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20978876 No.20978876 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women portrayed in such a negative light in this series

>> No.20978922


>> No.20978932
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>> No.20978940

Boring thread.

>> No.20978944

Chinese women are awful.

>> No.20978961

>ricecels being ricecels
>chinsect propaganda obsession with west = effemminate = bad
>expedient to keep the plot going after the original author was de-facto replaced
As usual, China is its own worst saboteur.

>> No.20978999

Anon, in ancient China weren't even named. You tell me.

>> No.20979016

female protag of book 2 was pretty fun desu

>> No.20979025

book 2 doesn't have a female protag

>> No.20979033

ching chong ping pong

>> No.20979047

Wtf that's based.

>> No.20979086


they aren't and anyone who thinks they were is illiterate or a liberal, which is just being being literature and then pretending not to be.

>> No.20979425

Ordered, thanks OP

>> No.20979915

shut the fuck up

>> No.20980467

The third book is about a woman making the worst possible decisions on every scale and continually dooming billions because she doesn't listen to the men around her.

>> No.20981758

I thought it wasn't too out of the ordinary for a lot of sci fi, been a while since i read it though so i could be remembering it being less overt than it is

>> No.20981985

That's racist. We accept all cultures and peoples over here on /lit/. The one thing we don't tolerate though is intolerance. You don't just go around telling people to shut up just because they're speaking Chinese. Now fuck off back to /pol/ you fucking chud.

>> No.20982034

>>expedient to keep the plot going after the original author was de-facto replaced
Wait, what? Explain?

>> No.20982248

There's a fourth bookk or something with a different author

>> No.20983179

it's a fanfic that gained enough traction to get published, assuming you're talking about The Redemption of Time.

>> No.20983986
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>dat feel when everyone online is suddenly shilling the Dandelion Dynasty
Is it actually any good or just "muh non-huwhite author" craze?

>> No.20984283

I had a screenshot of an interview with Liu where he said he was pressured to endorse it and that it sapped his future plans with the 3BP universe. I can't find it, but yeah, apparently he was forced to endorse it.

My recommendation for people who liked the trilogy and want more like it is just to read Ball Lightning.

>> No.20984292
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Why are you re-posting from /sffg/?

>> No.20984530
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Women are portrayed as women.

Society had become soft and feminine after decades of trisolaran of cultural propaganda. Whatsherface was chosen as swordholder because she reflected this new diverse and inclusive society who had forgotten the reality of the brinksmanship they were involved in. They literally wanted to persecute Wang despite everything he had done because he was viewed as a hardliner. The trisolarans state that if society had chosen the "would you sell your mother to a whorehouse?" guy they wouldn't have acted due to his absolute cold bloodedness.

We live in a society.

>> No.20984639

How did that work? Did they just say, "Hey! You! Come here!"

>> No.20984675

Nihaou, Chinamanon here. Let me tell you why. It's because woman suck.

>> No.20984773

based spoiler-anon crushing any dissenting opinions by asserting FACTS and LOGIC

>> No.20985858

Ball Lightning was very bad compared to the trilogy. Not worth reading imo.

>> No.20985925

women can't wallface

>> No.20986027

yeah but men went like 0-for-5 on wallfacing too

>> No.20986464


>> No.20986575


>> No.20986586

>why are leaves described as green in this novel

>> No.20986610

redoubled my dislike of fanfics after reading it

>> No.20986631

ye was probably the only half decent character in this shitshow. maybe because her cold character best suited the writer.
i'm not sure if the book was shit, or just the translation.

>> No.20986663

Because the author is brainwashed by authoritarian communism instead of authoritarian feminism. I wonder if he genuinely belives all the stuff he said, or it’s just something you’ve gotta say when your famous in China.

>> No.20986838

Luo's the best bar none