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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 270 KB, 580x388, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20951545 No.20951545 [Reply] [Original]

You guys read right? Post your goodreads. I dare you.

>> No.20951547

I don't use GoodReads because I am not autistic

>> No.20951556

Based, I just use a spreadsheet

>> No.20951596

I got back into reading in July this year so this account largely only has books I've read starting from July.

>> No.20951670
File: 2.29 MB, 2536x1158, 6EAB9797-A42B-42A8-90AB-5854083560F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That site literally promotes F Gardner books now under all the top horror recommendations.

>> No.20951675

Maybe readers of Dracula also liked this book.

>> No.20951682


>> No.20951703

>You guys read right?
Fuck no.

>> No.20951839

so did I but ive read almost 40 books, are you retarded or something

>> No.20951930


>> No.20951954
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I keep my profile private but here is my 2022 challenge

>> No.20951960
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>> No.20951982
File: 2 KB, 212x118, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made it the other day because my wife doesn't want to use my text-based spreadsheet. pic related. I have it set up where she could use google docs if she'd like, and I'm going to eventually put something in the front to denote whether I bought it or not already. (They are "tab separated" for ease of importing.)

>> No.20951988
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Example, when its imported into "Google Spreadsheet".

>> No.20952007
File: 7 KB, 159x477, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[title] [author] [genre] [isbn13] [notes]
If anyone was wondering (I know no one was). Honestly, I'm curious about how anyone else keeps their stuff. I've been doing this kind of thing for awhile, but I'm not sure if it is as efficient. I had the idea of making a small script that creates tables and running them on my server, since people are always asking about presents and shit.

>> No.20952198

>Filled his list with manga shlock and novellas
>brags about it

>> No.20952265

I recently finished The Spy Who Came In From The Cold after reading the Karla trilogy. Super fun

>> No.20952367

challenge accepted



>> No.20952388

Pro tip you can read way more when you block this website in your browser


>> No.20952577


>> No.20953187
File: 841 KB, 1280x720, 2u87tplhzrl51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so this account largely only has books I've read starting from July
yeah, sure, you read a lot but all the books you've read starting from July are entry level 4chan g̶a̶r̶b̶a̶g̶e̶ classics... You don't need to lie on an internet forum.

>> No.20953201 [DELETED] 

Holy cringe, this retard again.

>> No.20953209

4chan recommends pretty good stuff, sorry man.

>> No.20953270

I use an excel file. I have put all lit's top 100 year end charts as well as r/truelit's top 100, sorted the books by how good they are based in their placement on each list, and it gives me the percentage of how many of them I have read
Currently slightly above 60%
I considered adding a column for my ratings but I'm not that autistic

>> No.20953279
File: 37 KB, 524x517, KISS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped using Goodreads because I can't add books myself anymore. Now I joined the personal notes master race.

>> No.20953289

>Meyer-Twilight-New moon (audiobook)
Pls post the notes to this

>> No.20953293

I'll unprivate it for a little.

>> No.20953297

I didn't take notes for that one because it's way too light kek
The writing's actually not too terrible though. It does what it wants to do. It's actually quite comfy for listening. The narrator isn't that great though. I've heard better audiobooks.

>> No.20953307

I read books and don't have a GoodReads
I watch movies and I don't have a Letterbox.
I have friends and I don't have Facebook.
I have opinions and I don't have Twitter.

Social media doesn't enhance these things, it devalues them. If I figure out that every book you read, every movie you watch, every friend you have and every opinion you hold has been carefully cultivated to maintain some outwardly projected self-image that doesn't necessarily track to what's authentic or true, then I'm going to just walk away from you; possibly while you're in the middle of a sentence.

>> No.20953318

This. I liked Call of the Crocodile just fine and I like Dracula.

>> No.20953326

Sad, I thought this was some epic autist schizo buildup bait
And yeah the story is fine, people only hated it because it was popular

>> No.20953337
File: 12 KB, 380x386, audiobooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone is an epic schizo. I like to mix up my reading and audiobooks are fine for books I don't want to waste my time with undivided attention by actually reading them on paper. Nonetheless I'll be glad once I'm through my list of popular shit.
But yeah, from the popular stuff I've already finished, Twilight is, surprisingly, one of the better books (if you ignore the obvious and overbearing female thirst).

>> No.20953346

Good luck with 50 shades of grey though, that book is straight up trash and actually hates by everyone in the fetish community

>> No.20953362

Yeah, there's a reason why I only have the first of the trilogy there. I've heard the discussion about the misrepresentation of BDSM relationships in the books. I'm expecting a trainwreck and it will probably be even worse than that.

>> No.20953489

Yeah you should probably keep it private.

>> No.20953624

amazon owns goodreads

>> No.20954133

>I keep my profile private
no wonder you do lmao

>> No.20954321


active friends are welcome!

>> No.20954332


>> No.20954338

Haha why do you say that?

>> No.20954611
File: 185 KB, 507x715, 1649235956645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this

>> No.20954621

if you put it on the internet it isn't private

>> No.20954637


>> No.20955866

You’re mom is owned by X Y Z

>> No.20955903

>He doesn't like Dorian Gray
Explain yourself

>> No.20955904
File: 131 KB, 638x1104, 1b49ff39d2e7c2971796463bbe0f2780b19a2a18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was coldnessinherheart for a second

>> No.20955912
File: 58 KB, 640x260, Lame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you for real nigga?

>> No.20955918

>it’s real


>> No.20955946

Better a retard than a faggot or nigger, nigger

>> No.20955978


>> No.20956095

Lord Henry was annoying and stupid and what did he bring to the story? also I’m new to this so what do I know?

>> No.20956142

It was all about sex. Horny Orwell couldn't toned it down.

>> No.20956479

Name a book that isn't hugely about sex

>> No.20957022
File: 27 KB, 348x521, 2jhn8yt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping thread alive

>> No.20958456


>> No.20958536

Are you retarded? Why would you spend all day reading? That is a complete waste of your time and mental energy

>> No.20958548

Your mom's pussy is owned by niggers. So what? She is still your mom

>> No.20958578

I have read 4 books this year. Started on 4 others, but stopped halfway through all of them. Because of my Down's syndrome, I read slowly and push myself to try to interpret the material as thoroughly as possible. While reading I also take the shit out my diaper and paint a beard on my face to increase my sexual market value. Therefore, reading becomes very time consuming for me, and for that reason I always revert to stereotypical and repetitive behaviors instead

>> No.20959769

Deleted my goodreads yesterday, unfortunately.

>> No.20960220

basically everything from ian Mcewan
nutshell being the best so far