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/lit/ - Literature

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20979125 No.20979125 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys even decisive enough to read books on your own? Only reason I ask is because I keep seeing posts and threads about anons incapable of reading books here and need others to decide for them.

>> No.20979141

I usually do

>> No.20979158

depends on what you mean. some times I will see a book and think that it looks interesting and that I might want to read it but I usually do a little research that includes reviews and summaries before I do. most of the books I read come from hearing about them from some podcast or reading list or something like that that covers topics Im interested in. Do you think that there is something wrong with wanting to know if something is in your wheel house before you commit time to it?

>> No.20979267

Not him, but I have noticed people mentioning that they either read half the book or 3/4 of the book but can't decide to continue, same when it comes to reading trilogies, they either read 2 out of the 3 books, yet somehow, they can't decide to finish it. At times, makes me think its bots.

>> No.20979863

Yeah Ive seen that too. I guess that kind of adds to my point in that I have never really given up on a book or series (though I dont read that many series because I do think that many of them cant possibly hold up for as long as the series is) and I attribute that to knowing what I am getting into before hand to some extent. I wonder how many anons actually do that often though. like if someone just constantly can not get through things wouldnt you think they would re evaluate if the types of things they are reading is really what they want (obviously not if they are bots lol)?