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/lit/ - Literature

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20951058 No.20951058 [Reply] [Original]

Any literature about comfy NEETs or recluses?

>> No.20951067

"Against Nature" is a godawful translation for the actual title. "À rebours" means "backwards" or
"in reverse".

>> No.20951077
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>> No.20951518

Walden maybe? There are books about recluses, but they are never comfy.

>> No.20951574
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Oblomov is the OG NEET.

>> No.20951776


>> No.20951786

I know you posted this thread Friedrich

>> No.20951807

>comfy NEETs or recluses
Being a neet or a recluse is so depressing.

>> No.20951810


>> No.20951906


>> No.20951912

It is if you are terminally online

>> No.20951934
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Depends entirely on the way you spend your time. Nothing but shitposting, fapping and gayming will get you suicidal after few years - been there done that, even came close to getting a j*b in utter desperation. Luckily I managed to pull myself out of that ditch and now I'm focused on reading, writing, lifting, music/video production. Happiest I've ever been, and that includes previous long-term relationship with a w*man.

>> No.20951966

Having a hobby while being a neet is the ideal life

>> No.20951974

how old?

>> No.20952010
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It really is crucial to pick some creative activities and stick with them, the only reason why NEETs tend to end up depressed is because they just rot away. Of course I'll probably have to off myself once parents are gone but who wants to be a senile cripple anyway?
32, kek. I've experienced couple of office jobs and sexual relationships though, normie life isn't for me.

>> No.20952019

Anon, you honestly think people here go outside.

>> No.20952024

Same about offing myself
Working out and getting into literature really helped me regarding mental health

>> No.20952033

Absolutely. Reading + lifting saved my sanity, everything else is just a bonus.

>> No.20952063
File: 177 KB, 500x678, 004_ruiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy graduates from college and before beginning his engineering job he decides to visit his cousin at a tuberculosis sanatorium in the Swiss alps. Right before his two week visit is up he goes in for a customary checkup, optional in his case, and finds out he has signs of TB in his lungs, meaning that he has to remain at the sanatorium until he's cured.
The MC isn't a recluse, but the book ironically characterizes the experience of being a NEET who spends all day surfing the internet and learning stuff pretty well. 75% of the book is him wandering around, sitting in his room, or hanging out with people, just absorbing information. It's the most comfy book I have read.

>> No.20952108

You can stay at home and still restrict your use of internet/audiovisual media.

>> No.20952257

This is also extremely good, peak NEET lit.

>> No.20952266
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pic related

>> No.20952432

he gets his wake up call at the end

>> No.20952479

I really doubt that.

>> No.20952536

Maybe you don't want to

>> No.20952555

>you honestly think people here go outside.
No, but I like to think people here aren't that pathetic.

>> No.20952745

I'd like some books like this, as well.

>> No.20952759

So do you (plural).

>> No.20952782
File: 33 KB, 255x391, Confederacy_of_dunces_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A story about a NEET and pre-internet autistic 4channer being forced against his will to get a job.

>> No.20953239


>> No.20953273

Look how he even larps as a based trad warrior fascist with that knife

>> No.20953288
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>> No.20953331
File: 365 KB, 1080x873, Asmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah first time I did neetdom I was very depressed.

But now im in neetdom again because I refused the vax I'm still pretty happy after a year of it lol. It's funny how ppl are mad at me enjoying being a NEET yet are the same ones who had no issues with me losing my job over the vax, now I'm kind of refusing to look for a job properly. If an opportunity comes up and its guaranteed and close to home ie. No retarded recruitment process then I'll definitely take it up

Day goes like this and I hate when it gets disrupted:
wake up
make coffee +read a bit.
Prep lunch and eat, listen to stuff on YouTube
Check garden stuff, cleaning, check out 4chan, twitter etc sometimes I get too distracted desu
Prep dinner
Listen to YouTube while eating.
Play a bit of Vidya
Go to sleep listening to asmr

Tbh its pretty comfy lol

>> No.20953364

Henry Miller, but it is a flavor that can’t exist anymore, definitely not with anyone here. Namely he was getting pussy and going outside.

I don’t get this high sense of cultivation that proudly disregards the need for others. Creative tasks carried out forever in a vacuum are pretty much always shit especially because most of the projects here will never be realized: you need friends for it to be seen.

>> No.20953386

Based jinx asmr enjoyer

>> No.20953412

Linton in Wuthering Heights is fucking 4chan incarnate

>> No.20953436

Is that why /lit/ hates Wuthering Heights?

>> No.20953618

Hans Castorp is not that shy or retiring by nature, and is a man of simple and well ingrained opinions. He is an everyman not a NEET.

>> No.20953632

This was anything but comfy, that's not the point of decadent novels such as On Elegance While Sleeping and À Rebours. La-Bas is way, way better. Give it a try.

>> No.20954536


your hooooobbies are purely man-made and and you will go back to despair once you either see they are copes or jsut get bored with them. nothing orgnaic with hobbies

>> No.20954619
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Try Nassim Taleb

>> No.20954641

i was a neet when covid hit. and i put all my unemployment money into crypto and it went to shit.
sold all my losses and had enough to last until this month. starting a new job next week
i wish i spent more time learning some skill to make money.
i spent it reading literature and making music. i did perform a few shows recently
but now i must go back working for shit money to pay rent and have less time pursuing my passions
i dont see anyone finds joy spending 40 hours a week at some job. its fucking torture

t.25 yr 0ld neet

>> No.20954663

>i dont see anyone finds joy spending 40 hours a week at some job.
They don't, almost nobody enjoys their job, they just find ways to cope with it in whatever little free time they have, those copes can be hobbies, relationships, drugs, etc.

>> No.20954816

I lost my shit every time Emily Brontë wrote paragraph after paragraph describing how much of a little bitch he was

>> No.20954832

I'm serious. I'm going to kill myself in my 50's probably. (I've seen fit and active 40 year olds so it would be unnecessary to kill myself that early). What age do you intend to die?

>> No.20955054

so you rely on parents but they don't torture you to get a job?
that can become a cause for depression itself when you're living with people who it's all they've done your whole life

>> No.20955137

H.P. Lovecraft
Thomas Bernhard
Thomas Ligotti
Charles Bukowski

try them, they were NEETs irl at points in their lives and wrote NEETish books

>> No.20955254

bukowski is definitely more defined as a wagie then as a NEET. his antiwork sentiment comes from a place of working miserable dead end jobs his whole life

>> No.20956638

my diary desu

>> No.20956658
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>> No.20956835
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People who think being NEET is the source of depression are fucking idiots, and I say that as someone who is NEET now and way happier than when I had a job or did volunteer work or school.

The vast majority of people who act like their work is a source of pride are completely full of shit and it is a massive cope for how their souls are being sucked just so they can pay the rent on time.

>inb4 "lol poorfags you just have to get a GOOD job and be wealthy like me"

Yeah nice try I'm not falling for that.

>> No.20957998


>> No.20958006

Not if you meditate to break the wheel lol

>> No.20958008

Nta but 50 as well

>> No.20958067

>wagie cope
enjoy slaving away for half your life so you can make some douchebag a billionaire while you can barely afford a house
>"working is more meaningful than reading/writing/music etc. because...well because it just IS!"

>> No.20958494

>La-Bas is way, way better. Give it a try.
Where there any passages you had to force yourself through?. Overall I enjoyed a rebours but sometimes I really couldn‘t be bothered by the endless descriptions of certain things

>> No.20958509

>normie life isn't for me.
I can relate. But I hope there is another way of life for me, without having to be a (complete) neet.

>> No.20958592

Which Waldun books do you rec? I loved 'learned disguise'

>> No.20958606

Thought this book was just okay. I share some of des Esseintes' sentiments, but overall it wasn't that stimulating to read. Probably because I didn't know more than half of the things he was describing. What am I missing? How does one enjoy this kind of work?

>> No.20958613

My native language translates it as "Upstream". Would you say that's better?

>> No.20958881
File: 40 KB, 465x539, 1658491691890156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET artist here. The technophile basterds are messing with art now, using so-called "artificial intelligence" to generate abominable ahrimanic doppelgangers. TED WAS RIGHT.

>> No.20958894

artists went through a similar crisis when cameras were invented and all the gigs painting portraits dried up. i'm sure art will survive. it will just flip to the next chapter of future art history books.

>> No.20958901

Still better than "Against Nature".

>> No.20958907

Nobody's gonna say it? Ok then...

My Diary desu

>> No.20959299

I guess I was lucky then to keep my job during covid through working from home. Now luckily I'm permanently WFH and live a 99% reclusive lifestyle. Once a month I have to visit the office for admin maintenance but I barely talk to anyone and get out quickly.

I've been unemployed before and basically NEETed for 9 months on savings but that was fucking awful after a couple of months. I got tired of everything I found fun and felt like a complete burden to people I lived with. Now I've got a semi decent structure in place and time to do my own thing during work hours I don't feel too bad. I guess what I lacked before was stability and a created structure, so as long as you have that then the day-to-day doesn't seem too bad.

>> No.20961117

Any of Woodhouse's Wooster and Jeeves novels/ Bertie Wooster is a neet, though a very wealthy and sociable neet

>> No.20961121

/lit/ hates Wuthering Heights?

>> No.20961128

read Pynchon already, ted is a shrimp

>> No.20961150

This book is not very comfy, Oblomov neither
Its translated as "Na wspak" here

>> No.20961668

shut up, Nick

>> No.20963281

my diary desu

>> No.20963340

Planning to read this soon. Try "No longer human", but not that comfy. "I am a cat" is kind like a neet story
Reading Nausea and the character isn't a NEET but he's close to it
Also this, Wodehouse is fun

>> No.20963845

Same but my problem is I am in Europe. So with firearms being the only real way to guarantee success, its difficult to plan. My goal is to get a shotgun through a hunting license and have that ready to swallow at about 60. It gives me a lot of peace knowing I'll be going out on my own terms.

>> No.20963852

Apt Pupil by Stephen King

>> No.20964170

Gent Wholeweave does sound like a Pynchon character jej