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/lit/ - Literature

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20954870 No.20954870 [Reply] [Original]

As the topic of interest for males, why do women accept only Kant and Hegel (ie atheists Bandwagoning the train of humanist democracies 100 years late) ?

>> No.20954877

Kant and Hegel aren’t atheists. Hope this helps

>> No.20954879
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>Russian lit
>A pessimistic misanthrope disillusioned by humanity
Yeah, that's me

>> No.20954882

hegel is the ultimate globohomo philosopher, so it makes sense, given their general susceptibility to brainwashing. they find it nice because it justifies the current trends and reinforces those currently in power.

>> No.20954883

>me and my friends

>> No.20954885

Clearly a femcel forum lmao why would anyone take them serious

>> No.20954893

I always find 'girl talk' shit like this to be cute more so than demeaning. Their brains never grow beyond slumber party age.

>> No.20954898

I generally agree with her but what is wrong with Foucault? Just because he likes Nietzsche?

>> No.20954903
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>caring about womens' so-called "thoughts" on philosophy

>> No.20954904

>why do women
Male hands typed that post
>not weeb shit

>> No.20954908

Although the connotations of those words are normally negative, for some reason her post did not hold the same derisive tone towards them. Dosto bros… is this a win?

As annoying as this post is, her typecasting of franzen and palahniuk fans lines up exactly with my own.

>> No.20954911

this, they're just total libtards.

>> No.20954915

I Kant be bothered to care for this thread

>> No.20954919

>if their in to anything by Will and Ariel Durnat
Jesus Christ did they have a stroke at this point?

>> No.20954921

Bible bros, we're safe...

>> No.20954937

who the fuck cares

>> No.20954938

Women in these spheres generally have a disdain for religion. It's patriarchal afterall. It went unmentioned because everyone there already knows it's a "red flag".

>> No.20954952
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>roastie asks me what my favorite book is
>"Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. He's the guy who wrote The Road"(because these dumbasses have never heard of anything else.
>she doesn't run because she's an illiterate troglodyte who doesn't even know what the fuck it is.
>nervous, she asks me about some more recognizable authors like Franzen, Palahniuk and Pynchon
>"I've never read those pseuds in my entire life. Doubt that you have."
>Ayn Rand?
>"He's OK but I have some disagreements."(his opposition to the death penalty)
>favorite philosopher?

>> No.20954957

That's the joke, and on the inverse of the situation, it lets people filter out trashy women. It works both ways.

>> No.20954960

Whags wrong with Pynchon from the POV of an aging, bitter, bovine "progressive" cookie cutter woman?

>> No.20954985
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This post is a good reason to only date women who can't read desu

>> No.20954990

It's broad generalizations, yet they hate it when men broadly generalize women.

>> No.20955000
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>male philosophers
metaphysics, epistemology, Platonic forms, essences and universals, numbers, logic, language, aesthetics, nature of reality

>f*male "philosophers"
We need to talk about gender identity and BIPOC representation in late stage capitalism

>> No.20955004

>especially Derrida and Foucault
Unironically accurate because I like Foucault and I'm also a pedo. Dunno much about Derrida

>> No.20955005
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This! So much this fren! I hate women so much too. Women being able to choose their sexual partner is bad! Misogyny is SO funny amirite?? We hate women and it's funny because...oh YOU JUST DON'T GET THE JOKE FEMOID. Stupud women. Let's get this upvoted to r/greentext!!!

>> No.20955009
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>> No.20955024
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Holy kek how triggered can a femoid get

>> No.20955045

This is just female shitposting.
>make up absurd claims about men based on trivial things
>throw in projection or armchair psychology
>laugh it up with the girls while secretly wanting to be fucked by a man
Men do the same thing

>> No.20955053

>adorable weirdo
>literally the first incel novel about a monstrous being that goes on a killing rampage because he cannot get Frankenpussy or make friends

lmao, what a story that tells.

>> No.20955058

There's a terrible Siri Hustvedt novel called Memories of the Future where the female protagonist starts dating a guy who's into Bataille and Foucault. She soon breaks up with him after getting spooked by his ramblings about limit experiences & abolition of age of consent

>> No.20955063

>when questioned on written works he brings up the personal opinions of the author
cute. A/S/L? wanna cam?

>> No.20955070

Whats wrong with sun and steel? Its literally just mishimas autobiography

>> No.20955105

when it comes to shit like this. i just tell them i read academic journals but if they have any recs i'll check them out

its quite stupid to date/not date somebody based on interest tho
personality is what matters

>> No.20955111

I fucking bursted out laughing at Sun and Steel
Roasties fear the homochad

>> No.20955118
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here's a list to filter out women
>she reads Harry Potter
might make a good mother. most likely childish. remember what Sam Hyde said: "Stop searching for women who understand you deeply. You know who understands you? A man. A man with autism."
>she reads Jane Austen
drama queen, but at least with some taste
>she reads Virginia Woolf
run! run and don't look back!
>she reads flavour-of-the-month chick fic
interesting, potentially psycho
>she reads non-fiction besides psychoanalysis and witch craft
must be a keeper
>she reads about psychoanalysis and witch craft
anything that will happen with you and her is something you will have done to yourself

>> No.20955119
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>> No.20955120

>tell her my favourite author is Pessoa
>looks at me blankly for a few moments, obviously doesn't know who he was
>the conversation is awkward hereon out, both keep on fumbling before a genuine flow can be established
>after a few minutes of this she makes an obvious excuse and leaves
>I sit there for a while, unsure of what to feel
>a waitress brings me a cup of coffee and a pastrie, breaking me out of the daydream
>realise the past 10 minutes didn't happen, the roastie is still sat there on her phone at the opposite side of the cafe
>enjoy my coffee and Pastel de Nata then leave

>> No.20955142

> said: "Stop searching for women who understand you deeply. You know who understands you? A man. A man with autism."
Did he really say that? Fuck, that hits hard

>> No.20955149

what's the purple pill?

>> No.20955166

typical "book bro" author

>> No.20955172

What is wrong with Atlas Shrugged? I don't really like it, but it's not like I wouldn't let my children read it.

>> No.20955179

it's one of those books people base their entire personality around

>> No.20955185

>26.18% more likely to browse r/datingoverthirty


>> No.20955187

yeah, I can't find the clip. it's him giving dating advice while fishing near a river. dude's a heavyweight boxer now. such weird fuck. anyway, that time he was right. your future wife doesn't have to take the role of a nerdy best friend.

>> No.20955196

too edgy
needs to tone down the Nabokov references

>> No.20955252

Expand on this pls

>> No.20955268

My favorite author is Marquis de Sade. What would she have to say about that?

>> No.20955271

You're a faggot

>> No.20955300

I mean, if you go all magik, crystals, horoscope and shit you can get easy pussy

>> No.20955318

Also, Albert Fish is my role model.

>> No.20955323

I actively go out of my way to avoid women so I don't have to ever worry about one asking me what I read.

>> No.20955329
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>my favorite book?
>Suicide by Edouard Levé

>> No.20955573
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, ISHYGDDT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Sam Hyde quotation
That's retarded. I regularly have conversations with my wife about mid-to-late Platonic philosophy, Christianity, Enlightenment-era political philosophy, Russian literature... the list goes on. She's an excellent (if somewhat stern) mother to our child, a beautiful woman, and my deepest confidante. Her weaknesses are compensated by my strengths and vice-versa. Importantly, she and I are both willing to sacrifice (and have sacrificed) for the benefit of our family.

Do you know what I talk about with my friends? Sports, building shit, video games, and crass jokes. It's fun to hang with them and riff, but in no way does our mutual understanding outclass that of mine and my wife's. And while I've known my wife since high school, I've known some of these friends for even longer.

What Sam Hyde (and people who look to him for life advice) should really be asking is: what kind of person am I that attracts such women whom I disdain? Then, if they want kids: how could I possibly raise a healthy child with a spouse whom I disrespect?

>> No.20955585

Is it? Like the Bible? I never saw anything like that.

>> No.20955588

Why don't you avoid reading instead of breeding?

>> No.20955598

I tried sex and it isn't for me. Same for relationships.

>> No.20955603

she has nothing to say about any of my favourite books so whatever

>> No.20955611

anon, you have something incredibly rare and I'm glad you don't take it for granted. chances are the rest of us will miss out on what you have. thanks for the advice. it's something men cannot hear often enough.

>> No.20955621

This stupid bitch can't even spell they're correctly and acts as if she has some agency to judge taste in literature.

>> No.20955670

Kantchads, we kant stop winning.

>> No.20955676

Thanks anon, you give me hope.
But where did you even meet her? In college I assume?

>> No.20955710

You will never be a woman.

>> No.20955739

Not entirely wrong, to be honest.
Then again, you do reach a point where people just aren't allowed to like anything to meet your "standards". And then it's you who's the cunt, not everyone else.

>> No.20955746

In what capacity?

>> No.20955776

Cute entry-level book, anon

>> No.20955798

Reddit threads should just be deleted on sight.

>> No.20955804

Schopenhauer vindicated

>> No.20955805

Thanks for the kind words, but I wasn't trying to give advice — only pushback against the idea that a woman can't be a true partner. It's also important to know that it's not all sunshine and rainbows: we fight as couples do and, because we have such knowledge of one another, we can throw some haymakers. But we don't fight often or for long; we made vows and we take those vows seriously. The vows are easier to uphold because we love each other.

We met in high school but weren't close then. She had a reputation of being a ditz while hanging with her Teen Girl Squad. I had a reputation of being a pretentious asshole and a seducer. Eventually, I found out she had a crush on me after graduating and then it was a weird and convoluted path to marriage.

>> No.20955810

There are no women on the internet, just feds

>> No.20955854

Just tell them the Quran.
> tfw I would get mistrusted because I like Wuthering Heights.

>> No.20955943

FDS doesn't represent most women, only the specific subset of obese ugly feminist virgins that hate men. Anon unless you want to date degenerates you shouldn't worry. Just be retarded on public and a cute aspie chick will approach.

>> No.20955950

Then you woke up and realized you don't have a wife or kids or friends and you're a 4chan autist that jacks off to Hentai

>> No.20955969

Books are for plebs. I buy old cassette recordings of talk radio shows in bulk then I cut the tapes up and glue them back together randomly. I listen to this every waking hour.

>> No.20955975

Which make it into the written work. The Idiot is largely a commentary on the death penalty

>> No.20955987

Because Mishima is... LE BAD. Ok?
He's a heckin' homosexual faggot fascist who want other homofascists to rape my precious little marxist boipuss! :(

>> No.20956005
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The leftoid fears the Mishima

>> No.20956011

It was much more evident 10 years ago when libertarianism was a popular thing.

>> No.20956031

>don't you feel insecure about women?
>..., uh, because of, um, [checks notes], books?
cool "literature" thread, 'mam
when's your funeral scheduled for? I wouldn't want to miss it.

>> No.20956044

What a retarded reddit post. Do I have to scream to make myself audible?








>> No.20956274

The minds of men and women are just algorithms. Signals are input. Decision is output. Its the code hidden within the black box placed between input and output that needs cracking. Too bad those fellas over at MIT are only interested in computers.

>> No.20956296

*tips fedora*

>> No.20956303

The trash takes itself out. I'm not interested in anyone with such a formulaic and reductive mind. By filtering me they filter themselves unwittingly

>> No.20956309

absolutely euphoric post.

>> No.20956317

I had a proper laugh, thanks

>> No.20956327


>> No.20956441

"whats your favourite book?"

"idk I dont read"

90% of men instantly filtered, and half the remaining ones chopped by this post. Most the remaining ones will say something absurd and niche, like a haynes manual for their car or some shit

>> No.20956460

Based. Haven't engaged conversation with a woman in ten years and I've politely rejected any advance in the shortest timeframe available the few times it was needed. I still hate women for their societal influence but it's that simple to avoid them in your personal life. There is the issue of wives of male friends and family but it can be minimized to a small annoyance.

>> No.20956598

> how to filter out 90% of mentally ill women

If she likes Marx run

>> No.20956605

Is answering "Call of the Crocodile" basically guaranteed poon?

>> No.20956609

A man wrote this.

>> No.20956617

wrong about woolf, if she likes woolf she's probably deep af