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20953094 No.20953094 [Reply] [Original]

You do read a book a day anon, right?

>> No.20953163

Yeah, I do it by reading book summaries. And I do that by putting my audio book summaries on 3x speed. I actually read 12 books a day. I'm pretty impressive.

>> No.20953522

Seriously what the fuck does this bullshit "read a book a day" even mean? It can't mean literally fucking read one book per day.

>> No.20953576

No way
Unless it’s your job to read 8h a day, you're either reading shit books or not really reading the books.
It’s just a metric crated by a midwit scammer to seem impressive to brainlets

>> No.20953578

>doesn't know about gulping

>> No.20953593

First of all, what they mean with "books" literally is just self-help lit. They don't mean fiction, they don't mean philosophy, they don't mean poetry, they mean "how do i improoooove my life" books.
Then, what they mean with "reading" is
>look at the index
>flip through the whole book once
>read the first page of a chapter that interests you
>then skim through the rest of the chapter to see if there are interesting sub sections
>read if you want
>go to last page of chapter and read summary (many self-helf books have these)
That's it basically. When they say "read a book a day" they mean "get the useful information from a self-helf book in an efficient way".

>> No.20953661

White people were a mistake

>> No.20953665

People? I wouldn't call them that.

>> No.20953923

'Skimming' a book is not the same as reading it. You might as well just read the amazon reviews and call it a day.

>> No.20954110

Can't wait for the day that all these self-help cunts are lined up against a wall and lit up.

>> No.20954146

I'm sorry for you, anon. Not everyone is dyslexic. Well trained, high IQ people are capable of speed reading at up to 1000 wpm.

At that speed you could finish War and Peace in under 10 hours, or your average volume faster than it takes to watch a capeshit flick.

>> No.20954571

My 12yo self could read a book and a half a day. Then I got given internet access. I fucking hate my lack of parenting.

>> No.20954579

Most books require internal voice for full comprehnsion unless you're buffering the thinking and understanding until after you download the text into your head. Reading is more than decoding the symbols in front of you efficiently.

>> No.20954581

what's the rush?

>> No.20954607

He's a spic tho

>> No.20954632

it's not that deep tai lopez just lies about reading a book every day because he knows his tard followers will eat it up and then proceed to not actually take this advice but still think he's based

>> No.20954731

How tf did Teddy Roosevelt do it brehs
Read as: I don't believe him

>> No.20954757

I hope every one of your family members gets raped and tortured

>> No.20954760

>White people
dios mio...

>> No.20954761

Boo, i made this exact thread like a month ago

>> No.20954767

I made it like 2 weeks ago. But no anon, this is a quality thread. It's the Christians shitting up the board, never forget!

>> No.20954769
File: 247 KB, 674x974, 8608264D-FAC2-4C9E-A9CE-30B642796E7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could read 1000 pages in an hour

>> No.20954800

I mostly read fiction, I don't like speed reading, take many breaks, and I also tend to read longer books, so I've only been able to finish a few shorter books that quickly.

>> No.20954818

high-speed readers have shown reading comprehension levels similar to people who just learned how to read, IE 6-7 year olds. Everyone can learn to read fast, but grasping what you're reading is harder, especially for retards who think IQ is a good estimation for anything else than being good at IQ tests, which is a fluid intelligence.

>> No.20954836

>16.667 pages a minute
>almost 1/3 of a page per second
This is advanced gulping

>> No.20955407

IQ has a very highly positive correlation with mental swiftness, which is what is at play when it comes to reading fast. Beyond this, it is well known in psychometry that fast reaction times correlate positively with intelligence.

>> No.20955412

I can't even shit everyday, what are you talking about?

>> No.20955490

sounds like you need to update your diet.

>> No.20956300

yeah at below 700 wpm, no human no matter how high their iq naturally reads faster than that.

>> No.20956376

best I can do nowadays is 10 pages

>> No.20956382

Yes, I know.

>> No.20956584
File: 28 KB, 498x274, D39D1AB1-ECC7-4B14-8C06-9D77AA374BA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, my brain gets tired. Especially philosophical readings are hard. I can barely read 20 pages a day from Heidegger.

>> No.20956773

Of course, doujins count, right?

>> No.20956796

damm i only read around 150wpm according to moonreader on my phone