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20952992 No.20952992 [Reply] [Original]

Plato grew up in a fucking ethnostate before plastic or judaism. tf is he whining about

>> No.20953021

you guys are mad about plastic now?

>> No.20953025

and women were just cattle for breeding, not entitled whores ruining your life

>> No.20953027

People will always have problems. In muh traditional 19th century Denmark Kierkegaard was also complaining about his times.

>> No.20953033

>the stupid democratic mob forced my sensei to commit sudoku

>> No.20953034

>Plato lived in the past!
>That makes me so so angry!

>/lit/ Autistic Frogs

>> No.20953037

youre apparently to dumb or uninformed to be mad about plastic
oh my lord you've just made such and enlightened reply to a shitpost, here's your medal

>> No.20953039

There would've been plenty of multiethnic slaves owned by the ethnic Greek aristocracy.

>> No.20953042

it was a pretty shit ethnostate all things considered because slavefags will be fags
also what's wrong with plastic other than it fucking the environment up

>> No.20953043

are you people shills or are you just retarded
btw, very autistic post, cant understand humor eh?

>> No.20953045

thanks for the gold kind stranger

>> No.20953054

its inside you you nigger, doing fuck knows what. a lot of plastics leach shit into you as they break down, and have endocrine disruptors in them which give you bitch tits and all manner of hormonal issues

>> No.20953056

soaks into your food, water, and skin

>> No.20953074

Athenian democracy was a huge issue. Plato wanted nothing to do with it, and that's why he bitched.

>> No.20953117

it's also reducing life expectancy

>> No.20953122

I hate to say it but I hate city tap water. If I die young I don't think it'll make much of a difference

>> No.20953198
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Society doesn't automatically become perfect just because everybody around you is the same race as you

Most people of every race are idiots its just your race was the race you were born into and you find their idiocy tolerable

>> No.20953208

>Most people of every race are idiots its just your race was the race you were born into and you find their idiocy tolerable
I don’t. That’s why I’m not racist, because I hate white people just as much

>> No.20953225

Plato thought that women should have political representation. If anything, it bothered him that they had so little say in his times

>> No.20953229

>oh my lord you've just made such and enlightened reply to a shitpost, here's your medal
Rude. Maybe you're just annoyed because you didn't get a metal for your shitpost?

>> No.20953250

>also what's wrong with plastic other than it fucking the environment up
idk i thought you were sciencefags who took their conclusions as gospel
it's a bipartisan issue in relation to how plastic affects the environment and human biology

>> No.20953257

>or judaism
There are always jews. Moldbug is right about that. In my country we have very few jews and they are kind of disliked by the whole political spectrum, but the elite still behave like jews.

>> No.20953262

>Society doesn't automatically become perfect just because everybody around you is the same race as you

Yes it does, so, when you are white. That's the whole point, and that's why it's so important to promote white nationalism. It gives rise to the only society worth having. All other things being equal, the white dumbos are polite and conscientous enough to keep the whole thing going without causing any problems.

>> No.20953263

Congrats on realizing a smart grain of the truth of humanity. Now continue to read literature of all ages and people and you will learn that everyone everywhere at every place in time wasn't happy with the status quo. It's a human constant.

>> No.20953267

What about scandinavian countries? They are very tolerant to diversity, and they are the best places to live.

>> No.20953277

Xenoestrogens, turning men into antifa soyy cucks and women into hyperestrogenized bulldykes.

>> No.20953294

Lmao Sweden was the safest country in the world, basically a socialist utopia with almost no crime, now there are grenades being thrown in the streets of malme and gangwars all because they were naive and let in a bunch of 3rd world chimps who do nothing but collect welfare, rape, and pillage. You can basically guarantee that the "darker" a society becomes, the more violent crime there will be. Lurk /pol/ for 5 minutes like every 15 year old newfag has already done.

>> No.20953296
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>> No.20953299

Nah nigga, Russia is almost entirely white and they are the absolute subhumans of Europe

>> No.20953373

Normalfags will always be annoying and stupid. Any smart person would have disdain for their society and become a sage, trying to realise the functions of the universe.

>> No.20953431

Because they still aren't a proper civilization. It's like criticizing vikings for being brutes.

>> No.20953446
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Is anyone going to tell OP about Metics?

>> No.20953453

>ywn live in a time period of torches and candles.
Feels bad man. Night time must have been kino, indoors and outdoors.

>> No.20953459

He got plastic instead, that’s what turned him into a tranny

>> No.20953575

>minimal light population at night
it hurts...

>> No.20953585

yeah, im sure jews and uh *checks notes* ….plastic are the reason you can’t have sex

>> No.20953596

wait wtf really? that's fucking horrible, why do we still mass produce it then? i mean you can't just get rid of all of it at once obviously but slowing phasing it out sounds like it should be top priority

>> No.20953613
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>dumb leftists dont know about plastic

>> No.20953616

i ain't a leftoid but i'll admit i don't do as much research on this kinda stuff as i should, probably because it makes me sad

>> No.20953621

>why do we still mass produce it then?
Because that's part of the plan, dummy.

>> No.20953623


>> No.20953625

No. The reason he can't have sex is breakdown of the institution of monogamous family, sexual revolution and feminism. Add in a tinge of modern capitalist culture and you are set for having half your youths die in inceldom

>> No.20953637

uh no it’s because he’s an ugly socially undeveloped abomination

>> No.20953644

Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.20953648
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>breakdown of the institution of monogamous family, sexual revolution and feminism
So jews?
>Add in a tinge of modern capitalist culture
So, jews?

>socially undeveloped
Which is because of childhood vaccines, pushed by the pharamceutical industry. Again, jews.

>> No.20953651


>> No.20953667

>why do we still mass produce it then?

money talks, safety walks. the faggots in charge of this civilization would literally rather poison entire nations than lose a little bit of money. if you are shitting your pants over this, wait until you read literally anything else about capitalism

>> No.20953686

>n-no it’s not a real white society
Horseshoe theory proven once again

>> No.20953688

translation: i will never have sex

>> No.20953693
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>> No.20953703

Retarded nazi frogs aren't funny.

>> No.20953709
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yes they are

>> No.20953711

Even those got to have wife and kids and contribute positively to society when society itself was functional.

Some jews were a part of it. Yes. But its more than that.

>> No.20953728

>uhh becuz of monee
Money has no fucking meaning for these people. They couldn't even become poor by making it their full-time job to burn their money. It's about control, it's about enslaving people and being the masters, it's about making everyone weak.

>> No.20953766

It used to be like that until we imported enough foreigners to turn a high trust society into a low trust society.
Now the people are starting to realize that for about a decade, there has been zero economic growth in Finland due to rabid taxation, government regulation and retarded debt policies.

We don't have the jobs to offer to our own children, let alone to foreigners.

>> No.20953793
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not fren

>> No.20953794

>tf is he whining about
nothing big, if you read him.

>> No.20953797

plato was a beta

this is Greek culture, shut the fuck up whitoid

>> No.20953799

nah not really, whites are faggots
modern globohomo sprung out of white ethnostates and whites embraced it

"we" don't produce them, megacorporations do

>> No.20953816

There's literal oceans of plastic in the sea on top of microplastics that get into every living being on the planet.

>> No.20953824

>but slowing phasing it out sounds like it should be top priority
Thinking long term human health takes priority over mass production of living comforts is retarded. Mankind has become terminally retarded. Even the Romans were smart enough not to mass produce lead, despite it being easily sourced and produced. They only used it in water piping which became calcified on the inside.

>> No.20953834

>Mankind has become terminally retarded
mankind has always been terminally retarded. what changed is that the various slaves and unruly barbarians of antiquity weren't genocided but instead given money and power and were allowed to build a world

>> No.20953851

Who was talking about sex?

>> No.20954484
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>Plato grew up in a fucking ethnostate before plastic or judaism. tf is he whining about

>> No.20954492


>> No.20954516
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>the white dumbos are polite and conscientous enough to keep the whole thing going without causing any problems.
So you think passive white liberals are going to lead to a better world?

Does /pol/ even understand that it's so outnumbered, there are more beta white liberals who have to state their pronouns than there are total black people in the west???? Do you realize most of the people in the west who oppose faggot alphabet lobby groups and feminism are blacks and catholic migrants from Latin America or the Middle East?

You guys are so retarded, you want a world filled with trannies from San Fransisco and hipster male feminists from Portland as long as they are white. You may just get what you ask for.

>> No.20954550

>redditjaks and redditfrogs
Go back

>> No.20954554

>modern globohomo sprung out of white ethnostates and whites embraced it
This lmao, colonialism was the original globohomo. Whites are just mad because this time it’s Europe getting ruined and not the rest of the world

>> No.20954583

Good lit-posting idiot

>> No.20954602

everything is about sex on some level

>> No.20954678

this excludes women and most men

>> No.20954701

pretty much lmao

>> No.20955259

...so why are we complaining about this again?

>> No.20955272
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Plato had accesses to all the juicy, thick twink thighs he could have ever wanted. It's not fucking fair.

>> No.20955344

>not entitled whores ruining your life
No. Wives were dumb cattle for breeding. Whores were educated and for conversation over wine. That's why whores get acquitted in ancient Greek courts while wives get convinced because wives were like "wtf is ekklesia is it the word for pub?"
>ethnostate before plastic or judaism
That's going to make it hard to explain why he was so gay

>> No.20955350

My autocorrect doesn't believe I do illegal shit lol

>> No.20955406

The death of Socrates.

>> No.20955694

How would you like being treated as a second-class citizen?

>> No.20955706

Most women.

>> No.20955714

>thick twink thighs
None of these words go together

>> No.20955743

So do you, just go on Grindr.

>> No.20955921

As much fun as it is to blame jews for everything, the breakdown of family and feminism were both advocated by Plato. Jews are heavily involved in those things right now but those were strains of European thought going back thousands of years.

>> No.20956074

Imagine the night sky, everyone saw it, everyone was looking up. But imagine the beasts, man and animal alike, hiding in the dark.

>> No.20956082

There are some pretty dark places still that you can drive out to. Google 'dark sky map'.

>> No.20956101
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You grew up in a time with a semblance of individuality before it becomes simply the HIVE™ and anonymity on the internet becomes illegal globally. tf are you whining about