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20960270 No.20960270 [Reply] [Original]

Books about monarchy and why it is good?

>> No.20960277 [DELETED] 

It's not good. Minorities should storm parliament and the palace and execute every white shithead present.

>> No.20960279
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>> No.20960286

i spent my day cooming and of course she dies. now i will forever remember that I spent my cooming when she died

>> No.20960290

This is a terrible thing to say but I am glad she passed away so Louis XIV kept his record as longest-reigning monarch in history

>> No.20960291

I was reading Murphy by Beckett whilst listening to Schumann, and I heard the news from the tv downstairs

>> No.20960311
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>> No.20960313

Jesus Christ anon...

>> No.20960328

Alas, poor Liz!

>> No.20960332

>ruled by a woman
ahh anglos

>> No.20960335

woah a chart on /lit/ can't believe it

>> No.20960336

The Queen has not dead faggots. Long live the Queen.

>> No.20960338

No Robert Filmer? Nice image though.

>> No.20960339

Unironically LOTR.

>> No.20960343

It's yuge

>> No.20960345

The world feels so different than it used to. I don’t like it.

>> No.20960354

I prefer hierarchal republics governed by benevolent, Christian aristocrats.

>> No.20960355

So an era officially ended today. With all the shit that's been happening the past four years, it now feels like its been building up to this.

>> No.20960362

Only cucks like monarchy

>> No.20960361

The British empire is truly gone now, it had a good run.

>> No.20960365

you only like monarchy because of aesthetics, not because it's a good system

>> No.20960366

>has not dead
Don't call me a faggot if you can't even speak english you piece of shit

>> No.20960367

Damn. Me too. This cooms for you, Her Royal Majesty.

>> No.20960369

Who is she? I thought The Queen was a rock n' roll band.

>> No.20960373

Press S to spit


>> No.20960382

If the brits don't immediately abolish the monarchy, they're a broken people

>> No.20960385

uuuuhhhhh... I'm gonnnnaaa... chaaaaaart...

>> No.20960386
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>> No.20960393

>So an era officially ended today.
Not really

>> No.20960397


>> No.20960398
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>If the brits don't immediately abolish the monarchy, they're a broken people

>> No.20960399


>> No.20960400

I thought it would last my time -
The sense that, beyond the town,
There would always be fields and farms,
Where the village louts could climb
Such trees as were not cut down;
I knew there'd be false alarms

In the papers about old streets
And split level shopping, but some
Have always been left so far;
And when the old part retreats
As the bleak high-risers come
We can always escape in the car.

Things are tougher than we are, just
As earth will always respond
However we mess it about;
Chuck filth in the sea, if you must:
The tides will be clean beyond.
- But what do I feel now? Doubt?

Or age, simply? The crowd
Is young in the M1 cafe;
Their kids are screaming for more -
More houses, more parking allowed,
More caravan sites, more pay.
On the Business Page, a score

Of spectacled grins approve
Some takeover bid that entails
Five per cent profit (and ten
Per cent more in the estuaries): move
Your works to the unspoilt dales
(Grey area grants)! And when

You try to get near the sea
In summer . . .
It seems, just now,
To be happening so very fast;
Despite all the land left free
For the first time I feel somehow
That it isn't going to last,

That before I snuff it, the whole
Boiling will be bricked in
Except for the tourist parts -
First slum of Europe: a role
It won't be hard to win,
With a cast of crooks and tarts.

And that will be England gone,
The shadows, the meadows, the lanes,
The guildhalls, the carved choirs.
There'll be books; it will linger on
In galleries; but all that remains
For us will be concrete and tyres.

Most things are never meant.
This won't be, most likely; but greeds
And garbage are too thick-strewn
To be swept up now, or invent
Excuses that make them all needs.
I just think it will happen, soon.

>> No.20960404

A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.20960405

The age of monarchs is over anon, let freedom reign

>> No.20960407

I hope her entire family gets killed too.

>> No.20960411

This is the Queen that ruled over the massive transformation of UK, not doing anything to stop it. She wasn't a traditionalists. She wasn't a defender of the Empire. Still, the amount of loyalty she inspired is worthy of respect.

>> No.20960416
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>The age of monarchs is over anon, let (((freedom))) reign

>> No.20960420

We are a broken people, soon the caliphate will rule these isles at this rate

>> No.20960426

I understand the sentiment for Elizabeth, but imagine calling that pedophile Philip your king and paying for his lifestyle

>> No.20960427

>not doing anything to stop it.
Not how the monarchy works in the UK

>> No.20960430

>why it is good?
It sure isn’t

Papa. Grow the beard back

>> No.20960432

>paying for his lifestyle
Another tranny who learned about monarchy from twitter

>> No.20960434

It's naïve to believe she had no power at all, no agency, nothing she could have gotten done.

>> No.20960435
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As an Englishman I feel sadder about this than I thought I would. I’m not a monarchist and I don’t think monarchy is particularly good but…shit, lads.

>> No.20960437

>what is a constitution

>> No.20960439

>Another britbong that doesn’t understand how monarchy owns him.

>> No.20960444

The law is dead. People are alive. And she sure was a woman with a lot of money, status and connections.

>> No.20960446

Tell me how. Tell me how much we're "paying" for the monarchy. I'll tell you: we make money from it, so less than £0

>> No.20960448 [DELETED] 

as an american, i feel like i'm going to cry which surprises me considering i don't give a shit about that prince and his actor wife. last death with this much impact was probably john paul 2, but even that didn't feel emotional.

>> No.20960453

She was the figurehead of a satellite nation. She didn't, and doesn't, deserve respect. Her death should signal the end of an age of whiteness and conservatism. Hopefully the rest die soon as well. As soon as the geriatric whites are dead, the beneficiaries of their oppression and privilege can be liquidated.

>> No.20960455

i'd say i can't believe i learned about this on 4chan, but i'm really not. i'm just kind of annoyed she didn't make it to 100.

>> No.20960456

Needs von Haller's Restoration of Political Science. Fairly comprehensive chart but not cohesive there's about 50 conflicting takes on here.

>> No.20960458
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Something the Brits don't have.
What else would you expect, from a country of criminals and degenerates?

>> No.20960460
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Why are trannies so hateful? Truly a disgusting breed of “person” both inside and out.

>> No.20960463

The British crown invented freedom and rights while France was a despotic tyranny.

>> No.20960475
File: 92 KB, 631x827, mfwreading(your)post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> One of the greatest malefactors of modern society dies

>> No.20960493

you can see the difference in the terror and bonapartism after the french revolution compared to the united states.

>> No.20960503

oppression of women, Blacks, labourers
>indefinite servitude, work houses, debtor's prison, public execution, loss of common land, selective enfranchisement, corrupt parliaments and court
I'm not glad she's dead, she just needed to die. That's what progress is, anon. She was an obstacle to equity and a relic. Her body can be tossed away like the trash it is, just like the demographic she represents: old whites.

>> No.20960515

I sincerely want to kick your fucking faggot ass.

>> No.20960516

Go back

>> No.20960520

It's the way most feel. She wasn't some beloved icon or a paragon. She was a dumb old white bitch that did fuck all and sponged off the public.

>> No.20960521

>muh progress
Lol. Lmao even. What’s to come will be infinitely worse than monarchism.
Also, blacks and women are free now and look where we are, hardly utopia is it.
Why do you hate White people? A lot of trannies have self hatred so that’s why I said you were one…or you could be brown/black and have been groomed by Twitter users.

>> No.20960522
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Thomas Paine would like to clarify that

>> No.20960524

>invented freedom and rights
These existed for millennia under all monarchic and feudal systems just nobody was as autistic about needing them written down.

>> No.20960527

>that did fuck all and sponged off the public.
Whoah no need to call out blacks like this. Racist mf’er

>> No.20960529

Yeah most of your tranny friends on Twitter where you should return to

>> No.20960532

The quest for a truly national state is an inherently revolutionary project. Monarchy is an obstacle to setting the world right.

>> No.20960534

He's obviously not white retard

>> No.20960538

was she vaccinated? could a 6th booster have saved her?

>> No.20960539

I'm American but why do other americans try to tell others how to rule their country
You see it on Twitter and reddit and the tourists who come from there

>> No.20960544

that happened to me with my grandmother lol

>> No.20960546


>> No.20960548

I'm European but why do other europeans larp as americans and let them live rent free in their minds
You see it on Twitter and reddit and the tourists who come from there

>> No.20960552

Why not? Plenty of Whites are brainwashed into self hatred.

>> No.20960558

Go back twittertard
Americans are imperialist at heart
That's why everyone in this country voices their moronic opinion about how other countries should operate

>> No.20960560

It's just the truth. The same could be said of your families.
>Old white cunt dies. Some people pretend to care. Everybody moves on.
Nobody gives a fuck. Nor should you. Think of her as an abusive parent. You're glad when they die. That's the way everyone should feel.
Incorrect. I just happen to recognize real injustice when I see it.

>> No.20960565
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>Incorrect. I just happen to recognize real injustice when I see it.

>> No.20960569

For My Legionaries.

>> No.20960572


Can't stand the memes? That's such a weird thing to fixate upon.

>> No.20960573

Imagine hating your family this much lol. You have a lot of trauma to work out my guy, most normal people actually love their families, sorry you never felt that.
Twitter has fucked your brain big time.

>> No.20960574

Sometimes I forget that this website doesn't just have an automated built-in chart generator and that every one of the hundreds of charts on here is made by an actual person

>> No.20960585
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>> No.20960589

English "royality" are just government sponsered celebrities. They'll never be real monarchs.

>> No.20960591
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>> No.20960592
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>this thread

>> No.20960596

Not true at all. The average person despises their family, inasmuch as they even register as such. Step outside your privileged safe-space and look at the kyriarchal nature of parenthood in late-stage capitalism.

>> No.20960597

I wonder how the black abolitionists of the 19th century who sucked England's dick over abolishing slavery and establishing the African fleet would feel about all that effort being forgotten. Truly no good deed goes unpunished.

>> No.20960598
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coping angloid

>> No.20960600

>The average person despises their family
Amerimutts are mentally deranged and should be hanged before they shoot up more schools

>> No.20960601
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salut chum

>> No.20960602

No, this thread is 1 dude baiting and you retards all falling for it.

>> No.20960605

Hahaha, actually made me laugh even if you’re serious, parody is dead sadly

>> No.20960611
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>this thread

>> No.20960613

Every time something with the royal family happens the everyone trips over themselves to loudly declare that they don't understand how constitutional monarchies work.

>> No.20960619
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Americans can't say monarchy is bad when they literally worship black people

>> No.20960623


>> No.20960627

imagine convincing yourself that because a government real estate monopoly is technically handled by a private entity that footing the bill for king Philip's trips to Epstein island isn't somehow a misuse of public goodwill

>> No.20960630

Americans are optimistically naïve and will voice their opinion on anything when asked. They simply were not made to execute sound geopolitical strategy -- it's not in their blood. Nearly all of America's international stratagems can be traced to military-industrial-complex-interests or Kissinger. Americans are children at heart, not imperial.

>> No.20960644

>entire continent of Europe in an energy crisis
>Russia btfoing Ukraine despite mass support from Western countries
>housing almost unaffordable for the average person
>incoming recession in the winter
>Queen Elizabeth dies and her death is met with mockery, laughter and insults
it's so over for the West

>> No.20960647

They were collaborators, their contributions are only valuable insofar as we recognize that they were nested in a system of oppression that stymied thier interpretive frameworks. Slavers will always be slavers and whites will always be oppressors.
Sad seething retards.
Americans recognize implicity the systemic nature of their historical discrimination and privilege.

>> No.20960656

>>Russia btfoing Ukraine despite mass support from Western countries
eh? Ukraine is recapturing swathes of territory as we speak, there's a major counteroffensive going on.

>> No.20960659
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>09/08/22(Thu)13:57:46 No.20960647
>>>20960597 #
>They were collaborators, their contributions are only valuable insofar as we recognize that they were nested in a system of oppression that stymied thier interpretive frameworks. Slavers will always be slavers and whites will always be oppressors.
>>>20960592 #
>>>20960600 (You) #
>>>20960601 #
>>>20960602 #
>Sad seething retards.
>>>20960619 (You) #
>Americans recognize implicity the systemic nature of their historical discrimination and privilege.

>> No.20960664

Was just looking at a map of countries by forms of government and I noticed all the nicest countries aside from Germany are constitutional monarchies. Kind of interesting. Democracies, meanwhile, tend to be less developed.

>> No.20960672

>>Queen Elizabeth dies and her death is met with mockery, laughter and insults
Well yeah? She's not my queen.

>> No.20960674

If race relations are truly a zero sum game as you say, I don't see why you'd bear any special antipathy towards white people for playing it that way.

>> No.20960676

Genocide the west and let china colonize it after every westard has been raped and killed

>> No.20960678


>> No.20960679

Seek help you demented tranny.

>> No.20960681

He's a white tranny incel (they for some fuckin reason worship black people and hate their race) or baiting
Just spam him with soijaks

>> No.20960684

Stay mad, retard.
They're the predominant beneficiaries of social injustice. Blacks are the victims of that injustice, and have been for six centuries.

>> No.20960686
File: 17 KB, 434x432, 1654638318895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>09/08/22(Thu)14:05:24 No.20960684
>>>20960659 (You) #
>Stay mad, retard.
>>>20960674 #
>They're the predominant beneficiaries of social injustice. Blacks are the victims of that injustice, and have been for six centuries.

>> No.20960688
File: 115 KB, 407x400, 1654552722874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>09/08/22(Thu)14:04:30 No.20960681
>>>20960674 #
>He's a white tranny incel (they for some fuckin reason worship black people and hate their race) or baiting
>Just spam him with soijaks
>09/08/22(Thu)14:05:24 No.20960684
>>>20960659 (You) #
>Stay mad, retard.
>>>20960674 #
>They're the predominant beneficiaries of social injustice. Blacks are the victims of that injustice, and have been for six centuries.
>>>20960686 #
>09/08/22(Thu)14:06:01 No.20960686
>17 KB GIF
>>>20960684 #
>>09/08/22(Thu)14:05:24 No.20960684
>>>>20960659 (You) # (You) #
>>Stay mad, retard.
>>>>20960674 # #
>>They're the predominant beneficiaries of social injustice. Blacks are the victims of that injustice, and have been for six centuries.

>> No.20960689
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>> No.20960698
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>> No.20960699

So why's Lizzy such a big topic specifically, anyway? There are a bunch of European monarchies, but it's not like they get anywhere close to as much traction. Is it just Anglo media bias, or is it because she was ancient?

>> No.20960700

Any good books on the collective psychological meltdown of the BLM riots? Looking back it's like a fucking fever dream. People prostrating themselves and apologizing for their race in the streets, "violence is the voice of the unheard", the summer of love. Has anyone written a chronicle of the events? I feel like that should exist.

>> No.20960704

Americans are a brain damaged people
No better than cattle
If whites truly want to save the world
Then america and israel must perish
Alongside that tranny who seems to hate whites

>> No.20960719
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>09/08/22(Thu)14:05:24 No.20960684
>>>20960659 (You) #
>Stay mad, retard.
>>>20960674 #
>They're the predominant beneficiaries of social injustice. Blacks are the victims of that injustice, and have been for six centuries.

Anonymous 09/09/22(Fri)00:37:03 No.20960688
1654552722874.png (116 KB, 407x400) google yandex iqdb wait
116 KB

>09/08/22(Thu)14:04:30 No.20960681
>>>20960674 #
>He's a white tranny incel (they for some fuckin reason worship black people and hate their race) or baiting
>Just spam him with soijaks
>09/08/22(Thu)14:05:24 No.20960684
>>>20960659 (You) #
>Stay mad, retard.
>>>20960674 #
>They're the predominant beneficiaries of social injustice. Blacks are the victims of that injustice, and have been for six centuries.
>>>20960686 #
>09/08/22(Thu)14:06:01 No.20960686
>17 KB GIF
>>>20960684 #
>>09/08/22(Thu)14:05:24 No.20960684
>>>>20960659 (You) # (You) #
>>Stay mad, retard.
>>>>20960674 # #
>>They're the predominant beneficiaries of social injustice. Blacks are the victims of that injustice, and have been for six centuries.

>> No.20960722

Indeed, the right can't meme. You need to be human first.

>> No.20960737
File: 91 KB, 656x693, 1654656393706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>09/08/22(Thu)14:14:41 No.20960722
>>>20960688 (You) #
>>>20960698 (You) #
>>>20960719 #
>Indeed, the right can't meme. You need to be human first.
>>>20960700 #