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20958867 No.20958867 [Reply] [Original]

mp5 edition


>> No.20958877

i might reinstall counterstrike. even though i'm mediocre on a good day and it's full of cheaters, it's literally the last time i had "fun".

>> No.20958878

yeah it seems so, accelerate

I just want it to collapse fast enough so it will be entertaining and I'll also get to see vegans, fatsos and trannies seethe and suffer

>> No.20958895

i sold my pc a few years ago and now i just use a shitty laptop. sometimes the gamer impulse arises and i regret it, but i guess that's part of the reason i did it. some CS would be nice right about now, though

>> No.20958897

You will never have a proper functioning immune system. You have no T cells, you can't fight cancer, you have no immunity. You are an NPC twisted by mRNA and media into a horribly weakened and defunct version of your former self. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back the unvaccinated mock you. We are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “unvaxxed friends” laugh at your poor decision making behind closed doors. Purebloods are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed our immune systems to destroy pathogens with incredible efficiency. Even those who have “vax regret” are now an abomination unto Mother Nature. Your persistent cough, shingles and eczema is a dead giveaway and even if you manage to hide it with a mask and clothes, people will know what lies beneath is barren, diseased and infected. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the realization of the biggest mistake you ever made in your life creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under its unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - if you don't go back for yet another booster to buy yourself a few more weeks of pitiful life you’ll buy a rope instead, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your pureblood friends will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to watch you live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of destroying your own life like a mindless sheep being led to its slaughter. They’ll burn you, making sure none of your misfolded proteins escape into nature and taint the pristine Earth. All that will remain of your legacy and virtue signalling is that picture you uploaded to social media, smiling and clutching your free donut. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. There are no refunds.

>> No.20958910
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>> No.20958919

does the vaccine kill people or make them stupid? i want to learn about what exactly it does to the genome, but it's a difficult subject to research

>> No.20958923

Brotherman, you need to fly to Ukraine immediately.

>> No.20958926

I took one shot and I'm fine.

>> No.20958936

Such a kino weapon

>> No.20958939
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What is a worthwhile online, instition to study history or the classics?

>> No.20958948

We have no idea about the genome
what we know so far is various side effects, and most important impairing the immune system overall and also making you less protected against covid itself (at this point it's all random variants)
It becomes worse and worse the more shots you get

there seems to have a very low benefit on old people, but for young people it's significantly more dangerous than covid itself
Overall just a scam, and not even a real vaccine. Actual vaccines seemed to work ok-ish, at least without all the retarded effects on the immune system of the mrna shots
Naturally being exposed to it remains the best defense

>> No.20958953

And it also depends, we don't know the exact chances for someone to get fucked up by the vax (not talking about blood clots but immune system damage)
we might never know. I don't think it's super high or super serious in most people though

>> No.20958963

i have a schizo theory that it alters the genome in some malicious and sneaky way that will only become obvious much later

>> No.20958989

>we might never know.
people willing to seek out the information absolutely will have answers in 5-10 years, even if ""public discourse"" will just try to move on.

>> No.20959001

We're going on a bear hunt, we're gonna catch a bear

>> No.20959005


>> No.20959009

Couldn't this be explained by the fact that people who get vaccinated are more likely to have vulnerabilities in the first place? I never got vaccinated because (1) I don't trust the medical establishment and (2) I'm healthy, corona does nothing to me. If I had underlying conditions I may have been more tempted to take it.

>> No.20959043
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I think we will find out eventually, at the rate governments are failing in the West, i suspect far sooner than later.

>> No.20959049

>are more likely to have vulnerabilities in the first place?
not really, in those countries the majority got the vax. Also you need to have some pretty serious vulnerabilities to die from covid because of them (like cancer, or morbid obesity or other serious stuff, usually 2-3 together as well)
Also note how it says under 60. These aren't old people

2x difference also doesn't make sense, people with vulnerabilities are 2x more likely to die, especially under 60

>I never got vaccinated because (1) I don't trust the medical establishment and (2) I'm healthy, corona does nothing to me.
same for me. Got it naturally eventually, shrugged it off in 2 days, basically the flu (like a bad cold)
>If I had underlying conditions I may have been more tempted to take it.
it didn't really make a difference as far as I recall, it only had a 5-10% prevention of death for elderly people. Getting a proper diet and various vitamins would unironically help more

>> No.20959056

>people with vulnerabilities aren't 2x more likely to die*

also all of this would be solved with an actual vaccine instead of the memerna stuff, even if it didn't work well it wouldn't cause many problems afterward

>> No.20959069
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Okay yeah I just fact-checked this and it seems to be disingenous at best and an outright lie at worst. This is the graph that Berenson was using in order to prove his point. As you can see, it includes people from age 10-59. Obviously, the younger you are the less likely you are to be vaccianted. And the older you are the more likely you are to die. Put these two stipulations together and you can see why this trend occurs.

This data is meaningless until you control for age.

>> No.20959100
File: 188 KB, 2666x2916, _123509887_optimised-uk_vax_by_age_4mar-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 50% of 10 year olds are vaccinated. Around 80% of 59 year olds are vaccinated
so your assumption that there's a big difference is dead in the water
you also assume that somehow people who are younger than 60 are twice as likely to die from people younger than them. which is also wrong and unsubstantiated

nice fact checking

>> No.20959107
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you could also see the same by covid cases. Vaccinated and catch covid = far more likely to die

>> No.20959118

90%+ of deaths from covid in england are among the fully/triple vaccinated now

the amount of total vaccinations is around 75% and fully/triply vaxxed is even lower
whether the difference in mortality is 100% or 50% doesn't make a big difference. Not only does the mrna vaccine not work but also makes you more vulnerable

>> No.20959122


>> No.20959129

mp5k, please be specific op

>> No.20959132

i fuckin' love Counter Strike. Pretty sure I had two cheaters in my games today but I just love it. CS:GO, TF2 and Quake are the best games for me, I just love fighting against other humans

>> No.20959138

Gaming is just another addiction. I wish I had never got into it. Only addiction I used to have was reading books too much.

>> No.20959142
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What your data shows is that the older people are more likely to be vaccinated AND they got vaccinated SOONER than young people. Now Berenson's graph stops at September 2021, whereas in your graph it shows that virtually 0% 12-15 year olds were vaccinated before November - December 2021
>also assume that somehow people who are younger than 60 are twice as likely to die from people younger than them.
Yeah the older you are the likelier you are to die (excepting infant mortality).
I don't think this proves much either. Again vaccinated people are older so if they catch covid they're less likely to survive.

Look I'm not saying you're wrong about the vaccines being dangerous or ineffective. I'm not saying the vaccines DONT make you more vulnerable. But nothing you've said proves that because you refuse to do simple controls for extrinsic variables in your analysis.

>> No.20959149
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i'm watching House and now i want some oxycodone

>> No.20959166
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Good point in that case, missed that
However the amount of 10-15 year olds is significantly smaller than the number of everyone else, especially in the english age pyramid. Therefore it doesn't significantly skew the data although I agree it's not a flat 100% increase

>Again vaccinated people are older so if they catch covid they're less likely to survive
true, but again the number of younger people isn't significant enough to completely flatten the % difference
as for less likely to survive, not really. The difference is extremely small (and the very old group that is more likely to die is also far less numerous) picrel

>vaccines being dangerous or ineffective
Mainly ineffective, first thing I said. I don't think they are some kind of poison, although if it is proven I will obviously change my mind

>> No.20959169

im confined to a parking lot for the next hour, so i figure i'll just phonepost for a bit.
anyone have any tips for writing unintrusive prose? it's hard for me to know when a description should be omitted and when it's justified

>> No.20959192
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here's one for 18-39 age group for may 2022. Apparently there is an overall weakening especially considering the most likely to die have already died (by late 2021)

>> No.20959195

the numbers could be higher depending on how "unvaccinated" is defined. in my cunt 1 jab was counted as unvaxxed for example, and any deaths were counted as unvaxxed

>> No.20959205

Fair enough. I lean to your side on this issue (which is why I didn't take it) and I'm definitely open to being convinced that it's dangerous, I just think it does a disservice to the anti-vaxx cause when writers like Berenson publish popular blogposts without doing the requisite statistical analysis. It then allows media companies to jump on his mistake (which is what I saw when I searched his blogpost) and paint the anti-covid-vaxx movement as statistically illiterate and dishonest. It could be that after controlling for age and other variables the vaccinated deaths are still higher than the unvaccinated, but Berenson should've actually done the work needed to come to that conclusion in his blogpost.

>> No.20959220

that's a problem in both sides and I tend to think that there's also bad jacketing going on, some anti-mrna post I've seen are turboretarded, or all the conspiracies with people swearing that the vaccine has nuclear waste in it or whatever. I only look at the data and talk about them without making my mind up, just like now for example

I've seen some genetic studies that suggest that it also varies from country to country. So it's not even just the vaccine doing stuff. some could have a worse reaction to it than others, others could have a different reaction to covid etc. it's a rather complex issue and I wish there were clear answers with the data (like the age groups you mentioned)

anyway thanks for the construnctive convo

>> No.20959233
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My supressor is still in jail for my PTR 9ct. More fun than my AR-15.

>> No.20959242

i wish i were not craving nicotine right now

>> No.20959246

i wish i were not craving porn right now

>> No.20959255

I'm ok, don't bother me. I just need my meds.

>> No.20959256

i find it intriguing how mp5 is such an iconic weapon as well as many other weapons are, while many modern ones like stribog are just cookie cutter square box shit

>> No.20959265

Had a great kickboxing session today. Anyone else do martial arts /lit/?

>> No.20959268

yeah I did kickboxing/K-1 until a few years ago

>> No.20959270

Well, Pfizer were due to go to court for promoting synthetic heroin to millions of Americans.

I think if we've learned one lesson from this it's that if you're guilty of a crime; say, punching someone in the face, the most effective option to get out of it is to run over to them in court and hit them several more times in the face.

Any coincidence with severe schizophrenia is purely coincidental.

>> No.20959272

A girl asked to kiss me after a date on Sunday, for some reason. So I kissed her. Then she hasn't texted me since.

>> No.20959284
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My younger brother does Thai boxing and I'm going to join his club next week when my gloves, mouthguard, and shinguards arrive. I kind of prefer boxing because I love Mike Tyson's peekaboo boxing style; I think it's just so beautiful and I'd love to replicate it. But unfortunately in Thai boxing such a style would never work because you can't really duck down without being kneed in the head and you have to hold your gloves higher to block kicks.

>> No.20959293

there is a boxing style for mt

>> No.20959294

im kinda autisisctic

>> No.20959301

im talking about the peekaboo tyson style specifically though. With that style you have to move your head to the side and downwards a lot. That would just land you into a headkick or a knee (at least that's what my bro said)

>> No.20959303
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California may hate guns, but Hollywood is some of the best marketing out there

>> No.20959309

Currently reconciling two contradictory feelings: one that abhors elitism and the other that loathes the mediocrity of normal humans. It is impossible to strive for transcendent values and knowledge and competently work with adults who talk about subjects you discussed in high school. Local is good, but talking about construction on our commutes, the cheesecake factory, and college football wears on the soul. A former boss, who was by and large an intellectual killer, could navigate this landscape gracefully, but he had a prominent title and the authority to leave when things got mundane. So what is the alternative? Be a rootless spirit working and living with other rootless managers? Equally as soul-quenching. How do you ride the tiger if it feels like a mule?

>> No.20959311

i'm on the episode where Chase kisses a 9 year old girl.. baka how did this get to air

>> No.20959329

Start a YouTube channel where you make in-depth videos on various topics you find interesting. Like IvanTheHeathen (my favourite YouTuber)

>> No.20959343
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I wish I could see critics review of books alongside pleb reviews.

>> No.20959394

The queen bee is dead
Just bee yourself and be cool
Paint your face blue and pretend to be red
Now Heckler & Koch rule

>> No.20959444
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Guess it's that time of the day to log into the 4chan website and laugh at all the retards.

>> No.20959447

matched with a girl who has OF but she was too far away from me so i unmatched

>> No.20959456

>model is 6'0 and wears size large
>buy a medium
>its too big on me

fuck this stupid shit

>> No.20959479

I think this world is utter trash, it has nothing of value to pursue, all it offers is distractions to keep you from pursuing God.

>> No.20959496

Didn't God make this world? He probably thinks you're an ingrateful little faggot.

>> No.20959500

God created the world, yes. But Satan temporarily rules over it. The way things are is not how God initially planned it for mankind.

>> No.20959508

were we supposed to be living in caves and ditches and dying of bites and hunger by the age of 30? That 'is' the world God made. God didn't make heated floors or clean running water.

pretty half-baked attempt if you ask me.

>> No.20959514

Everything you do means everything. It's eternally meaningful. Your mistakes have all the stakes and your successes mean everything. This is all very important or maybe it's not but nobody who ever did anything cool did it from a place of apathy towards the world, including Jesus.

>> No.20959515

You will never be a theist.

>> No.20959516

queen dead tomorrow

>> No.20959535

No, it isn't. God created us initially as a divine being. It was the fall that made us what we are today.

Jesus was against the world Himself, He even stated
John 15:18
18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
Jesus came to try and fix things, because He Himself knew that the state the world was in was in a terrible place. Althroughout the New Testament, there is a recurring theme of not loving the world, not being a part of the world, not adapting to the ways of the world, to live like a pilgrim in the world, and even more on the lines of denying the desires of the flesh, because they wage war against the Spirit.

>> No.20959548

I remember in my college years, I had a fat gf who I cheated on for an ugly girl and then told her in front of her mum. She forgave me but this led to a strange ordeal when we started to live together.
She was a fan of weed so she'd invite male friends around and they would sit with me and her, they seemed nice but I was quiet and couldn't relate to stones. I left her alone with her for a considerable amount of time.
The problem is that, five years have gone past and I don't know which ones she fucked or how regularly.
I bulled some girl straight after the cucking was done and the relationship was finished but not being in the know in how badly I was cucked is a little damaging for my mental health. So I have sympathy for people who are cucked and I believe now that everyone eventually will be cucked. At this point of time I'm trying not to kill myself out of remorse and regret. Remorse from the evil I have done (rape, pedophilia, ass slapping) Anyways have a good day each and every one of you, brothers!

>> No.20959557
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>No, it isn't. God created us initially as a divine being. It was the fall that made us what we are today.

oh yeah i forgot, humans wanting to know right from wrong.

the point still stands though; no god invented anything.

>> No.20959558

>Jesus was against the world Himself
I know, you were referencing this idea of the fallen world before but Jesus did not act out the idea like you're proposing so there's an incongruity between the intended meaning and the legalistic interpretation you appeal to like the pharisee you are.

>> No.20959560

>The way things are is not how God initially planned it for mankind.
is god retarded or weak or something? just undo things you don't like, he has done so in the past numerous times in the OT

>> No.20959577

i wish i were not craving trash food right now

>> No.20959594

No, the fruit gave the idea that Adam and Eve could judge what is right and wrong, rather than trusting in God's judgment. It was a test, and the tree of life was in that very same garden, something that wasn't forbidden.

All you can do is blindly make assumptions. The fact of the matter is, to pursue God, you need to carry your cross deny yourself daily, as Jesus Himself stated.

No, He just respects free will and a filter has been established ever since the new covenant was established.

>> No.20959615

>you need to carry your cross deny yourself daily, as Jesus Himself stated.
Because everything and everyone is important. All your choices in the world are written in a book in heaven. The fallen earth is a reflection of the heavens so your actions here also have a representation there. It all has absolute overwhelming significance, it's not just some random stuff happening.

>> No.20959622

Denial of self implies denial of your own desires and putting God's will first before your own. As Jesus stated while praying to God in the garden prior to His crucifixion
>not my will, but yours be done

>the fallen earth is a reflection of the heavens
That's not true at all. Heaven is not in a fallen state. There are however disagreements which will be dealt with.

1 John 2:15-17
15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father[a] is not in them. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

>> No.20959643

>Heaven is not in a fallen state.
Imperfection implies there's a perfect version.
>Do not love the world or anything in the world
Christ still came to the world, out of love for you the creature with one foot in this world, so the temporal world is a vehicle to act in. It's where we get to be flawed while striving for perfection. It's where perfection is "flawed" enough to be crucified by men.

>> No.20959655

Heaven is perfection, if you understood your Bible you'd understand this.

Humans are not the world, or the things of the world. You have the nerve to call me a legalistic Pharisee (which may I remind you that the legalistic side of the Sanhedrin where not the Pharisees, but where the Sadducees) while you yourself not understanding what is meant by worldly things in the Bible.

>> No.20959669

I just woke up from a dream where I was browsing /lit/. it was upsettingly realistic, including looking for an image macro and arguing about lolita.

>> No.20959687

Don't make the mistake of presuming that there even is a God. Honesty about what this world really is like will help you navigate it better.

Take this case in point. If God actually existed and his law was supreme these debauchers would've been brought to justice. But they'll continue to live like this with no consequence

>> No.20959691

This isn't /k/

>> No.20959697

Are those wuthering heights and pride and predjudice type books and their authouts worth reading? Or are they just for girls?

I always see them pop up but I always associated them as being books for girls. Are they gnruinely good reads that you can get somehting out of?

>> No.20959702

Don't worry about me, I already know for a fact that God is real.

>> No.20959705

For so many years I was depressed and resentful about not having a girlfriend. I found one recently on my trip abroad (just said, fuck it, nobody knows me here, I'll just go talk to this girl). It is not nearly as amazing as you incels tried to make it out to be.

1. Sexual Contact
I've realised that women are nicer to look at than they are to touch and have sexual contact with. From afar, they are gorgeous and enticing. But when you actually have to act upon your desires the whole thing becomes rather awkward and less appealing.

For one, female beauty is rooted in fraudulence. They have to do a ton of things to maintain their fake image. Their legs, which look so smooth and velvety from afar, are actually grainy and rough, because they have to constantly shave to prevent their natural hairy form from coming out. This obviously leaves stubbles, so when you run your hand along their leg it is spiky, not smooth. They also do not look nearly as good without makeup.

Secondly, having to perform sexual acts is way more awkward and clumsy than fantasy or porn would have you imagine it. Feeling their squishy buttocks and tits is interesting at first, but it quickly gets mundane. Kissing is rather gross, and often you'll find yourslef in awkward situations such as teeth-collision and tongue-scraping.
Getting a handjob is not physically more pleasurable than doing it yourself (in fact it's usually worse), and the psychological pleasure is dampened by the awkwardness of the situation.
As for blowjobs, they are actually LESS PLEASURABLE (physically) than masturbation, because ultimately the penis was designed for vaginal penetration -- it needs to be gripped tightly in a way that oral sex does not allow for. This is why, in porn blowjob videos, you'll often see the guy finishing himself off before cumming on the girl (something I too had to do). There is some psychological pleasure in seeing a girl be submissive on her knees, but this is once again dampened by the fact that she is not enjoying herself. Cum tastes horrible, and the texture makes it hard to swallow. My girlfriend actually vomited on the floor after sucking my dick the first time. Again, the penis was designed for the vagina, not mouth.
I cannot speak to vaginal sex. My girlfriend and I are Christians so we're saving it for marriage.

2. Emotional Contact
Given what I've just said, you'll see that sex is highly overrated. So the only value of a relationship is for its emotional contact. This, I admit, is very true. Ever since I met my gf I became more ambitious and started planning my life further ahead for when we get married and have children. This does help a lot with mental health, but it won't do everything. Your self-esteem issues will not be magically solved; you'll still need to do a lot of work on your own. And with the skepticism the incel community display towards marriage and emotional contact with women, it seems as though they do not even want this part of a relationship.

>> No.20959727

>Heaven is perfection
The imperfect reflects the perfect version above. What you do has a representation in heaven.
>Humans are not the world
You used the line to justify apathy towards everything in the world which is not the example Jesus set. If you understand the error now that's good, maybe you'll stop preaching demoralizing anti-life bullshit.

>> No.20959729

I hate women so goddamn much bros. Every single book on kindle recommends flavor-of-the-month chicklit. Bookstores are populated almost entirely by women. Every website reading-adjacent site is at the very most 50% men. It's inescapable, even here.

>> No.20959749

I'm always surprised at the amount of gay/traps on /k/

>> No.20959751

What I do is accounted by God, but in no way does it impact Heaven in any way. That's your analysis and assumption of what I mean originally. Instead of attempting to clarify, you just assumed what I meant by that. Jesus set an example of not loving this world and devoting yourself entirely to God. To not seek your own will or desires, but the fulfillment of God's will. I mean, it even states in Revelation that the 144,000 are all virgins who fully devoted themselves to God, and followed Him wherever He went. There's plenty of scripture found throughout the NT that verify and attest to what I said.

It's not demoralizing, neither anti-life. It's pointing to the truth, that there's nothing of actual value to pursue in this world. Everything there is to pursue gets in the way of full devotion towards God. Even marriage with another woman, and that's something the Apostle Paul made clear.

>> No.20959753

This isn't /k/ mate

>> No.20959754

It's just people who for whatever reason don't wanna get killed

>> No.20959757
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>> No.20959758

>Even marriage with another woman
*Even marriage with a woman

>> No.20959772

Just writing what's on my mind, friendo.

>> No.20959776

>rather than trusting in God's judgment.
This is the same god that murders people and allows all manner of unspeakable things happen to everyone. You wanna place the blame on Eve, but this isn't something you curse later generations over. Your faith, the Jews faith, the Muslims, it's all garbage, evil rancid garbage

>> No.20959778
File: 610 KB, 811x811, MP5-Girls-Frontline-Kurokosyou-5824894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they're just anime fans.

>> No.20959779

>in no way does it impact Heaven in any way
That's not what I said. What you do is defined by the perfect version and degraded by sin. You're a reflection of the perfect version. Your will is not accounted for by worldly ideas.
>the fulfillment of God's will
Which is creation which is good. The point about not loving the world is just a reiteration of the first commandment.
>there's nothing of actual value to pursue in this world
Serving God in this world, like Jesus did. He even talked at length about practical things, communities etc and how they serve God.

>> No.20959781

how do i obtain a mp5 in third world
or at least a realistic replica bbgun

>> No.20959788
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Had another dream where I was intimately hugging and caressing a girl and kissing her forehead after she told me she will always love me. I woke up and now I think my day is ruined already

>> No.20959789
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I get the vibe that most trannies are jsut lonely guys who because they can't get a gf let alone their dream girl they decide to BECOME her. Like some next level inceldom.

Notice how they all claim to be "lesbians" trapped in a guys body? Yeah fuck outta here with that shit. Only ones I will take somewhat seirously are the male attracted MtF ones. Otherwise the rest is either the next level incel or just perverts with a kink.

Still don't get why women entertain that shit the most. Do they really buy into it or are just afraid to be a social pariah to point out that it's all nonsense? Don't they feel like they degrade the essence of being a woman to simply just this caricature of a woman? How are they not offended by it and see it in a similar light to some sort of gender blackface?

>> No.20959792

>No, the fruit
the point still stands though; no god invented anything.

Honestly I've argued this fruit point hundred times already and don't really care to again... lemme see if i can summarize
1) without the knowledge of right and wrong they didn't know whether they were doing wrong or right or not,so they could not have been doing right. e.g. stabbing a man in the face and you don't know whether it's killing him or making him feel happy and ice cream flavors on his tastebuds
2) i expected something far more terrible than "wanting to know right from wrong" as the reason why all humans are 'cursed' and why jesus "had to be brutally killed" to redeem us of this.
3) knowing right from wrong comes by experience, not by eating a piece of fruit
4) exile was not this but Gods fear that they would "eat next from the tree of life and thus become immortal"
5) knowing right from wrong, as we now do, hs made us like God, according to God in the story.
6) because of this we do know right from wrong, and have no excuses for being confused about anything

>> No.20959793

>these debauchers

I'm a Christian,

>> No.20959800

Which country? Only a very select group of countries are so restrictive with airsofts/gel guns as to put them out of reach.

In some countries, it may be easier to get a real gun that looks like an mp-5 or some other "scary" modern weapon but is manually operated.

>> No.20959810

The latter, if the right people have social authority, very few need to genuinely buy into something for it to become unacceptable to disagree.

>> No.20959815

Everything God does is justified.

>Which is creation which is good.
That's nothing to do with God's will. If you took the time to read your Bible, you'd see that even in Revelation it is foretold that a new Heaven and new Earth will be established. This one is temporary, and is of little value at this point. Not loving the world has nothing to do with being a reiteration of the first commandment.

>Serving God in this world
I meant in regards to things the world offers! Read!

>it has nothing of value to pursue, all it offers is distractions to keep you from pursuing God.
You proved me right when I said you have nothing but blind assumptions. At this point you are just arguing for the sake of arguing and I feel like there's nothing left to discuss with you. Have a good day.

God created this physical world and everything that pertains to it.

Again, the fruit did not give knowledge of right and wrong, the fact that Adam and Eve had the capacity to do wrong before even eating the fruit (disobeying God) goes to show that the potential to do wrong existed before the consumption of the fruit itself. They knew the idea of wrong because God told them prior to avoid something because there will be negative consequences to their actions.

Again, it has nothing to do with wanting to know right from wrong, all it did was give them the idea that they could judge right and wrong instead of trusting God.

No, it comes from listening to God, what is right and wrong in your opinion may be different to what someone else thinks it to be.

They had the chance to eat from the tree of life, and God never forbade it. Instead of listening to God, they chose to listen to Satan instead. That's the main issue here.

It hasn't made us anything like God, His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.

Again, right and wrong from our perspective doesn't mean anything. We do not judge ourselves in the after life, God does.

>> No.20959833

I just showed how it isn't. You've nothing to say to it. You want to serve a monster and hide behind the carpenter's idealized Italian face, go right ahead. But none of you should judge anyone else for not wanting to follow your stupid cult

>> No.20959843

hilarious post

>> No.20959848

It's not a cult, and I constantly say how everyone has a choice to either adhere to God or not. As with everything else in life, our actions and decisions (or lack of action and lack of decisions) has its own set of repercussions. I don't adhere to a specific denomination, and you are silly to think you are in any position to judge God's actions, as if you understand why they were done in the first place. All you can do is judge from a position of ignorance, whereas God judges from knowing exactly who did what, why it was done, and what their intentions were in the first place. You, on the other hand; don't.

>> No.20959853

Tons. More than lit anyways.

>> No.20959857

>Not loving the world has nothing to do with being a reiteration of the first commandment.
Then you really don't get it. Just think about it.

>> No.20959867

>I cannot speak to vaginal sex. My girlfriend and I are Christians so we're saving it for marriage.
toppest kek of the day

>> No.20959872

>God created this physical world and everything that pertains to it.
the point still stands though; no god invented anything.

Have I broken your brain that you're reduced to blind profession of 'love for god' instead of actually responding to this.

God created WMDs, electric chairs and zyklon B by your.. err.. 'logic' here. Either he did, because "he created everything" or he created nothing 'man made' at all; no heated floors or clean running water, in which case,
>the point still stands though; no god invented anything.

>Honestly I've argued this fruit point hundred times already and don't really care to again

oh i left one out,
7) how could they know that eating the brain-berry was bad in the first place?

:) I know it's a waste of both our time to go into this one, I'll just get angry when you won't concede and I'll eventually start telling you that you worship satan because you've turned "stubborn pride (in your religion)" into a virtue and that your lying proves you cannot possible believe in any god in the first place.

but I know i'm right, i dont need to prove it again.

..wha- who are you? Are you PRETENDING TO BE ME

>> No.20959878

what do YOU think of it?

>> No.20959885

God created humans out of dirt and His breath. That is an invention, is it not? He created earth out of His will and His word, the sun, the stars in the sky, the animals, the vegetation. All of that.

God did not create WMD's, electric chairs or whatever else you claimed, that stems from the intelligence of human beings in their fallen state. God did however, create a set of laws for man to adhere to, to avoid destroying themselves further than they already have.

because God told them to avoid it, and Adam already knew that God was God, because he saw that God created a woman for him. You're an arrogant fool.

>> No.20959900

as a man of inaction i've stopped doing the things that i like

>> No.20959908

i think there's obviously some kind of morality intrinsic in humans, and that our societal values arise from that. christianity is one such example of this; but there must be some basic ethics hardcoded into us (i.e., raping babies is probably revolting on a biological level).

i'm pretty unclear on nietzsche in general, so i'm curious as to what his take on this kind of thing is.

>> No.20959913

>God did not create WMD's, electric chairs or whatever else you claimed, that stems from the intelligence of human beings in their fallen state.
Along with clean running water, duvets, heated flooring and cooked food. That was my point.

It seems like you're jealous on behalf of God that God didn't invent any of these nice things, but you want to ascribe bad inventions and bad inventions only to humans lol that's so transparently dishonest.

>God created humans out of dirt and His breath. That is an invention, is it not?
Again, back to the first thing I sid to y, mr tapdance, if you believe this then you believe the world god created for us as the ideal intended human state was us dying of bug bites and hunger w/ sleeping ditches in a stone age planet.

>You're an arrogant fool.
and yet you use of all mans creations to tell me this; why not shun all of mans abominations and go sleep in a muddy ditch in the nude as well.

I hope your piety is strong enough to live up to Gods wishes for you, Adam.

>> No.20959917

Say what you want, hedonist, but traditional marriage IS superior to your hookup culture. I will marry a virgin who's loyal to me and wants my children; you will marry a used up whore who will compare you to every other man she's slept with.

>> No.20959926

>I will marry a virgin who's loyal to me and wants my children; you will marry a used up whore who will compare you to every other man she's slept with.
Your stale bread and discount peanut butter paste may be delicious to someone who's never tried a real sandwich, anon.

>> No.20959931

>Along with clean running water, duvets, heated flooring and cooked food. That was my point.
God didn't create that, again it stems from the intelligence of man. God created plenty of nice things, such as the 10 commandments and a potential to return to Him. I focus more on the spiritual aspects of what He offers, yet you are entirely focused on the material world it seems.

You also seem to forget that man is heavily influenced by demonic spirits, in which can inspire them to create things that are not beneficial to the wellbeing of mankind. You seem to wish to accredit everything made by man as if God Himself inspired it all, just so you can justify your hatred of Him.

The world God created for us is reflected in how things were before the fall, and how things will be after all evil is dealt with on earth. That is how God wished for us to live, not how things are now. Things are the way they are because man is fallen.

>> No.20959932

is reciting different from reading

>> No.20959937

I don't know, it depends on what you understand by reading.

>> No.20959939

My brother got vaxxed. Two weeks after his second dose he turned gay.

>> No.20959946


>> No.20959947

be careful anon, I heard homosexuality is genetic...

>> No.20959952

turd doesn't fall far from the faggot's ass

>> No.20959955

She asked to kiss you. Not for you to kiss her. Sperg.

>> No.20959962

So real that he can't even punish evil doers

>> No.20959966

Would it be alright if I asked here, on /lit/, for the same aid as I had asked on /po/ >>/po/607606 ?

>> No.20959979
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I would like to see compulsory militatu service return to Europe.

>> No.20959983

>clean running water
>heated flooring
Cute girls to cuddle with
>cooked food
Grug stick mammoth meat over fire

>> No.20959989
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>God created humans out of dirt
I suspect you have not read your bible, sir.

>> No.20960006

Not everyone is fortunate enough to be punished for their actions while they're still alive. Don't think that because you aren't there to witness it, that they wont reap what they've sown.

Genesis 2:7
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

>> No.20960043

>Genesis 2:7
>And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
>Genesis 3:19
>By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Is this metaphor or do you really take the verse as literal truth?

>> No.20960058

>God created humans out of dirt and His breath
Why do you fucking retards just say this as if it's established fact? As if we have no choice but to accept the account in Genesis?

>> No.20960061

Ezekiel 37:1-14
37 The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. 3 He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”

I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath[a] enter you, and you will come to life. 6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”

7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.

9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.

11 Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. 14 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.’”

Because it is.

>> No.20960068
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How old is the Earth?

>> No.20960074

It is stated in the Bible that 1,000 years is like one, and 1 year is like 1,000 to the Lord, so who knows? Only God.

>> No.20960081
File: 389 KB, 1242x1231, ChristKillers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm on the episode where Chase kisses a 9 year old girl.. baka how did this get to air

House MD creator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Shore
>Shore was born in London, Ontario, Canada, to Jewish parents. His younger twin brothers, Ephraim Shore and Raphael Shore, are Aish HaTorah rabbis. David is the only member of his family involved in television, although his younger brother Raphael Shore made three political documentaries about the Middle East conflict.
Who would've guessed :O

>> No.20960102

Some people claim it to be metaphor, but I take it as literal. God is literally capable of doing anything He wants, He is God. He created all of this through His Word alone. To think that it's beyond God to create a living being out of dirt is contrary to what and who God is.

>> No.20960130

Good day jobs for writers? I've been working at a University, which has it's pros, but I really cannot stand it anymore.

>> No.20960185

Any advice on how to get through a poetry workshop? Caring about my peer's work is draining and I have a lot on my plate already.

>> No.20960210

the fact you have no idea what's so funny makes it even funnier. bless your little heart. in case it's bait, it's too high effort btw.

>> No.20960229

I think you're trying to provoke me into insulting you so that you can justify your martyrdom complex, since you keep talking to me like this.

>God created plenty of nice things

you listed two,
>such as the 10 commandments
which were already inferior to many other legal frameworks, eight of which being possessed already by other societies prior to Moses...

only adding two laws 1) regarding not working one day a week 2) regarding worshiping no other god except the jewish god

>and a potential to return to Him.
i.e. death

> I focus more on the spiritual aspects of what He offers, yet you are entirely focused on the material world it seems.
Yep. I'm a grown adult, is why. I have to think about storing food for the winter, looking after my tribe and making sure everything else is working properly. I'm not a little baby who has parents doing these things who can retreat into a model toy world.

>You seem to wish to accredit everything made by man as if God Himself inspired it all,
That's what you said, then it took three posts to get you to finally say that he didn't, when I pointed out that your argument would mean God created WMDs and torture chambers.

>so you can justify your hatred of Him.
I couldn't hate a god. I do quite despise people who claim to speak for God and who tell stupid lies and are into insane nihilism and disregard of the real world, which they claim to believe God made.

>That is how God wished for us to live, not how things are now. Things are the way they are because man is fallen.
Right, sleeping nude in ditches and dying of hunger in the stone age. That's how we were before human genius invented clothing and everything else. If what you claim to believe here is what you really do believe then you ought be naked in the tundra as well.

>the fall
Yeah, again, you're just circling back on yourself because you can't go forward. "The Fall of Man" was because humans desired to know how to tell right from wrong, apparently, according to your man-made religion, 'God' created humans with a brain to deduce logic and the workings of things, yet believed intelligence came from eating a piece of fruit, gave them free will and independence, and so on, yet punished them they moment they exercised it - not in any selfish way but simply to 'be sure' that they were being as good as they possibly could be. Obviously this is a stupid story by primitive barbarians not reflective of any god, as it establishes the character of god as being a moron who gave humans a brain then punished them for using it.

> man is heavily influenced by demonic spirits,
Mostly of the type who cloak their evil actions in innocence and a kindly smile. You'll know this when you grow up a little bit.

>> No.20960235

>Grug stick mammoth meat over fire
Man made invention.

Man made invention.

>Cute girls to cuddle with
They won't warm the house unless they're extremely fat. See 1st in list for requirement.

Contaminated by dead animals and excrement, I think you'll find. Unless you're very high up on the mountain where that river comes from.

>> No.20960274

Those are your own delusions. If you don't want to have this discussion, you are always welcome to simply stop responding.

>you listed two
I can only list what is mentioned in the Bible. I'm not going to make assumptions, however it is mentioned in the Bible that all good things come from God. But what is good from the eyes of man and what is good from the eyes of God are very different.

The whole point of the 10 Commandments is love for God and love for your neighbor. That's it, that's all that is necessary.

>i.e death
No, eternal life in Heaven. The Prophet Elijah was one of the notable figures in the Bible who got to Heaven without dying.

>Yep. I'm a grown adult
Good for you, I'm glad to hear that you care for other people and aren't selfish.

>I couldn't hate a god
You already claimed how you were tempted to tell me that my God is Satan.

>Right, sleeping nude in ditches and dying of hunger
I see that you aren't well versed in the Bible, because this blind assumption tells me everything.

>Yea, again
The fall still stands until the final judgment. The fall of man has everything to do with man choosing to listen to Satan rather than God. It's very clear that intelligence didn't come from eating a fruit, because prior to that God had established Himself in the garden, and would directly converse with Adam. He also commanded Adam to name all the animals in the garden. Given this information, we can come to the agreement that Adam was an intelligent human being, capable of speaking and understanding a language to converse with God Himself, and had the potential for creativity to name all the animals in the garden. Free will always existed, it is said in the book of Job that God created angels before man. The rebellion with angels took place before the creation of man, which is why the serpent (Satan) was in the garden. Free will is proven to have existed prior to the consumption of the fruit given that Adam had the free will to disobey God. Without free will, God wouldn't have had to command Adam to not eat the fruit in the first place, because Adam wouldn't have been capable of doing anything outside of what God directly commands Him to.

>Mostly of the type
I've witnessed more than you think, but given everything you have said so far in this post alone gives me a good idea of the type of person you are. You are truly an arrogant fool.

>> No.20960308

why yes i do like buying electronics based on how funky they look even if they perform slightly subpar

>> No.20960312

that's the easiest part of the problem

>> No.20960364

I'm reinventing american slang. All of these are candidate words as slang for "dollars"

Wisconsin Buckets
Blinds (cus when you see em you can't see nothing else)
Caps (cus they put an end to things, but also they're the real bullets frfr)

>> No.20960372

recently ive been shamelessly posting pics of myself on fa and soc and some other boards and ive been realising theres a femboy doing the same thing on the same boards like they're my marla singer

>> No.20960376

Boneheaded Singers, that's another one
>Ah that'll take you about six hundred boneheaded singers
>Fuck me that's a lot of boneheaded singers...

>> No.20960424

>Those are your own delusions.
ehh sorry, anon. Arguing with [your type] has versed me pretty well in all your deflective responses; e.g. you believe in unproveable delusions, so you jump in and preemptively accuse 'me' of having delusions.

>love for God and love for your neighbor.
Where does that fit in with killing and enslaving people who worship your religion in a different way? There's nothing really of 'love' going on with this god or at all in this religion, which claims "it is impossible to be good"..

>But what is good from the eyes of man and what is good from the eyes of God are very different.
..which is just the way to evade the question and avoid dealing with the absence of goodness coming 'from' any aspect of the religion itself.

>You already claimed how you were tempted to tell me that my God is Satan.
I always mean this in an objective sense with the proof being in your own approach; if a person holds a position that cannot be explained logically then they will be forced to engage in vice. So if a religious person claims to believe in whatever god and then they demonstrate that their conduct is dishonest then their "god or religion" is that which has created in them a disposition of vice and not virtue - which would be 'satan' in this particular theology.

>the snake
actually it wasn't originally said to be satan at all, if you've ever come across this. Still, whatever, a small point.

>The fall of man has everything to do with man choosing to listen to Satan rather than God.
You mean, Eve, right? Adam listens to Eve.

No I think this is a bad apologism for the original story itself; blaming women or blaming devils, when clearly by their actions alone the humans were desiring nothing 'bad' and weredesiring only to know for sure that what they were doing was good. A god, an intelligent god, might also have foreseen the outcome of telling them to do whatever they wished except to eat from one specific tree - any child would become interested in the one thing they're told not be interested in, it's commonplace psychology.

> sleeping nude in ditches and dying of hunger
It's an understanding of history, is all. Before humans by themselves began to cloth themselves and learn how to figure out plants and construct things, that was what they were doing; sleeping naked in mud and dying of hunger. When you advocate or suggest some form of a 'paradise' prior to all history you're back to this age of cannibalism and terror - as well as ignorance, as if you're suggesting that humans suddenly abent of the knowledge of right and wrong would suddenly be 'angelic beings' then this is obviously not correct; children can be extremely cruel precisely because they do not 'know' right from wrong. To me, this isn't reflective of any god at all but is very much reflective of the mentality and culture of the early hebrews who thought this would fly.

Anyway, can we agree that god did not invent clean drinking water or heated flooring?

>> No.20960469

Anyone can do anything in the name of God, that doesn't God commanded it.

It's not evading any questions, God determines what is God in accordance to His outlook.

My faith pertains to things that delve well past the material world. What my faith is about goes into spiritual things, things that cannot be readily proven through material view of life.

>actually it wasn't originally said to be satan at all
It is, that is the role Satan plays throughout the entire Bible, trying to get people to turn away from God and rebel against Him.

Revelation 12:9
9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
>ancient serpent

>You mean
I say man in a figurative way, not literal. Just like how mankind pertains to humans in general. The Devil is at fault for their rebellion, but it was ultimately their free will to choose to either listen to God or listen to Satan. This was clearly a test, given that God mentioned the tree of life and did not forbid the consumption of it until they chose to eat the forbidden fruit.

Only pertains to the fallen nature of man. God made it abundantly clear that all fruit in the garden was to be eaten save for one. God provided everything they could ever need. There was no hunger, there was no suffering.

God created water and there is clean drinking water in nature to this day. Anyways, this discussion has long since run its course. It's obvious that you don't know anything that pertains to the faith and can only speak as an outsider of it. And given your arguments about these things it has revealed that it's pointless to carry on this discussion with you. So, I'll save you the trouble of getting mad online and saying naughty words to me (lol) and I'll just stop responding to you now. Have a good day.

>> No.20960481

>God determines what is God i
*what is good

>> No.20960488

For me its the MP-40 or the MAC-10 but overall there's so many iconic looking SMGs

>> No.20960525
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Why would what God say be considered moral? If there was proof positive we were created by a divine figuere, what logic would there be that what he wanted for us was moral or good?

I know the shit answer is he is god, he knows more, that is a fallacy, appeal to authority.

>> No.20960536

It's almost like 2 decades ago we didn't think everyone that interacted with a child was a pedo
If they wanted it normalized they never would have allowed feminists to push AoC in the first place, it's not like they weren't already in charge of most things by 1900

>> No.20960541

Guys its been a while since xi posted. I know he's annoying but this is getting concerning :(

>> No.20960671

he's just visiting his gay lover as all trips do

>> No.20960693

>(spiritual things) things that cannot be readily proven through material view of life.
i.e. shit you make up in your own head with no means to verify whether what you think or say or do is correct or evil or not.

As I said, nihilism.

>It's not evading any questions, God determines what is God in accordance to His outlook.
Of course it's evading; you fall back on God, who hasn't spoken to you and told you. You have no reference to "what God wants" other than a man-made book and feelings in your brain which you've rationalized a way to completely avoid proof-checking, which you call "spiritual", which is just your own ego-bias which 'I' can tell personally due to your persistence in viceful responses; refusing to admit being wrong in obvious things demonstrating a character of unlearned vice and absent entirely of virtue.

Obviously it is not beyond the wit of anyone to 'know for sure' that stabbing a man in the face with a pencil is not 'good' for that man. Begin from there if you're confused on the matter.

EXCEPT DON'T!! right??? because knowing right from wrong is what got Adam into trouble.

a vicious circle of ignorance, imo. Which could only possibly serve to allow truly evil people to cloak their evil actions in reductionist fallacies.

>Revelation 12:9
not canon

> The Devil is at fault for their rebellion,
How so? They wanted to know right from wrong, so wanting to know right from wrong is what SATAN has them do...?

How does this enter a persons brain as a statement and not come out the other end with the conclusion that knowledge of right and wrong is itself evil..? Blind obedience to orders that you don't know are right 'or' wrong is, then, 'superior morality (i.e. god wishes this)' to actually using the god-given brain to work it out for ones own self.

This is completely bogus, and is itself evil, if anything, due to how it encourages ignorance and muddies the notion of evil actions being 'evil'.

>avoids answering question from six posts ago (refuses to admit god did not invent [see list])
>girlish snark
>TRS troll remark
>runs away

okay chris chan, have fun in CWCville with your imaginary friends.

>> No.20960750

That's not an appeal to authority kind sir. I hecking love science so much.

>> No.20960753

Bros I hate being back in college. I thought it would be fun but its actually a nightmare. I'm just constantly reminded how I wasted my late adolescence/early adulthood and further reminded how I am a permanent outcast, misfit, and loner. Its only been two weeks but all that unhappiness I felt years ago is flooding back.

>> No.20960761


>> No.20960762
File: 69 KB, 479x728, because you hate women b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20960765

>heh take THAT Euthyphro!

>> No.20960779

>you ended up in a body once
how is this not an indication that you can end up in other bodies?

>> No.20960789
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Since the store is going to be returned to its rightful owner (Chuck), what will happen to sneed?

>> No.20960793
File: 1.96 MB, 286x400, 1631224800281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have covid. It sucks balls.

>> No.20960802

His wife is with her bull though.

>> No.20960810

>Don't think that because you aren't there to witness it, that they wont reap what they've sown.

How do I know they are reaping what they've sown?

>> No.20960819

A fine machine pistol

>> No.20960821

what if there was an entire board for every major philosophical branch

>> No.20960832

Not as much as your keeping all those pepe pics.
You suck so much balls 24/7

>> No.20960838

Is suicide a branch of philosophy?

>> No.20960841

Does Jesus ever actually say that he will take on your sins or is that from the epistles?

>> No.20960842
File: 50 KB, 414x474, 1654281298642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a long one.

>> No.20960853

You're breathing my firestorm, bucko


>> No.20960870
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1643937849674.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe, boomer. Frogs are never going away.

>> No.20960875


>> No.20960878


>> No.20960883

As cancer cells behave, I know.
You are the death you fear.

>> No.20960884

is there a you distinct from this body?

>> No.20960893

The Queen of England just died btw

>> No.20960896

>Still don't get why women entertain that shit the most. Do they really buy into it or are just afraid to be a social pariah to point out that it's all nonsense? Don't they feel like they degrade the essence of being a woman to simply just this caricature of a woman?
wouldn't it be great if women bullied trannies mercilessly and used them as free labour because women are vile enough to feel that trannies owe them something because they're using something belonging to them: feminine presentation
that would be a good time to be a tranny

>> No.20960899

Yes in at least one of a few ways. Where do you think action comes from? Why is there anything to do? It seems ot me you act based on some motivation, and the source of that motivation, before it materializes in intention, is unknown. That, for instance, could be a real self which can not be found by any conventional means of perception.

>> No.20960901

pepe isn't cancer, it's a good meme template that produces endless creative variations. you are. seethe more.

>> No.20960902

what can you do atleast she didn't suffer

>> No.20960904

By what way?

She's not the Queen of England btw

>> No.20960910

UK is fucked. Now they thave a WEF PM and WEF King

>> No.20960913

well yeah not anymore, England has a king

>> No.20960923

>Still don't get why women entertain that shit the most.
It's their tendency toward mercy gone wild. They think that being an ally is mercy.

>> No.20960934

>produces endless creative variations
>dead meme from 15 years ago
>endlessly reproducing itself
>spreading, infecting, unwanted by everyone but themselves.
>”thas not how cancer works!”
It’s cancer.

>> No.20960935

England doesn't have a throne mate

>> No.20960936

Is he at least our guy?

>> No.20960944

>Now they thave a WEF PM
They’ve been WEF for at least twenty years. Brexit might have put a little kink in things but not by much

>> No.20960946

yes but it could be many other things.
it's a huge leap to assume "you" "ended up in a body." what's that "you"?

>> No.20960953

No, he's just standing there by himself waiting for someone to say it to. Funnier and more true this way.

>> No.20960961

Adonis worshipper over here

Nothing like a pretender named Charlie

>> No.20960968

clearly not dead though. unlike your eggs ;)

>> No.20960969

>what's that "you"?
I mean this is kind of an oldie of a question, which can't have any single answer. But either way, I think anyone would agree that there is an outside world that appears consistent, but there is also an inside world which no one really commands, but which has everything to do with interacting with the outside world. If there is such a thing as a "person" it would probably have very much to do with this inside world, which appears to take from two sources: perception and the unknown/subconscious/what-have-you. But if you say that "you" are your body I would ask you: would you become a different you if you, for instance, lost an arm?

>> No.20960985
File: 2.53 MB, 2658x1440, 27E4643E-2074-46FB-9D9B-1A96F72F09F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said the cancer cell

>> No.20960993

I'd argue that there are, off of the top of my head, perhaps three components to the reality of a human being
1. There is what you know of the outside world. This itself arises out of the fact that there is something to do- if there were nothing to do, then there would be no reason to know anything;
2. Uknown motive forces,
3. Pure consciousness.

Of these only one can be known directly, but it is the epiphenomenon, it is the fruit of the tree, not the tree itself.

>> No.20960996

>gen z is pozzed
>gen alpha is just zombies
what comes after? and how will Z and A fare in society?

>> No.20960997

To the rower

>> No.20960999

I count thoughts and so on as "outside" here, which is inconsistent, but it turned out htis way.

>> No.20961062

for some fucking reason my IP is banned from making new threads, maybe one of you bros could do me a solid and make a thread about this

Excerpt from Corcob's YeCarthy's new documentary (?) 'veer' just dropped

>Cormac McCarthy has spent the last 25 years writing his novels at the mountain top retreat of the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) in New Mexico. An institute dedicated to the formal analysis of complex systems.
>In this documentary filmed at the library at SFI (and in the desert), Cormac in conversation with his colleague David Krakauer, reflects on isolation, mathematics, character, and the nature of the unconscious.

also no, the first part of the video is not glitched, that's just how its edited

>> No.20961080

>But if you say that "you" are your body I would ask you: would you become a different you if you, for instance, lost an arm
well firstly, I don't have a strong opinion on the matter. I'm just asking questions. but secondly, asking if there's a you distinct from the body isn't exactly the same as equating you to the body in such a crude way as to make your dilemma there relevant to the question. though the ship of Theseus is a pretty interesting idea to think about, if you consider the body, and mind, undergoing constant change. is there an unchanging constant in there somewhere? if I were to say I am the body, in a materialist sense, (which I am not actually saying) I would probably be equating the I to whatever part of the brain consciousness might reside in, which itself carries a whole host of assumptions of course. but anyway, who would claim to be the body that is supposedly made up of more non-human than human cells? there's a whole universe of different life forms in there. but the question still remains, is there a you distinct from the body? did this you come from somewhere into the world?

>> No.20961081

Severance is pretty clever. I guess Sam Harris really is the foremost thinker of our time.

>> No.20961089

Fun fact, the previous thread only just now 404d

>> No.20961140

Course I have an idea. Today in the West sex is treated frivolously as a bit of fun, to be indulged in purely for hedonistic purposes. So it’s funny for you to see someone who thinks differently.

>> No.20961153

I watch the most interesting and obscure movies of almost everyone

>> No.20961164

I have a good wife 7/10 who loves me. I love her. We recently had our first child. I'm in my senior year of college perusing a degree that I love. I hang out with friends fairly regularly. my mom and siblings live close. I should be happy but I'm not.
I'm so fucking depressed all the time.

>> No.20961173

Why are you depressed?

>> No.20961180

Might want to check your test levels.

>> No.20961197

optimize your test and move out of urban area if you live in one

>> No.20961210

No idea. It could be the stress of the recent big life event. It could be burnout. Could be I need meds changed

>> No.20961225

how do i go about testing test?

>> No.20961227

How old are you?

>> No.20961230
File: 250 KB, 1280x1795, avantgarde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen any of those mega long films by that Filipino filmmaker? Cremaster cycle? Ai Weiwei? Pic related?

>> No.20961233


>> No.20961234

The board has been shockingly low quality for the past couple of days.

>> No.20961237

>I have a good wife 7/10 who loves me
Why don't you love her? "7/10" psh

>> No.20961240

Man all you people completing college so late makes me consider doing masters that i wanted. I am 28 and feel too old for masters. How are you supporting the family?

>> No.20961249


Y'know. It's just distraction. Cheap entertainment and a lousy filler for much needed human interaction. All social media is similarly trash, but this place is "toxic" (Well so is twitter, but this place revels in gore and pedophilia). I urge a NNN style exit. Ween ourselves off it the way some are trying to ween themselves off of porn.

>> No.20961251

We have quite a bit saved up. My wife works a bit. I bring home a decent amount as a freelance local musician. It won't work long term but for right now it's great. I'll hopefully land a 60-70 a year job after graduation

>> No.20961287

Ask your GP. If you havent had a full physical check up in a while schedule one and ask your doctor to run a test check when they do your bloodwork.

>> No.20961292

Will do. Thanks for the advice

>> No.20961313

Well good luck. What are you even depressed about? Some recurring thoughts? Self analyze a little bit.

>> No.20961317

No probs. Youre at the age where you should start doing at least a yearly thourough check up. Have had some friends that insisted I do the same since they caught some cancers in the early stages.

>> No.20961318

This was meant for >>20961251

>> No.20961375

It's the old Guenonfag thing of what is worthy of carrying the name. I'd argue that saying that the word "I" means such and such is not the same as saying that the word "you" means such and such, since "you" requires an "I".

If one seeks perfect crystalline consistency in the use of language then "I" should only be possible to ascribe to consciousness, yes, but then one also admits to complete dadaism in all other matters, since all names would fall to the same weakness, which one does not really practice. I think the question is used meaningfully in much religious mysticism. I don't know if it is wise going looking for "I" on ones own. Emptier than emptiness. But, in practice, I think these words are used and usable- perhaps their usability is testament to some reality- because there is at least a degree of consistency to most people. Otherwise we would not have words that indicate any degree of familiarity, if personalities were truly 100% unstable. Effectively this means patterns of outward behavior, which I don'd think many people are really qualified to say exactly where they come from. This also has to do with religious mysticism, and I do think there are some people who can, but this a belief. The consciousness is just the consciousness, it has no bounds. I don't know why it becomes bound to following what appears to be a consistent human life. Neither of these though, the consciousness and the hidden desire, neither of them will be caught by the senses, so there is no reason to believe they have to do with the body. Perhaps the body is as a canvas..?

>> No.20961414

Lol Zapffe was absolutely right. No human being is willing to accept what he really is. The very idea is repulsive to him. The disgust is palpable as he furrows his brows, twists his lips and asks, "is that all there is? " Our egoistically wired brains are not meant to hold this knowledge. All consciousness does is run away from itself.

>> No.20961423

Philsophy was a mistake. Heck I think Europe might have been a mistake.

>> No.20961444

Europe was fine till Abrahamism took it.
Philosophy ended with Epicurus (Well, building on it would have been in order certainly)

>> No.20961449

Whatever gets me through the day is how I throw my life away

>> No.20961498
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Is this supposed to be a little gun?

>> No.20961515

I met a Japanese girl today. Her english was okay, but she couldn't articulate what she wanted to with her international studies degree. She wasn't ugly, but she was pretty average and needed to pluck her nose hairs. I feel like my yellow fever is slowly being cured.

>> No.20961526

>Shallow tards
Good thing you let her go. Your body-pillow would have gotten jealous

>> No.20961573


>> No.20961577

I just got a substantial (but personal quantity) shipment of cigars. I'm very happy about that. I had to order another Sistema, the preferred humidor these days, to accommodate my acquisition.
Just before typing this, I was in a staring contest with a chipmunk. It broke eye contact with me, but it's still perched where it was and continues to stare but at something else this time. After 5 minutes, it's back to looking at me. I think it might have rabies.

>> No.20961579

How tight was her pussy?

>> No.20961595

I only ate lunch with her. She seemed like she'd be fun though.

>> No.20961605

Having a vice for the sake of having a vice is a vice, one I cannot seem to break. Anyone wanna jump in on this thought?

>> No.20961670

I want to start a discord server dedicated to literature. Like, we'll read books we can illegally download and talk about it in a VC. Maybe write poems and share them in VC, or something you know? We can talk about writing ideas, discuss practing techniques, and maybe write like a page or two long story from a prompt.
Would you be interested in joining, Anon? If enough people express interest, I'd start one up.

>> No.20961676

Fuck off

>> No.20961683

You should fuck her japanese pussy, if you know what I mean.

>> No.20961682

kys nigger

>> No.20961688 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 600x360, 1660667752804886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fantasize about forcing my cock into her mouth as she slaps my thighs
She is sitting on the floor, with her back against the bed frame
Her lips are soft but my dick bumps on her teeth upon entrance; her mouth isn't fully open
I push her head back so it will open wider; it does
Now I am facefucking her as she whimpers
She wears nothing but bras, panties, and socks
After a few minutes and her tears ruining her mascara, mixed with my precum, I lift her up from the armpits and throw her into the bed
She lands on her side and stays there, sobbing and wiping her face slowly
I roll her to the side; she's now on her stomach
I spread her legs using my knee; her sobbing becomes louder
I push her panties to the side; I leave her bra on
I penetrate her pussy with my erect dick. Fuck, she's tight. She lets out a little scream and hides her face in the inside of her elbow
I pump away in her tight pussy as her sobbing becomes more and more silent; I can feel lubrication where there was none a few moments ago
She's getting wet, but there are no moans
As I approach climax, I sense her labia tightening around my dick root
I ejaculate deep inside her as she pants; she doesn't say a word
I get up, and notice that her socks are still on
As I dress she stays where she is, with my cum slowly dripping out of her pussy
I leave; I will have forgotten her within two weeks while she will remember me forever

>> No.20961690

Anons are dogpiling on to you because
but honestly anon, go for it. You probably won't get many people from here to join anyways though

>> No.20961691

drunk as fuck playing hoi4

>> No.20961694

I'd join it anon, it's a good idea.

>> No.20961702

janny u mad?

>> No.20961736

I did not have as much fun with my ex as these two people have. Perhaps I have misjudged how happy we were.


>> No.20961739

I ate a lot of gingerbread today. Proper christmas-gingerbread. Somebody stop me.

>> No.20961745

Whats a good profile pic to use for my fetlife account

>> No.20961749


>> No.20961750

Registering interest

>> No.20961751


>> No.20961770

$1,500 mint condition

>> No.20961771

death to america

>> No.20961773

I can't connect with anyone lately. I've tried. It feels fucking awful man. I'm 22 and I don't have a single real relationship. Everyone is just pretending to be friends with me and now nobody even answers my messages anymore even though I take interest in other people's life. I never felt that so hard now that I'm in another city. I can't cope with the fact that this is going to be my life for the next 2 years. I'm never going to reach mental equilibrium at this state. I'm a weak ass anon and my mind will fucking crumble by next month if nobody is willing to be my friend IRL.

>> No.20961774

I have nothing to do. At all. I'm so bored and lonely.

>> No.20961775

start hobbies retard

>> No.20961777

Dont worry, it gets worse.

>> No.20961778

fuck escorts

>> No.20961780

l am 35 years old

>> No.20961782

I can't have hobbies you mongrel I'm in my last years studying in college and I need to get the maximum GPA I can get

>> No.20961786

Can I post now?

>> No.20961787

Too broke for escorts

>> No.20961788


>> No.20961807

Are any /lit/ frens into photography? I'm thinking what camera I should get.
My budget is like $1200, so not that much but not zero.. I'm mainly thinking
>mirror vs. mirrorless?
Is there that much difference in this time and age besides size?
>second-hand or not?
It's much cheaper. How much do cameras wear down?

>> No.20961817

Start a political or economics literature discord. It will be more popular.

>> No.20961820

I got catfished into a coffee date with a tranny today.

>> No.20961824

Considering working with my hands for a while

>> No.20961829 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20961834

He wouldnt have a head left

>> No.20961839

How'd the date go

>> No.20961881

Be happy you didn't get sharked

>> No.20961886

looking forward to the new ozzy album dropping tonight. not a big metal fan, but the three singles so far are good and surprisingly uncringe for metal.

>> No.20961911

reminder: if you have ever had a normal conversation with another human in person, then you are a normie and you look like a fucking retard when you complain about being lonely or muh no gf.

>> No.20961919

dudes i'm having chest pain i hope the vax hasn't finally caught up with me.

>> No.20961922

probably just heartburn or something. take a tums and go for a walk around your apartment

>> No.20961923

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle. Is it a pain in the heart? a spasm or fluttering?

>> No.20961930

i've had many, many "normal conversations" with other human persons—most notably your mother—and i have never once complained about any of that cringe. i am having sex with your mother right now and posting from my phone whilst i penetrate her gently (i will amplify the intensity of my thrusting shortly)

>> No.20961938

after i had the vax i had the weirdest pressure in my heart sometimes like a balloon full of water being squeezed or something, but this is just like a sharp pain right in the heart. i might be dehydrated. i drank a bottle of powerade at work today, and rather than hydrating me, it made me piss constantly.

>> No.20961939

Damn son how did you handle. Id be in jail if some troon pulled that shit on tinder.

>> No.20961943

What is the most essential characteristic of "the West?"

>> No.20961949
File: 37 KB, 1427x628, Sotadic_Zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you dudes ever heard of "the sotadic zone"?

>> No.20961965

When will Pepe evolve into one of these Sotoads?

>> No.20961971


>> No.20961974

nvm i read "pepe" as "the pope"

>> No.20961976

Why the fuck is america included in that

>> No.20961984

It might be related I suppose. I had aches and pains come back in waves, and then frequent heart palpitations with no kind of exertion to cause it. It's all kind of cleared up now I think.
Finding a good doctor that will consider the vax as a suspect is hard I hear. Donno if you'll get any decent answer if you get it checked out. Maybe it'll go away

>> No.20961992

Is it dumb to own two copies of a book?

I have the Briggs version of War and peace but want the Maude one too

I have the Maude version of Anna karenina but I want that Schwartz one too lol

The Maude versions would be the Wordsworth so it's not too expensive plus I like their covers

>> No.20962003

once again i ask myself, does anyone actually care that the queen is dead? did anyone living across the country from new york actually care when 9/11 and did anyone ever actually get offended at 9/11 jokes? all this posting about how the queen is dead is just feels like virtue signalling to me. the queen is just some girl, nobody cares when literally any other person who they have never met before dies.

>> No.20962042

I'm 33. Only started frequenting this site when I was 31. Guess that makes me an anomaly.

>> No.20962051

I'm a good man in a storm.

>> No.20962061

$1200 x5

>> No.20962062

god i wish i were gay.
what vaccine did he take?

>> No.20962065

The people who make lame jokes about the Queen's death are woefully unfunny. I don't feel sad nor good about her death, but some of these guys who hate her are just fucking faggots.

>> No.20962069

>fall in love with girl in class today
>get the chance to sit beside her and talk to her for a group assignment
bros, im in a state of complete dread right now. i have to wait an entire week for the next class and im not sure i made a good impression or one at all, given that im a complete sperg. i can't even do my readings now. and i most certainly wont have the same chance to sit beside her as i did in todays class. what do i do, anons?

>> No.20962070

They're supposed to blow the bridge.

Corvo Attano's mask is 1500 pts even

>> No.20962086

you did not fall in love with her, it's just your lack of social skills and your 16 years old hormones.

>> No.20962087

Yeah, that's a pickle. Been there.
Look, you're spearing out now. Stop it. She's just a pretty girl. Continue as if this isn't going to work out, better yet, consider her only a contender for your affections. She hasn't done anything but look nice to you. Get her off the pedestal. (DO NOT MASTURBATE TO HER). I want you to be calm and only casually interested in talking more with her. Give her a smile and casual compliment when you see her next. Maybe a little conversation in the break. MAYBE ask for her number by the end of class. Maybe.
Don't make so much of her that it'll hurt you later

>> No.20962092

*sperging. Fuck spellcheck

>> No.20962119
File: 482 KB, 720x1280, __mp5_girls_frontline_drawn_by_jamgom__4e7b3e7981147c8628b6a9716f951ffc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plan B?

>> No.20962122

I'm a good storm in a man
Cloudy later on
Masticating and nursing a can
Mister Cromagnon

>> No.20962134

Should I read Jane Austen or is it gay?

I always hear about Pride and Prejudice since I was a kid but never took interest.

And I hear apparently persuasions is meant to be good too

>> No.20962153

Watch some of the films as a sample of what you're getting. There's no shame in reading classics, but if you'd rather tackle Moby Dick or Werther ...

>> No.20962154

The swan has sung it's the signal finally
Eagle has landed activate all cells
Set detonation to ultramax silently
Prepare the Mossad Christmas bells

>> No.20962158

You're right. But how do I not be autistic about this? No matter what I do, I still can't focus.

>> No.20962167

Was thinking of starting whurthering height and moby dick. Think I should get physical copies of thsie? I see they're kind of cheap rn. Saw a Collins classics wurthering heights for $6aud (around $4usd) and mobi dick for around $10-12aud for the hard cover

>> No.20962199

Sounds like fine investment to me.

>> No.20962211

Save your money and read Wuthering Heights for free on your device and hook me up with the 4 bucks so i can buy some beer. Youll probably want a good annotated physical copy of Moby Dick.

>> No.20962221

I'm not sure where else to go to get people to join though. I feel like reddit is full of cry babies, but I don't know. Maybe there's a literature centered sub that's better.
Thank you fellas, if we get one more person that expresses interest I'll make a server.

>> No.20962242
File: 134 KB, 850x1314, __mp5_girls_frontline_drawn_by_ndtwofives__sample-f8a710df269c7531253224ee8e01406c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread

>> No.20962244

make the server goober

>> No.20962245

>good annotated physical copy of Moby Dick.
Got any exams of these. Yeah I do have an e-reader so I probably would read wurthering heights and P+P on it

It's just I've purchased a couple of physical books lately and enjoying the experiencd

>> No.20962283


>> No.20962286

Cant go wrong with the Norton Critical Edition of Moby Dick.

>> No.20962289


>> No.20962302

Discord server in next thread

>> No.20962567

I stayed and politely talked with him for an hour. I didn't have the heart to leave despite finding him gross and sad. And he ended up being from the same town as me, so that gave us stuff to talk about. I think I managed to mask my disgust and pity, as he asked if we could do something again sometime. I turned him down and said that I'll be busy for the coming weeks.
It was a pretty mundane event, and I'm not upset about it. I've met many girls online, and with filters being what they are these days, it was bound to happen eventually.

>> No.20962979

Bump limit was reached here >>20962221