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/lit/ - Literature

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20964329 No.20964329 [Reply] [Original]

I want some mind boggling shit that will open my third eye, bros.

>> No.20964381

The Eighth Tower

>> No.20964386
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first lesson: knowledge doesn't come with a bang

>> No.20964389

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20964396

the holy bible

>> No.20964402

I read Ian Smith's autobiography a few years back and it made me realize that perfidious albion really was behind everything under the sun.

>> No.20964480

Reading them.

Stupid frog poster.

>> No.20964534

Novum Organum

>> No.20964562

sartre being and nothingness, despite all the kneejer reactions against it solely because of his politics and that he was lumped in with camus

>> No.20964565
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>> No.20964567

lmao try dmt nerd

>> No.20964573

Holy fuck what a meaningless question.

>> No.20964813

And yet you bumped it hahaha fuck you faggot

>> No.20964821
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>> No.20964841

lewis' space trilogy
>destroys the modern conception of the devil; reveals his true form
>your political opponents? literally enthralled to the devil
>actually, yes, violence is good
>stop doubting yourself, you know who the enemy is, you know what you were put here to do

>> No.20965248
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This book talks about the history of desegregation and presents the point of view of both sides.

We are taught to think of segregation as something terrible and segregationists as irrational, but nobody ever talks about the giant cultural gap that divides WASP Americans and African Americans.

>> No.20965307

Morning of the Magicians

The Mind Parasites / The Philosopher's Stone


>> No.20965320


>> No.20965334

the holy bible

>> No.20965376
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Probably Paradise Lost. It slowly puts the chaos, desire-chasing, and subjectivity of the human condition into a clear metaphysical-historical-spiritual-political context. It's truly powerful.

>> No.20965494

You might as well personally ask the devil to deceive you, lmao.

>> No.20965526

the holy bible

>> No.20965919
File: 75 KB, 513x513, ApuMeditatingHARDCORE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kybalion by William Walker Atkinson LARP Master
>Knowledge and Decisions by Thomas Sowell
>Thinking Fast Thinking Slow by Gengis Khanman
>Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics by Immanuel Kant
>Crisis of the Modern World by Rene Guenon (PBUH)
>The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus by Rene Guenon (Re-PBUH)
>The Liberation of the Heart by some Bhikku with a goddamn impossible Lion King Circle of Life Lyrics level name...it's on the /lit/ chart

>> No.20965921

Unironically, The Crisis of the Modern World.

>> No.20965922

the Noble Qur'an

>> No.20965930

How to read a book by Adler
And every single textbook in any discipline you don't know will do that for you.

>> No.20965935
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The Populist Delusion
The Machiavellians by James Burnham
The Prince by Machiavelli (still readin' and workin' hard researchin' the old history)
Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard (skipped the cannibal chapter...ew)

>> No.20965991

>The Populist Delusion
really? it seems to have got a lot of attention but it can't be that great

>> No.20966005
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This book right here, because I had never considered what it is like to have an NDE from the first-person perspective before.

Of course, nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, gets normies and NPCs more uncomfortable and/or riled up than the idea that near-death experiences are ACTUALLY real, and that there is good reason to think that they are and that we should take them seriously.

Here is an extremely persuasive argument for why near-death experiences (NDEs) are real:


It makes a huge deal about the fact that near-death experiencers (NDErs) are representative of the population as a whole, and that when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Statistics collected ... show that the "deeper" the NDE ... the greater the percentage of those who come away certain of the existence of the afterlife. Among those with the deepest experiences ... 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. And so would you, me, or anyone, including the most dogmatic atheists and skeptics, because it is VASTLY more self-evidently real than this puny little experience of life on Earth we have now. When you dream and wake up, you immediately realize that life is more real than your dream. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep, deep dream and the NDE world is the real world.

Needless to say, even physicians, neuroscientists, and psychiatrists are convinced by their NDEs.

>> No.20966010

It's a great recap/overview on Machiavellian thought. Excellent writing and use of language too. I took many notes on Neema Panini's artful articulation.

>> No.20966016
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I've had a NDE but the saintly halo it held over me has passed long ago and I've been hollowed out by daily drudgery since. Too many draining interlocutors. Worse, I'm in danger of temptations now I feel no reverent fear as instinctive response anymore but gullible hunger and lust. You must repeat the experience continually. You musn't sit on your old laurels too long as I do with my now weakened heart.

>> No.20966024

The Magic of the Mind by Bhikkhu Katukurunde Nyanananda

>> No.20967245

Rip newfags

>> No.20968305
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I just finished reading Mike Ma's Harassment architecture. It actually made me want to commit some serious terrorism. Very eye opening.

>> No.20968331

>When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep, deep dream and the NDE world is the real world.
You might want to read Guenon. It totally depends whether you're capable of reintegrating in active or passive mode, but otherwise this description you've just given is fairly on the mark. Real death could just be black and re-manifestation if you passively reintegrate. Read the Upanishads, learn to control the breath, withdraw the senses into the heart while you're still in this mode of existence.

>> No.20968466


>> No.20968617

I've looked into it, I have a stem degree so I'm smart. Probably just DMT or your brain being starved of oxygen. I've been under anesthesia and it wasn't like anything! there was no sense of time, I didn't remember anything at all so that proves there is nothing! Anyways, if NDEs were real, and people really did float above their bodies, then they would be able to remember what the doctors were saying! but they CANT! But hey, there's no reason to fear death! I had been dead before I was born and didn't suffer at all from it! Now if you will excuse me, I am departing this place of abject pseudoscience and returning to reddit.

>> No.20968630

The Holy Bible (specifically the Gospels)

>> No.20968993

Not literature

>> No.20969023

It's ironic the "literature" defender is actually illiterate. Read the topic title.

>> No.20970142

Sir, this is a literature board.

>> No.20970149


>> No.20970183

Shut up christcuck fuck off

>> No.20970645


>> No.20970647


>> No.20970663

A book about writing and actually writing.

>> No.20970671

Camp of saints by raspail
It really changed my view on the west and downfall of the west.
It can be improved by reading Oswald Spengler

More on the first book: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints

>> No.20970713

the republic
prolegomena to any future metaphysic
the elementary particles
the C programming language

>> No.20970735

What book about writing?

>> No.20971119
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This one, it is in Portuguese, but it is the only one that I saw here that teaches writing by starting with schizoposting, and instead of being punitive about it, it gives you more things to schizopost. This book changed my life and my whole view of myself, I used to think that I was a worthless person unable to write things.

>> No.20971204

the bible

>> No.20971264

Spinoza and Kant

>> No.20971715

was checking this book out and a review was "we can have Rome again, if we smash enough BMW windows" fucking kek, sounds like the tards here.

>> No.20971725
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pic-related. Benardete is the king of schizos. comfy anecdotes too.

>> No.20971751

Based and checked

>> No.20972792

What about the great variability of NDEs? The Christian sees Jesus. The Muslim sees Allah. There seems to be no concrete reality that people are reporting.