucking Moravia) and I am more than willing to recognize that there just never was an Italian author in the last couple centuries who could rival the likes of Zola
Italian lit is amazing and it's a shame it is not more well known, but this is just no way to sell it
Read Volponi

>> No.20986650

I had that same bender a few years back. kinda tempted to revisit. nothing like italian literature to (re)discover what being human feels like.

>> No.20986664

>the actual good 20th century Italian lit
Such as?

>> No.20986669

>there just never was an Italian author in the last couple centuries who could rival the likes of Zola
Sounds like complete bullshit but why do you think so?
Also, what are the best books by Zola?

>> No.20986676

>Read Volponi
What, exactly?

>> No.20986684

>an actual, unironic commie
Fucking commie frog in disguise kill you are self.

>mediocrities like fucking Moravia
He's orders of magnitude better than you could ever hope to be at anything, faggot.

>> No.20986686

I think it's fair to say the french are finished, they stood no chance against Italian bravado

>> No.20986696

Frogs once again confirmed as the willing, dripping little sluts of the BIC.

>> No.20986717

Yeah but I can't read Italian

>> No.20986735

>the poor languagelet whines and cries impotently as it rolls in the pool of shit that is the inferior native language the cruel fate birthed him into.
Are you a native english speaker, anon? My God...

>> No.20986808

>Such as?
Anna Maria ortese, Giorgio manganelli, Stefano d'arrigo, Dolores prato, Salvatore satta, Alberto Arbasino...
>Also, what are the best books by Zola?
I recommend the human beast
>What, exactly?
Memoriale is a good entry point but not representative of him at his best. La macchina mondiale and especially corporale are great
Everything Italian worth reading from the post-war and forward was written by commies, a sad reality, but a reality nonetheless
But tiro al piccione is a neat little book written by an ex brigatista nero recalling his experience so I recommend that

>> No.20986815

>Everything Italian worth reading from the post-war and forward was written by commies
Only because they invaded the publishing houses and the newspapers and only allowed other commies to get published.
It's hilarious when libtards brag about how all the most creative people are lefties. Do they really not realize why they're the only ones being given a chance?

>> No.20986818

>Anna Maria ortese, Giorgio manganelli, Stefano d'arrigo, Dolores prato, Salvatore satta, Alberto Arbasino
Please suggest at least one book from each of them. Really interested to read more good italian writers. Apart from Satta and Ortese, I've never heard of them.

Also, what makes them better than an author like Moravia?

>> No.20986833

>Stefano d'arrigo
Don't even pretend for one fucking second that you read Horcynus Orca, you pretentious impostor.

>> No.20986837

I expressed no judgement in the ideological state of the publishing industry not do I care to do so
I'm only stating the fact that there is no good right wing Italian lit to speak of from the last 100 years or so that I know of, but feel free to point me towards it if you want instead of seething into oblivion
>Please suggest at least one book from each of them
Il porto di toledo, dall'inferno, horcynus orca, giù la piazza non c'è nessuno, il giorno del giudizio, fratelli d'Italia

>> No.20986845

I'm gonna read all of those just so I can call you a posturing pleb, you posturing pleb.

>> No.20986861
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thoughts on this book? how many layers of irony was he on?

>> No.20986864

Have fun. If you like Beckett I recommend starting with manganelli. It's quite short too
Before jumping into arbasino know that it helps having read proust and musil and being familiar with gadda and forster

>> No.20986927

German is much more beautiful than Italian bro

>> No.20986928

As a Romanianbrad I can read and understand 80% of your language without any idea on how to speak it. Most of your words are exactly the same as ours but end in "iano, one, ala, ezio" and other gay suffixes like that. If I wasn't learning Russian already I could learn Italian in 6 months tops.

>> No.20986934
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Well fuck you too

>> No.20986946

>it helps having read proust and musil and being familiar with gadda and forster
God, you're such a pretentious twat...

German sounds like someone sharting directly in your ear canal.

You're romanian, so at most you could steal my phone.

>holding a book equals to having read and understood it.

>> No.20986964

Hold on, faggot, let me grab Finnegans Wake and an entire encyclopedia, so I can take a picture of me holding them too and look le cultured.

>> No.20987056

Thanks dude, I'm reading it right now.
I lack a lot of vocabulary, but I can get the gist of it pretty much
It's more interesting than the other kiddo story I've been reading lately

>> No.20987060

Oh, so when I steal a phone I'm branded as a thieving gypsy but when an Italian does the same it's labeled as a based mafia heist and they get a gay tv show. The double standard is real.

>> No.20987076

You're branded as a thieving gypsy because you're a thieving gypsy.
And stop saying "gay" all the time. I wonder what that kike Freud would say about it.

>> No.20987103

There are few pejoratives as versatile and powerful in modern English. Also I'm more Roman than you and I make a better Carbonara.

>> No.20987119

How dare you, you repulsive gypsy? Just because your great-great-whorenma was raped by a roman soldier, that doesn't mean you can call yourself a roman.
And stop putting cream in carbonara.

Also, nigger and kike are better and more versatiles.

>> No.20987121

>let me grab Finnegans Wake and an entire encyclopedia
You don't own either lol

>> No.20987131

Zitti animali

>> No.20987135

I bet you're >90% Lombard or Visigoth aka g*rm aka your lineage has literally been raped out of existence but you still LARP as Roman. And cream is heresy. So is Parmesan, panceta and bacon. I bet you never even heard about Pecorino and Guanciale. I bet you use already ground pepper.

>> No.20987144

>I bet you never even heard about Pecorino and Guanciale
You serious, little shit? You think there's a single italian who doesn't know the recipe for fucking carbonara? You think you look knowledgeable by saying basic shit like "carbonara requires guanciale"? You sound like an italian weeaboo. You desperately want to be like us and roleplay as us desperately, but you have no hope of overcoming your inferior gypsy genetics.

t. actual roman born in Rome. Fucking gypsy piece of shit.

>> No.20987152

Only non italians are this nerdy about basic stuff like the recipe for carbonara. And only they capitalize stuff like pecorino and guanciale.

Also, the real secret is to use only the yolks.

>> No.20987167

Who the fuck would want to be a modern shitalian? People are starting to argue whether you should still be considered white anymore. You shat on Rome and made it look like a post communist city. You're just piggybacking on what (real)Italians of the past did. Also, you're most likely a Sicily peasant of Moorish descent.

>> No.20987173

You mean there are people alive who use whole eggs? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.20987185

Yeah. Gypsies that roleplay as italians.

>Who the fuck would want to be a modern shitalian?
You, for instance, roleplaying gypsy.
You will never be italian. You have no coliseum, no proud history, no art, no literature. People pretend to not consider you a gypsy but behind your back they're repulsed by you. When you look in the mirror you can see your swarthy skin, your golden chains, the stolen cellphones in your hands. Your parents would cry for the shame of having generated a gypsy, if they weren't gypsies themselves (also dead in a burned roulotte).
You will never be italian.

>> No.20987189

>People are starting to argue whether you should still be considered white anymore.
Lol nobody argues about you gypsies.
(Besides the old argument: should we murder you all and grind you into dog food, or murder you all and grind you into fertilizer?)

>> No.20987194

The cope. The seethe of the inferior humanlet. You will never be a real human.

t. whiteskinned real italian with brown hair and green eyes.

>> No.20987206

Embarrassing thread. Reading Dante in Italian is not worth the shame OP is making me feel for my people

>> No.20987211

>He's the kind of author you read 100% for the form and 0% for the contents.
Hmmmm... I'm Italian and I disagree with that.

>> No.20987214

The content is basically a revenge fanfic.

>> No.20987220

>Anna Maria ortese, Giorgio manganelli, Stefano d'arrigo, Dolores prato, Salvatore satta, Alberto Arbasino...
This, this, this. If they were translated in the whole world, Italian literature would be taught as a core course in every university. Just too much genius.

>> No.20987222

Shut the fuck up, faggy little shit.

>> No.20987224

You can say that about any religion

>> No.20987228

>there just never was an Italian author in the last couple centuries who could rival the likes of Zola
Weak bait, Verga has always been considered the Italian Zola. Both in quality and quantity, they're on the same level.

>> No.20987229

Translating excellent prose inevitably degrades it.

Religion? We're not talking about a religion. The Comedy is a revenge fanfiction.

>> No.20987234

At least we defeated all of our enemies at one point as a united people while you were to busy loosing to the French and butchering yourselves in civil wars like the retards you are. At least you kept one Roman custom alive I'll give you that.

>green eyes
The seething cope of a lost Irish wanderer lmao.

Yes. Gypos should be made into minced meat. Good thing most of them fled to your countries.

>> No.20987239
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>> No.20987244

Italian bro, please tell me not all Italians are like that, tell me there are many like you.....

>> No.20987255

Haven't read them. What's so genius about them?

>> No.20987258

Shut the fuck up, gypsy vermin, and don't you EVER dare speak again to a white man.

You keep your whore mouth shut when in front of your betters, boy, you hear me?

>> No.20987261


>> No.20987264

Simply false. It is the romance of 3000 years of human history, the whole Antiquity and the Middle Ages, with the history of Italy between the lines, with doctrinal-philosophical contents clearly stated, and esoteric symbols hidden everywhere. I know you don't read Gravity's Rainbow for the content, but the Divine Comedy is Gravity's Rainbow + content. It's the War and Peace of 3000 years of history and thought.
Dante was not even that good at composing hendecasyllables. Petrarch, Ariosto and Foscolo were all stylistically better than him.

>> No.20987273

Suck my big throbbing Daco-Roman cock you filthy Moorish rat.

>> No.20987285

inheriting your Dante commentary from smug tumblrinas is not a good look.
why can't you just go read Mircea Eliade and stop being so aggravating in the italian literature thread eh? It's really not selling the whole "romanians are people" argument well if you just sit here seething about your betters.

>> No.20987289

>tfw I entered an Italian-lit thread for effortposting and serious discussion, and found a barroom brawl between /pol/ groupies

>> No.20987292

Zitti, animali

>> No.20987293

They are quite different, but if I had to point to a common trait it would be very exuberant styles
Arbasino is reminiscent of gaddis, while ortese is almost baroque, and idk what d'arrigo could even be compared to

>> No.20987294

>what is up with Italian writers and their ability to depict sadness so majestically?
I have no idea, but read Ortese, Morselli, Pavese and Fenoglio for more sadness.

>> No.20987303

I read Pavese already. thanks for the suggestions.

>> No.20987304

>idk what d'arrigo could even be compared to

>Arbasino is reminiscent of gaddis
Arbasino is the paroxysmal epitome of postmodernism.

>> No.20987305

I enjoy Italian /lit/ and it's probably my favorite cultural zone. I just made some banter about the similarities of our languages wich devolved into me getting called gypsy and me calling others Moors and g*rms. Nothing out of the ordinary really when you consider the kinds of people lurking this place.

>> No.20987310

Also, Federigo Tozzi. Tough read, seriously.

>> No.20987311

These Italian fuckers are crazy

>> No.20987317

Total madcaps. Luckily there's another thread for Italian literature, much quieter and cleaner.

>> No.20987331

One day we'll finally get around to exterminating you repulsive, stinky, shitty, subhuman vermins. We won't even rape your disgusting females, we'll just napalm the entire country and shit on your corpses. You deserve nothing better.

>> No.20987332

Turns out having an OP who is not an insecure faggot does wonders
Although the other one will die much sooner

>> No.20987334

any anons want to reccommend me some italian poetry collections? I really like D'Annunzios poems as well as Leopardi.

>> No.20987341

Just recognize your cultural, intellectual and racial inferiority, maggot. Repulsive piece of shit.

>> No.20987344

>remind subhuman vermins that they're subhuman vermins
>"you're so le insecureee"
Mongoloids. I refuse to believe any of you can read.

>> No.20987358
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>spitting rants against everyone and filling a thread with cursing and nonsense = doing wonders

>> No.20987363

Go on with Giovanni Pascoli. He's the Italian symbolism.
And after that, the unmatched Canti Orfici by Dino Campana.

>> No.20987376

I was referring to your inferiority complex against French, I don't care about your /pol/ bickering with the gipsy. You're probably a brownish manlet like most Italian from any latitude, and that's fine
Now try and keep it lit related

>> No.20987379

>shills for some nationality's literature
>not for the germans

>> No.20987380
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>You're probably a brownish manlet like most Italian from any latitude
Italians are not what you see in movies. I've travelled extensively in the entire North and Centre of Italy and most of the men I saw looked like this.

>> No.20987408

thank you, I already have a copy of Canti Orfici in my possession so that's what I'm reading next. I could have sworn that was all in prose when I read the first couple of pages though?

>> No.20987411

Canzoniere by Saba. Simple language and simple themes. Pretty comfy
If you enjoy stuff like meter and rhythm can't go wrong with Canzoniere by Petrarca, which has the added bonus of having a thematic throughline (knowing the least bit of augustinianism helps)
Personally I am partial towards poets who are more out there like zanzotto and rosselli though

>> No.20987421
File: 32 KB, 387x531, poesie-bfc62504-a184-43df-b8b2-59aaf7139112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter which parts are in prose and which are in verse, it's all poetry. And I'll even tell you that the prose parts are more poetic and suggestive than the ones in verse.
Do not neglect Pascoli though, he's great and he's a key poet, along with D'Annunzio, to understand the evolution of the later Italian poetry.

>> No.20987424

You know that its not a Munich public square in 1925 and people can actually google now right Adolf?

>> No.20987445
File: 184 KB, 1600x900, amelia-rosselli-1600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia Rosselli is one the greatest poets of the whole 20th century.

>> No.20987480

loads of good stuff and hidden unstranslated masterpieces. there's a reason everyone takes german loanwords for things you literally can't translate.
would've been funnier to call me Hans.

>> No.20987486

>loads of good stuff and hidden unstranslated masterpieces
Same for Italy

>> No.20987496

true. just haven't seen anyone shill the country of poets and thinkers.

>> No.20987514

That's because Germans are ridiculously obsessed with the fear of nationalism
>N-NO.......................... NO....................... WE'RE BECOMING LE NAZI AGAIN.................... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.20987522

Extremely shallow take holy fuck

>> No.20987528

What makes their wordsmithing better? More syllables and more words ending in vowels?

>> No.20987539

it's awful, really. not even a smidge of authority because of it, and the nation beats itself over it.
pre or mid-war writings are the good stuff.
they should just let it go already. paid for it enough, imo.

>> No.20987601
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>a tread about Italian /lit/
>not a mention to picrel


>> No.20987630


>> No.20987680

Go back to Tumblr

>> No.20987809

Jesus Christ... go back to /pol/

>> No.20987993

Wog people be mad kek

>> No.20988026
File: 63 KB, 734x480, Carlo-Emilio-Gadda-734x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Gadda.

>> No.20988188

Winning the language lottery is learning multiple languages naturally as a small child. I'm not a native Italian speaker but I lived in Italy for years and schole'd there, so I speak it fluently and can appreciate the literature.

>> No.20988228

are you me? I grew up in Italy while speaking two other languages at home. It's a comfy life and I'm incredibly grateful to Italy for being such a good place to grow up in.

>> No.20988345

Really good, always enjoyed reading his short stories and plays. Never seen him mentioned here

>> No.20988431

Pirandello is a genius, I read Uno, Nessuno e Centomila last year and it was way better than I remembered. I find that with novels often authors don't know how to really deliver the conclusion, but Pirandello managed to craft a truly sublime piece of writing without losing any steam for the ending. That book is really special to me.

>> No.20988445

Is there a decent dual language English/Italian version of the Divine Comedy?

>> No.20988504

Friendly reminder for all the people that want to read italian literature to check the site liber liber. You can find a lot of Italian literature there

>> No.20988513

>God, you're such a pretentious twat...
I guess one could read Ulysses without having previously read the odyssey, hamlet, and his previous works, but that would be pretty stupid now, wouldn't you say?

>> No.20988695

Im italian. Dante alighieri is a hack. Hes famous only because he created the useless italian lenguage based on faggoty florence dialect and latin. He also probably a faggot cuz a cortigian anti church.

In art department is really mediocre: "Nel mezzo di cammin di nostra vita, mi ritrovai in una selva oscura" Cmon guys really?

He literaly copied (read stealed) arabic literature and islamic teology. He got famous because italians are a tiny faggoty nation of pseudo nationalist whiny people. If it wasnt for napoleon and the french they woudnt even exist omegalul.

Btw im not really italian of blood. Im marocchino born in italy

>> No.20988770

>Btw im not really italian of blood. Im marocchino born in italy
Are you sure it was a good idea to write this?
Your post seems like a bait to me

>> No.20988839

Stupid cliché-spouting mediocre piece of shit. I already read the french and found NOTHING comparable to italian authors. How is saying that it "le ebin inferiority complex" ?

You're a mongoloid npc capable only of regurgitating shit you hear from other mongoloid npcs.

And also
>le ebin brown-italian stereotype
You truly don't know shit about anything. You can only vomit clichés in every situation. You're incapable of thinking, you've never learned and never will. You have SHIT in your skull. Just like your masters wanted. What a good little catamite.

>> No.20988844

>all these Dante cucks seething at the simple truth.
The guy imagined that his personal enemies (besides historical and mythological figures) were in hell being tortured in creative ways that he considered "justice".

>> No.20988846

(((They))) will never let it go. Never. It's their golden goose, the eternal cow to be milked for forty times forty generations. There's a reason they keep making holocaust movies and books every year and insisting that as bad as other genocides are, THEIR genocide was worse and incomparable.

>> No.20988850

/pol/ has conquered the other boards a long time ago, faggot.

>> No.20988856

Might be a good author but that quote is retarded. Just because there's a more modern idea, it doesn't follow that the traditional one is obsolete, inferior and not immortal. And just because the modern idea is more recent, it doesn't follow that it's not immortal.
Just a stupid quote all around, the kind of stuff only midwits might like and share.

>> No.20988861

Planning to do exactly this to my kid. I'll always speak english, wife will always speak italian. I've heard from other couples who have done this that the kid will seamlessly learn both languages without even realizing it and without confusion.

>> No.20988864

Also on emule you can find pretty much everything, both 20th and 21st Century lit.
I have like 1200 epubs and pdfs.

>> No.20988865

You literally have no idea how complex the structure of the Divine Comedy is. Just for that Dante deserves to be considered one of the best author of all time. The fact that you are only talking about the plot is the reason why your take is very shallow

>> No.20988901

>Im marocchino
We could tell from your retardation and your pro-islam retarded lying propaganda. Nobody stole shit from islam because you can't steal from a thief.

Islam is a schizophrenic mishmash of paganism, zoroastrism, judaism and christianity that an epileptic, illiterate, lying, cowardly, obese pedophile made up from day to day in order to fool his retarded inbred followers into doing what he wanted.

>wait guys, allah just revealed to me that we can attack caravans during the sacred months. Yes, only we have this privilege.

>wait, he also told me that I can have an unlimited number of wives, but only I can.

>he also wants you to know that I'm infallible. Seriously guys I just cannot be wrong because I'm divinely inspired (except for those satanic verses, that Satan revealed to me and I included in the quran before changing my mind... I was distracted, ok?!)

>also, if you visit my home you cannot stay too long to make small talk because that I'm socially awkward and I'm so autistic I'm gonna use an omnipotent god to avoid it (yes, really: Quran 33:53: «do not stay for casual talk. Such behaviour is truly annoying to the Prophet, yet he is too shy to ask you to leave.»)

You need to be profoundly inbred to seriously believe this shit.

>> No.20988916

Dude, I agree that it's an incredibly written masterpiece. But it's also a revenge fanfic. It's just how it is.

>You literally have no idea how complex the structure of the Divine Comedy is.
I L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y studied it in school for years and read it on my own, stupid little shit. In the original italian. Go make your assumptions somewhere else.

>> No.20988928

maddove l'hai studiato, all'asilo?

>> No.20988944

>I L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y studied it in school for years and read it on my own, stupid little shit. In the original italian. Go make your assumptions somewhere else

Same anon but now I blame your professor for not failing you in Italian literature.
Dante put in hell people he personally thought didn't deserve to go there for example Paolo e Francesca. Sure you can say there is a lot of revenge from Dante but you kinda forget everything else and also that's not the point and reason people keep studying it in school. But if you can't tell the difference between that and a revenge Fanfiction I 'm surely incapable of making you understand it. Try reading some Fanfiction maybe you'll change your mind

>> No.20988983

Fuck i think i gained a cromosome finishing reading your comment. Please dont speak anymore

>> No.20988991
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>> No.20989073

Romance languages and Latin are inferior to Greek and German. The Romans were philosophylets for a reason. Read Heidegger you pleb.

>> No.20989247

What more do you expect from these peninsular manlet chimps?

>> No.20989372

thank you chad anon . Greek native and my middleschool education was ancient greek . Imagine the bible being written to your native language.After i finish with french i'll jump to german . In truth the whole indoeuropean language group is beautiful , such breadth of diversity and expression

>> No.20989418

You're a stupid dumb retard full of shit. I wouldn't say this if you were a fucking disgusting subhuman anglo, I would let it go. But the problem is that you are Italian, so this is even worse. Dante wrote the most complex symbological-philosophical-metaphysical poem of all times, and you think it's about the "characters". God, you're less than mice excrements. I have no words.

>> No.20989424

Didn't a lot of Latin words (and therefore Italian) came from ancient greek tho?

>> No.20989426

Leggiti Luigi Valli, coglione.

>> No.20989455

That's an interesting recommendation, is there a particular order do you think I should read his work?

>> No.20989461

Not really. Latin does have many words from ancient Greek, but it's overall a separate language. Or, at least, not derived from Greek. The direct link, if there's one, is with Etruscan and pre-Roman Italic dialects. Italian, on the other hand, is definitely derived from both Greek and Latin. You can think it more or less like this: if English is 60% Germanic and 40% Latin (with words from French, Italian, etc.), Italian is 60% Latin and 40% Greek. Basically all the suffixes and prefixes of Italian are Greek, as well as scientific and philosophical terms. The rest of the morphology is identical to Latin.

>> No.20989470

Il linguaggio segreto di Dante e dei Fedeli d'Amore and then La chiave della Divina Commedia.

>> No.20989493
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Great quote, anon. I dig it.

>> No.20989495

>Italian literature is amazing, far superior to anything else I've read.
Now try Spanish lit.

>> No.20989523
File: 180 KB, 1600x1200, mussolini opere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brief reminder that Benito is legitimately part of the Italian canon.

>> No.20989746
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>thread about italian literature
>it immediately degenerates into people arguing about carbonara recipes and screaming insults at each other
Why are we like this?

>> No.20989751

Sciacquati la bocca con la merda e non permetterti MAI PIU' di rivolgermi la parola senza permesso, insignificante pezzetto di merda.

Ora vai a pisciare addosso a quella troia di tua madre per essere stata una troia tanto imbecille da farsi sborrare nella fica anziché nel culo, affliggendo il resto del mondo con la tua esistenza.


>> No.20989753

>Dante wrote the most complex symbological-philosophical-metaphysical poem of all times
And it's also a revenge fanfic.

I love how you midwits seethe when faced with this obvious truth. Your tiny bird brains can't comprehend how both things could coexist. Because you're shitwits.

>> No.20989754


>> No.20989758

>now I blame your professor for not failing you in Italian literature.
He did.
He was a midwit too.

>> No.20989760

Tua madre a pecora ingurgita cazzi dalla gola al tempo medesimo, cane

>> No.20989766

Nel bordello di tua madre. Era brava a motivare gli studenti.

>no u
What a brilliant comment for someone with your condition. Did your helper write it for you?

>> No.20989771

Tuo padre era chiaramente un pezzetto di merda vigliacco, debole e inutile, e ha avuto un figlio che è un pezzetto di merda vigliacco, debole e inutile. Immagino fosse inevitabile.


>> No.20989829

>be OP
>sperg about how he thinks his national literature is great while retardedly larping as >le chad
>then call the divine comedy "revenge fanfic" (an opinion so retarded that is considered wrong even among amerisharts)
>other italian anons gently call him out for having said something stupid
>begin to insult everyone's mother with extreme and furious rage, while the chad mask falls in a flash
Signori, gli italiani

>> No.20989909

Someone post some Italian poems with a translation alongside plox

>> No.20989942
File: 90 KB, 800x259, 3EDFB3AD-F682-405F-BE1C-D57AB9FC0DE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentions a bunch of mediocre novelists
>fails to mention the actual GOATs of Italian literature
>fails to mention those GOATs learned from and paid their respects to France’s writers
Also if you’re Italian, you shouldn’t need to have /lit/ tell you that Italian literature is good, retard. Nice larp, amerifatt retard.

>> No.20989970

>>fails to mention those GOATs learned from and paid their respects to France’s writers
Nah, Dino Campana was obsessed with Nietzsche but never read French poets. He paid his respects to Pascoli.

>> No.20990108

I thought the scientific terms would be in Latin. Can you give me some examples because I thought the scientific terms were basically the same as the latin ones in english

>> No.20990137
File: 195 KB, 1034x1270, Tumblr_l_892490360375578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sono curiosa su quale sia la sua provenienza. A quale regione dobbiamo dare la colpa per aver nutrito tale ignoranza?
Secondo me è un sardo.

>> No.20990192

Stetoscopio: from the Greek stéthos (chest) and the Greek skopéo (to observe).
Anestesia: from the Greek anaisthēsía (insensibility).
Dendrogramma: from the Greek dendro (tree) and the Greek gramma (written sign).
Metafisica: from the Greek metà- (beyond) and the Greek physiká (physical things).
Epistemologia: from the Greek epistéme (knowledge) and the Greek logos (discourse).
Melancolia: from the Greek melas (dark) and the Greek kholé (bile).
Ontogenesi: from the Greek onto (being) and the Greek genesis (birth).
Cromosoma: from the Greek chroma (color) and the Greek soma (body).
Endoderma: from the Greek endo- (inside) and the Greek derma (skin).

>> No.20990197

neither, esolen (bc its bilingual)

>> No.20990212

Based. I want to Sanskrit after I'm done with German. Can read a little bit of Greek, I hope I can learn it too one day.

>> No.20990235

That's mainlu medical but I'm now realising not as many in physics and math are in Latin over Greek as I thought they were.

>> No.20990344

All science and all philosophy is Greek, anon.
The "difficult" words of English are from Latin, you're right, but they're not necessarily philosophical and scientific terms.
When I say "stupendous" instead of wonderful, I'm using a Latin word (from stupeo, amaze) borrowed through the Italian usage. And you will be impressed by how "learned" I sound, but in fact it's a very common and overused word in today's Italian.

This is just to say that a lot of "basic" English words are from Latin, but if we talk specifically about philosophy and science (in its broadest sense), then be sure it's almost entirely Greek. In Italian for sure, in English maybe not that much, but still.

>> No.20990579

Insane levels of cope.

>> No.20990584

Thank you!

>> No.20990660

Wow non solo devo mettermi a difendere Dante online da idioti, devo poi anche difendere la mia terra.
Ma visto che tanto potrei insultarti e non cambierebbe nulla, visto che di certo non mi farebbe stare meglio , almeno dimmi qualcosa che posso trovare utile.
Chiameresti unaffermazione come la tua razzista? Molte persone dove vivi la pensano in questo modo e fanno affermazioni del genere? Credi che ci potrebbe essere una discriminazione tangibile verso i sardi nell'ambiente lavorativo in alcune parti d'Italia fuori dalla Sardegna?

>> No.20990679

>And you will be impressed by how "learned" I sound, but in fact it's a very common and overused word in today's Italian.

I've always found this to be really funny. The fact that a lot of difficult words for English are actually easy for Italians. It's like being on easy mode, unfortunately my English teachers didn't find it as funny as me and they never let us use words like these in exams

>> No.20990698

two retards google translating lol learn italian

>> No.20990832
File: 121 KB, 1024x850, 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suvvia non l'ho detto per farti stare male, anon. Siamo su 4chan per l'amor di dio, ho fatto il commento perchè tanto valeva dire una regione come l'altra. Non ho nulla contro la Sardegna e anzi trovo i sardi molto onorevoli, ma, come ribadisco, siamo su 4chan. Per favore non la prendere così sul serio, e visto che ci siamo rimaniamo sul tema del filo. Puoi raccommandare uno un più libri che consideri di letteratura regionale?
Ovviamente Il Gattopardo è un'opera siciliana più che italiana, per esempio.

>> No.20990880

Oh no anon non mi sto così tanto offendendo, ho chiesto queste cose solo per avere un idea di come mi troverò una volta uscito dalla Sardegna. Non sapevo che alcune persone ci vedevano in questo modo prima di entrare su internet anni fa e ne sono rimasto interessato e affascinato al riguardo.

Mi piacerebbe raccomandarti qualcuno ma la ragione per cui ero così tanto interessato a questo thread è perché di solito non leggo scrittori italiani e di questa cosa me ne pento molto. Inoltre l'autore sardo più conosciuto è Grazia Deledda ma siccome lei è verista e piace molto a una persona che conosco e non stimo molto non ho mai voluto voglia di leggerla.

>> No.20990940

>è perché di solito non leggo scrittori italiani
That explains why you would include fucking Brancati in the OP. Might as well have metioned Salgari since you seem so adamant on embarrassing italy

>> No.20990950

I'm not OP anon.
Let me explain myself better: I began to read the posts in this thread because I usually don't read italian authors and I was curious about the recommendations.

>> No.20990965

But since we are talking about recommendations please tell me why this guy that I've never read is bad and who do you think is worth reading.

>> No.20990978
File: 862 KB, 1334x534, 0C23BC15-1419-49CB-97B2-50B081C7EFAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20991094

I rec a bunch of modernist and postmodernist earlier. I just came back to the thread to hopefully find more recs and less polfaggotry but alas
Also I don't actually think he is bad. I just don't find bitter satirists especially interesting and he would hardly wow anyone looking for hidden gems

>> No.20991139

Then thank you very much anon. I already put everything in this thread into the check later list.

>> No.20991366

Yes, it's way better

>> No.20991379


>> No.20991403

Montale is peak italian modernism, Zanzotto is peak italian pomo.