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File: 919 KB, 1740x2164, Noam_Chomsky_portrait_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20973550 No.20973550 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not ready to let him go.

>> No.20973570

he has jew magic keeping him alive you'll die before he does

>> No.20973595

has he ever been right? even once?

>> No.20973614

Yeah. A lot.
Important lesson about the call for lockdowns and the lesser of two evils is that you should let democracy, direct democracy weed out the poor advice even a wise elder may give out from time to time.
Syndicalism? a half measure.

>> No.20973619

His death will finally free linguistics

>> No.20973620


>> No.20973625


>> No.20973629
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His Lex Fridman podcast was enlightening, but boy oh boy he sounded like he was on his last breath.

>> No.20973636

i personally agree with his views on grammar being innate

>> No.20973641

I have enormous contempt for him. The fact that he has been able to make a career for himself and be widely thought of as an "anti-interventionist" is a fucking crime

>> No.20973643

He was wrong twice. About lock downs and voting for the lesser of two evils.
I don't even want a world of wise kings, even if you could get such a thing. A council of elders telling the young what to do isn't ideal either. Only one system can work.

>> No.20973644 [DELETED] 

Good riddance. Shlomo Zizzek next.

>> No.20973649

Žižek is based fuck you

>> No.20974084

the last honest american

>> No.20974140

>mmhm vote Democr-ACK

>> No.20974174

Why though, as much as I like Chomsky you know that even despite his contributions to linguistics he is also the one to stop so much progress in the field simply bc ppl worship him and his ego. Not to mention he basically does not read hard philosophy bc he dngaf about it and rather material/class issues(but he really should he's turned into a western cuck). I like Chomsky still but he is stuck in the past and also his own ego, not too dissimilar to where zizek is too now; a bunch of western cucks.

>> No.20974175

Does anyone have the ascending brain meme about American intervention where Chomsky is the middle one?

>> No.20974183


he's one of the most humble public figures of our time

>> No.20974198

No you're definitely wrong. Lesser of two evils in his case actually is the greater of two evils and lockdowns were a mistake. Also his whole idea that "red, white & blue man bad" is based in Jewish neuroticism.

>> No.20974215

He was 100% right about the subjacency principle

>> No.20974219

So humble that he stayed at MIT just so he can play both sides!

>> No.20974304

LMAO that's such an idiotic take.

>> No.20974315

I was trying to say that these two occasions he was wrong. It’s bad political advice to try and vote as left as you can, because in the end they’re just giving you one choice between two rightwingers.
And the lockdowns made no medical sense. The strategy didn’t work and he should have used his podium to promote the Great Barrington Declaration.
Don’t know what this red white and blue man bad line is about. Patriotism for any state leads to wars and pandemics. Honest anarchism has known this for ages. You ought to learn it too. Stop being a liberal capitalist cuck

>> No.20974319

The lockdowns were not a mistake, the mistake was that they were not enacted earlier.

>> No.20974328

I get that but what does liberal capitalism have to do with fascism, which is equally patriotic unless you have some underhanded explanation that "le fascism is capitalism in decay" in which America has always been "le fascist" even though the majority of its scholars know its origins are in the left?

>> No.20974332

I bet you're triple vaxxed

>> No.20974360

This is wrong though. China and other places did early lockdowns. They have negligible effects. What we should have done is tried to do soft lockdowns for the vulnerable population. And welcome the less deadly mutations, not a fucked up vaccine.

Liberal capitalism falls into crisis periodically and people’s movements rise up to throw it off. Because some people know what’s to blame. Fascism is a pack of power hungry reactionary rightwing IDpol dogs. Rabidly patriotic/nationalist, but not any bit inward protectionist, the opposite in fact. They’re expansionist thieves. It isn’t underhanded to point it out
>a majority of its scholars knows its origins are in the left
Liberalism isn’t leftism is how you explain that

>> No.20974396

oh shut up

>> No.20974439

If you want to go look up the reported Chinese deaths and judge that growth from when they went into lockdown.
Other countries which went into lockdown comparatively earlier had less infection and deaths.
The soft-lockdown may have been an idea, but you can also compare the death rates of places which had soft-lockdown to places which had early lockdown.
The actual more important lesson is to close the borders and keep them closed if you want close to zero pandemic fatalities, you can see countries where they enforced quarantine earlier had lower fatality rates.
It's important to understand all these things so that the future may have a better reaction than we had.

>> No.20974446

Yes he seems to be right about most things outside of politics. People just bitch about him because of politics, cuz no world exists to them outside of that. Chomsky is a scientist and a philosopher. He's one of very few philosophical commentators I find convincing, he has read just about everything. It's sad that he's been reduced to a picture of a pop intellectual who means nothing outside of politics

>> No.20974485

>Facing criticism, Obama’s defenders say that the United States can’t do any more than it’s already doing, and that a military intervention to restore the constitutional president to power would be absolutely unacceptable. Putting things in these terms, the White House washes its hands and ends up favoring, albeit indirectly, the position of the coup perpetrators.
If the White House were to […] bureaucratically stifle the remittances of Honduran immigrants to the U.S. without further delay, as well as warn U.S. businesses that they must plan for a rapid withdrawal from Honduras, Micheletti and his gang would last less than the blink of an eye. If the immediate recall of the U.S. Ambassador in Honduras and the instant interruption of all forms of economic or military aid were added, while the White House asked its European friends to abstain from relations with Tegucigalpa, the days of the putschists would be numbered. Does Obama have the necessary courage to impose this alternative? Or is he resigned to being a simple figurehead for a reactionary alliance that experienced its most glorious days during the years of George W. Bush?

- Noam Chomsky

Utterly damning.

>> No.20974494

Lockdowns like China is doing are just delaying the inevitable. Now they are stuck wondering if they are going to close the country off for the next hundred years. The us did fine and we know that because there was no collapse of the medical system. That’s as much lockdown as you need to deal with a pandemic. A new virus has to blow through. You cannot stop it. Any other solution is not realistic and also goes against the laws of nature. We are alive today because our ancestors withstood the plague. You cannot have a fragile population of people with the immunity of an aids victim. People have to die in a pandemic. This is a rule of nature.

>> No.20974504


It's too bad he didn't die while Trump was president, that would have been delicious. I'm good with the final Fuck You of replacing RBG, that WAS delicious. Not two years later they overturn Roe, SCOTUS is a gift that's gonna keep on giving.

>> No.20974512

Lost all respect for him because he wanted to put all the based boys like me into concentration camps and never admitted he was wrong!!!

>> No.20974518

It's not the governments job to protect me from pandemics. Their job is to get out of my face as much as humanly possible.
Any government that enforced lockdowns failed in its basic mission as a government

>> No.20974522

By soft lockdowns i mean targeted lockdowns. The weak and elderly, the vitamin D deficient etc. that’s who needed sheltering
Closing borders is always a bad idea. Again I say. We needed to let the virus mutate into the less deadly variant it has now become (not deadly anymore. No one dies of omicron)

>> No.20974688

Are you never going to give him up?

>> No.20974706

We didn't know how it would mutate, so that's one of those hypothetical in hindsight things right if there's another pandemic and we go ahead and do your soft-lockdown approach and it mutates the other way to more deadly it will be worse.

>> No.20974971

Doctors knew. Not just the people (Americans) at Wuhan who knew all about it.
No known virus with mutate “the other way” because it doesn’t want to kill the host it needs the host to propagate it. It’s natural progression is always to become more catchy and less deadly. It was artificially tweaked to be as deadly as it was.
The US has always been very interested in chemical and biological weapons

>> No.20975190

you don’t have to take the vax, but please take your meds

>> No.20975206

Let's assume that I agree with you that it was a man-made virus, there's no way of knowing that a man-made virus wouldn't mutate to be more deadly

>> No.20975406

I am always baffled by commies who think our current system is liberal. In what way is it liberal? Socially? No. Economically? No.
But of course nothing but their imagined socialist utopia can ever be "leftist" so everything else has to be right wing.
Even though on a grand objective sliding scale of all possible human governments the entire modern discussion is taking place entirely on the far left fringes.

>> No.20975471

Yeah they just don't recognize their own victories as victories, because the fruits of them are so ubiquitous and diffuse that they don't see them. They don't acknowledge things like civil rights and suffrage, etc. as advances made by leftists.

If we were actually existing under "liberal capitalism," we wouldn't have things like aggressive gender and diversity quotas at workplaces. Those were innovations accomplished by leftists that became ubiquitous, so they are no longer recognized as such. Liberal capitalism would just hire the most suited candidate for all work and probably use iq tests to facilitate maximum productivity and efficiency. I'm not advocating for that because there's many problems with it, but we clearly don't have anything close to liberalism in that way

>> No.20975500

has he ever been right? even once?

>> No.20975512

Everyone thinks of the west as liberal democracy. It isn't a genuinely liberated much less democratic system, but this is what they call it. Just understand that it is disingenuous. So Marx and Bakunin had this famous split about the best way out of such duplicity. Bakunin's "commie utopia" is for genuinely liberating democracy by the people and for the people asap.

General right is about staying in a coercive institution. General left is about escaping institutions and their coercions. There are some people who think of themselves as rightwing, but they dislike governments for their taxation and expansionist wars. They are leftwing. Less so if they remain subservient to organized religion, but politically left, no matter what they think.

It does get baffling, I agree. Hope I helped straighten some of it out.

>> No.20975544

>General left is about escaping institutions and their coercions.


>> No.20975545

IQ testing is extremely problematic in light of the fact that IQ tests are only indicative for how good the participant is at IQ tests

>> No.20975568

This. It’s fascinating simply how much he knows. Would be nice to atleast get another few decades out of him.

>> No.20975574

>ITT no one has the faintest awareness of anything outside of politics
>Politics, the shallowest end of human society
>Politics, the least significant area for the scientist and philosopher Noam Chomsky

At this point in life, if you show me a person who has a problem with Noam Chomsky, I can guarantee they're either a politics person or a behaviorist. No exceptions.

>> No.20975585

Voting isn't democracy
Capitalism prevents liberty because "free markets" free the sociopath to do anything he wants including taking others freedoms away.

Gender studies and cooked up race riots are a circus to distract the identity warriors. What started under the civil rights movement and the ERA has been replaced by this clown show... Okay repeating myself

It isn't a team, it is an ideology. It is the freedom people have wanted well before the USA, well before the Diggers and the True Diggers, before even Attila the Hun. It is that tendency that we all have.
But are you the one who wishes for more disciplinary measures from your father? Do you want to join the army or establish a dictatorship? Have a strong president for life declare a national religion and all who aren't of that faith be deported? You that one?

>> No.20975621

I already stated that I don't advocate for their use in workplaces because there are many important things related to job performance that are not directly related to intelligence. But IQ measurements are basically proxies for intelligence. The higher you score, the more intelligent you are generally. Nevertheless, our system is not one of liberal capitalism. Quotas for gender and race would not exist if it was.

>> No.20975643

are you joking

>> No.20975693


This post is in special bad faith because of how much of his work was concerned with politics. Like going to a Mexican restaurant and complaining about all the Mexican food that's available.

>> No.20975742

Chompsky wrong on his universal Grammer shit, prana language not determinate on recursion. Speaking as a previous Anarcho-syndicalist reading only chompsky gets you CHAZ/CHOP in the end everytime.

>> No.20975743

It's not in bad faith. I know he did a lot in politics. But he is not a political commentator first. He is a scientist and a philosopher who also engages politics. And it is extremely telling to me that all anyone has to say regarding Chomsky is concerning politics.

>Like going to a Mexican restaurant and complaining about all the Mexican food that's available.
Lmfao what
It's not a Mexican restaurant. It's a Chinese restaurant with a couple Mexican items on the menu, and everyone calls it a bad Mexican restaurant. This analogy is a complete failure I'm sorry

>> No.20975800


"Hey everybody, why are you eating all these dozens of popular Mexican items on the menu? Don't you know this place started out Chinese before it became primarily known to the public for its Mexican dishes? And did you also know that there's really only four or five Mexican menu items because I say so, not several dozen like the menu says? Stop eating all the Mexican food here you plebs!" Also

>scientist, with repeated insistence on the label
now it's my turn to laugh.

>> No.20975894

Chomsky was primarily known to the public for his engagement with psychology and linguistics.
He became primarily known to young pseudointellectuals for his political commentary, because they don't consume anything outside of political commentary.

It is actually very much like taking kids to a restaurant, and they have no idea where they are or what to appreciate, they want pizza and mac n cheese.

>now it's my turn to laugh.
Why so?

>> No.20975935

The left is about creating disorder to profit. It is a strategy, not a platform. That is the only consistency across all the various and diverse leftist movements. Every leftist thing that pops up, whether it's the "latest thing" or a revolution, is just about taking power or resources. That's it. Think of every lefty thing that you can imagine, and then frame it in that context.
Rightism is about preventing that, about maintaining order.

>> No.20975944

What's funny is commies will denounce "idpol" and social justice. But they will never ever actually call out the lie these are based on. They would never say that black underperformance is due to anything besides racism.
So commies agree with all the basic premises of SJWs, but not their conclusions. Also, they are afraid to ever actually contradict the SJWs. So they try to have it both ways. They try to act like they're not about SJWism, while never actually calling it out or going against it.

>> No.20975956

the opposite of conservation is indeed change. So yeah the consistency is given by definition

but no it's not "disorder", you consider leftist changes out of order because you disagree with them. You have the right to disagree but there's something very short sighted in the way you're doing so.

To me, the right looks far more nefarious. Swaying people against science and higher education, making a joke of all environmental concerns, and ironically focusing most of their policies on subtracting from people's liberties. It is strange to behold

>> No.20975975

>To me, the right looks far more nefarious. Swaying people against science and higher education, making a joke of all environmental concerns, and ironically focusing most of their policies on subtracting from people's liberties. It is strange to behold
These things are all fucking lies. We don't need to get into fart sniffing abstractions about the definition of words. We should always ground these conversations back into the real world. And all the things you are defending, that you are basing your worldview on, are lies. It is better to discuss that than what we think words mean. You sound like you believe the official narrative. Well, the official narrative, official science, official truth are all lies. That is what matters.
(So that being the case, my definition of leftism still holds. These were all lies cooked up by people to gain power. For instance, we had a perfectly fine functional energy industry. Then BAM, climatism hits. A bunch of people promote lies, gain a bunch of money and power, and now our energy system is falling to shit.)

>> No.20975990

CIA useful idiot BOZO

>> No.20976020

Social justice would be a very American dream kind of thing, anon. Stop sucking on that bottle of tar.
It's not that leftists "want it both ways" it's that the genuine articles will get specific with you. The riots of 2020 were held so that Woke capitalism could save the day. IDpol is sanitized race war the feds are throwing for you people. Genuine social justice isn't race mixing and pushing your nose in it, it's not cancel culture. Some easily manipulated people, usually younger, are falling for this soft roll out of fascism. You guys are two sides of the same coin.
Unless you're die-hard MAGA or full blown bootlicker, you might *might* actually side with genuine and knowledgeable socialists. And not the crazy people calling themselves right and left.

>> No.20976042

You're living in fantasy land.
You also didn't address any of my points.
Why do blacks underperform?
Unless you say HBD, your argument will essentially be "racism." So then we need to find and eliminate racism, right? So how can you disagree with what the SJWs say? That is what they are doing. Finding and eliminating racism. So where are the wrong? How can you say you are different? You believe the same things. Maybe you think if you do communism all differences will magically disappear. If so you will find yourself in the exact same problem they are in.

>> No.20976044
File: 413 KB, 660x1000, 1662944077379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFOs literally everything you've said

>> No.20976046

>But IQ measurements are basically proxies for intelligence
>The higher you score, the more intelligent you are generally
You should consider posting a frog with this retarded shit

>> No.20976051

>Think of every lefty thing that you can imagine,
I do. And this post of yours in bereft of any political theory and makes no sense to me. I remember growing up in a rightwing family and feeling some of this, but it's wrong. You describe the rightwing in your last line as essentially conservative and subservient to the powers-that-be. That is in fact true. It's not an idea of freedom but complacency. The left want free of institutions and their coercions. Marxist-Leninism and other state-socialist projects believe in what they call a vanguard state as a strategy to reaching freedom someday. Anarchists wish to skip that and go as directly to statelessness as possible, and now for the environment's sake more than ever. They want community and freedom.
I recommend you read William Morris' News From Nowhere to get a glimpse of what utopians want and what capitalists prevent

>> No.20976053

Anyone who denies war crimes including genocide because they were done by commies and then goes "actually Venezuela doesn't count either" after shilling it endlessly has no intellectual merit.

>> No.20976054

Nice refutation, stupid.

>> No.20976057

>don’t let people lock you down
>unless of course it’s through the tyranny of the majority who just got done freebasing CNN and MSNBC
What a hack

>> No.20976067

See my post here >>20975975
Every leftwing claim for freedom ends up being a lie that hurts people

>> No.20976076

>no, working memory, pattern recognition, reaction speed, and many other categories of performance have literally nothing to do with cognitive ability at all and in no way translates to any sort of performance outside of this testing environment

>> No.20976082

Indeed. Nobody even fucking remembers this, but he explicitly advocated for US military intervention in Honduras to remove the conservative Micheletti from power and reinstall the leftist Zelaya; he then insisted that Obama's failure to do so was an example of the United States supporting fascism. What a ghoul

>> No.20976085

IQ tests are pseudoscientific bullshit which are only useful in determining the capability of the subject in performing an IQ test.
They are not a measurement of intellectual capacity, or intelligence, or how clever the subject is unless you are basing intelligence purely on the ability to score high on an IQ test. These are the facts.

>> No.20976089

precisely, it has been proven so

>> No.20976103

He's a complete hypocrite and antichrist kike and the problem is I don't even think it's intentional like other socialists and jews. I think he's just a midwit that somehow hid his idiocy through his rhetorical skills and found himself a platform to continue speaking nonsense.

>> No.20976104

>abstractions about the definition of words
In order to have a conversation one must define ones terms.
Your understanding of these terms is terribly skewed, so you're not judging anything properly. He wasn't judging you stupid, just trying to get you to understand better. We're not the agents of chaos. We're not for the wars crazy social disorder (Though we do challenge the strictures of authoritarian orders at times)
So grounding things back into the real world, it is NOT a lie to tell you we desire freedom. Our worldview (My anarchist worldview) is to get back what humanity once had before authoritarians raided their neighbors, stealing their resources and making slaves of them. States have always necessitated wars. This isn't a lie.
>gain a bunch of money and power
Anathema to anarchists. The world of men existed fine without it. This isn't a lie.

>> No.20976107

Would it be fair to assume that Werner Heisenberg would score higher on an IQ test than a person with down-syndrome, and what factors do you think would account for the discrepancy?

>> No.20976120

IQ tracks onto the real world better than any other psychological metric.

>> No.20976127

>In order to have a conversation one must define ones terms.
No, we are not doing that we are getting lost in the fog. Commies always want to take conversations into abstractions and theory, where they can claim superiority, rather than ever corresponding to the real world.
>it is NOT a lie to tell you we desire freedom.
Except it contradicts your observed behavior.
Your attempts at "freedom" always result in lots of coercion and harm.

>> No.20976137

No no. Not at all. I'm trying to get to a better world that can actually exist.
Your points are shit, but I addressed them.
>Why do blacks under–
Why do whites underperform? Why do autistic people underperform? Why is Bill Gates unable to perform anything? He literally does nothing but cause trouble Why are you so laser focused on darker people? Why can't you admit to yourself that you are a racist?
See previous post. So why can't you see the difference between a shitlib and an anarchist? You're underperforming, anon.

Wrong. It's civilization cucks like you that can't tell left from right

>> No.20976148

Look how agitated the communist gets when you try to get a straight answer out of him.

>> No.20976150

Not a fan of commies but if you think their epestemic framework is about abstractions than compared to neoliberialism then maybe it's time to read some commie books to at least u understand the enemie

>> No.20976156

>NoNOOO I don't want to understand you or anything!!!
You are lost in fantasy if you can't lift this fog
See here. There's a huge chasm of difference between Marx and Bakunin. If you can't meet me on left one like an adult, you may as well go

>> No.20976162

That wasn't agitated. This one is >>20976156
Now I know you're not a serous person. Run along.

>> No.20976166

Communists invented an entire vocabulary so they could drag arguments into the murky swamp and drown them.

>> No.20976178

I was pointing out your refusal to engage in crimethought (inability to talk about race). Which proves you are a slave and servant to power, and enemy to freedom and truth.

>> No.20976180

IQ test results are not even claimed to be any kind of psychological evaluation
Are you joking? You think it necessary to test actual retards?
Anyway, you're an idiot and all it would prove is that retards aren't as good at IQ tests as non-retards. You could theoretically use IQ tests as retard tests, but that's about all they're useful for, and there are better ways to test for that.

>> No.20976187

False. A very liberal propagandist ploy. Always stealing terms, turning things around and then crying foul when we try to establish terms. You should be in marketing.

>> No.20976191

>inability to talk about race)
>We gots ta talk about Identity some more

>> No.20976208

The way you lie and dissimulate is literally sickening.

>> No.20976210

Not "fucking lies" at all, these are all READILY OBSERVABLE.

No, the science is not a lie. You have been convinced, by political machines, to distrust the most rigorous approach to truth in fucking existence.

Swaying people against higher education... This is true. It's because the right frames higher education as leftist indoctrination. I didn't make this up. They said this.

Their policies, right or wrong, are aimed more at subtracting liberties than granting them. Count the policies. I'm not wrong.

>fart sniffing abstractions about the definition of words
You saw the word "definition" and freaked out, mistaking what I said for something remotely related to semantics, but it never was.

I'm telling you that you've set up a silly distinction. You're saying that leftists cause disorder. That's because they're 1. not "conserving" and 2. doing something you disagree with.

It's not even close to a semantic issue. Completely different sort of point. Sorry the word "definition" triggered you, that was referring to something outside of our context. I should have used a different word.

>BAM, climatism hits
The level of conspiracy required to fabricate the global warming scare is fucking laughable. Around 90% of scientists in agreement, 98% of earth scientists, and apparently they're all specifically on the leftist payroll. Because the right has no money. Big oil has no money to affect this either.

Leftists want this... Why? To harm the world?

I bet you're Christian and think Jews run things. Earth's flat too. Science is for cucks

>> No.20976238

>Defends the Official Narrative
>I am a warrior of freedom for the oppressed!

>> No.20976246

Fine, how about Heisenberg and myself (an idiot) take iq tests. Do you not believe that his higher mathematical intelligence and pattern recognition would result in a higher score on the test, or would the discrepancy be solely due to our varying abilities to take that specific test with no respect to our intelligence?

>> No.20976265

>IQ test results are not even claimed to be any kind of psychological evaluation
You just made this up.
Anyways IQ corresponds to real world outcomes at a rate higher than any psychological metric. This indicates it is not arbitrary and made up.

>> No.20976316

>Refuses to accept terms
>Thinks he can judge lies
Wow. Are you dumb or a troll?

>> No.20976327

So u basically admit you read a simulation of it, read your enemies it's not hard to understand class/material analysis shit. The perception of communism you have is the Jordan Peterson enhanced state department version.

>> No.20976338

Stop repeating yourself

>> No.20976340

I'm only one of those people

>> No.20976344

You got hysterical when crimethought (black underperformance) was brought up. I am hammering this point because it proves you are an enemy of truth and freedom, and allied with our oppressors (just like your defense of the Official Science, covid, etc.)
This goes for all commies, btw. For you guys reading this I want you to keep this in mind. Commies are 100% allied with power, They will not go against it. They will lie and claim they are on your side so they can fuck you.

>> No.20976359

Yes, you may be. If you're bored go read a book or something. The IQ test is not a hill worth dying on. Think about what's actually contingent upon IQ tests, nothing of value, they're just a massive scam like evolution

>> No.20976367

I'm the other person. You didn't address my point. IQ is more real (corresponds to real world outcomes) than any other psychological metric.
You are now attempting to just handwave this away.

>> No.20976370

Please refrain from your echo-chamber in-group meme terminologies whilst posting on my literature board.

>> No.20976376

I think you have a feeling that you're on the ropes now so you're trying to end the argument without addressing any of the points.

>> No.20976380

I already said that it isn't a psychological metric. If I'm wrong you'll have to show some proof. I may furthermore argue that all psychological evaluations are inherently and by their very nature qualitative and therefore entirely subjective, if IQ testing is shown to be a kind of psychological evaluation that is.

>> No.20976383

It's a useful term (unlike any term communists use) because it cuts reality at the joints. You cannot engage in illegal thought. Therefore your pretenses at being some sort of dissident freedom fighter are completely false. Your mind is owned and occupied by the regime.

>> No.20976399

This is not an actual response. It makes no difference what you classify it as. The point is that it demonstrably corresponds better to real world outcomes than any psychological metrics (I even phrased my last several posts in such away that I didn't claim it was a psychological metric. Which it obviously is. If it's not psychological then what is it?)

>> No.20976404

I'm giving you an out. My argument stands. Arguing by repeating the same thing over and over again, which is seen here >>20976246
and previously here
is not appropriate, or respectful

>> No.20976414

Why would you want to compare it with something different from that which it is, you'll achieve a false equivalency nothing more.

>> No.20976416

You literally haven't said anything for quite a few post. What is your actual argument? That IQ isn't real? Ok. I presented evidence that it is. Which you haven't responded to.

>> No.20976422

>Continues to avoid saying anything
You keep addressing something completely irrelevant, which you made up in your own mind, to avoid the actual meat of the argument.
Which is: IQ tracks significantly onto real world outcomes.
Address that.

>> No.20976425

Where did you come from, and why are you even here? Do you know where you are?

>> No.20976438

>I'm giving you an out
What a slimy little weasel you are

>> No.20976469

It's about 15 minutes of meat

And another, also mentions dude

>> No.20976488

>He posts the Taleb cope
This is the same emotion driven bullshit as all intelligence deniers
>It is at the bottom an immoral measure that, while not working, can put people (and, worse, groups) in boxes for the rest of their lives.
Fuck this faggot.

>> No.20976499

>so mad he quotes the link
Take a break go wash your face and read Taleb's piece there and come up with an atitheses better than spouting
and calling a bad name you fucking toddler

>> No.20976517

>At this point an annoying, though obvious, question intrudes. If Skinner’s thesis is false, then there is no point in his having written the book or our reading it. But if his thesis is true, then there is also no point in his having written the book or our reading it. For the only point could be to modify behavior, and behavior, according to the thesis, is entirely controlled by arrangement of reinforcers. Therefore reading the book can modify behavior only if it is a reinforcer, that is, if reading the book will increase the probability of the behavior that led to reading the book (assuming an appropriate state of deprivation). At this point, we seem to be reduced to gibberish.


My favorite thing he's ever written. B.F. Skinner went completely off the rails sometime in the 60's and 70's, where he began to proclaim radical behaviorism as a grand unifying theory of everything that had conquered the is-ought problem and would swiftly usher in a utopia. Chomsky cut him down to size.

In general, I think Chomsky's at his best as a polemicist. He's had a long career confronting ghouls ranging from Skinner to Buckley to Bush. He always struck me as decent and intellectually honest, and this comes into sharp focus during those periods when the country and its intelligentsia sink into rank madness.

tl;dr I agree with OP :(

>> No.20976520

>Take a break go wash your face and read Taleb's piece there and come up with an atitheses better than spouting
Taleb's whole thing is just a wordy version of the standard bullshit, that IQ is bad and evil and imperfect as a metric (same thing you hear from race deniers). None of this changes the fact that it corresponds to real world outcomes at a high rate.

>> No.20976533

Well you and I are obviously going to disagree on that. Have fun with your senile puppet.

>> No.20976588
File: 76 KB, 259x194, 77798375-DF08-4888-AE92-F5876EFA818E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20976604

No he isn't

>> No.20976669

He has been right repeatedly about America practicing state terrorism and contributing to 100,000s of deaths in Sudan.

>> No.20977276

You can be right and also be on the side of the weapon makers, his tenure at MIT really shows this he made computation possible but he was powerless to change any of of the power stucures that he often criticized. That sounds like a cuck desu.

>> No.20977312

Because he's a fucking retard when it comes to politics not because politics makes people upset. Again, he literally is a genocide denier and not even the cool kind. He sacrifice any principle if it means "his side" (socialism) wins. How can someone so amoral in that sector be worth listening to for their philosophy? He's repeatedly tells lies about history and economics and is just a midwit socialist. It's like taking Sam Harris as a neuroscientist and philosopher seriously after reading his twitter and watching interviews.

>> No.20977318


>> No.20977921

Is he in a hospital or something?

>> No.20977927

I dunno Pol Pot unironically was based