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/lit/ - Literature

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20960746 No.20960746 [Reply] [Original]


>Peter Vack
>Betsey Brown
>Dimes Square
>Honor Levy
>Mike Crumplar
>Ion Pod

>> No.20960760

They're obviously people who matter more than you, no?

>> No.20960808

They are people with rich parents in New York that think they can act. Crumps is the failson of a fag in the arms industry.
Crumps pretends to care about trannies but doesn't, Dimes Square hoes pretend they don't but do.
None of this is /lit/.

>> No.20960818

one of them is purportedly an author and there is a play about some mixture of such people

>> No.20961299

After reading all that, I'm convinced the manager at my local McDonalds has more influence on society and culture than these people do.

>> No.20961310

You missed the part where you pay 3k a month for the privilege of it all.

>> No.20961327
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>In the scene, Dasha’s and Betsey’s characters are seated next to each other in the middle of the theater audience. They are talking and one of them says something about how they’re “based,” or their show is based (it’s a sci-fi dystopia where people watch themselves on TV or something). A few rows back, Ivy Wolk’s character overhears the conversation and says something like “Based? You’re not based, you’re fucking cringe!” and Dasha’s character turns around and deploys her trademark slur with a “Shut the fuck up, retard!” and then Ivy’s character lets off an inspired stream of expletives that changed with each take but usually included slurs of the antisemitic and homophobic varieties, as well as some more creative phrases targeted at specific body features. (I didn’t know who Ivy Wolk was, but Honor kept saying that she was the youngest actress ever to be cancelled.) A few rows ahead of Dasha and Betsey, Curtis Yarvin and Alex Bienstock discuss the meanings of the terms “nu-based” and “omnicringe” throughout all this. Then Dasha points ahead of her, indicating that the show they are about to watch is beginning.


>> No.20961349

Holy shit these niggers literally just do not get it. Also literal greasy 4chan autists have fucked dachshund.

>> No.20961357
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>This past April I was invited by the Ion Pack, the hosts of the Ion Podcast, to watch Betsey Brown’s deep fringe underground movie Actors at the Roxy Cinema, under the impression that I would write a review of the movie.
>This past April I was invited by crossboarders from /tv/, oldfags who mostly shitpost, to watch a retarded youtube video of Quentin Tarantino farting on the Tyra Banks show, under the impression that I was mostly looking for a thread to sneedpost in.



>> No.20961359

Holy fucking cringe

>> No.20961380
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>> No.20961381
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Did the CIA hire my mom to ghostwrite this

>> No.20961418

no way this is real

>> No.20961521

This is so utterly bizarre that it cannot possibly be real.

>> No.20961549


>> No.20961648

The party he describes reminds me of the ZHPL story "Poast-Leftism & Bix-Nooding the Birthing Persons", where a bunch of right-wing art-celebs have a pretentious party before a bunch of heavily armed /pol/tards in frog masks show up, quote BAP in a fake Russian accent, scream about killing fags and Jews, and then trash the place.
Ironically, the piece featuring dancing frogs is the better written of the two.

>> No.20961765

What’s ZHPL

>> No.20961816

Zero HP Lovecraft, an "alt-right" sci-fi writer.

>> No.20961843

AI tier nonsense


>> No.20961855

>Reminder if your favorite director isn't on this list you're a fucking pleb

>> No.20962112

how did you know

>> No.20962113
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>The true face of the fascist avant-garde.

>> No.20962207

I'm glad that the only two people in this story I like left whatever shit show that was.

>> No.20962209


>> No.20962212

they probably had a lot of fun

>> No.20962218
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Nick Rochefort and Nick Mullen. A bought a Polish Hamlet poster from the former and would've been upset to learn that he's into being a yarvintard.

>> No.20962299

Absolutely unremarkable writing concerned with unremarkable literal whos. Glad I went in not knowing who these losers are and will forget that these losers exist in 3 minutes after I post this.

>> No.20962356

What the fuck is wrong with New Yorkers?
> I said that Peter and Betsey underestimated who they were messing with, and that since my writing has been blowing up, since it’s proceeding from expressing an adequate idea of certain attributes of God to the adequate knowledge of the essence of things, the piece I’d write about this would be bigger than the movie itself.
Who the hell funds these retards to spend all their time doing this stupid shit and then blogging about it? Where does all the money come from?

>> No.20962381

lol i saw people on poast laughing at this
alt right always miles ahead of everyone else culturally

>> No.20962421
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For any weird 4chan adjacent tourist fags reading, please consider becoming an actual third positionist instead of just flirting with diluted versions of it you hear on podcasts.

It's like socialism with developer tools turned on: You don't have to be that racist if you don't want, and you can adjust your antisemitism levels according to taste. You also no longer have to choose between the false dichotomy of gay civic nationalism or crass hyper-racist nationalism. You can find just the right amount of odious nativism that works for YOU!

>> No.20962431
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At least become a national syndicalist.

>> No.20962449
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what the fuck did I just read. the theater scene is something straight out of a Gaddis book.

>> No.20962532
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>> No.20962624
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>> No.20962648

peter thiel funded "Art scene" that has no actual talent. like they want to be andy warhol and the factory, they want to throw parties were lou reed and bowie are doing blow in the back room.

But its a bunch of talentless nobodies

>> No.20963071
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These kids are gonna to blow up one day I'm tellin' ya! They're gonna be BIG! You'll see.

>> No.20963270

omg she looks just like Dasha

>> No.20963283

Faceblind retard

>> No.20963288
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Looks exactly like her. You're just jealous.

>> No.20963296

Dios mio... la criatura marina goblina ha sido captada por la cámara....

>> No.20963651


>> No.20963765

>Curtis Yarvin
Midwit garbage.

>> No.20963929
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>> No.20963979

sorry who's the nazi and who's the tranny in this story?

>> No.20964123

The reality of post-Bourdain America

>> No.20964380
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Me and Millerman were sitting behind Rochefort and Mullen, but Millerman had to step out to make sure his car wouldn’t get towed (it has all his stuff in it), and I didn’t really know anyone else so I just sort of went back to my AirBnB to do work. Glad I missed some of this and wasn’t mentioned.

>> No.20964404

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.20964494
File: 156 KB, 900x1200, 50BEC813-CB65-42FF-BCE6-381D9407568E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Good Boys By Honor Levy (July 23, 2020)

>We’re on the rooftop with the boys. The boys are calling girls dogs, like, “She’s a dog, a total dog.” They don’t mean bitches. They just mean dogs. If they wanted to tell us that a girl was a bitch they would say, “She’s a bitch, a total bitch.” When the boys say something, they mean it. That’s why we like them. We’re not dogs. That’s why they like us. That’s why we’re on the rooftop.

>The house has three floors. The ceilings are high. I know that if one of the boys fell off the rooftop he’d die. I know that none of the boys will fall off—not tonight, at least. Tonight, they’re not roughhousing or drinking tequila or annoying me. They’ve left the tennis rackets on the second floor, and they want to tell us about their trip to Greece. In Greece, the cigarettes are cheap. They filled an entire suitcase with little yellow boxes of George Karelias and Sons. They say we can smoke as many as we want. They’re proud. The cigarettes are so cheap. The boys are so proud. We laugh. Zoe laughs like Tinkerbell, the air whistling between the gaps in her teeth. She’s definitely not a dog.

>I know we’re high up. I know our lives would be ruined if one of the boys fell, but tall plants are growing on the edge of the rooftop and I can’t see the cobblestones. If I could see that little cobblestoned street and the boys’ little Smart car, it would be easier to imagine them falling. It would be easier to remember that I’m in Paris. It would be easier to laugh like Zoe, like Tinkerbell, like a real girl, a girl who is not a dog.

>I can’t see the Panthéon or the observatory or the park. I can see only the boys and their tanned stomachs and the scrapes they got from falling off the moped. We could be anywhere. We could be back in New York or near my house in L.A. or at some Airbnb in Berlin. I’d like to go to Berlin, to dance with the boys at Berghain, to eat knafeh with Zoe, to see the Reichstag or whatever, but the boys don’t want to go. Athens is the new Berlin. In Athens, the cigarettes are cheap. I thought Kraków was the new Berlin. The boys laugh and shake their heads. I can smell their wet-puppy-dog hair.

>> No.20964499
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>The sun is setting and the sky is so pink. Pink like the canopy bed I never got, like Kirby, like peonies, like the cheeks of a girl who the boys have just called a dog. I stand at the edge of the rooftop holding my phone just above the plants, trying to take a photo, trying not to drop it. The boys tell me that if I want something to post on Instagram they’ll text me a Greek sunset. I’m not going to post anything. It’s just for my grandma. They want me to show her a Greek sunset. All their grandmas are dead. In Greece, the sky gets even pinker, like, way pinker. The Greeks have four words for sunset. One for each of the boys. Tomorrow, they leave to work on their barbed-wire sculptures at some studio space in Normandy. Tonight, we’re in Paris, but all they want to talk about is Greece. They wish they could have stayed, stayed away from Paris, from Normandy, from Bennington and Bard, from the rooftop, from all this. Their moms have ovarian cancer. Their girlfriends are pregnant again. They’re sure to fail a class next semester. In Greece, none of that matters. In Greece, they sail on boats and make sketches of naked marble women and all sleep in one king-size bed. In Greece, they touch sculptures of gods. In Greece, they put their art-history education to good use. In Greece, they were happy. We want them to be happy. We let them tell us about the olives and the stray cats and the monks and the night they crashed the moped and the windmills and the dead dolphin and the economy. I want to ask them how many dogs they saw, but then again I don’t really care.

>Dogs are girls who care. Girls who ask too many questions are dogs. Dogs comment on how high the ceilings are. Dogs want to know who this rooftop really belongs to. Dogs ask what your dads do for work. Dogs post sunsets on Instagram. Dogs throw up when they drink tequila. Dogs beg for games of rooftop tennis. Dogs ask where the Eiffel Tower is. Dogs wear too much perfume. Dogs stink. Dogs get mad when the boys kiss me or Zoe. Dogs don’t know how to keep it casual. Dogs whine. Dogs don’t want the boys to be happy. Dogs want to be held after sex, to be petted, to be taken care of. Dogs make a big deal when you get them pregnant. Dogs don’t know how to just take care of it while you’re with your boys in Greece. Dogs are too loud. Dogs get excited too fast. Dogs need you. Dogs just don’t get it. Dogs don’t get to hang out on the roof. It’s too high, they’re too wild, they might fall and then we’d have to catch them or something.

>> No.20964523

she's so pretty...

>> No.20964677

This guy should unironically kys

>> No.20964727

this is omnicringe af frfr

>> No.20964735

>orders the second lease-expensive malbec
fuck you

>> No.20965383

Towards a theory of nu-based

>> No.20965443

I CANNOT wait for Putin to wipe nyc off the face of the earth

>> No.20966488

>Where does all the money come from?
Their parents mostly.

>> No.20966504

Honor Levy is honestly very cool and based, the rest are literally whos or alt lit losers

>> No.20966677

That's a 5 if I've ever seen one

>> No.20966879

this article feels like it was writtenn by ai. none of these people or names or concepts are real nor do they have any bearing whatsoever on reality.

>> No.20967205

I’m laughing my fucking ass off reading this. I have no idea who the fuck these circle-jerking retards are. I stumbled across this thread and fell down this substack rabbit hole without any possible way of foreseeing the utter bewilderment which has befallen me in reading this.
Do people like this really exist? Am I getting plato’s cave’d rn? I swear some AI text engine was fed exclusively the Twitter threads of the talentless artist children of Urban coastal elites typed this up as a representation of American degeneracy. I understand we all construct webs of contrived meaning… but these motherfuckers are swimming in the spider’s lair. It’s like thousands of layers of self-important delusion fed by daddy’s money and a bullshit humanities degree. Their art theory is a postmodernis wet dream founded on a thread of nothing, like Deleuze’s vomit but without good taste in references and phonetic combinations. I have never let the reactionary antiquarianism of Lit get to me, but holy fuck if this is what people (from the inside) consider a modern arts scene “worth writing about”, I might as well kill myself.

I have never been so revolted by a piece of writing in my life.
This is beyond sad.

>> No.20967208

>t. Honor Levy

>> No.20967249

I'm from New York, and the whole "Downtown Scene" is fucking cringe. It's just a bunch of trust fund kiddies larping as "artists". It's less of a "scene" and more of a middle school social club, if whatever these faggots produce is considered "art" then the shit I leave on my toilet paper is fucking art.
There really isn't anything "fascist" about it, and honestly, Crumps is just using it as a buzzword. These retards just think that going against the liberal status quo is "transgressive" but the thing about identity politics in the U.S. is that it is bipartisan. That's the big thing about wokeness in America. It feeds off of its reaction and only grows stronger in influence the more people try to go against it. Ultimately, these guys are all just cringe and make me hate living in NYC a lot more than I already do.

>> No.20967255

The coasts should be nuked

>> No.20967278

Read the thread and I don't get what any of this has to do with fascism.

>> No.20967316


If it wasn't for the fact that like 90% of these people would be enthusiastic fascists if fascism ever came to power, I'd suggests that fascists must have a point if this is the sort of jagoff who critiques them.

>> No.20967420

same, these people are such losers but they are fascinating. everyone in this crew, from Dasha, Anna, to the lame orbiters honor and the fatass jack perfume nationalist are all deeply mentally ill The layers are never ending.

>> No.20967493
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you're supposed to become a fascist so that you can stop people like this from being leaders of culture, the thread is supposed to inspire you

>> No.20967635
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The fuck did I just read?

>> No.20967976

>their parents are rich!
Least of these ugly, midwit faggots’ worries. Even though they were unpopular in school, and a lot of this sort of behavior can be chalked up to classic “first time cool” missteps, that just evidences a deeply held delusion that anything’s changed.

>Bennington and Bard

*breathes in very very deeply*

>> No.20968081
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I used to listen to red scare so I'm vaguely familiar, but these people (red scare included) are fucking narcissistic losers who can't create or appreciate art in any capacity, it's only about the aesthetic value of being seen with it for them (why they manicure works to prop up and pretend to care for). Half of this crowd are rich kids who have nothing to say, nothing to recall, hiding under layers of irony and couldn't be sincere if they tried. It's a big manicured persona which is as shallow as they come. It's somewhat tragic that what was known as a relevant cultural hub (new york) has devolved to fags like this https://www.instagram.com/kyleunreconciled/?hl=en

I think deep down they know as you'll see some of them preen content from here, a place with genuine reflections.

>> No.20968102

Fascist is a political grouping, one can't be fascist in a meaningful way unless there's a fascist party they can vote for.

>> No.20968168

I don’t get it. Whose Instagram is that. Why does he keep saying this week on chinatown

>> No.20968188

some guy close to dasha (i.e. fucked) and that scene, just used it as a generic example of these vapid types. i don't know the chinatown thing its just some gay inside joke, again, trying to pretend they have something going on.

>> No.20968205


>> No.20968206

idk, I hate these kind of people, but they tend to have good taste, even by accident. and the layers of irony allows more tolerance for funny and subversive shit. although like I said earlier, the tranny mods catch on early.

>> No.20968319

Any “good taste” they have is calculated—their opinions are just cribbed from other people. If they read a book or movie with little context they’d have no idea what to think about it

>> No.20968475
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i don't know, i think their irony just comes from an inability to be vulnerable rather than a means to obfuscate anything subversive

>> No.20968505

well they cribbed from the right people, and that has to say something. either it was an accident, or they've got some kind of compass

>> No.20968519

This guy is an ugly faggot.
These people are so far removed from good taste. You only think they have good taste because you have read less than 100 books in your entire life

>> No.20968539

I think this world would simply be a less toxic and shitty place if all white people and jews just suddenly died

>> No.20968626
File: 1.33 MB, 1150x1074, Screenshot 2022-09-10 at 15.15.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also has a star of david tattoo on his bicep lol

>> No.20969098


I'll make you a deal: We start with the Jews and give it 20 years.

>> No.20969148

Whitoids don't have any hope of ever dominating the world again, you can't even defeat goat herders with your super advanced drones, you couldn't hold on to your African possessions, you're old and your pitifully small youth is stupid, depraved and weak. You'll be replaced and If you try to start your holy race war you'll be exterminated.

>> No.20969673


>> No.20969689

I have heard of Dimes Square and Honor Levy. But I think Dimes Square isn’t a person but an area or a scene. I don’t really know too much about the whole thing though.

>> No.20969829

Isn't this like over a month old? /lit/ is losing its edge.

>> No.20969884

Fuck off, shit skin. Whatever irrelevant subhuman race you belong to has contributed nothing to the world, and exists solely due to our quickly waning tolerance.

>> No.20969890

i would like to see a picture of honor levy please

>> No.20969902

i miss justin murphy is he still alive

>> No.20970055
File: 184 KB, 1080x1350, 306120342_762627108155625_2516659971138422730_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she top qt now that she's off speed

>> No.20970072

oh god that bulging ankle fat

>> No.20970074

>quickly waning tolerance
oh no non-whitebros what are we gonna do when they send the /pol/ brigade to our doorsteps and the reddit naval fleets to our countries? how are we gonna escape the ire of the fearsome white man? (average age in 2050: 60, but still as superior as ever)

>> No.20970084

Audrey Horne

>> No.20970094

>>20967205 sorry you had to find out any of this exists

>> No.20970109

>walled already

>> No.20970229

Actually following this shit would legit be as shameful as participating

>> No.20970266

If /lit/ has an "edge" it is proved by how utterly indifferent it is to shit like this, and to Twitter e-celebs. Whenever podcast paypigs post here they are noticeably out of place.

>> No.20970268

Yeah he just posted "i miss justin murphy is he still alive" on /lit/!

>> No.20970279

>be brown
>inherently disadvantaged because... reasons
>fuck you whitey
>let me live in your country because mine is too shitty
>fuck you whitey we gon kill you
>noooo whitey why you hate us, why you hate?

>> No.20970298

never seen the situation summed up quite this succinctly, thanks i just got a little more racist or my racism got a little more efficient (not sure which)

>> No.20970351

I'm native american retarded pigskin

>> No.20970389

>Chloe Cherry
lol tryna be cool arthoe/althoe/artaud indie doimes sq. actress, like it's cool, maybe has some sexnegative schtickle goin on while also beon slutty tarty trollopy strumpetty b/c that's also cool among the crowd, – but: I seen you girl, sucking (lying on your chest, male astanding) BBC on Blacked com, saliver dripping from lips (now – after!!?? – bogged) onto dainty huwhite skin – I seen that, and as an immovable Christian I can only condemn this, very sad indeed, but also shameful: and not shiggydiggy COOL. The nunnery is still gettable, and 'tis a better choice!

>> No.20970418

the top comment is better written than the article
>Rich brats who know their ideas suck grasping at relevance. Too retarded and void of artistic talent to pull off Artaud so they try to aestheticize a co-opted and diluted 4chan stream of consciousness. They can't even do fascism well because their sponsors are all rich ironic faggy NYC Jews whose prerogatives hinge on the H-word. It's also why we won't stop hearing about BAP and that disgusting greaseball Yarvin -- it's great misdirection! It's also why Dasha is too much of a pussy to go full Mel Gibson with her Catholic bit. Toilet paper aesthetics covering the unearned prerogatives of a class, and the rot and schizoid LARP is too central to the entire scene's psychology for it to ever be a cohesive enough project. Materially and ideologically the Birthright babies want it both ways, but increasingly get greedy and overplay their hands. Gay!

no idea who this is or what the fuck you're talking about but yea this (coalburner?) porn girl really went overboard when getting bogged

>> No.20970454

found a way to read twitter without signing up, if anyone else is interested in how faggots talk in their natural habitat

>> No.20970533

What’s the H-word?

>> No.20970557


>> No.20970630

You're native american retarded pigskin? That's a mouthful. Is Retarded Pigskin an injun name, like Clutching Eaglefoot or Dancing Wolftooth?

>> No.20970648
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>haircut place that serves whiskey
Bullshit, there is no way this exists

>> No.20970841

A pigskinned retard is what you are

>> No.20970944
File: 545 KB, 1230x1640, 1661691019008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's fat now

>> No.20970962

How does any woman let this happen to her. This is like being born a millionaire and giving it all away to work at IHOP in a meth town. For a woman this is worse than becoming paraplegic.

>> No.20970969

This really was an incredible rabbit hole.
One that shouldn’t exist, but entertaining nevertheless

>> No.20970976

>She's perfect now

>> No.20970983

This stuff is just the tao lin alt lit crap from ten years ago but with more 4chan and schizo twitter stuff mixed in. Let the kids have their fun, not like they have any other identity to hold on to anyways

>> No.20971023

Reading through this makes me physically cringe. I know some guys who are a bit younger than me who embody this yet still try to act blase and mildly disaffected yet still get very weird and uncomfortable if you mention whiteness in anything but a negative manner. It just makes them more difficult to be around.

>> No.20971069

>one can't be fascist in a meaningful way unless there's a fascist party they can vote for.
Retarded take. What does this say about the people who created these parties. Was Hitler not a National Socialist until he created the NSDAP?

>> No.20971070

How old are you? Or are you just not American?
I'm only 25 and I'd guess at least half of the hottest girls who I grew up with, the ones I would fantasize about every day, are now hilariously fat. Even by the end of college it was starting to get funny how quickly they blew up, now it's going so far that it's kinda horrifying. They'll go radio silent for a couple years then post an engagement picture where they weigh double what they did in the last post and talk about how their balding, sad-smiling fiance is Prince Charming.

>> No.20971144
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I really wish I was in New York so I could attend that kind of event. The intellectual dissident social sphere looks so, so comfy..

>> No.20971222

Who are pivotal figures of the downtown scene you describe? Any good artists?

>> No.20971224

You can just hang out with them on twitter and substack

>> No.20971227

Well, what are their twitters and substacks?

>> No.20971237


Start here I guess

>> No.20971238

It looks disgusting and highlights how humans are nothing more than pretentious apes

>> No.20971251

is this like some weird scheme by a real estate developer to try make manhattan seem cool now that all the wall street people are working from home? sorry i don't care how many indie film premiers you get kids to write about on substack, i'm not paying $5000 a month for a studio.

>> No.20971343

Everything highlights how humans are nothing more than pretentious apes, we can't escape it.

As cringe as these people are, you must understand that they are the right wing's best shot at becoming chic. Unlike the average right winger they have money, connections and they know how to talk to important people. We should hope that their gay little social club grows exponentially.

>> No.20971352

This. Thiel, Moldbug and Tucker are the future

>> No.20971368

moldbug keeps saying shit like this, that these dark elves are our only hope. uhhhh fuck that

>> No.20971409

I read moldbug before he got popular and dropped him fast. He's just not smart. I went back and read one of his more recent essays a year ago and he hasn't improved at all. Just really basic errors in logic and even grammar. Pathetic. I've read both of Thiel's books and they're okay but all he's really got going is money. He can't convey a vision beyond a negative reaction to things he doesn't like, as least as far as I've read.

At some point I'm going to get an apartment and spend a season in NYC just to see a bunch of broadway plays and visit all the museums and shit. Maybe fuck some arthoes at art exhibitions or something, I dunno. Not really interested in these pretentious idiots but the museums ARE world class.

>> No.20971413

There's no alternative. Even if what you hope for is a revolution, those never start without the approval of the intellectual bourgeois class. Peasant power is a meme.

>> No.20971421

nobody calls themself or their creations based unless they don't understand what they're saying.

>> No.20971443

what about a revolution that starts in a place like florida or texas rather than in a traditional power center?

>> No.20971445
File: 2.18 MB, 2230x910, 1630162745403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These jewish kids say bad words and do ironic nazi salutes though so obviously this must be based

>> No.20971479

>rich libs in nyc trying to monetize chud culture
now i know how rappers felt when high fashion started ripping off urban streetwear in the 90s

>> No.20971508
File: 118 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMTQzMDU4OTg2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTI0MjIyOA@@._V1_UY1200_CR167,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well jump on the bandwagon and become a famous chud.

>> No.20971543

bro imagine if quentin tarantino does a chudsploitation flic lmao

>> No.20971552

Do you follow the perfectangelicdasha page lol???

>> No.20971615

What about chudcore music, what would that be like? Nightcore nerd rock? Or this?


>> No.20971625
File: 171 KB, 1056x1600, 71qKtCFDy1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, someone get them to talk about Beautiful Losers and Pat Buchanan's economic nationalism on their show since I hear they already like Lasch.

>> No.20971638

Nightcore country.


>> No.20971790

Isn't she a communist?

>> No.20971808

it's dasha's fan page you idiot

>> No.20971811

These people, I guess you would probably call them something like nazbol

>> No.20971817

dimes square is were all the hip young autofiction writers are hanging out, be there are be square


>> No.20971825

this is sort of like when the hippies became neocons or new agers, the occupy wall street generation are larping as trads and catholic to mythologize their own boring lives and be a special snowflake that is diffrent from the woke normies

>> No.20971851

Or, they have experienced woke life and found it unfulfilling. The occupy wall street generation is pushing 30, that's the age when it becomes clear some of the ideas you held in your youth were retarded.

>> No.20971980 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 600x344, 2a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two nights after the Clandestino meetup, I’m at a three-story loft on Eldridge Street where Noah Kumin sits at the merch table selling copies of his new, Urbit-sponsored literary journal, the Mars Review of Books. He’s wearing a loose, graying white t-shirt, and looks a little greasy in a way that hovers successfully between 4channer and art bro. The coolest thing right now, he is saying, is to be an incel.

>> No.20971982
File: 734 KB, 1106x1012, 568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two nights after the Clandestino meetup, I’m at a three-story loft on Eldridge Street where Noah Kumin sits at the merch table selling copies of his new, Urbit-sponsored literary journal, the Mars Review of Books. He’s wearing a loose, graying white t-shirt, and looks a little greasy in a way that hovers successfully between 4channer and art bro. The coolest thing right now, he is saying, is to be an incel.

>> No.20972306


Moldbugs response to the Crumps article

>> No.20973004

Can't take any called Crumps seriously

>> No.20973014
File: 1.19 MB, 3126x3126, times-square-at-dusk-534858417-59b71eae798a49c4838c1507ec6bbffb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at Dimes Square :DDDDD

>> No.20973042

So the original is mostly true?

>> No.20973177

They're just shills for Jewish capitalism though. All they want is unrestrained Jewish power. That's what Moldbug's philosophy actually amounts to, since he ignores the JQ and white nationalism. That's why Thiel is astroturfing him and BAP. We're better off now with at least some of the liberal protections we still have, but these people want to remove those protections while Jews are still in power.

>> No.20973274

Plz recommend me books about stupid lib rich kids from JY.

>> No.20973283


le frigo americaine…

>> No.20973337

I have read through this thread. I have followed the links. I still have no idea what this is all about.

>> No.20973354

>tfw ywn experience the 20s downtown nyc chudwave scene

>> No.20973368

Reddit tier faggotry.

>> No.20973374

Kek how is crumps so absolutely based? Isn’t Dasha like mid 30s? So embarrassing.

>> No.20973393

I didn't click any of this shit but it's definitely some schizo sounding stuff. I'm just gonna exit this thread and pretend I didn't see any of it.

>> No.20973414

That might actually be a good business opportunity.

>> No.20973415
File: 141 KB, 1000x1482, 3360F803-2893-4062-8AEC-58280A51C044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread inspired me to watch this movie. Annnnddddd it’s fucking garbage. Unwatchable bad. Americans are absolute cancer

>> No.20973432

I will do the same. So long, old friend. May we meet in better threads.

>> No.20973449

its so weird knowing ppl in this scene and seeing it discuss on 4chan

>> No.20973458

oh look a low level chudzi
with a thiel sep number < 3

>> No.20973477

Dasha please go on a date with me

>> No.20973495

i wish thiel was giving free money
i honestly dont think dasha is attractive. tons of girls who are smarter and better looking than her
shes just gross

>> No.20973526

NY is a cultural tumor. Nothing they produce or laud is good to a degree that sometimes genuinely amazes me.

>> No.20973536

None of them are any good. But the biggest ones in the scene include Anna and Dasha (RedScare), Eugene Kotlyarenko, Honor Levy, Peter Vack of course, Peter Thiel rumored to have invested in the "Scene", and the list goes on and on.
They are all carbon copies of one another. Larping as Catholics, retarded, lack any artistic intellect and are what I can only describe as an anti-yuppie yuppie circle.
They try to be transgressive but only make themselves look like fools. Whenever confronted with the slightest critique regarding their "art", they take it as a personal attack on their character. As the pic in OP's post says, NYC is middlebrow: the place. It's where those who aestheticize being surrounded by an art scene go when they don't want to produce anything of actual value.

>> No.20973603

so where is the true art scene? is there a current art scene?

>> No.20973616

>NYC is middlebrow: the place.
Just a contemporary version of Pynchon's whole sick crew.

>> No.20973657

I'm a Brooklyn fiction MFA grad in my 20s and this is the majority of my friends. I can't find anyone else to hang out with. What do you call it when you hate the group you're in but you can't get into any other group?

>> No.20973663

There really isn't any art scene in NYC. There's only "Woke" art by POC Libs and "Transgressive art" by Ethnic Jews being wannabe Catholics and Right Wingers. The latter being the most annoying funnily enough.

>> No.20973669

To anyone in proximity to power, it's obvious the Jewish question is a meme. In upper class New York Jews are not a theoretical construct like they are in rural Kansas, they're everywhere.. for the upper class to become antisemites you would need to make them accept the idea of killing their friends and family, most of whom got where they are not through racial nepotism but through being genuinely smart. Not gonna happen.

>> No.20973673

>Brooklyn MFA Grad
You're either lying or you're posting from your crack den apartment in Bed-Stuy.

>> No.20973690

This entire thread feels like a simulation. I have never heard of a single person mentioned here.
What the fuck

>> No.20973701

just because manhattan is full of junkies again and being mugged is back on the menu doesn't mean the art is going to be any good since rents aren't back to 1980s level just the crime. also, i agree, this whole thing could be made up by some autistic kid in north carolina.

>> No.20973702

I live in Clinton Hill

>> No.20973709


>> No.20973714

What the fuck. How do you manage?

>> No.20973722

Take a guess

>> No.20973730

He’s a trust fund loser who will never amount to anything—hence the Brooklyn MFA

>> No.20973736

What are they like IRL?

>> No.20973742

I'm only aware of Mike Crumplar for being the butt of jokes on Twitter and Dimes Square because of an article by the aforementioned Mike Crumplar. Dimes Square seems like another Peter Thiel effort that amounts to no more than pissing away money - he needs to do better.

I don't know why anyone would care about any of these characters though. Americans don't have anything interesting to say artistically, least of all trust fund kids in NYC.

>> No.20973743

MFA = Mom's Failed Adult

>> No.20973744

Ding ding ding
I've already been published in some good literary journals though, fuck you

>> No.20973750

Unless it’s AGNI, there are no good “literary journals.” They’re just all dominated by effeminate men and mediocre white women with a superiority complex.

>> No.20973761

I mostly agree, and have been rejected by AGNI any time I sent them anything, but there are "good" journals that people like publishers/agents care about. also just have a general inferiority complex and wanted to prove to that other anon that I've at least accomplished a modicum of the success that could be expected of me at this point in my life. since he's probably never had anyone read his stuff except his mom and annoyed roommates

>> No.20973781
File: 313 KB, 2500x1666, artomi-katherinebernhardt-gold-creditbryanzimmerman-7-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All American art sucks smelly balls right now.

>> No.20973801 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 3003x2100, focus-2-3000x2100-crop-50-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that the armory show? i find art shows so alienating

>> No.20973802

Are those people really small or what

>> No.20973805


>> No.20973815
File: 283 KB, 2048x1365, 08armory-art-show-review-326-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh plz if u nerds saw this on an anime website instead of an art show you'd be slamming the like button.

>> No.20973819

Visual art just does not do it for me at all. Who cares—looking at a where’s Waldo is often more interesting

>> No.20973824

so then why call out american art specifically for "sucking smelly balls"? if you have no artistic sense and less taste, maybe keep your opinions to yourself.

>> No.20973826

Different poster

>> No.20973851

As someone who is actually a part of this scene and has been written about by Crumps, you need to understand that above all else he is a gigantic faggot. He has no interesting ideas of his own nor does he have the ability to produce takes to get him his dream career as a shitlib pundit, so he (like many other failed artists turned journos in NYC) globbed onto a scene that he represents as something much more meaningful and dramatic than it actually is.

>> No.20973856

Don’t care.

>> No.20973857
File: 125 KB, 800x571, 853a8e27e69095219c5d610474215526_f15218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually really good for digital art. But pieces like that are outnumbered by toilet paper tier works.

>> No.20973870

this is the case for everything in new york it feels like to me. one must always ask "if this same 'scene' was in arkansas or wisconsin, would anyone care"? it's like doing anything in nyc suddenly gives it some authenticity when in reality the opposite is generally true.

>> No.20973880


no. nobody would care because people hanging out and doing things in arkansas or wisconsin without adhering to woke bullshit isn't anything special and there aren't talentless hacks looking to condemn them for clout.

>> No.20973890

i still think some investor bought up all those old chinatown buildings and is pushing this crap to jack up the property value in the work from home era. art has always been allied with gentrifiers in nyc so it's guilty until proven innocent to me, but i really don't care enough to skim a bunch of shit about it.

>> No.20973897

You aren't going to make a party and neither is anyone else. At least on that's not omnicringe

>> No.20973899


If you aren’t lying then I feel like you’re angelicism, or Logo…

>> No.20973904

This whole art show that he describes sounds incredibly gay, but Crumps is himself also gay so it's hard to parse what's real and what's his own faggotry. Crumps is a loser who constantly writes about this art scene and how gross/uncreative it is, despite the fact that's the only thing he writes about. Hope this was real and he actually got a taste of being on the other side of the struggle session for once. Someone should shit in his mailbox.

>> No.20973908


that would be funny

>> No.20973912

Follow the Thielbux

>> No.20973916


I'm not angelicism and I don't think logo would say that he's a part of the Dimes Square scene. You've never heard of me, I was a nameless character in a crumps article.

>> No.20973926


it was real and it was the funniest thing to happen around here in a while

>> No.20973927

There's also a lot less money in Arkansas and Wisconsin. Nobody cares about what poorfags do.

>> No.20973931



>> No.20973935

And no one cares what nycfags do other than redditards and terminally online faggots

>> No.20973946


>no one cares what nycfacs do other than
>terminally online faggots
>posting on /lit/

anon you are the terminally online faggot

>> No.20973957


>> No.20974010
File: 127 KB, 795x960, 663f8f4f9f41708821d13c7fa304f127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird to me that they picked Catholicism. I mean yeah, the aestethic is beautiful and the beliefs are chuddy. But protestant televangelistcore seems like it would be a better fit for America. Benny Hinn was hot when he was young, Jan Crouch had big pink hair and Jesus Camp style worship is trippy.

>> No.20974015

>protestant televangelistcore
it's a crass Middle America thing, not suitable for NYC.

>> No.20974028

i swear it is people reading chesterton. easily digestible critiques of modernity, very quotable etc.

>> No.20974030

ya i was gonna say the same thing, evangelicals are the most assertive christians in america, but they have no presence in nyc.

>> No.20974042

Types of people to not have lost their virginity until college

>> No.20974052
File: 637 KB, 2730x2048, il_fullxfull.1817021423_hpgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-ironic middle American culture would be suitable for NYC. You can't tell me this flavor of tacky Christianity isn't so bad it's good.

>> No.20974063

Middle American culture shouldn't even be ironically identified with for the purposes of mockery. It deserves total scorn and nothing else.

>> No.20974068

As someone who's lived in the Northeast my entire life, it makes sense that they'd choose Catholicism. Evangelicism doesn't exist here outside of black churches, it's an alien religion from another part of the world. Most of these people are the types who grew up through the 00s watching John Stewart and shitting on Southern Evangelicals for backing the Iraq War (just like 4chan used to be). The entire view of Evangelicism around here is as kitschy 95-iq conserva-boomers.

Mainline Protestantism doesn't make sense either because they're the gayest of the gays. They literally wave tranny flags outside of their churches. Catholicism is the largest religion in the Northeast stretching from Philly to Connecticut so everyone around here is very familiar with it, it has a conservative bent to it unlike Mainline Proddies, and it doesn't have the baggage of Evangelicism.

>> No.20974073

ya but if u dress middle american you might be mistaken for a tourist

>> No.20974082

I live in NY and I dress like a tourist all the time, though I’m too good looking for it to appear earnest. But still, fags who look down on tourists and are concerned with not passing as locals are pathetic.

>> No.20974088

yeah but where are you from originally

>> No.20974100

No one “from” NY is actually from NY. You’re all transplant retards

>> No.20974109

yeah that's my point his post basically says
>im from the midwest and I dress like im from the midwest and people who look down on me for it are pathetic
he's just a jumped up yokel

>> No.20974124


>> No.20974127

Just pair bits of middle American aesthetics with classy accessories. Anyways if you don't weigh 300 pounds it's unlikely people would think you're genuinely from there, I'm pretty sure middle America is full of fatties.

>> No.20974129

This betrays your Jewish mentality perfectly. You're so habituated to how utterly Jewish this all is that you can't even see it. Believe it or not, not all cultures are infested by tumorous accretions of incestuous pseudo-elite faggots like the ones described in this thread. The tumor spreads by creating more cells like itself and distributing them to other vital centers. In the biological body this is done through mitosis, but in a social body it's even more opportunistic and will just as easily convert healthy cells from its surroundings.

Again, believe it or not, this "who knows whom" high school gossip culture is pathological and not universal. You are probably Jewish and have never experienced anything else, but it isn't normal to always "know someone who knows someone" who can set you up with a meeting with someone. That is more commonly associated with minority populations and ghettos, because people have to stick together for reasons other than meritocratic ones to survive. Askhenazi diaspora Jews have the double-edged sword that they are basically a peak "survivor" minority, very good at worming into financial and cultural centers and dominating them because of their incestuousness and insularity, but for the exact same reasons, they are too narcissistic to hold onto power in a quiet and strategic way. As soon as they dominate some metropole like New York they transform it into a stage for the goyim to watch the Jews watch themselves being Jewish and making Jewish jokes about being Jews who are Jewish.

All meritocracy is stripped from any system coopted in this way, and thus all healthy mechanisms for "elite circulation," because the artificially pressurized cabal of self-adulating-self-hating Jews using its influence to control all appointments and opportunities doesn't NEED meritocracy. If you're in, you're in. There's always some cousin who knows someone else's cousin. If you know anything at all about New York Jews, you know that nobody organically distinguishes themselves, say for writing. They know people who know people and they go to the right parties where everybody jokes about being Jewish haha we're so Jewish and it just so happens that a guy who knows the guy who runs the literary magazine is there, and now you're published so the goys think you must have merited being published so you merit being further published.

>for the upper class to become antisemites you would need to make them accept the idea of killing their friends and family
WASP coastal elites whose kids are nonbinary "sex workers" and transvestites would have a hard time swallowing a critique of Jewish influence while sitting across the kitchen table from their Jewish wife. Just like they have a hard time swallowing anything else that isn't Fukuyama's Eternal 1990s. But they are irrelevant. What is relevant is what I mentioned above, that Jews in charge are their own worst enemy because they transform the entire world into a shrine to themselves.

>> No.20974152

summer concerts are dope idgaf what anyone says. Wait... I am this person.

>> No.20974155

You’re literally the person I’m making fun of. I grew up here. It doesn’t make me special

>> No.20974162

What cultures don't have incestuous pseudo-elites? Name one.

>> No.20974180

Not who you're responding to. I think his point is that any elites in our society are going to be hostile towards anti-semitism because they're going to have friends from childhood/college/work are that are Jewish that they trust/have more in common with than you. Every movement whether political or socio-cultural needs elites. With out them at best you'll be Jared Taylor the weirdo curiosity of the American political spectrum or more likely you'll just be another bumpkin peasant rabble like the KKK or Patriot Front that does performative marches once in awhile and is constantly harassed by the secret police. There is not a single example in all of history of a revolution of political structure that did not contain elites on the revolutionary side. Germany, Russia, France, America, etc.

>> No.20974182

The Dogon

>> No.20974186

You should read Sombart's The Jews and Modern Capitalism and see just how many things you think are cultural universals were introduced by Jewish habits. The shit in this thread is as normal as Arabs being terrified of dogs or blacks not knowing how to swim. It's a fixable problem.

>> No.20974205

Provide examples

>> No.20974216


>> No.20974223

sounds like you just have shitty taste and are desrascinated

>> No.20974573

But even without Capitalism, the bourgeois class still exists. Under communism, fascism and monarchy it's everyone who kisses dear leader's butt really hard.

>> No.20975178
File: 1.91 MB, 200x200, 1548286212913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it´s so weird seeing people above 30 years old talking like your average 4channer, i mean, isn´t this site mostly used by late teens and college students?

>> No.20975480


>> No.20975763

holy fuck. looking at this shit makes me feel suicidal. how do these fucking pretentious, talentless pseuds have the confidence to post any of their dribble on the internet???? their writing is SO FUCKING BAD it makes me want to eat a fucking bullet. HOLY FUCK. their voices... i listened to like 15 seconds of that podcast..... is this just from growing up insanely rich and privileged in some weird private school bubble? how and why do these people have any fame whatsoever??? what the fuck.

>> No.20975952
File: 59 KB, 750x1000, img-tao-lin_085529844583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does Tao Lin fit into the new NYC crew?

>> No.20975994

4chan is used by 30 year olds who used it when its userbase was mostly late teens and college students. 4chan does not get new users.

>> No.20976023

Praise God for this

Raped a few of them into chopping their tits off I think

>> No.20976087
File: 11 KB, 389x194, 4chan userbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20976111

No actually

>> No.20976116

yes actually, see this >>20976087

>> No.20976122

How in the fuck would this ancient thing, which moot probably put there because he was desperate for any advertisers to not see 4chan as a pariah website, be determined? 4chan also officially bans racism outside of /b/, which is a board no one has used since 2009

>> No.20976123

Yes, and mostly the 30-34 part of that demographic.

>> No.20976128

>he's never been banned for racism

>> No.20976172

"late teens and college students"

>> No.20976179
File: 59 KB, 1316x168, 4chan oversocialized old faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly the 30-34 part of that demographic.

the minority

>> No.20976186


>> No.20976298
File: 109 KB, 900x1200, EpPfHkzXcAEbEaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, there's nothing there, and people wouldn't care if Crumps didn't keep promoting them. Almost as if he's in on it

>> No.20976306 [DELETED] 

I think Curtis Yarvin is extremely attractive and I feel kind of bad for lusting after a married man.

>> No.20976347
File: 80 KB, 1024x682, 220811-keffals-snip-ac-507p-0bb2e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dimes Square kids should go out of their way to court cancellation from the other side like this person did. It would bring them legitimate attention from people other than Crumps.

All they have to do is make controversial but correct statements like "isn't it kind of weird to pretend transwomen are literally women?" and they would have rabid leftists spreading their names far and wide.

>> No.20976382

"Transgressive Art" of this sort isn't even transgressive - random 4chan creations like "I can't sneed!" or Happy Merchant variations are more transgressive and funnier than anything put out by self-proclaimed transgressive artists. But as you said most of these characters are literal Jews or larping Catholics whose friends are all Jews so you can't expect much

>> No.20976485

>>Honor Levy
Honor Levy is actually excellent. I first read her stuff in NYTyrant and thought it was really good. I know she has a novel coming out, hopefully it's as good as her shorter stuff. The Tyrant is an underrated magazine. Lit journals and mags are underrated in general these days, cool way to read lots of people without having to dig too hard

>> No.20976490

she cute

>> No.20976509

I think it's because they're scared of getting socially crucified if they step too far out of line. The best hope for a proper dissident art movement is probably for the artists to use pseudonyms and say what they want under the cover of anonymity.

>> No.20976515

You are terrible at shilling and blew your cover immediately.

>> No.20976529

Does she have an OnlyFans?

>> No.20976546

I think an attempt at Dissident Art would turn out badly due to being too hamfistedly political. Not counting the so-called Dimes Square people, look at what comes out of the dissident right e-zines for example - atrocious. American art is almost always bad though, so you can't really have any expectations.

>> No.20976566

The problem with courting cancellation by antagonizing trannies is that trannies are mostly rapists and sadists because of their sexual fetishes (unhealthy fixation on very skewed vision of femininity) combined with persistent sexual frustration and isolation, and they also have a deadly combination of personality disorders that cause paranoia and persecution delusions combined with vindictive spiteful behavior.

I mean think about it, it's just a very online incel crazy enough to crossdress publically, and deluded enough to demand internally incoherent "support" from society for doing so. They won't just cancel you, they will try to hurt you in every way they can, and a significant minority will talk on discord with their other incel friends about how they would correctively rape you with their "girldick".

That's a man

>> No.20976601

Nawh man I didn't read the thread or the substance when I posted. I genuinely didn't know she had a podcast. The article was fun I don't know why you guys are going crazy though. The only difference between Ohio metalcore scene and Brooklyn art scene is money and online presence. All scenes are whiny and drama filled and sort of pathetic, at least the ones I've seen. Honor Levy has some talent in writing though.

>> No.20976618
File: 137 KB, 670x500, otto_skorzeny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right, you are a faggot tourist

>> No.20976631

Then they could court cancellation by saying "hey isn't it weird how antifa is allowed to openly dox people on twitter, maybe Andy Ngo is right" or they could say "affirmative action is antisemitic". There's no shortage of no-no thoughts they could voice.

>> No.20976755

Namefags are ALL irrelevant.

>> No.20976792

Is that a fucking crime and punishment reference?!?!?!?!

>> No.20976837 [DELETED] 

at some point people of conscious from across society are going to have to rein in this madness

>> No.20976846

That rich new york tribesmen feel the need to frontrun the far right is extremely encouraging, they really are scared of of us! And not just the ones bitching about how mike pence is hitler and to defeat pepe the frog we must elect Joe Biden and slava ukraini. THESE ones are more sober and as such know that the nascent "movement" is composed of powerless, disorganized and aggrieved loners hammering away at their keyboards from mother's basement and wizard's towers. And they're still scared of that!
Never forget though my fellow hobbits, the "dark elves" (horrible analogy btw) are just trying to pull off another great reset. Oy, there's autochthonous energy? The nations are awake? Quick, give them some Rothbard, some Rand, some Friedman, some Moldbug! Libertarianism but with N words! That is rebellion!

>> No.20976887
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the chuds LOST! mr lebowski, did you HEAR ME! the chuds LOST!

>> No.20976904

Why is no one on here talking about the fact that before he tried to get famous writing about these people he tried to get famous theorizing the incel and viewing My Twisted World as a modern day Dosto novel?

>> No.20976921

Please try to actually improve your godawful writing instead of astroturfing on the internet among people you simultaneously think yourself superior to but still desperately crave their approbation.

>> No.20976948

Nazism legitimately makes no sense if you look at the system closely. The Jews are just cogs in a large machine and if they were gone they would quickly be replaced. Less money would go to Israel but gentiles like Bush and Clinton would still be doing their thing.

>> No.20976959
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Fascism unironically works.

>> No.20976972

>t. C.A. Bond
Yeah we need elites and support from friendly foreign actors. The deep state is terrified of the friendly foreign actors, so they're apparently standing in wait somewhere. Some elites will jump ship and many others will hedge their bets. You're already seeing this with certain public gorillionaires trying to put a damper on "wokeness" (for liberalism's sake still, sure) because fear of the "the backlash" is growing in the back of their minds. I've always been of the opinion that we should egg on purges within the elite to scoop up the victims, but even if we don't do anything like get a bunch of WASP youngsters admissions papers revoked, the purges will still happen.

Beyond that, we can count on an explosion of regionalisms in the coming years which will hopefully see national elites become aware of themselves again

>> No.20976980

Not him but its more likely that we see the reverse of the 20th Century - elites will side with self-proclaimed far leftists and view the far right as a bigger threat. Right now the biggest threat to their prosperity is insufficient immigration from the Global South to prop up the population.

>> No.20976982

Nazism is not the only kind of fascism out there.

>> No.20976995

Hey I didn't mean that N word! Beyond that, the goal of the "movement" will be to put power back into the hands of the other castes. You know the whole "when the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest" deal? Yeah, was it Bush or Clinton that said that? We or the most redpilled among us know that the JQ is just a subset of the BQ (burgher question). There's an h there, it's not Americans.

>> No.20977013

That's just what the consensus elite opinion already is today, some will begin to realize that their position is overleveraged and that neglecting the uhh "biological substrate" forever is an impossible project, or that there are other means of propping up the population

>> No.20977032

>Curtis Yarvin and Alex Bienstock discuss the meanings of the terms “nu-based” and “omnicringe” throughout all this.

>> No.20977034

>That's just what the consensus elite opinion already is today, some will begin to realize that their position is overleveraged and that neglecting the uhh "biological substrate" forever is an impossible project, or that there are other means of propping up the population
I disagree. I think African immigration is the path of least resistance to propping up the population vs. trying to curtail women's rights (which is the only other way, really) and they're fine with their countries becoming South Africa-esque as they can buy their way out of the worst of it, much as the super-rich do in South Africa. I think most Western countries will be supermajority African by 2100 only from labor migration - India and LatAm are declining rapidly in birth rates and won't be able to provide warm bodies.

>> No.20977041

It sounds like something Patrick Batman would say in an internal monologue.

>> No.20977047

No it doesn't

>> No.20977062

>it costs money to write and blog
midwit computer illiterate spotted.

>> No.20977078


I don't know why this got me so good.

>> No.20977084

>incredible rabbit hole.
It's really not. It's a minor divot that almost everyone but the mentally ill will completely ignore.

>> No.20977092


This thread needs to die. The fact it is still alive is too respectful toward 'm crump'

>> No.20977093

>I'm from New York
What's it like getting spitroasted, faggot?

>> No.20977114

~30% female
BWAZAZAZAZA more like 40% trannies and 10% liars.

>> No.20977148
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You don't need to curtail women's rights to convince them that having babies is cool. Most of them are sheep who respond to propaganda.

There is immense power in motherhood. The main reason it's not common knowledge is because everyone parrots what the media says.

>> No.20977153

Yeah whoever succeeds in finally dad-shouting loud enough at women to stop being childish and go have a child will basically save the world.

>> No.20977227

The probably with Sub-Saharan Africanization is that Latin Americans are often genuinely hard workers, while Sub-Saharans are not, and Latin Americans are at least 1-2 standard deviations above Sub-Saharans in average IQ. This is likely why the moneyed powers are racing towards automation and artificial intelligence in order to obsolete the labor instead.

>> No.20977234

The best dark elf on the internet is Scott Alexander from slatestarcodex. He will never call himself a chud but if you actually read his blog posts it's pretty clear which side he's on.

>> No.20977255

I worship Hitler. Why are you recommending homosexual blog to me?

>> No.20977294
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Did someone say Tao Lin?

>> No.20977303

No, we said Crumps should "throw the towel in"

>> No.20977307


Sir, you won this thread. Kindly take my upvote and karma!

>> No.20977315
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thanks friend

>> No.20977329

There is such a thing as winning in an undesirable way.

>> No.20977652

Whoa I never said anything about anybody being better than anyone

>> No.20977725
File: 72 KB, 900x676, 1513308354807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunday afternoon. Streets filled with a haggard, exhausted, pitiable crowd—rejects from everywhere, vestiges of continents, scum of the earth. One thinks of Rome under the Caesars, overrun by the dregs of the Empire. Every world center is a city dump.

Emil Cioran, The New Gods

Every world center deserve a nuke

>> No.20977765

It's about the avante garde Nazi scene in NYC