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20968403 No.20968403 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophy will get me off my ass and stop wasting my time?
I just don't see a point in doing anything. Why do philosophers think we should do anything at all?

>> No.20968408

Philosophy is a waste of time and none of it will do what you are imagining it will.

>> No.20968411

So psychology book then?

>> No.20968482

lol just succumb to nihilism
kys lmao!

>> No.20968574

The pursuit of insight is never a waste. Using the thoughts of others for utilitarian means is.
Literally just read anything you are authentically drawn to. A lack of drive is usually rooted in crimes against the self

>> No.20968584

>Literally just read anything you are authentically drawn to
Meaningless drivel.
Is that a joke?
It's called God. You do things for God and for the kingdom of heaven. Read the Gospels.

>> No.20968592

>The pursuit of insight is never a waste.
It is when your problem is being lazy and wasting time. It is directly feeding into the problem OP is trying to solve.

>> No.20968600

meme answer: cicero
un-ironically : self help books for women

>> No.20968634

>It's called God. You do things for God and for the kingdom of heaven.
t. serf

>> No.20968646
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No book will ever flick a switch in your head and instantaneously transfigure you into a better person. Anyone telling you so is surely trying to sell you something. You have to learn to act on your own. I know it's not a particularly helpful answer but there's no solution that can really come from anywhere besides you setting standards for yourself and sticking to them with all you got in an age that is filled with distraction at literally every corner.

>> No.20968654

Books won't help get you off your ass. If you don't wanna do something, you won't do it regardless of what other people tell you to do.

>> No.20968657

Enjoy a meaningless existence! I am sure your brilliance will save you.

>> No.20968674

I'm not lazy that's not the problem. I do stuff I feel like I have to do like working out cleaning etc.
It's just that once my brain kicks in it always goes "what's the point? why do this if it's meaningless" etc.
I'm just looking for an answer as to *why* things are worth doing.

>> No.20968747

lmao, if you can't create purpose out of thin air can you really be considered mature?

>> No.20968760

I don't think anyone will ever have a satisfying answer as to why anything is at all or why we do anything and don't simply lay down and die. I personally don't mind not knowing and embraced the mystery of it. It's the final question we may never know the answer to and that's just the way it is. The meaning may come at the end of all things when you die but then again who truly knows. Again, not a helpful answer but just my thoughts on the whole "why" question.

>> No.20969011
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With reason alone, there is no reason to do anything. It ultimately comes down to “I want to.” We are simply designed to have emotions and preferences that urge us to act. This is only because such organisms tend to live and reproduce better than those who don’t. This is not to say that an organism that doesn’t reproduce is some sort of objective failure, that makes no sense. Evolution has no goal, but organisms DO have goals, it is our nature. If you are a man, then you naturally want to conquer. You should want to conquer other men, women, your environment, body, mind, everything. This is why men love video games so much, because it gives them the illusion of conquering something challenging. You are not designed to be “happy” or to love every single moment in life. That’s not how anyone, especially a man, should think. To live is to suffer and fight and conquer and win. The man who embraces this fact, his very own nature, will succeed. But if you choose to overthink life and succumb to addictions and live like a consumerist woman or child, then you will be miserable forever. Such a life is artificial, and not fit for you, even if you want to pretend otherwise.

>> No.20969471

>With reason alone, there is no reason to do anything
Kant said you as a human being have inherent value and you have a duty to yourself because of it.
Might be a good go to

>> No.20969487

That literally makes no sense. Stop gobbling up whatever le meme smart man says. If you have no emotions, no preferences, then there is absolutely no reason to do anything at all.

>> No.20969512

What are you, a robot? of course you have emotions and preferences, even if you're not consciously aware of them. try meditating motherfucker

>> No.20969536

Are you retarded? I know I have preferences. If I didn’t have them then none of my actions would matter whatsoever. If you’re denying this, then you are an NPC

>> No.20969541

i am referring evne to your strawman that supposedly has no reason to do anything

>> No.20969552

If theoretically a being could have intelligence, but no preferences, then why should it do anything? It has no inherent motive to do anything. This is where all action (and morality) comes from.

>> No.20969562

Neomachian ethics.

>> No.20969568

what was wrong with the old machian ethics?

>> No.20969575

You obviously want to do things or you wouldn't have made this thread.

Your problem isn't reasons to do things, it's clearly much more physical. You are some combination of distracted, and retarded. People naturally do things, you have been conditioned to be unnatural. You feel this is wrong somehow, because how could you not, and here we are.
The solution should be obvious.

>> No.20969589

I used to spell it wrong and now my phone auto"corrects" it.

>> No.20969599

Is this post ai generated or is this some weird larp?
Of course people want to do things and they also want to do other things or just rather not do the thing they kind of want to do. This is where decision and hence reason comes in.

>> No.20969605

It's all good. Can you give me a qrd on it relating to the topic?
I know the gist of it but why should humans be virtuous and how do we determine virtue? And how does virtue translate into action?

>> No.20969695

He doesn't say why. That's kinda the point. If you read the work and being virtuous does not sound good, then he's not really talking to you. But here's the thing, you (assuming you're OP) can recognize the fault in your lethargy. So, instead of looking for justification as to why the fault exists, why not simply mend the fault and worry about the why when you have the time to. As for your second question, it's important to highlight that deficiency in a virtue and excess are equally bad and one must strive to find and stay within the mean. That's not to say you should be stoic, you should feel the emotions strongly, but you should not allow them to undermine your thoughts. Take courage for example, there is folly in both cowardice and hubris. And with all of the virtues in harmony, assuming you feel them and love them fully, you will find something akin to happiness. (Though suffering is still necessary) this is the impetus to move forward instead of languishing in stagnation.

>> No.20969709
File: 101 KB, 1000x1550, The-Complete-Book-of-Yoga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Swami Vivekananda. Particularly the Karma Yoga part in the picrel book.

>> No.20970590
File: 1.30 MB, 1535x890, Aristotle the writer of the Nekomachian Ethics Paw-etics Purrlitics Mewtaphysics and the Rawrganon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Nekomachian ethics?

>> No.20970606

Why look for such a philosophy? Read Schopenhauer and buddhist philosophy to justify to yourself why doing things is a waste of time. Much easier and more satisfying. Add in some Stirner too so you can declare work a spook.

>> No.20970633

Is honest answer needed, or another excuse for status quo?
In the end it is what You want, nothing more.

>> No.20970664

Join a boxing gym. It has done more for my outlook on life than any book, psychologist or philosopher. You can exchange “boxing” for anything focused on acting on the external instead of passively submerging on the internal. The point is: the only cure for your ennui is living, anon. You aren’t living right now, just surviving on some fucked up routine sustained mostly by pointless contemplation and endless rumination.
The internal world is important, but drowning inside your own mind is no way to live.

>> No.20970680

Based catposter

>> No.20971165

I'm going to have to read more about this Adolf Hitler guy. He seems to have a very interesting world view.

>> No.20971210

>Why should humans be virtuous
Because virtue is basically just qualities that people generally like having because they appear beneficial
>How do we determine virtue
You ask yourself what qualities you admire in yourself and other and those are virtues. You may have disagreements about what are and aren't virtues with other people but most people come similar conclusions and once you get to that point a lot of debate exists about the relative values of things commonly considered to be virtues.
>How does virtue translate into action
At minimum they translate to action when you lack the level of virtue you aspire to obtain. Outside of reference to themselves virtues don't necessarily translate into action but unless you pick very poor things as virtues they enable you to be more competent in related sorts of future action.

>> No.20971326
File: 225 KB, 1103x1828, Oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oblomov, by Ivan Goncharov.
>Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a member of Russia's dying aristocracy - a man so lazy that he has given up his job in the Civil Service, neglected his books, insulted his friends and found himself in debt. Too apathetic to do anything about his problems, he lives in a grubby, crumbling apartment, waited on by Zakhar, his equally idle servant. Terrified by the bustle and activity necessary to participate in the real world, Oblomov manages to avoid work, postpone change and - finally - risks losing the love of his life. Written with sympathetic humour and compassion, Oblomov made Goncharov famous throughout Russia on its publication in 1859, as readers saw in this story of a man whose defining characteristic is indolence, the portrait of an entire class in decline.

>> No.20972250

If you don't understand the tools you're working with you will never understand what to do with them.

Find out who you really are.. everything from the beginning to now.. then you'll know what you should do with it.

>> No.20972625

How are you existing if you aren't doing anything? How do you feed youself?

>> No.20972629


>> No.20972681

If an all powerful god exists there is no need to accomplish anything. He can always step in and align things to his willing.
This is why the real christians (pre constantine) just fucked off to the desert or a lion's belly instead of bothering with politics or military crap

>> No.20972806
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To understand the meaning of life, you first have to understand the context it happens in. To do this, to get the ultimate metaperspective, you have to study NDEs.

Of course, nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, gets normies and NPCs more uncomfortable and/or riled up than the idea that near-death experiences are ACTUALLY real, and that there is good reason to think that they are and that we should take them seriously.

Here is an extremely persuasive argument for why near-death experiences (NDEs) are real:


It makes a huge deal about the fact that near-death experiencers (NDErs) are representative of the population as a whole, and that when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Statistics collected ... show that the "deeper" the NDE ... the greater the percentage of those who come away certain of the existence of the afterlife. Among those with the deepest experiences ... 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. And so would you, me, or anyone, including the most dogmatic atheists and skeptics, because it is VASTLY more self-evidently real than this puny little experience of life on Earth we have now. When you dream and wake up, you immediately realize that life is more real than your dream. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep, deep dream and the NDE world is the real world.

Needless to say, even physicians, neuroscientists, and psychiatrists are convinced by their NDEs.

>> No.20972809
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Of course, death will be the same thing whether we die of cancer at 91 or of suicide at 25. So the only question that matters is, "Do I want to live these years?"

And when you study NDEs, it becomes even more obvious that the answer might actually be, "Yes!" Read near-death experience (NDE) accounts and basically all you can about NDEs. Books, YouTube-videos, articles, everything. They will make you realize that there is an afterlife, that there is meaning to life, and that near-death experiencers (NDErs) say that the primary purpose here is to learn to love everyone and everything, no matter what. That it does not matter so much what kind of things we do, but whether we do them with no strings attached, and summon that kindness, love, and compassion on the inside of our own minds as we do it. So the meaning of life then, according to NDErs, is the small things. Whether it is helping someone with their homework, cooking dinner for our family, cleaning the bathroom, or picking up trash from the ground. Whatever it is, if we do it with love, then that is so huge on the other side, it is amazingly huge. So life is like a game where the goal is to summon as much kindness, love, compassion, and generosity as we possibly can squeeze out of our intentions. Which admittedly is definitely easier said than done!

You are playing life on a higher difficulty anon. We are here to learn to shine with love and kindness _in a world where it is undeniably hard to do so_! So are you up for the challenge? You can do it anon. Show us you can do it.

So sure, suicide shoots you directly to heaven and infinite bliss. But at the same time, you were there when choosing to come here. Suicide is therefore like turning off the Silent Hill video game and going out in the sun and playing with your friends. Which is totally fine! But it's not beating and 100%-ing the game, which is to live until death takes you, and being kind and loving all the time along the way.

>> No.20972838

I often look out into the world and wonder what's out there for me yet after all these years I still don't see anything appealing that I truly want. Just things I feel others want me to want.

I was fired over a year ago over refusing the vax and it's made me question why I even bother with triyng to participate in society when they didn't even want me to have my simplistic life where I made my own money and didn't bother anyone. Everything I want to do I can do from my home. Garden, workout, read, talk to people etc. The most I would want to do is volunteer at some place once a week or whatever but I'm not even allowed that due to not being vaxxed

I've tried the normal stuff like travel and going out to eat which seems to be the thing people live for, yet I don't find it appealing at all and wears me out.

The only other thing is kids but I think I've missed the boat to find a quality woman and so I no longer see the point of working after getting fired over something simple as refusing the vax.
I also with some guys I know, I see how draining and troublesome life can be if you end up with a lazy or materialistic woman. Which I'm sure a lot of people end up with.

Weird thing is I don't even feel depressed. I wake up have my coffee and workout then I have the rest of the day to do as I please. If I can already do all I can please without working then why do I need to work? Why does society expect me to work when they also didn't want me to have my job when I did have one?

>> No.20972856

Its inevitable. We live in a world of abundance where some governments can afford to give living wages to people who do absolutely nothing and have little demands for material benefits of an industrial society. Its not like you have to work everyday just to survive like it used to be.

Since we don't really need this many extra humans anymore, they will eventually die off without kids. All developed countries will face a population crunch

>> No.20972870

>governments can afford to give living wages to people who do absolutely nothing
Why does it seem to make ppl so mad though lol

If they are jealous, why don't they join us? I bet they wouldn't like the lifestyle but if it works for me, why does it bother them.

Or why am I expected to work full time? Why am I not allowed to work just part time to get the same amount I get from welfare? Yet most places expect FT roles

>> No.20973052

I'll presume that you're miserable because suffering is the base condition of being a human. Immobility is torture.

If you're miserable, it would be better not to be miserable. You achieve not being miserable by doing something about it. Doing something about it usually involves moving your life towards a better direction. A better direction is towards a life you would personally consider to be worth living.

Think about what you want.

Think about how might get that.

Do what you need to do in order to get it.

It's that or just blow your brains out desu, why even be alive if you're not going to do anything anyway?

>> No.20973093

>why does the government taking their money after they get their paycheck and giving it to someone who's lazy and does nothing all day make people angry

>> No.20973106

Then why were these same citizens cool seeing ppl lose their jobs and banned from working anywhere on site over the vaccine?

What did they think was supposed to be the outcome? Or what was their plan for the exiled people. Then now after a year of being banned and some places still requiring 2 doses from last year that isn't even for the current covid they expect me to come back?

I was always willing to work and after years found a job that suited my needs and requirements yet they didn't want me to have that then now feel some sort of way about having to pay for me now.

>> No.20973111

Also how about the millions and billion the government spent on stupid covid related shit which ppl suddenly ignore yet the welfare person is the problem?

In my country they whipped up "quarantine facilities" that cost like $300 mill. Multiple ones btw which never even got used, and are costing hundreds of thousands a week alone on top to run? L

>> No.20973169

Satan is speaking to me in english and giving me visions in my mind. They appear in my mind, as if i had a third eye. He is actually torturing me, and guarenteed that i would live a life without sex or money. Now, he is telling me to rape women and steal things, however i believe his main purpose is actually to use me to kill you people using my posts on 4chan. Raping girls is hard work, running from cops, etc. But the way he tortures me, all i want to do is cry about what hes doing to me on 4chan, with posts like this one. Logically, i am pretty sure ive made many people kill themselves. I have uprooted their lives and made them do something different. For me, it sucks, right. I have to spend every moment in mental and physical agony. I do not get to have sex. I dont even have food in my fridge.

Anyways, long story short: beware of "satan", whatever he is. he will lure you in with promises of a better life, but he will just torture you. Hes just gonna torture you man.

>> No.20973182

Its actually pretty easy to calm me down when i cry. He will make a smiley face appear in my mind. I actually hate it. I hate him. How am i suppose to get a gun in my shit country? We dont even have tall buildings. Wven the bible says to kys if you get possessed by the devil, but there is literally no painless methods available.

>> No.20973233

It's not really a philosophy but the short Tolstoy story Death of Ivan Ilyich is helped me realize death is ultimately what makes meaning in life. Big recommend. Go for the Maude, Briggs or McDuff translation.

>> No.20973439


You don't have a say (logos) in doing (logos).
This is like a lake contemplating why should it become rain. Whether or not we have your blessings, you will do as we say and you will become rain.
We start with Plato's allegory of the cave. Any society requires and depends on a standardized aesthetic interpretation. Any citizen that wants to be granted a noble place in society will follow this standard. If you're posting on 4chan about being lethargic and needing a reason to do anything, I'm guessing that you're in a quasi-noble place in your society where you don't have to think for yourself. You have others giving you instructions (aesthetic interpretations) that you follow at the threat of having your standing taken. You'll always have a comfortable bed as long as you don't rock the boat and the let the leaders determine the aesthetic interpretation you just have to nod and agree with.
In the abstract, we go from Plato's cave to 20th century structuralism. Theories of meaning contextualized as math-functions. Whether you're Berber, Jew, Finnish, Jamaican, in the abstract, you all belong to a cave that runs on math-like-algorithms. In this case, the ethnicity becomes trivial and petty. We don't need to depend on mythical origin stories, epics being overcome by our ancestors, or any other justification to understand who or what we are. Ontologically, we reach the edge of reason because we just experience the framework of existential fulfillment. From this empty framework, we can think of ways to become fulfill through speculation and experimentation. By rocking the vote, by rejecting dogma, by trying things differently and seeing where we end up.
This is to have a say in logos. Or the closest we can come to having a say in logos. It's a lake actively participating in becoming rain.
You can lounge around and wait for society or nature or whatever forces come to make decisions for you (WHY DO ANYTHING - because they said so). Or you can have a say in what you do by answers the question yourself. Through theories and speculation, exercising and practicing your own aesthetic interpretations. You fucking kike.

>> No.20973713

>he bought

>> No.20974712


This is actually an interesting observation. There was a Radio Lab program (I know, wait for it) which investigated a man who suffered brain damage or something, such that his ability to feel emotion was nearly eliminated. He could perform certain tasks just fine, but when it came to making some sort of a decision, he would deliberate endlessly. Which box of cereal to buy, he'd spend an hour pacing the same aisle thinking about it.

The point being, that we like to say that we are rational actors, and that ideally, our decisions are made rationally, based on satisfying reason and evidence. But emotion plays a psychologically important role in decision making, and if the former is taken away, it robs us altogether of the power to do the latter. The decision doesn't just have to be right, it has to FEEL right. We can make poor decisions of course, but we can at least make them quickly and decisively because of the emotional capacity (the negative side of emotional decision making). Ideally, when we make a good rational decision, we do so because the reason is compelling and makes sense to us, this is the "satisfying" part, the emotional side, of a satisfying argument, or a satisfying rationale.

>> No.20974906
