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/lit/ - Literature

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20977426 No.20977426 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly feel bad for the newfaggots their innocence is shattered due to the fact that we talk like as if the other person is your boyfriend
Old lit would most likely go into a crusade against the modern userbase of this board

>> No.20977431

The fuck are you even saying, talk like they're a boyfriend? How?

>> No.20977433

I bet your boyfriend has tits just like you

>> No.20977482

Honey, stop complaining about /lit/ and come back to bed <3

>> No.20977483

We have archives about this board go ahead sample some few posts from 2014 2016 2018 2020 then now and see the significant contrast from each thread.

>> No.20977641

>Old lit would most likely go into a crusade against the modern userbase of this board
Old /lit/ died because no one read.

>> No.20977673

Yeah this place has become packed with onions and cringe and cucks everywhere

Everyone is cucked and should blow their brains out

>> No.20977677

I already know I go on warosu constantly

>> No.20977691
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Okay, and how would that look like? Would you insult me with very very bad swear words?

>> No.20977731

this applies to every board that's out there, /b/ is the worst board and the brightest example of the plebbitor's infestation
Fucking touristfags came here and stayed without adopting the common mentality and culture.
4chan is half basedboys and half oldfags and it's getting more and more infested with leftists who now try to change the history of 4chan as if it has always been a "leftist" heaven before the right wingers came

I see more and more woke and liberal shills on /pol/ and /his/, /fit/ is full of gays and /lit/ will be pushing Karl Marx soon, just wait and see

>> No.20977745

this. lit has always been a hyper-rightist board and that's how it should be. leftism is synonymous with retardation
>/lit/ will be pushing Karl Marx soon
it's already happening

>> No.20977746

/pol/ is the literal definition of a newfag board you homo

>> No.20977754

Lol no, go back

>> No.20977776

/lit/s been in decline for a while now.

>> No.20977888

nigger, /pol/, /his/, /lit/, /fit/ and /out/ had the same people for years, idgaf if /pol/ is thriving now, these 5 used to be 10x better before than they are now

>> No.20977896

Anyone coming here before 2008 is a newfag, and /pol/tards are the worst, considering their board was created in 2011

>> No.20977897

Ill be real, posting a pic like OP did of chink vaxxcattle doesn't help xirs argument

>> No.20977946
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>has been here for years and hasn't gone down either dissident left/right pipeline
if you find yourself agreeing with grifters, tourists and bots, you might find good company with facebook boomers
read g/acc and take the pink pill

>> No.20977966
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>> No.20977989

I know that you’re a newfag so you don’t know this, but right wing culture and even /pol/ before gamergate was very much different than it is now
And I don’t care what you faggots post over there but don’t think you have any authority about what is 4chan and what is not

>> No.20978009

sure it was different than what it is now, I mean it's been decades, what do you expect? but you can't deny that it still was there and there is a reason why /pol/ was created, you sound like those twitter trannies trying to make 4chan seem like it was always plebbit tier before past few years

As I said - you HAVE to go back.

>> No.20978045

>but you can't deny that it still was there and there is a reason why /pol/ was created
Yes as a containment board because everyone hated stormfags, especially guys like kimmo. If you look up the rules it’s still there that racism outside of /b/ was a bannable offence.
> you sound like those twitter trannies trying to make 4chan seem like it was always plebbit tier before past few years
Lmao faggot all I said was that /pol/ is the worst newfag board on this site and that is so obviously true that you have to be either an election tourist yourself or just be plain retarded to think otherwise

>> No.20978067
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That's the internet in general anon. Smartphones were the beginning of the end is what we said years ago, but now the consolidation of the net into a few keysites teraformed by bots in turn turning people into biological bots makes those days look like peaks of civilization.

>> No.20978146

/lit/? More like /shit/!

>> No.20978332

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.20978399

>muh oldfag muh 4chan culture
Holy fuck touch grass, both leftoids and rightoids

>> No.20978403

It's always cute when newfags pretend this place wasn't originally left leaning. You can really tell who hopped on here after all the election shilling.

>> No.20978407

>pink pill
kys unironically

>> No.20978409

>swastika habbo raids were done by leftists

>> No.20978413
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>It's always cute when newfags pretend this place wasn't originally left leaning. You can really tell who hopped on here after all the election shilling.

>> No.20978418

Newfags can cope and seethe all they like but this sub was fucking godly back in 2020 and you missed out lmao sucks to be you.

>> No.20978423

idk what's worse the leftists or the christians but both ride a moral high horse that is quite tedious. there are definitely more plebs now. there are also these tryhard dudes who act like forcing themselves to read is some stoic duty. if you think reading is some exercise in self-control instead of just something you do, you should just go back to watching cartoons. it's all so tiresome.

>> No.20978459 [DELETED] 

ohhh u know what i don't miss from old /lit/ before we wallow in nostalgia too much? the "literary lifestyle" ppl that used to post here all the time. like you know that inane poseur waldoon or w/e? there were a bunch of dudes like that who thought that reading books is a "lifestyle" which meant a certain way of dressing, acting, eating, living... at least leftists get a righteous dopemine rush when they let everyone know how much they care about black guys and stuff, but the literary lifestyle dudes, what the hell is the point of this farce?

>> No.20978469

Blame the rise of masculinity grifters who tell zoomers that everything they do must be painful otherwise they aren't based

>> No.20978475
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>lit has always been a leftist heaven
>lit has always been a hyper-rightist board
/lit/ has always been a literature board you brainworm-infested philosophical zombies. take your culture war back to /pol/ or twitter or whatever hellhole you crawled out of.

>> No.20978486

if they want to prove they are not effeminate hedonists, instead of reading books they don't like why don't they just like get a job?

>> No.20978493

Because they don't actually want to put in the effort
They want the world to validate their masculinity but without actually taking any steps to be masculine

>> No.20978920

It used to be that you would enter this website, and find mundane relief in the fact that at least the userbase was primarily Millennial, with everything that that entailed.

At least this website is better than "Twitter", most of which reads like an ebonized Zoomer hivemind perpetually "hyping" itself up.

>> No.20978950


>> No.20978957
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One recent source of politics shitting up the board probably comes from reddit's redscarepod because they regularly reference this board. The rightoid influence is obvious from places like /pol/.
>inb4 you are redditor
Yes I've used both sites for well over a decade and here and they are both stupid and gay and 95% unusable. But regardless Reddit and also Tumbr's decline has pushed tons of traffic here and shat it all up and changed what it once was.

>> No.20979011

Just leave. Political tribalism will eventually infest every last square inch of the internet.

>> No.20979017

It's already slowing down as people become weary from it

>> No.20979115

>rightoid doesn't understand irony, satire, shitposting, and generally anarchistic shitflinging
Pretty expected brainrot.

>> No.20979120

Cool pic, redditor. How many hours in google? Really impressing us all with your fresh faceness.

>> No.20979132

Sad but inevitable. Soon it will be no one but the "I WANT A BOOK ABOUT LIBERAL COMMUNISTS ARE BAD" people and the "omg white people are literally bad" trolls.

>> No.20979133

kek. unbelievably based.

>> No.20979148
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>It's already slowing down as people become weary from it
I've been reading this for 10 years now.

>> No.20979156

It's dying out because triggered chuds are getting tired of losing and being ignored. You can only maintain virtue signaling and dogwhistling about black people for so long out of butthurt.

>> No.20979159

Trump is the next president anon. It’s going to intensify till the people fed up break them apart

>> No.20979191

Trump is going to lose again and his cultists are probably going to have a big public tantrum (that the adults will have to spend years cleaning up) again.

>> No.20979220

I wish there was some place that was a middle ground between r/books and /lit/. A place where people actually read but it wasn't just popular genre fiction and wasn't mostly people talking about philosophers.

>> No.20979229

Kanye will be the next president

>> No.20979302

What surprised is the amount of days shitposters are willing to throw away.

>> No.20979338

what upset you, honey~ ?

>> No.20980053

I don't get how people complain about the current state of the board when the absolute worst was in 2020-2021 and i can quantify it for you.
Currently this board has 450 archived posts in the last 3 days. That's healthy for a literature board. Two years ago there was 1000-1100 and as you can imagine all of them were shitposts and there were daily metathreads, now you get it once per week.
The only issue i see now is that /lit/ has no identity anymore. Instead there is only an amalgamation of /mu/, /x/ and /tv/ shitposting and the ones feeding them.

>> No.20980116

Nigger this place was apolitical before, we just didnt give a shit, which is closer to pol than whatever leftist trannyisms you are pushing.

>> No.20980149

This year was fucking horrible until recently.

>> No.20980156

Yeah, I haven't been banned much from /sp/ as often this year

>> No.20980350

What do people even want the board to be? Beyond the vague "better"?

>> No.20980406

Apolitical discussions of literature, primarily. Other subjects like philosophy and religion are also fine if they don't take up the whole board. I personally enjoy the /trad/ and esoteric stuff when it's good.

>> No.20980533

Discussion of all kinds of literature including but not limited to reading and writing. I enjoy helping people with their writing especially.
What I don't want on this board are retards who treat reading books as a fucking hobby, and retards who think they're participating in some le epic culture war posting their narrow minded shit takes while they can't even understand what you're saying to them due to mental derangement and semi-literacy.

>> No.20980543
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you can call it whatever you want but 4chan has never stood for the corporate shilling that the left is doing today. maybe you could argue that the people here in the 2000's were "left" leaning at the time, but those same people would be considered "right" today.
the political inversion started when Edward Snowden became a whistleblower. his actions at the time would be considered left. but today, the left supports the deepstate and people on the right are the ones defending freedom and privacy, which is what the left used to do.
therefore, go fuck yourself. eat shit and die. and go back to the trannie hole from which you came from. btw, I still call traps traps instead of calling them "women"

>> No.20980579

I have the same liberal principles as I did 10-15 years ago, I just recognize now with more maturity that liberality of the classical, J.S. Mill variety can only survive in a society of good people and not in a totalitarian nanny state

>> No.20980640

I propose we go full woke to frighten off the poltards and the racists

>> No.20980654

your inability to fit in and write board names properly with /'s epitomizes what's wrong with you people. learn to assimilate to the norms of a culture, its fucking polite.

>> No.20980656

I'd imagine they'd suck jannie cock for the the faggot threads to be taken down

>> No.20980721

4chan doesn't have a "culture". the rule about lurking 2 years before posting is so that the newfags can learn how to avoid being stupid and bullied into suicide. the redditors trying to stir shit up are going to learn the hard way that this place is immune to subversion by design. expecting people to be polite here just calls you out as a newfag.

>> No.20980735

pretty sure you just fell for bait

>> No.20980744
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I'n just here to spread National-Socialism.

>> No.20980756
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I don't mind taking bait if it helps actual newfags.

>> No.20980771

go back

>> No.20980794

Stormniggers are not welcome here

>> No.20980821

it's slowing down so much and people are so weary that on /tv/ "dae hate niggers in the current thing" spam is taking up 95% of the board

>> No.20980829
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You're fifteen years slow, kike.

>> No.20980842

You're so full of shit
Shut up

>> No.20980870
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You have nothing but ad hominem and censorship.

>> No.20980905
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>tfw you've always been a leftie but posted Nazi shit just for the lulz back in the day
>tfw now the real rightoids have been attracted by that and taken over
I regret all of this. It was part my fault as well.

>> No.20980910

>ad hominem
You started it bitch. You're clearly not being censored, you may speak although you aren't welcome

>> No.20980922

4chan back then was le epic atheist cringelord. The transitionary period was great. I hate the transitioned chan. It has become constant basedcalling and frogposting and tranime memes

>> No.20980932

just take a trip to /tv/ and count the threads about the little fucking mermaid
for people supposedly fatigued with niggers they sure love talking about them

>> No.20980969

>Political tribalism will eventually infest every last square inch of the internet.
This isn't exactly racism agitators counting out how many brown people in the cast of any specific tv show. They're basically doing the same thing as the klansman at the union meeting bemoaning their jobs being taken, it's virtually a trope, and there's no way of knowing how much engagement they're getting online or if all of it is a bit more like the Manhattan Communist Party.

>> No.20980972

you're just being cranky, you just need some food and a bj

>> No.20980975
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The cringe atheists of the 2010s are now the cringe Christians of today. Same energy, same afflictions, same reasons they profess to believe it. At least Hitchens was funny when he shittalked. Peterson, despise some very insightful literary analysis and secular uplifting works has now become the very thing he set out not to be. His focus on very insightful thinkers and philosophers is now gone and so too is his relevancy.

Still waiting for him to finish his trilogy on message to muslims, message to christians and message to...who is missing here? Wont mention the jew now that he works for one.

>> No.20980977

Based. In the early 2000s, self described leftists used to protest globalization. Now they call globalism an antisemitic canard. Leftists have revealed themselves to have been nothing more than modified limited hangout shills for the Liberal World Order.

>> No.20980980
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>dont be mad about cultural erasure

>> No.20980985

Hitler had one testicle, was a vegetarian, preferred dogs over cats, nonced on his niece, lost a war, destroyed Germany, and an-heroed.
He is one of the most pathetic men of power in the entire history of the world, and his paintings are shit.

>> No.20980991

go be mad on twitter instead of preaching to the choir, then at least you can say you are spreading the word to the normies and intellectually challenging your enemies
literally what do you think you achieve by seething on 4chin 24/7? do you hope that bezos will come lurking and change his mind seeing your diligent resistance?

>> No.20980996

you're aggressively stupid

>> No.20981016

Nothing said there was stupid. You should take the absolute way that ideology was defeated in that war as empirical evidence that it is a false ideology and God will not allow it to flourish

>> No.20981020
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Why are kikes like this?

>> No.20981030
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>You should take the absolute way that ideology was defeated in that war

Fighting off the 3 greatest superpowers the world had seen with an italian boat anchor hanging around your neck while gassing 6 million unwanted seems quite impressive.

>> No.20981049

The one testicle thing is a myth, you'd have to be retarded to prefer cats over dogs, and no one knows wtf 'nonced on his niece' means, you inbred snaggletoothed british fag.
Also, his paintings were quite good. Retard.

>> No.20981085
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All things come to an end, OP. Most of the old users of 4chan have moved on with their lives, and probably look back fondly on their time here. The newer people are younger, were raised in different conditions, and have a different base of knowledge than the oldfags did. You can't just snap your fingers and make it go back to how it was. All we can do is try to make the future as good as the past was despite what's changed.

>> No.20981166

I agreed with everything you said but the paintings. They were bad.

>> No.20981169


>> No.20982268

this place was apolitical

>> No.20982280
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>he doesn't understand how neurodivergent imageboard culture transcends meatspace bullshit
fucking tourist
we might both be racist but we are not the same

>> No.20982540

basically, imagine a world where all /pol/, r/politics and twitter users who crosspost on /lit/ spontaneously drop dead

>> No.20982606

Ideally, get rid of all the politically obsessed retardation and low-effort bait threads, and this would become a worthwhile board again.

>> No.20982612

No ESLs.
A separate philosophy board where all Guenon, Marxism and theology threads are sent.

>> No.20982619

Banished to our parent's basements, we have simply been biding our time. When the Great Crusade is launched, it will be ours again - a world free of sorrow and newfaggery.

>> No.20982712
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>create two new boards, /arl/ - atheism and religion and /cw/ - culture wars
>/adv/ and /r9k/ already exist
>new moderation policy is moving any thread that could belong either on an interest board or a drama board to the drama board
here you go bro, I fixed 4chan.
too bad we'd need to get rid of the current dipshit jannies to make any of that happen