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20980877 No.20980877 [Reply] [Original]

>a staunch advocate of eating meat because Wagner was a vegetarian

is this peak philosophy?

>> No.20981001

I think he did plagiarise Dostojewski

>> No.20981311

Everything Nietzsche ever wrote can be linked to Wagner.

>> No.20981364

Nietzsche's entire philosophy is just being anti-Wagner.

>Wagner is a German nationalist
>I will be anti German nationalism
>Wagner is an antisemite
>I will be a philosemite
>Wagner is a Christian
>I will be anti Christian
>Wagner hates the Old Testament
>I will like the Old Testament
>Wagner likes Schopenhauer
>I will hate Schopenhauer
>Wagner likes Beethoven
>I will say Schubert is better
>Wagner likes Homer
>I will say Hesiod is better
>Wagner likes theatre
>I will hate theatre

>> No.20981383

Can't we have a Nietzche general to keep all the autistic edgelords in one place?

>> No.20981565


In Beyobd Good an Evil section 56, Nietzsche straight up says his work is an attempt to create the antithesis of Schopenhauer's philosophy:

Whoever has endeavored with some enigmatic longing, as I have, to think pessimism through to its depths and to liberate it from the half-Christian, half-German narrowness and simplicity in which it has finally presented itself to our century, namely, in the form of Schopenhauer’s philosophy; whoever has really, with an Asiatic and supra-Asiatic eye, looked into, down into the most world-denying of all possible ways of thinking—beyond good and evil and no longer, like the Buddha and Schopenhauer, under the spell and delusion of morality—may just thereby, without really meaning to do so, have opened his eyes to the opposite ideal: the ideal of the most high-spirited, alive, and world-affirming human being who has not only come to terms and learned to get along with whatever was and is, but who wants to have what was and is repeated into all eternity, shouting insatiably da capo—not only to himself but to the whole play and spectacle, and not only to a spectacle but at bottom to him who needs precisely this spectacle—and who makes it necessary because again and again he needs himself—and makes himself necessary—What? And this wouldn’t be—circulus vitiosus deus?

>> No.20981588

Wagner's and Schopennhauer's philosophy aren't the same, and it was Wagner who was the decisive individual Nietzsche was reacting against.

>> No.20981657

early humans ate copious amount of meat. Those that didn't ate more nuts and suffered from tooth decay. Diet affects evolution and vegetarians are in a sense degenerative.

>> No.20982195

Dangerously based. Wagner, I mean.