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20947260 No.20947260 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck, I thought this was just a meme in the US but I'm noticing that the writers who are getting exported, translated and praised from my region (Hispanic America) are also women. Examples: The Argentine woman who wrote Tender is the Flesh, that book was meme'd to success by American women from twitter once the translation was a released, or the Mexican woman who wrote Hurricane Season, that novel was shortlisted for the international booker prize.

What are the main themes? Well, veganism for the first, feminism/anti-machismo for the second. Themes that the modern leftist/liberal/"progressive" woman would love. Back in the day you would hear about Hispanic writers making it in other countries after struggle and effort (Borges was translated until he was in his fucking 60s!) and now these women just become successful thanks to identity politics.

No fucking wonder those Spaniards published a book under a female pseudonym and found success (which made many women angry after realizing the truth, of course):

Or how in Italy, Elena Ferrante is actually a man.

>> No.20947287

internet + western subhumans = sucking off women daily and putting them in charge of shit. westerners are useless cattle as a whole and am glad they are being genocided

>> No.20947332

Because the largest market for books is women.

If you want to make money as a writer, you have two choices. (1) Appeal to middle-aged women by writing a book about motherhood or raising children or looking after your dementia-riddled parent. Or (2) appeal to teenage girls and teenage-minded women in their 20s and 30s by writing a formulaic romance novel or a book that can be used as a prop for virtue-signalling on social media.

Those are the books that support the industry. So-called "literary fiction" (serious novels) sell a fraction of what these mass-market books sell. It's not surprising that literary fiction has started to follow the trends of the other books (the ones people actually buy). Major book prizes are promotions. They exist to make money within the abovedescribed industry, and the people who administer those prizes are people who are successful within that industry. It's not surprising that those prizes reflect the forces that sustain the industry.

This problem could theoretically be solved if men simply bought more books. Unfortunately, the most popular books among men who buy books are retarded motivational self-help books for beta pajeets (yes, this genre includes Jordan Peterson). The sort of people who buy those books don't pay attention to prizes, so they have no effect on major prizes.

Most male readers who are educated/intelligent enough to distinguish good literature from piss are also intelligent enough to easily find books for free on the internet, or buy books second-hand. There are very few discerning male readers who actually buy a significant quantity of newly released books. They are obviously no match for the enormous numbers of females who mindlessly acquire newly releases containing versions of the same poorly-written formulas over and over again.

It's a sad state of affairs, but it is unrealistic to expect a capitalist system to naturally filter out high-quality literature. The only hope is to nurture some respect for the intelligentsia, as is the case in France (although this is rapidly disappearing). Houellebecq is probably the last great writer who has enjoyed commercial success.

>> No.20947340

>(1) Appeal to middle-aged women by writing a book about sex, murder and perversion with some romance mixed in.
teenagers don't read books dumbfuck boomer

>> No.20947368

Liberals (rightwing) are in control of the publishing industry.
We shouldn't care.

>> No.20947380

Even those 'successful' commercial writers don't make any money, ad won't be remembered, so all is good. The problem with the hyper-democratization is nobody takes it seriously.

These times will be remembered as an artistic dark age. unless art never returns, then they will be remembered as the time art died.

>> No.20947394

I never said they actually read the books they buy.

>> No.20947418

I don't particularly care how these times will be remembered. I care that I am missing out on potentially good art and literature because it is not being publicized. Great ideas have the power to enrich human life in a multitude of ways. With the internet we should be enjoying the most intellectually stimulating period in human history, but instead I have to sift through 100,000 novels about transgender Inuits scissoring in a dystopian elite boarding school in order to find something with any intellectual value.

>> No.20947456

Remember when women wrote under male pen names to help sell their books? Well those books are still being read today. Not that they are worth reading though.

>> No.20947511

>find something with any intellectual value
What makes you think it's even there to find?

>> No.20947521

why the fuck would men control the book industry when men don't read books at all other than self-help garbage like Jordan Peterson

>> No.20947522

Ok Chang, that's enough

>> No.20947524

>Most male readers who are educated/intelligent enough to distinguish good literature from piss are also intelligent enough to easily find books for free on the internet, or buy books second-hand. There are very few discerning male readers who actually buy a significant quantity of newly released books. They are obviously no match for the enormous numbers of females who mindlessly acquire newly releases containing versions of the same poorly-written formulas over and over again.
You know what's so fucking funny is that you can clearly see this on Youtube, for example. Every single fucking female "booktuber" buys loads of books brand new at full price, and, in my experience, every single male "booktuber" who does the same has really fucking shitty taste.

>> No.20947527

I specifically avoid self help books for that reason alone. They are beneath me

>> No.20947550

Every book is available for free, why would you buy a book?

>> No.20947580

You live in a matriarchy because your pussy men can't stop worshiping women. You're worse than the average asiatic bugman. Cope

>> No.20947593

we live in easy times where competency isn't necessary or valued

>> No.20947596

This. The problem is capitalism. If we didn't have the right to private property the elite wouldn't take advantage of the publishing industry to push their propaganda and books would be better.

>> No.20947599

You live in a matriarchy where immigrants are imported by the millions to replace you and your children are turned into braindead trannies and all because women rule you
cope and sneed

>> No.20947612

why atheists think history started in 2008?

literature and more generally entertainment has always been a made for women

>> No.20947614

To be fair, men are happy to spend their life competing for women. this is not an atheist thing.

this competition is literally the heart of any society.
Men even love more to compete for women in atheism thanks to the jewish shows like how i met your whore mom where the crowd cheers for the gay actor competing for whores lol
In atheism, women are at the center of the society, because according to atheists, women are not ''objects'', so this coupled with the innate male devotion to whores, women are bound to dominate any atheist republic.

Women will always sit at the top of the sex market,& men will always like it.
Over thousands of years men have developed a neurotic narrative where somehow they are the stronger sex for putting their energy into pleasing women and the ruling class. Men are the one talking about hooooonor and how seducing women is awesome. Again even fucking Casanova took pride into a being free dildo to whores.

The day men stop putting women on a pedestal is the day society dies forever. And normies are fucking obsessed with living, with '''transmitting genes'''', like any atheist NPC keep saying, with building crap to fill up their lives with.
And women love to sit on the top of the sex market. Women get free easy life just by existing. That's how fucking insane their life full of privileges is. & women will never ever let this go.

Even in the apocalyptic days that beta cucks keep dreaming about and somehow they survive thanks to all their dubious survivalist skills they learn in atheism by watching youtube, they fancy themselves as providers to women lol. They literally would give lots of free shit to women, from all the hoarding they had done before the apocalypse. All of this because of vagina , fucking lel.

You even had 2 fucking top military guys from Rome fighting over the egyptian roastie known as Cleopatra. that's 2000 years before atheists took power. That's how pathetic military guys are. And how men in general are pussyslaves and wageslaves.

>> No.20947620

wtf, so women were based all along? women were the tastemakers behind the western canon?

>> No.20947652

Reading is a vaginal bourgeois past-time.

>> No.20947657

No one nose.

>> No.20947659 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 252x240, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women. RUIN. my. LIFE.

>> No.20947661

Effeminate incel tranny cope. If you're unable to spread your genes then you're a failure.

>> No.20947668

I can spread them all over your mom's face if that's alright.

>> No.20947676

Not surprised you have an aversion to pussy LMAO.

>> No.20947683

kek gotem

>> No.20947706

Would you prefer it if I vaginally penetrated your mom? Stupid cuck kek

>> No.20947726

>It's a sad state of affairs, but it is unrealistic to expect a capitalist system to naturally filter out high-quality literature. The only hope is to nurture some respect for the intelligentsia, as is the case in France (although this is rapidly disappearing). Houellebecq is probably the last great writer who has enjoyed commercial success.
Gives me more motivation to not shitpost and finish my god damn novel. Maybe I can fill the void, at least partially

>> No.20947759

I've literally read more entertaining and intellectually stimulating shit posts on here than any novel published in recent years. That guy who did the Wittgenstein posts should write something. I'd sure as hell read it

>> No.20947766

>That guy who did the Wittgenstein posts should write something

>> No.20947771

This. This so much.

>> No.20947783

Anglosphere led publishing houses were consolidated a century ago in combination with Newspapers, music publishing, and education. Recent court case with Penguin: nearly all trade paperbacks sell less than a few hundred copies, and frequently less than 200. Book deals are thinly veiled political payoffs, laundering ect. If a salary man has qualms about being party to chicanery, how much more a salary woman with a family to feed?

>> No.20947784

>You even had 2 fucking top military guys from Rome fighting over the egyptian roastie known as Cleopatra.

Hahahahahaha. Opinion disregarded completely.

>> No.20947792

>Recent court case with Penguin: nearly all trade paperbacks sell less than a few hundred copies, and frequently less than 200.
If we are to believe the source, that is.

>> No.20947819
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There were a few more I think. Guy writing them had a hatred of Wittgenstein for some reason kek. Got a good chortle out of them

>> No.20947847

Men don't buy books. The male power fantasy (command over the world through physical dominance) is much better portrayed in video games, film and music. The female power fantasy (command over the world through social dominance) thrives in literature.

>> No.20947864

Thanks, women, for giving /lit/chads the Western canon!

>> No.20947880

You haven't read Hurricane Season have you OP

>> No.20947943

Nigger, the most groundbreaking art right now being in film and it also being the most accessible platform for the consumer is no coincidence. Your western canon is still a work in development, but it continues in film because it follows the medium that best allows its expression. Yesterday's Tolkien is today's Nolan.

>> No.20947963

There hasn't been a truly great film since at least the 2000s. Cinema is pozzed and deader than people think it is. The idea that the most "groundbreaking art right now" is happening in film is simply laughable. This isn't the 60s.

>> No.20947977

Name 10 truly great and groundbreaking films from the past 10 years, I'll wait...

>> No.20947979

>groundbreaking art
it's only groundbreaking because the cast is morbidly obese

>> No.20947991

>There hasn't been a truly great film since at least the 2000s
Once Upon A Time In Anatolia is one of the greatest films ever.

>> No.20947995

I would argue that you're right about mainstream film being utter shit for the large part right now sans a few outliers, but that it's still the dominant art form in today's culture. The fact that it's shit says more about society than the art form itself, and if you were to extend that argument to literature, you could argue that the vast majority of currently popular lit is every part as droll and shit as film is.

This being said, if you see me as obviously missing some groundbreaking cultural phenomenon of art in literature that's been released since the 80's, do tell me. Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey are surely not what you consider to be high art.

>> No.20948014
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Would writing under a female/androgynous pen name improve my chances then?

>> No.20948023

100%, yes.

>> No.20948032

Film is fundamentally a medium for the masses and has been since the beginning. Here for example you equate groundbreaking with popularity.

In literature, a groundbreaking work is not necessarily the one that sells the most or becomes a "cultural phenomenon".

>> No.20948046

Name one book that has been both commercially successful and groundbreaking artistically that has been released since the 00's. Now compare that success to something a relative commercial flop of a film (that was still seen as fairly innovative artistically), Blade Runner 2049. Which has more search returns YouTube and Google? Right, it's not even fair to compare them, and that should say everything you need to know about modern literature's relevance to the the western canon.

>> No.20948066

>comparing a pleb medium (movies) to a patrician medium (Literature)
>caring for le popularity and le google searches
kek if this is your average moviegoer, no wonder they're shit these days.

>> No.20948068

You mean upper class white millennial women and their pet negros. See what happened to Brooke Nelson when Sarah Dessen and her pets went after her to the point of trying to get her expelled from her school, and the school stabbed her in the back too. So many authors got blacklisted when it turned out Sarah Dessen had lied about everything. Of course, UCWMWs continue to stan her.

>> No.20948081

My overarching point is that literature won't be as artistically groundbreaking now because it simply attracts less cultural interest right now than film. Literature /used/ to sell well, and was for the masses in the past. Hell, Crime & Punishment was released in parts in a magazine if I'm not mistaken. This is because it was best platform, technologically speaking, for drama to be conveyed. Now, we have film that occupies the eyes and ears rather than simply existing in the mind of the reader, and thus the western canon rides along with the most technogically advanced platform.
To go back to the original point, film best conveys the impact of physical actions, and since men hold the largest sway over what art is valid, film is pervasive as the most consumed art now. Literature is the best platform for conveying social interaction, therefore it is most popular with women now.

I would be more detailed and precise with my argument towards this but I'm phoneposting, and it's 9am and I need sleep

>> No.20948094

Nigger every fucking pleb went to Shakespeare shows and listened to the fuckin magic flute by Mozart at its time of release, even jazz was considered dirty vulgar music at its time
I wouldn't be surprised if in 50 years dickheads like you are calling Tarentino or Marvel films patrician (oh wait, swathes of retards already fucking do)

>> No.20948126

Film is inherently tied to material preoccupations which works against it being artistically groundbreaking because studios don't want to risk money. When it comes to technological changes or other gimmick, sure, they might spend a bit but not really artistically groundbreaking things.

The smaller the budget, the more artistic freedom the artist has, but also the fewer the eyes watching his work.

One would think what sells is novelty or originality but it turns out what sells is the same old money-making formulas and studios stick with those. That's why Marvel movies are all the same shit about a bunch of homos in latex saving the world against a grotesque baddie.

Film has potential but I don't think it has been taken to its fullest in at least a decade (being lenient).

But when it comes to entertainment, rather than art, film competes directly against video games and video games make more money these days.

Also, there's probably more book sales now than ever in history. Contrary to popular and anachronistic beliefs, not all the literary classics were best sellers in their day, in fact, most weren't.

>> No.20948134

Tarantino won the Palm d'Or in the 90s. That's possibly the highest award when it comes to cinema. He's already a classic. Patrician or not. Putting him on the same level as Marvel flicks is disingenuous.

>> No.20948157

>Film is inherently tied to material preoccupations which works against it being artistically groundbreaking because studios don't want to risk money.

Doesn' this statement hold true with modern literature too though? Just replace studio with publisher

>> No.20948171

>Film is inherently tied to material preoccupations which works against it being artistically groundbreaking because studios don't want to risk money.

Doesn' this statement hold true with modern literature too though? Just replace studio with publisher

Also, I think one of the key points of my arguments hinges on the idea that for something to be artistically groundbreaking, it needs to be both universally recognised as such by society as a whole (critics AND audiences). To be this, it must be both very popular and artistically innovative

>> No.20948178

I don't think the monetary risk is comparable at all. Production and marking for a movie is way more expensive than for a book. Publishers risk and lose all the time. In the old Hollywood days, studios more or less operated similarly to publishers today. Release huge commercial movies which both give you a profit and allow you to make daring smaller movies. But now they only focus on going full commercial. Maybe it's the video game threat that has cornered them. Maybe it's greed.

>> No.20948184

marking = marketing*

>> No.20948192

Why the heavy emphasis on commercial success? Tons of the greatest and most influential works of art were made in obscurity. Franz Kafka got no attention in his lifetime, The Velvet Underground were one of the most important rock bands of all time despite seeing little commercial success, Van Gogh was a loser who shot himself in a corn field... A good chunk of the truly groundbreaking and innovative artists come from the underground and this has been the case forever.
Also, I don't see how Blade Runner 2049 is a "fairly innovative" film, it's a good blockbuster but it's just a sequel to a film from 40 years ago.

>> No.20948195

>Also, I think one of the key points of my arguments hinges on the idea that for something to be artistically groundbreaking, it needs to be both universally recognised as such by society as a whole (critics AND audiences). To be this, it must be both very popular and artistically innovative
I don't think we have the same definition of artistically innovative, then. Can you name some recent examples?

>> No.20948198

meant artistically groundbreaking*

>> No.20948328

Listen lads, I hope my poorly written posts on this subject have added something meaningful to the discussion, but I'm going to have to cop.out and get some sleep.

To briefly address some things though:

Though the works were not successful commercially at their time, culturally they became pervasive, and now current publishers make bank off them. Current film can largely only be gauged on commercial success bearing the relatively youth of the platform not allowing for the gauging of long term cultural impact. I suggest looking up reviews of 2049 by reputable film critics that will explain if or why it is innovative in a much more meaningful way than I can in this post

I think I'm having a semantic issue of conflating culturally pervasive with artistically groundbreaking. For me, to be culturally pervasive requires universal acceptance as having superior quality as an artistic expression. While commercial success isn't always an indicator of universal acceptance, in the modern era it often is

>> No.20948333

>I suggest looking up reviews of 2049 by reputable film critics that will explain if or why it is innovative in a much more meaningful way than I can in this post


>> No.20948337

The vast majority of men don't read. There is a reason every time you bring books up with your friends they talk about how they're reading Blood Meridian and Meditations and when you bring it up again 3 years later they still haven't finished it.

>> No.20948361

My dad reads a lot, but only those cheap action/mystery novels one typically connects with boomers.
If I try to bring up books in presence of anyone younger all I get is awkward silence. Somewhere out there are men that read, but majority only cares about sports, video games and tv, so I can imagine why publishing industry would try other venues.

>> No.20948397

My dad downloads lots of pdfs and prints out only the segments that interests him (which tend to be related to either math or occult/conspiracy stuff). I even saw him skimming a Guénon pdf, I kid you not.

>> No.20948407

>Tarantino won the Palm d'Or in the 90s
This is still considered one of the biggest travesties in the history of the competition though. Not nearly as bad as when Fahrenheit 9/11 won, and worse movies than Pulp Fiction have won for sure, but still a baffling choice when it was competing against Rouge.

>> No.20948412

Yea, Red was a better choice. I personally blame Clint Eastwood who was the president of the jury. That faggot boomer probably went all muh America #1 gotta win or else!

>> No.20948423

>That faggot boomer probably went all muh America #1 gotta win or else!

>> No.20948433

you just know

>> No.20948435

>That faggot boomer probably went all muh America #1 gotta win or else!
That's probably based to be honest, but it was still a weird choice.

>> No.20948442

Some woman even booed at them kek

>> No.20949457

Or Jordan Peterson

>> No.20949498


>> No.20949613
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>Why are women in control
They are agents of normalization ,they will control everything over time, but rarely innovate or completely screw things, that's our job fellow men.

>> No.20949646

There are enough good dead authors to keep you occupied for your whole life.

>But I'm sad that we're living in an age of cultural decadence :(
tough luck
>And I want to publish my fascistic, misogynistic magnum opus and women will gatekeep me from the publishing industry.
First of all, there are a few, but enough, publishers that will accept a good work even if undesirable by the biomass of agents and editors.
Second, you can self-publish on Amazon, to great success, like that funny Romanian guy.
Third, I can bet my yearly wages that you're not that good and what's keeping you down is not wömen but your incompetence.

>> No.20949689

midwits like this are the reason our society is overrun by degeneracy.

>> No.20949698
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This poem sold for $150.

>> No.20949703

how the fuck is that poem??

>> No.20949706

>Why are women in control
Weak Men -> Hard Times

>> No.20949731

I thought most of them just receive free print copies.

>> No.20949732

>Your western canon is still a work in development, but it continues in film because it follows the medium that best allows its expression.
Unbelievably idiotic argument.
Saying that "film has replaced literature" is like saying that optometry has replaced cardiology. Film and literature are fundamentally different art forms. No film can ever do what a novel does, and vice versa. It's a profoundly different experience. If you are such a fucking ignoramus that your only concept of literature is "plot and characters" then I can see why you think they're interchangeable, but anyone with more than two brain cells knows that you can't just swap one medium with another without drastically altering the nature of what can and cannot be expressed. Fucking retards.

>> No.20949743

Why are you replying to me?

>> No.20949749

Replying to everyone arguing about films on a literature board.

>> No.20949754

I watch films with subtitles therefore they are technically literature.

>> No.20949762

But I never agreed with what is said in your greentext. You replied to at least 4 different people all arguing different things.

>> No.20949805

The argument about whether or not the modern film industry is producing good films is irrelevant to the topic of this post. This is a board for the discussion of literature, and OP specifically posed a question about the book industry. If I replied to your post, it means you were engaged in a retarded and irrelevant argument about film. If you are still incapable of understanding this, please go back to /tv/.

>> No.20949810

Rude. So when someone says something incorrect about the art form we like (Literature), we're just supposed to take it?

>> No.20950286

Becuase they are also the people who buy books

>> No.20950375

I couldn't care less.

>> No.20951353


>> No.20951375
File: 50 KB, 540x630, 1618227608947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Publishing industry is run by women and effeminate men.

Look at any literary agency website.

>> No.20951423

Female midwittery is a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.20951996
File: 32 KB, 353x500, 51FqlCgGL+L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prices of brand new books astonishes me every time, although I can understand the rationale behind it. Fresh books have their own appeal. I think it's a shame that bookshops have been dying a slow death for the last decade or two, but then I see books like pic related being advertised up-front and centre under a rainbow banner and my pity fades. It's their lame, collective attempt at trying to remain relevant. I suppose it's worked.
I don't think it requires any real intelligence to buy used books. I'll always try to support second-hand and independent retailers.

>> No.20952020

To support the author..?

>> No.20952072

Insightful post. I don't know how things are in Europe and North America, but here new books cost a fucking fortune. I can find some with okay prices on Amazon and used books in small bookstores. Most of what I'm reading is pdf archives

>> No.20952359

way to miss the bulk of the argument, dummy

>> No.20952583

English speakers exert a certain amount of financial dominance, and English speakers also historically always defend giving women special consideration. Which means "womens issues" are always considered important. Which means womens influence expands disproportionately, regardless of what it already was.
Maybe you can blame the history of the British islands, a place where everyone for thousands of years showed up to murder every man and rape every woman, for causing an array of cultures where it's expected that men die and women must be guaranteed material safety. Maybe it's all handwaving, I don't know. I'm not an anthropologist and if I were I'm sure I wouldn't be allowed to find anything that didn't affirm women always being victims who deserve more influence and rights.

>> No.20952588

They're all dead.

>> No.20952610

>problem 1
You're focusing on bugman publisher like Penguin amd forgetting there are thousands of publishers across the world with different goals. I don't think women in publishing are this big of a problem outside the Anglosphere and perhaps Germany, but even there you have decent publishers. Fun fact, in my country there's a right-wing-gov-supported national publisher that is churning top stuff at breakneck speed and there's also another one which publishes lots of globohomo-adjacent literary stuff and comes off very feminine on facebook (so probably woman-dominated), and this one is indeed struggling terribly.
>problem 2
Fuck cinema. It's mostly entertainment if done right like with that Top Gun film, but rarely is it something above that and hasn't been for a long time, if ever.
>problem 3
Read books of DWMs (dead white males) or DWFs (small pool, but some gems). There is no reason at all to pay any attention to what anyone published at Penguin or some Fischer Verlag has to say, it's just feels and signalling anyways.
Pick a big European country randomly and there you'll habe enough good literature for a few years.
>problem 4
Neither women nor men read literature nowadays. Life-manuals, pulp or audiobooks are not literature, they're netflix. Literature has always been a niche, it's just that nowadays the type of people who could read it has much less leisure time and much broader choice than the antecedents. The Internet doesn't help. You have to get off of the Internet to read literature.

>> No.20952656

>published a book under a female pseudonym and found success
We're literally at the point women were in what 1800s? Bonkers.

>> No.20952665

I sometimes wish this board had flags and permanent nicks.
Wanna see who‘s chud posting

Code Pogsoy

>> No.20952721

Literature is considered feminine now

>> No.20952728
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>Arabic name
>"muh people, I need to investigate if she's Lebanese"
>she's from Tanzania and Kenya
Now this is a shock

>> No.20952787

Alexander Theroux is still alive.

>> No.20953646

Completely unironically, I refuse to read anything written by a woman

>> No.20953664

Sometimes I feel sad that so many of the people I share a gender with have such shallow taste in literature, but at least I can reassure myself that as you observe most men's taste isn't much deeper. It's not obvious to me that women of taste are that much rarer than men of taste, though; they're both rare.

>> No.20953669

I'd like you to try living as a woman for a week and see if you'd still say that.

>> No.20953675


>> No.20953685
File: 23 KB, 325x500, 51nftnT7bFL._AC_SY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also write about how sexy older women are. This means they're more likely to buy your book.

>> No.20953691

Hey, that's a tradition that goes back to Ben Franklin.

>> No.20953698

Actually, it probably goes back farther than that but I can't think of an older example off the top of my head.

>> No.20953952

Any fiction after 1980 is undiluted shit so that's a non issue
>Or how in Italy, Elena Ferrante is actually a man.
Italianon here, I don't think so. If it's true he's the most homofaggot to ever tread this earth because only a woman would write that useless book

>> No.20955273

>Italianon here, I don't think so.
It has been proven by a study.

>> No.20955735

The vast majority of post-1980 fiction, yes- but the same goes for pre-1980 fiction, it's just the crap is mostly forgotten and only the good stuff is remembered. The same goes for, say, music- I recall that after listening to an old Top 40 radio show with Casey Kasem my mum remarked on how much of it was bland, forgettable songs you never hear anymore.

>> No.20957119


>> No.20957161


you're retarded. have you ever seen any of these fanfiction sites? it might be a minority of teenage girls, but the teenage girls that do buy books (and it's probably more than you think) read a LOT.

>> No.20957230

When I was a little girl, I once went to my local library with my little red wagon.

>> No.20957281

bro chill the social security system will inevitably collapse if birth rates do not improve
modern society incentivizes people to be hedonistic burdens on humanity, but the infrastructure which allows them to be hedonistic burdens on humanity requires people to be competent (i.e. it requires them to do things which they now lack any incentive to do) in order to exist
we can’t just run federal deficits forever
the weltgeist wins out

>> No.20957680

Don't respond, if it's the same schizo shitting up /adv/ for who knows how long that migrated here recently, no logic will get through to him. Something something Jeff Bezos wageslave, beluga bitch, coom feel good. It's all he writes about. I've seen this exact post here a few weeks ago. Absolutely deranged.

>> No.20957708

I’m a westerner but…. Agree. The amount of masochistic humiliation I see occur daily by whites has made me lose virtually respect for my people in their current incarnation. Not even a chud either really