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/lit/ - Literature

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20983344 No.20983344 [Reply] [Original]

the greatest author of the 19th century
this is unarguable, and the fact that 90% of /lit/ have not heard of him is proof that this board is full of midwits and pseuds

>> No.20983552

Not a good introduction, anon. You make your author look bad. Eat shit.

>> No.20984300

If it isn't Chateaubriand then you're dead wrong, but if it is then good for you, I guess.

>> No.20984388

He cute

>> No.20984402

who dis

>> No.20984446

fucking retards
even balzac, wilde, all acknowledged maturins superiority
this board is inhabited by retarded zoomers who think blood meridian is peak literature and cannot name a pre 1900s author

>> No.20984476

You totally BTFO'd us, maturinfag, now post some of his writing. You did read him didn't you? This isn't mere namedropping, now is it???

>> No.20984480

>now post some of his writing
imagine being so ignorant you don't know one of the most famous gothic novels in all of history
fucking midwits on this board

>> No.20984494
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>> No.20984505

>/lit/ not only refuses to talk literature but actively avoids doing so
>this is ignoring the newfag dead giveaway that the newfag's a newfag which is assuming an elitist position while being openly, unironically aggressive about it
maturinfag, i-

>> No.20984506

A bit off topic but why is Blood Meridian so hated? Yeah it’s not the GREATEST thing ever written but it’s a damn good book and we should be happy it’s as popular as it is. For all the contempt others rightfully evoke in us, we have to live with them no matter what. Humanity is an archipelago, each island only a stoned throw away

>> No.20984527

imagine not knowing what melmoth the wanderer is and seething about it
because retards on this site who have only ever read video game novelisations pick it up because they see it on le ebin /lit/ recommendations, read it and think it's le greatest novel ever written

>> No.20984548

It's a shitty, unfunny thread and you're a nigger

>> No.20984572
File: 14 KB, 378x383, IMG_20220909_193208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the greatest author of the 19th century is a cute twink
NOW I'm interested

>> No.20984753

it wasn't meant to be funny, zoomer
maturin is the greatest author of the 19th century and you cannot argue against that

>> No.20984781

Those're some smooth looking cheeks, boy

>> No.20986455

If it isn't Chateaubriand then you're dead wrong, but if it is then good for you, I guess.

>> No.20986713

That’s easy, we don’t read.