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20985011 No.20985011 [Reply] [Original]

I frequently see left leaning Christians say things like “Jesus would hate you guys if he saw you” when talking to right leaning ones. They’re usually implying that showing prejudice against groups (usually homosexuals) is against what he was about. Is this true? One could argue in favor, by highlighting his statements on judging others and hanging out with lower members of society. But would he really be pro LGBT and such if he were walking around today?

>> No.20985068
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If he saw what his own doctrine has lead to he would disavow it

>> No.20985074

He'd probably be cool with the gays, I'll go ask him

>> No.20985102
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You should try reading the Bible, Jesus is explicitly racist and sexist.

>> No.20985149

I think Jesus would "hate" everyone living today, but also he "hated" people living back in his day because sinfulness is a part of the human condition that doesn't change. Perhaps the general issue of today is that people (from all political sides) are too judgemental and focused on the moral superiority of their political side rather than one's personal fallibility and sin (but this here could be survivorship bias, a humble man won't be advertising himself on instagram). left wing and right wing aren't objective or inherent categories and people should stop treating them as such, direction-brainism is the worst mental disease of the current age

>> No.20985199

What does lit think about this thread in lgbt? I clicked on the board by mistake and saw a religious thread. Still thinking about it

>> No.20985201

Jesus said many things. One of those things was indeed "do not judge" but that gets grossly taken out of context. Jesus commands us not to judge hypocritically but rather to "first cast out the beam out of thine own eye" so that you can "see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
As for hanging out with lower members of society, He didn't live and dine with unrepentant sodomites, He lived and dined with those who came to Him for forgiveness. Modern homosexuals see nothing sinful about their own behavior, therefore they are not in the same category.

>> No.20985227
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Everything about this video feels wrong, both morally and legally.

>> No.20985367

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Mathew 5:17

People get confused because they make homosexuality an identity instead of it just being a degenerate act. People call themselves gay instead of just saying they have a certain vice. So when the Bible condemns homosexuality they take it as a disavowing of who they are because they have so closely associated themselves with the sin that they can't differentiate themselfs from the action. It really is an amazing thing the devil has done. He tricked an entire generation into taking an identity that is ungodly, and convincing people that they are born that way. (I will say the Bible teaches that people are born in sin, so it makes sense that some people are born with a penchant for sodomy, just like some are born prone to anger, malice, lying, etc.)
The bottom line and the one that people who like to toy around with religious thoughts and words over and over without ever committing to anything is that we ALL have to be born again by faith in Christ. All have fallen short of the glory of God and God will require payment from us. He gave us a way out by faith in Christ. It's not about western society, captilalism, gender, sexuality, or whatever. The fact of the matter is that the Bible verified itself with prophecy, historical efficacy, Meta Narrative, Contextual consistency and the like, so we find ourselves in a position where we have to make a choice whether to believe in Jesus Christ and be born again.
Like the sodomite is born with a proclivity to commit sodomy, so he must be born again. Just like you, whatever your sin is, you have to be born again. When you are you will love holiness genuinely, and pursue it with a passion for it that you now have for sin and self.

>> No.20985384

>Jesus would hate you if
well you can safely disregard anything they say.