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File: 201 KB, 676x901, fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20985427 No.20985427 [Reply] [Original]

Taking a walk after Mass today, I noticed a dead fox by the roadside. Apparently hit by a car, but still beautiful. I composed the following rhyme for poor beast:

Your cunning was no match, poor fox,
For the speed of the iron box.
Ban cars. Bring back cart and ox.

>> No.20985433

I saw a dead cat walking after mass one day, and it literally haunted my dreams for weeks after. Sometimes I still think of it. Do dead animals just seem different after a mass?

>> No.20985436

very nice poem anon
also rip fox

>> No.20985445

I think he's just sleeping. He'll be fine.

>> No.20985468

>just finished the part of kanon where the fox dies

It ain’t fair bros.

>> No.20985569

It looks young

>> No.20985573

The road I take to go grocery shopping has often dead animal carcasses on it because the road is so open and it's right next to prairie fields.

It makes me seethe every time because the reason for this is that this particular road has no fence surrounding it, and so a lot more animals die because of it. I don't understand how the government or whatever dipshit builder skimped out on it, but it makes me hate the world just a little bit more each time.

We are a soulless, formulaic society run by profit far more than any ideal.

>> No.20985616

I have a hypothesis a lot of animals get hit by cars due to temporary cognitive impairment from pesticides. There is research showing some of the erratic flight behavior of birds come from exposure to pesticides.

I don't like cars either.

>> No.20985660

rip mr fox

>> No.20985672

You might be right but it could also be because we build transportation routes through their natural environment.
Like if aliens built a light speed transportation route through your house, only you don't understand what is happening at all except the texture of the floor is a little harder than normal and it sounds a bit like the ocean.

>> No.20985776

huh. Weird. Either it wasn't dead or you saw some wack shit.

>> No.20985849

cars are not made of iron but steel stupid faggot
let the fox rest!

>> No.20985863

I've always found road kill disturbing. It's a modern condition. A condition of industrial society. Taken out of the cycle of life. Killed by a human-operated machine, traveling 40 miles an hour. The fox will not return to her pups. It will not feed on a rabbit. It will rot for nothing. It had a lot more to do here. And yet, the fox was killed by a mindless driver, operating a death machine.

>> No.20985871

Chaos reigns :)

>> No.20986591

Why the fuck would you take a photo of that?

>> No.20986795

>cars are not made of iron but steel stupid faggot
steel is made from iron you fucktard

>> No.20987133

The fox is resting, with a lovely eulogy from op.

>> No.20987140

I saw a guy beating up a little dog. I did nothing. I still think about it.

>> No.20987231

I remember driving past a squirrel with its head squashed like a grape on a beautiful sunny day once and I was so mad some faggot on his iphone decided to rip the sun away from that poor fella. I hate this shit planet

>> No.20987315

You're all a bunch of purple queers hahaha. Ya, go to mass and cry about baby animals you fucking homos. Jesus would think you're a pussy.

>> No.20987349
File: 294 KB, 569x1600, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? Contemplating your mortality and the mortality of all living things in a gore pancake is exactly what Christ would do.

>> No.20987674

Jesus was literally based on Satan, icchantika.
I slit your beloved Jew's throat, crack open its skull, and remove its brain, forcing you Spiritual Semites to eat it. Stupid fucking Christcucks. I'd rather see your corpses strewn across the road instead of animals.
Go suck your beloved Jew's dick on the cross a bit more.
There is no such thing as a good Christian, Muslim, or Jew. Industrialization was the fault of your false Abrahamism. Every single Christian, Muslim, and Jew deserves to die, including the woman and children. I'd use your corpses for decorating flower. I'd rather see the decapitated heads of Abrahamists on the roads rather than animals.
If I had my way, I would put an iron bar through your heads and gouge out your eyes. Then I would laugh as you helplessly crawl around screaming, "JEWSUS, OH MY JEWSUS!" Die and eat shit in hell, motherfucker.

Reading this always makes me feel good:
>It was a man and he was begging, and pleading, and praying, I guess. And he was 'Please, God' and all over the place. So I told him he could have a half an hour to pray to God and if God could come down and change the circumstances, he'd have that time. But God never showed up and He never changed the circumstances and that was that.

Yeah, yeah crying it up. Jewsus is the metaphysical abomination of pure evil.

>> No.20987679


>> No.20987704

Funny how /lit/ turned what could've been an interesting thread into
>muh industrial society!!1!

>> No.20987708

>using the word "pussy" to refer to things you find undesirable and is repulsed by
Great job outing yourself faggot.

>> No.20987712

Nice little rhyme, animals and nature don't deserve to live in such a clown world, if only we all knew what we were doing. RIP Fox, vale you beautiful creature.

>> No.20987832


>> No.20987848

Maybe a mangled cat walking?

When I was a kid I saw a cat being run over, his head smashed, and still contorting itself for some time, moving a lot really

Really fucked me up then, but thanks for reminding me

>> No.20987863

Posts like these serve as a reminder that heaven and hell are not destinations in afterlife but rather the state of your soul in both life and death. You are already in Hell anon.

>> No.20987869

As much as we wanna claim the magic of mass, dead things usually don't walk. It was probably a mangy cat.

>> No.20987892

There was absolutely nothing special about Jewsus who confined the sacred dimension to his infernal flesh. A true teacher who point to the true nature of reality that all sentient beings share, including the unfortunate fox, whereas Jewsus just narcissistically pointed to himself. Go enslave and entrap your soul some more, icchantika.

>> No.20987923

>who point
would* point

>> No.20987974

Based. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for foxes.

>> No.20988022 [DELETED] 

W-what do you think steel is made of, anon?8vvas

>> No.20988028
File: 144 KB, 1440x1080, pondering crow by Steve GM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have preferred being a happy corvid or cetacean during a time with no man.

>> No.20988036

rest in peace, you poor thing