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20952267 No.20952267 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book worth reading if i'm not going to war?

>> No.20952274

No. It won't help you in the buisness sector either

>> No.20952275

it's like ten pages long lol
also most of the stuff it contains by now has seeped into the common mind so it'll just formulate things you already intuitively understand

also yes, it's about efficient conflict resolution

>> No.20952301

>it's about efficient conflict resolution
Yeah, with bows and arrows and horse cavalry, dipshit

>> No.20952326

>know yourself and the enemy; 100 battles, no loss. but only when you're fighting with bows and arrows and horse cavalry; otherwise that statement is not applicable.
at last I see

>> No.20952327

Is there any other way to resolve conflict?

>> No.20952337

>Points out a minor part of the text
99% of it is ancient military tactics, quit being retarded.

>> No.20952340

yeah. If nothing else it's very short and helps you spot poseurs. Otherwise it's got some worthwhile insights and historical points of interest, but it's not gonna change your life probably.

>> No.20952365


It's really, really well written. You will feel like a military genius when you are done, even though it didn't really teach you anything practical.

>> No.20952386

You are already in war.

We all are.

Human interaction is war, actual war being just one of its concrete manifestations.

>> No.20953500

Best translation?

>> No.20953506

Jeez relax man

>> No.20953528
File: 205 KB, 500x493, 99D3B9D5-815D-41BE-8949-E016F0500F65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are already in war.

>We all are.

>Human interaction is war, actual war being just one of its concrete manifestations.

>> No.20954159

overated shit, don't worth if you ask me

>> No.20954169


It was written as a literal instruction manual on how to wage war, written by a general for other generals. And if you aren't a general, there is nothing you can learn in it.
Machiavelli also has zero information of value in it, since we're on the subject.

>> No.20954244

This is unironically right. People here are just too retarded to get what someone is trying to say if the person doesn't put a disclaimer explaining everything beforehand.

>> No.20954260

>Dude, daily mundane human interaction is le war!
Shut the fuck up brainlet, jesus fucking christ...

>> No.20954261


>> No.20954289

Better be feared than loved... The cashier was kind of rude to me. Life is war and struggle and my enemies are many.

>> No.20954294




>> No.20954303

This is some next level autism.

>> No.20954315

You're wrong about The Prince. Even if you won't be fortifying your city, it teaches you to approach human relations in the most cynical manner possible in order to get ahead/avoid surprises

>> No.20954368

If you're going through the effort of reading this thread, you might as well just read the book. It'll take about the same amount of time. I mean seriously it's like 30 pages long
I've read it, wasn't exactly life changing for me at all. You can reach and apply the military info into other parts of life I suppose but you'd be better off reading other books if you're looking for life advice.
I personally enjoyed it just as reading a piece of history and I don't think there's much else to get from that book that you can put into life today.

>> No.20954375


>> No.20954456

You're absolutely mindless.

>> No.20954475

I'm going to buy some cheese, is it war too?

>> No.20954507

No, but not because it's bullshit, but because to some people it's just common sense, and to others they just can't do it.

This book is often misunderstood as simply a tactic book, and people often reduce it to a book on techniques (like deception and shit). To save you some time I'll tell you what this book is actually about.

This book is fundamentally about decision making. It's probably the earliest book that plainly tells you to make decision not based on bullshit ideology, but reason alone. It is a pragmatic rationalist work. The central thesis is that information is everything. The more information you have, the more likely you will succeed in attaining whatever goal you aim at. First you have information, then you make analysis, then you act accordingly. The less info you have, the shittier your analysis will be, the more clueless your action will be. Simple as.

The entire book really boils down to the first chapter. Once you have enough info, the rest is just routine analysis, provided you know how to do a proper analysis (his exposition can be abstracted into a general analytical framework that's intuitively known to anyone skilled at analysis in any profession).

So it is contrary to Clausewitz's argument that since info is not readily available most of the time we shouldn't rely too much on it. Who's more right is besides the point, but now that I've put it this way, you should see that Sun Tzu is more easily understood than done: to adhere to Sun Tzu means information will always be a top priority. You will then want to constantly keep yourself well informed given a situation, and this is something very few people actually do irl.

>> No.20954704

Good posts anons

>> No.20954722

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