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20967524 No.20967524 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously what do you get out of reading Philosophy? You're letting another man's egotistical musings into your head and submitting to them.

tl:dr Philosophy is literally gay

>> No.20967550

So true. You should read stuff that you actually practice in real life.

>> No.20967558

>reading is for people that don't have ADHD
Yes, Andrew. Very insightful of you.

>> No.20967573
File: 52 KB, 640x676, 1658442277918503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL read the book about the pirate on the boat and I WILL be happy

>> No.20967577

I'm not a faggot I don't read novels or philosophy.
I read posts made by very lonlely men from the /jp/ archive
Many of them are either dead or lonely women now

>> No.20967587

He claims to be smart but is so retarded he doesn't realise books are still your brain entertaining itself through words and images. He still gathers information and knowledge, how if not by reading? There is only so much "perspicacity" and how much others are willing to teach you, the rest you have to learn if you want to ascend beyond the average individual, which he did but won't admit to, he knows all about how the brain works and the law of attraction, I heard him say the exact sentences in a few manifestation books I've read. But overall he is really ignorant about a lot of stuff, probably what happens when all you care about is money and pussy. But again, someone with such an advanced brain should understand that every book happens in your head, so your brain is actually creating knowledge in itself and books are just the aid for it, words are like the bricks to the house so to speak. I haven't studied buddhism but it clearly looks like all that makes this guy happy are material things, he mentioned it all in this vid, in order to be happy he needs to make money, to drive a supercar, to fight, to fuck. He doesn't feel spiritual happiness which means he isn't worthy of anyone's time.

>> No.20967609

>I need action, I need constant chaos in my life to feel contempt.
Only readers of "book" will understand why this is funny

>> No.20967623

I just read Plato because Socrates is entertaining, to be honest with you.

>> No.20967636

Fuck off Andrew, no one over the age of 14 cares about you you bald manlet faggot
You wanna know what’s actually gay? Hating women

>> No.20967645

If hating women makes you gay I must be Robert Redford raping Liberace up the asshole because I really, really hate women

>> No.20967647

Hating women isn't gay. Sure there's overlap between the misogynist and gay community, but you could also just be asexual.

>> No.20967669

What color is your bugatti?

>> No.20967672

i practice stoicism daily because it's real hard to stand these hoes

>> No.20967696

i dont know who this bald retard is or why do zoomzooms shitpost him here nonstop, but he is not wrong about philosophy

ever since mathematics and physics separated themselves from philosophy, philosophy has been >>>/x/ tier ghost stories with zero predictive power, a magnet for pseuds, midwits and retards who will never be smart but want to feel like it
its an academic cargo cult, just like those primitives were building airplanes out of sticks and leaves, philosophy is publishing academic papers trying to emulate scientific papers

you have to be an absolute fucking retard to touch philosophy in the 21st century

>> No.20967700

Right now you are living by a philosophy. It may not be a formally specified one, but there is one. You evaluate everything around you by it, telling you what makes sense and what doesn’t, what’s “good” and what’s “bad”.

Sometimes you run into conflicts though. Killing someone is bad, but what about doing it in self defense? Charity sounds like a good thing but what about these people who give away everything they own to their own detriment? Somebody said reality is subjective, that the green you see isn’t the same green I see.

When you run into these conflicts, how do you resolve them? Take the one that sounds or feels good? Get a consensus and follow it even if it still feels wrong? Ignore it? All of these will generally not resolve the issue. You will still feel the conflict and it will build stress. Because one thing isn’t solved, anything that builds on it just makes it worse. You end up with a house of cards that is your very fractured internal philosophy. What do?

By reading different philosophies, you get a more formal framework to integrate knowledge into your knowledge-base. Ideally, it helps you resolve conflicts which reduces stress. If it does’t, then you read a different one, or make up your own. Introspection, always questioning life, is very healthy. But you need to remember to not just judge the incoming data, but the framework with which you evaluate that data.

>> No.20967702

I hope this bald fucker dies a painful death, and you too OP should get a rope right now around your neck, nigger

>> No.20967712

>muh maths and physics
you should read some philosophy and find out what its actually about before equivocating it to a completely different field

>> No.20967715

why should i read philosophy instead of gypsy fortune telling, or some other such >>>/x/ tier nonsense with 0 predictive power?

>> No.20967835

If he was rich-rich, he would buy Koenigseggs or something like Henessey Venom F5. His persona cracks, because he is not the top g. His cars are fast but not the fastest. His gf is 9/10. The houses/hotels he makes his videos in are clearly not suited for billionaires.

>> No.20967856
File: 24 KB, 220x221, 1662801537493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that philosophy is dead.

>philosophy of mind
Made no progress beyond Descartes. The hard problem of consciousness remains unsolved.
After more than 3000 years of philosophical discourse they still can't define existence.
Is a field of math nowadays, not understood anymore by philosotards.
Literally just unqualified subjective opinions. Any wagie on the street can have a stance on ethics and it's just as valid and qualified as a philosophy professor's stance.
Basically solved by CTMU (written by a non-philosopher). Beyond that it's no better than religion.
Cannot define knowledge, cannot define truth. Autists endlessly caught in the definition game without even being able to name the subject they're allegedly researching.
>philosophy of science
Low IQ morons falsely deluding themselves into illusions of intellectualisms over describing a process which is literally trivial to anyone who actually studied science.

>> No.20967868

Only normies believe everything written.

>> No.20967869

You'd sort of have to be gay to imagine the scenario you wrote

>> No.20967873

You're only submitting when you drop your eyes, you fag.

>> No.20967882

Nobody's going to point out that Op is submitting to Tate's philosophy?

>> No.20968039

>he believes ADHD is real

Good goy

>> No.20968042

it's always amusing seeing posters like you who don't realize they're in a phase. you'll know it was when you look back on it cringing

>> No.20968045

You can blame Plato for this

>> No.20968053

You won't be able to outsmart and kill the demiurge. I get that existence is disturbing and that most people can't handle it and have to cope with those things, but some people are trying to fight him.

>> No.20968056

I too remember when Hitler and the Nazis were in their Jew cautious phase

>> No.20968058

>tl:dr Philosophy is literally gay
This is why i only read women philosophers.

>> No.20968088

Don't post that latinx nigger-like PUA here. He was beat up on the regular by rando bouncers in the Balkans. He is a weak man and scum.

>> No.20968173
File: 202 KB, 1600x900, 66006-Albert-Camus-Quote-There-is-but-one-truly-serious-philosophical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps me from killing myself.

>> No.20968287

It's amazing people are actually taking this faggy grifter seriously.

>> No.20968303
File: 2.70 MB, 640x1138, 1662783969325822.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is literally always right tho

>> No.20968315

Go buy his program then you sad little faggot.
You're exactly the person he's marketing to.

>> No.20968321

Why wouldnt a doctor be able to buy a sports car

>> No.20968324

Andrew Tate is unironically more honest than Plato

>> No.20968333

There's nothing honest about him, he projecting an image to sell you shit.
If you think he's honest then you're a moron.

>> No.20968340

>anyone selling things
Pick one.

>> No.20968343

Only a very small minority of doctors would be able to afford a 400k car. And even that would be when they're old as fuck.

>> No.20968346

Shit field or untalented I guess. I don't know why he thinks doctors are poor. Cosmetic surgeons will actually make a point of buying sports cars as a necessary purchase to draw clientele.

>> No.20968483

I never said he was honest but just more honest than Philosophers like Plato

>> No.20968503

If he read and didn't brag about it or insist on it with his audience, he would be more well-spoken, more articulate, and come across as more intelligent overall and would probably come off as more impressive as a result. People who are impressive rhetorically are almost always readers.

>> No.20968509

becuase i have concepts, moralities etc. in my head. unfortunately. so im not gonna be a npc about them. if you don't read philosophy but aren't a legit psychopath, you're just npc.

>> No.20968514

This is just further proof that the CCP is using TikTok to rot the minds of westerners' children and young adults.

>> No.20968518

Kinda this, you can't have a fucked up car and be a successful plastic surgeon in a field where you are dealing with people who are willing to go through surgery to improve their looks.

>> No.20968529

He's absolutely right.
The way to learn about how to do something is to observe the behaviour of the people who are best at it and detect patterns in their behaviour, while also experimenting yourself and seeing patterns in what works best.


>> No.20968531

He's somewhat right about medical school, but somewhat wrong about education in general. He fails to understand that he is not and never will be upper class, powerful, influential, or truly wealthy. Certainly not in the United States, and probably not even in Romania.

>> No.20968533


>> No.20968538

He's absolutely right and the responses to this are tantums and cope.

>> No.20968543

The fact that you have to decide someone is a legit psychopath or mindless drone because they don't read Philosophy is amusing to me. You probably were bullied in school and now you've developed a complex because of that

>> No.20968553

What you just described is Jordan Peterson. A man has to have conviction and be willing to die on the hill he decided to march on even if he sounds absolutely delusional. If not you're just no better than some University professor

>> No.20968558

Tell me when this faggot writes a book

>> No.20968564

>Gets direct access to the brains of probably over a billion youth
>Not influential

>> No.20968569

Asexuality is a meme. No one is actually asexual except 14 year old attention seeking tomboys

>> No.20968572

Socrates never wrote a book.

>> No.20968573

Facts are also open to interpretation, so prove what you said is true

>> No.20968578

Nietzsche was right about Socrates then

>> No.20968581

His business advice is great and you are prideful or dumb (functionally the same).

>> No.20968589

His father was Emory Tate who was one of the top Chess masters in America. They were always upper class and Andrew got into business ventures early on which made him even more rich.

>> No.20968593

>He is a weak man and scum.
Where are your fortunes, women, connections, legions of zoomers, influence on the world, and charities?
How can you, with a straight face, say you have done more to help others than he has?

>> No.20968599

Reading a book is basically inviting the author to spread the lips of your brain pussy and shove in his fat thought cock until he cooms his worldview all over your consciousness. Shit is GAY

>> No.20968602

He grew up in an estate ("the projects" in American parlance) and started off working manual labour and fighting.

>> No.20968605

How so? Socrates was too based to be a book writer.

>> No.20968612

i mean, if you refuse to go through Kant's works in a serious manner all the while just satisfying yourself with received opinion on ethics and metaphysics/concepts, you are a npc because you refuse to do honest inquiry and accept whatever other people tell you, masquerading this as "independence from books" that would actually deal with these issues in a rational manner.

>> No.20968616

Do you have more money?

>> No.20968623

He's not. He's an eCeleb. He has no actual power or influence.

Okay. So what? The point still stands. Senators with Ivy League degrees and not even half as much money as he has had more power and influence, and this is my point. He only views education as something which makes someone intelligent or rich, while the upper class (or what passes for an upper class) views it basically as a social qualifier, and they don't hang out with guys like Andrew Tate.

>> No.20968633

imagine blowing 400k on a lambo instead of getting something cool like a duesenberg model j lmao

>> No.20968636

You do realize you can come to these conclusions by living life, right? You don't need to read through other people's observations to gain an understanding. In fact you're arguably more of an NPC than the average Chad who just dominates any room he's in and gets to coom inside pusy whenever he wants

>> No.20968656

>You do realize you can come to these conclusions by living life, right?
Philosophy is a part of living life, it is just thinking about these things as well as you can. Hume already showed experience can't supply you with concepts and oughts. So living life is consisted of some kind of application of principles, but do you simply take those principles for granted or try the think about them the best you can, with the best you can? That's the issue that apparently bypassed you completely. You just "live life": and the elites decide everything about your ethics and perception. What a life bro.

>> No.20968659

>He has no actual power or influence.
Bruh he changed the minds of an entire generation. He has multiple charities. He has the best succinct, actionable business advice I've seen, and it's available for free, online (through being leaked/pirating). I don't know what threshhold of "power or influence" a person would need to get to if that doesn't count.
The next generation will have plenty of people who "made it" because of him and will have built up a sense of loyalty to him.

How much power or influence does an average senator have if they're going with the flow? I could grant a representative like Ron Paul or to an extent Tulsi Gabbard having influence since they're actually changing American politics slightly, but your average senator? Tate would blow them out of the water in power/influence.

>> No.20968667

What colour is your model J?

>> No.20968677

green like money bb

>> No.20968683

How many drug dealers can buy a sportscar? Or is that also a small minority?

>> No.20968694

He is a guy with a bag of money, a loud mouth, and some fans. Otherwise, he is a nobody, just another celebrity with quite literally no substantive power or influence at all. It's time to stop fangirling.

>> No.20968705

Emory Tate was also CIA, Tate is literally a spoiled rich glowie siphoning money from hapless fatherless zoomers to god knows where, and no one's replying to my posts about books yet this thread is incredibly active and I'm bricked up and I've just about fucking had it.

>> No.20968730

He's an Only Fans pimp that shilled himself constantly on Twitter by selling courses. If he died tomorrow, no one would still talk about him or his output in ten years

>He has multiple charities
A quick search shows that all the charity talk seems recent, so it's probably damage control from his ongoing investigation.

Also this

>> No.20968743

What makes you think these Philosophers are completely honest? Arguably a lot of concepts have been more detrimental than beneficial for societies and in most cases individuals. You're so paranoid about an Elitist Boogeyman yet are here subscribing to Elitists. Curious.

>> No.20968748
File: 187 KB, 800x955, 1662820239008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strawmenides: Cuckolding is bad!
>Socrates: Do you watch porn?
>Strawmenides: Of course I do.
>Socrates: What do you see in that porn?
>Strawmenides: I see a couple having sex.
>Socrates: Is the man in the porn you?
>Strawmenides: No.
>Socrates: So you enjoy seeing another man having sex?
>Strawmenides: Well, uhm ...
>Socrates: Do you enjoy seeing your wife naked?
>Strawmenides: Sure, I do.
>Socrates: So you're saying watching porn including another man is good and seeing your wife naked is good. The sum of two good things is at least as good as both of them separately. Therefore, you should watch your wife getting fucked by another man.
>Strawmenides: You're right, Socrates. Can you please come with me and fuck my wife?

>> No.20968774

Because they make arguments, and I can engage with them. That's already a million steps above to most of the metaphysical and moral teaching that my parents and schools and peer groups have given me, which is just "Do this because...umm...well this is whats right, this is just how it is". These other views are brainwashing that elites pump to literal children to narrow their mind: with philosophy books I can engage in rational dialogue and actually evaluate what the person is saying. Because from the fact that I see the vacuity of the statements of my peers, parents and schools, I don't automatically conclude that I'm a "psychopath". I simply don't know about any rationality by default, because I've been brainwashed from since a child to various things, so maybe there could be some metaphysical and ethical principles for real: and if there aren't, I'm not unable to break the npc norms with passive non-use of intellect. Sure, you can say "oh, don't read anything" but that's way more likely to be a tacit endorsement of the unthinking propaganda, and I can't accept that if I want to be happy.

>> No.20968781

>I'm not unable
scratch the double negative

>> No.20968790

You grew up without a strong male role model, didn't you?

>> No.20968798

>Tate is literally a spoiled rich glowie siphoning money from hapless fatherless zoomers

This is literally 90% of all Philosophers. Even before letter boy organizations a lot of your greatest thinkers had ties with Templars and Jesuits