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20951259 No.20951259 [Reply] [Original]

"Spain, 1936. Escalating violence between left- and right-wing political factions boils over. Military officers stage a coup against a democratically elected, Soviet-backed, government. The country is thrown into chaos as centuries-old tensions to the forefront. Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards choose sides and engage in the most devastating combat since the First World War. For loyalists to the Republic, the fight is seen as one for equality and their idea of progress. For the rebels, the struggle is a preemptive strike by tradition against an attempted communist takeover.Thousands of foreigners, too, join the struggle. Most fight with the Soviet-sponsored International Brigades or other militias aligned with the loyalist Republicans. Only a few side with the rebel Nationalists. One of these rare volunteers for the Nationalists was Peter Kemp, a young British law student. Kemp, despite having little training or command of the Spanish language, was moved by the Nationalist struggle against international Communism. Using forged documents, he sneaked into Spain and joined a traditionalist militia, the Requets, with which he saw intense fighting. Later, he volunteered to join the legendary and ruthless Spanish Foreign Legion, where he distinguished himself with heroism. Because of this bravery, he was one of the few foreign volunteers granted a private audience with Generalísimo Francisco Franco. Kemp published his story in 1957, one of the only English accounts of the war from the Nationalist perspective, after a prestigious military career with the British Special Operations Executive during the Second World War. The book has been out-of-print for decades, but is at last available in print and ebook form once again."

>> No.20951293

You (typically) left out the part where the traitor federalists (in violation of their own laws and constitution and the will of the people) were supported by both Italy and Germany.

>> No.20951296

It's the book description from Amazon.

>> No.20951358

Ohh... I am SOOO sorry!!!
YOU forgot to cit the source of your quote.

THE MORON who wrote the book description is a moron....

>> No.20951392

What's it like having fetal alcohol syndrome?

>> No.20951406

Well, it was in quotes so it obviously wasn't me

>> No.20951698

Stay mad, commie.

>> No.20951718

Trite and terrible.

>> No.20951809

>joins kristuck manlet pseud and his horde of jihadis and pretend fascists to help fighting against le ebin kommunism.
>then goes on to become a glownigger in service of degenerate masonic royalty and kike banksters that enabled le ebbing communism to take over half of Europe.

Sounds like a cuckservative war tourist

>> No.20951816


>> No.20951825
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>> No.20951846

You (typically) left out the part where the traitor federalists (in violation of their own laws and constitution and the will of the people) were supported by both Italy and Germany.

>> No.20951854

>buzzword buzzword buzzword

>> No.20951929
File: 149 KB, 1200x480, 1200x480xkemp_albania_1200x480-pagespeed-ic-4nprqkfjrf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb Spanish commies gave the soviet union all its gold and still lost

>> No.20953013

i know that one twitter account that shills it and some other books but is it actually worth reading?

>> No.20954068

>pretending this isn't your book

>> No.20954592

It's a fun read. Many entertaining anecdotes, and the descriptions of battle are exiting. The padre attached to the Foreign Legion was hilarious.
It's not an especially profound read but I would recommend it. Politically, it doesn't say very much at all, but it does highlight how Western democracies passively encouraged joining the Republican foreign units but took strong measures to stop their citizens from joining the Nationalists. Conspiracy podcasters are always wrong about the connections between fascists and capitalists.

>> No.20954728
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