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20948208 No.20948208 [Reply] [Original]

Just been thinking a lot about this subject and I'm looking for books that thoroughly explore this question.

I've heard that Jung at some point mentioned that when rituals disappeared, the transition from childhood to adulthood could not be fully completed anymore. So this left modern men wondering around for life in a childlike state for the rest of his life.

It would be good to know if there are books that follow historically how people used to transition from childhood to adulthood and how this subject has evolved through time till our age.

>> No.20948216


>> No.20948984

Look up manchild syndrome/peterpan syndrome. And the explanation by peterson

>> No.20949119

Adulthood has nothing to offer

>> No.20950071

The state turns out such childishness. Good little consumer/worker drones.

I don’t know if you need/want more confirmation of this exactly, so just a bump/rec for John Taylor Gatto. He recommended The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin as an example of a self taught genius.

>> No.20950930

I downloaded Franz' (a woman) 'The Problem of the puer aeternus' because it was recommended here. I didn't like it. Her negative example of the 'eternal boy' is Saint-Exupéry ('The little prince'). To me it seems it's much more productive and valuable to never grow up than to transition to adulthood.

>> No.20950942

OP here.

> Look up manchild syndrome/peterpan syndrome.
I think this would be the clinical or how it is known among psychologists.

> I don’t know if you need/want more confirmation of this exactly,

I think I don't necessarily need more comfirmation of this, what I would like to know is how this syndrome of manchild, like the anon above called it, is developed and if it is something particular of our age or if it has been around for longer.

Any fiction or non-fiction on this subject would be very much appreciated anons.

>> No.20950981

Adulthood nowadays is death, they're depressed zombies, there's no life no zest. You might as well kys if being a mechanical cog is your human ideal.

Zoomers might be bad but they're less spiritually dead than millenials at least for now. Cope if you must!

>> No.20950993

What for exactly? What is there to step up to? You can't really have any greater independence or control over your life, and people aren't going to respect you. All you get is less options to have fun. Who would want that?

>> No.20951017

Zoomers just seem fully plugged into this horrible globohomo social media machine we've trapped ourselves inside of, rather than partially plugged in. I don't think I envy that.

>> No.20951056

The young zoomers are in danger, too much too soon. An extended family member is 14 and she already has a belly button piercing/stud, full makeup, acts like a whore on tiktok.

There's a sweet spot.

>> No.20951135

modern society (tm) actually offers a lot of meaning, challenge, growth, fulfillment and satisfaction through the career life
but this is only if you actually get a doctor/engineer degree and get into this life
if you end up a.. butcher, warehouse worker, floor mopper or a taxi driver like in the movie taxi driver, you are basically forced into a meaningless life of cope and seethe and the dilate, as the kids say these days
i am one of these cope+seethe+dilate individuals, as i live in my semi 3rd world country (fucking balkans, jesus christ send help) and basically my whole life is just a gulag of alternating neetdom and construction jobs, and there is basically nothing i can do to escape this gulag of poverty and zero opportunities
every day is the same here, NOTHING will ever change in my situation, there is absolutely nothing i can do...
i feel like a child who cant physically grow because i live in the cage, yes i play videogames like a kid because WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO HERE????

i decided to seek one last salvation in the french foreign legion
i collected enough cash for a one way plane ticket, and also googled all the high places in paris from which i can jump in case they reject me for some medical reason like idk bad skin or bad teeth or bad bones or whatever the fuck else you can find on almost 30 year old semi employed construction worker who lives in poverty
i see opportunities there that i will simply never have if i stay living as a degreless semi skilled worker in the balkans
for 2 months now ive been eating properly, lifting, curling, benching and running to the absolute fucking limits of my current bodily condition, and i plan to keep doing this until i feel ready for the selection process

i might be late, but i plan to grow up, and this is the only way i know how

>> No.20951892

I once heard somewhere that men don't really reach mental maturity until they hit their forties

>> No.20951936

You need to define what adulthood is. This society primarily cares that you are in the workforce and are consuming. Being an adult could mean different things to different cultures. Who's to say the guy who plays video games and owns a funko pop collection isn't an adult? He has his own home or he rents, and goes to work, is he not fully and adult? Some cultures believe you become an adult when you have sex, there's all types of weird shit. Adulthood is too vague of an idea.

>> No.20951950


>> No.20951956

Funko Pops are very adulthood-preventing

>> No.20951985
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>I think I don't necessarily need more comfirmation of this, what I would like to know is how this syndrome of manchild, like the anon above called it, is developed and if it is something particular of our age or if it has been around for longer.
So yeah. John Taylor Gatto explains where it’s come from. It is somewhat peculiar to out time. It is also probably eluded to by Ellul, though he’s rather dense reading, the two touch on the same trend of the technologically advanced state and its need for narrow minded specialist consumerists

>> No.20952054

You answered nothing

>> No.20952095

Some aspects of childhood retained into adulthood are desirable, some are pretty clearly not.
You guys often have this debate about your underdeveloped masculinity, well, much of what makes you a Man is also what makes one a functional mature Adult.
But you also hate those types and ridicule them as “normies”. Well you hate everyone anyway, but many normies are also quite childish and intellectually diminished. Easily programmable by advertisers, state messaging and just wild groupthink.
Another sign of immaturity is the refusal to see things from multiple perspectives. This includes the Woke cancel culture people and the Nazis/racists they claim to oppose. Not accepting fellow human beings as just that isn’t “natural” and nice, it’s retarded immaturity.

>> No.20952250

Being accepting of others ideas has nothing to do with immaturity you fucking retard. The older the are, the less likely you are to change your ways. Taste of music for example, everyone's favorite music will always be what they heard as a teenager because thats the way the mind grows. Its an adaptation of sorts because when your older youre supposed to be fully adapted to the world, not questioning yourself and the world, so that you may pass on these ideas to the next generation with conviction. Maturity truly is finding views from personal experience and believing and defending them with absolute conviction. Looking into others viewpoints and accepting them when you are successful or well adapted to the world is not an adult trait. It is an adolescent trait when young'ns are trying to find stability.

>> No.20952308

no that's retarded.
The distinction between childhood and adulthood has always been about determining when you get to treat others as peers and take active part in the community. The real importance of initiation is to cement among the already-adults, the opinion that they really are different and really do deserve to be in charge. It's very clear what the difference between children and adults is and it's being 18 and nothing more.
There have always been adults who are layabouts and whiners. Adults have always spent most of their free time playing games with their peers and getting fucked up on booze. Nothing is all that different, except that now is we've cut down on pretending rites of passage matter.
Except I guess for the whole coming-of-age novel, which there are still tons of, all of which are interpretations of that concept.
But the kind of book you're looking for would be a scholarly anthropology text about rites of passage. Those certainly exist but I'm not the guy to give you a resource letter.

>> No.20952353

maybe they don't, but consider how shitty society is today; people today regardless of beliefs all agree on that being the case
so why exactly is that a bad thing? frankly i'd rather be interested in something typically considered childish than be chained to some shitty real estate agency and be considered adultish

>> No.20952376
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In recent years I've found myself going back to my favorite movies/books/snacks from when I was younger. I love science fiction, Star Wars, superhero movies, all that stuff. My anxiety is crippling and I need to mitigate it as much as possible.

>> No.20952517
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>peter pan thinks it's better to be peter pan

>> No.20952534

>but this is only if you actually get a doctor/engineer degree and get into this life
As someone with a job like this in the US, I will disagree with you. I'm not desolate and depressed like you, but there's really no meaning or challenge here. I don't feel like I've ever accomplished anything. I just assist in completing small parts I don't care about of projects I don't care about for a company I don't care about for customers I don't care about. I get paid well so it is comfy economically, but satisfying? No. I've never done anything in my professional life that I would call fulfilling. My only hope is that one day I will have enough money saved up to start something of my own.

>> No.20952897

Different categories here. You should listen to other people’s opinions, and work out differences. The ideas might be so bad you can disagree, but I was talking more about what they look like. Why do we have so many fools who think it’s alright to judge people for their looks? That’s the epitome of immaturity.

>Maturity is sticking to something even after you find out it’s wrong

>> No.20952906

Autodidacts never get the respect they used to

>> No.20952910

Bad parenting. Parents are too lenient nowadays