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20947257 No.20947257 [Reply] [Original]

One good criterion of this is that your life markedly changed in at least one aspect.

>> No.20947338

Unironically, some of the 4chan post round here. That's how I know I'm NGMI.

>> No.20947366

This and corey waynes 3% man are excellent for understanding women. Unfortunately shortly after reading them, I realized I simply can't stand most of them, so the information has not helped me. Ultimately the biggest truth, which corey wayne touches on, is that you must find your passion or purpose first, or you will be giving too much focus to the woman in your life and she will lose respect for you. There must always be something you care about more than her, which she must compete with to gain your attention. If your passion yields you status as a man, even better.

>> No.20947677

>Mark Manson
Really dude? NGMI

>> No.20947681
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manson is normie shit, mystery is a better entry point

>> No.20947890

Tao Te Ching

I think it was Tao Te Ching that taught me that the secret (although maybe it's too fucking obvious to be a secret) to attracting women is just being safe to be around, and spend

So yeah, just be friendly, able to handle yourself, assertive but not aggressive, etc.

Money and good looks are fundamentally things that are attractive by virtue of simply making women feel safe around you. Same with height and a muscular physique.

A big cock is really nothing. Lesbians get on fine with no cock at all.

Tao Te Ching taught me many more things too, but this thing relates to OP the most.

>> No.20947895

>corey waynes 3% man
Did you read this based on /lit/'s recommendation?

>> No.20947913

The tartar steppe by Buzzatti made me find a job at a hostel that is 1000km away from my home, by far it has been one the best experiences in my life. Also Boscabn and Garcilaso's poetry.

>> No.20947921

You went from America to Asia, I imagine?

>> No.20947947

No, just moved to another province, I'm planning on backpacking trough my country for now, don't have enough money to go elsewhere.

>> No.20948095

That’s rather sad.

>> No.20948533
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This beautiful poem changed my life

>> No.20948539

That's free verse

>> No.20948573

Isn't that completely obsolete game? Mystery even had a new method (venusian art or something) and even that is probably obsolete at that point. You can forget everything that came before 2010. Women know all these push-pull, negging and shit like that. They study PUA, they watch all the videos and so on and create counter methods. When they notice that you do PUA shit, you're DONE. There are new forms of games, but they are not shared with the public. Because as soon as it gets mainstreams it gets ruined.

>> No.20948611

>There must always be something you care about more than her, which she must compete with to gain your attention. If your passion yields you status as a man, even better.
Then why are programmers and engineers so bad with women? Most of them are obsessed with their work and it yields them status and wealth, but they still end up getting cucked. The only truth about women is that you have to be a little more attractive than they are. Either that or be a drug dealer.

>> No.20948631

They have passion/purpose but they're also the most socially inept people on the planet

>> No.20948638

So then the "biggest truth" isn't that you need to have a passion but that you need to be attractive (of which social skills are a big part), which is just common sense.

>> No.20948685

you completely missed the point, also your post is LARP

>> No.20948725

Models just made me more disillusioned with the dating market. Fuck all these hoops Manson says you have to jump through.

>> No.20948738

>, I realized I simply can't stand most of them, so the information has not helped me.
Yes. Schopenhauer had it right. The only ones tolerable for their beauty and lack of cynicism are 18 years old and practically speaking even Leo D can't date a different 18 year old every year, though he's doing the next best thing.

>> No.20948770

you think we've passed the point of no return? like with the advent of prophylatics, birth control, abortion pills, cultural acceptance of women in the workplace (not just acceptance but active encouragement and in some cases coercion), destigmatization of pre-marital sex, divorce, promiscuity, pornography, atheism, is the worm ever going to turn? or is going to be like the world described in The Forever War? where everyone is a faggot and likes it?

>> No.20948786

No a single book is capable of changing my life for the better.

>> No.20948880

>you think we've passed the point of no return?
Yes. There's a very funny Black Piller I like called Turd Flinging Monkey who was run off every platform a few years ago. He would constantly scream how the only way to stop this was to remove women's rights but that simply will never happen short of a cataclysm (when they would indeed disappear overnight). The battle is being lost in all the Muslim countries too now.

>> No.20948898

Russia is far more atheist than america or ireland yet more traditional. Same for china or even north korea
The rest are true

>> No.20948935

Have sex

>> No.20949572
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>> No.20949588

Well, that's all kind of vague. How do you be "friendly" in a way that marks you as appealing, and not some kind of pushover? How do you be assertive in a way that isn't domineering?

>> No.20949614

Is it really that good? I already have a girlfriend but being more attractive is always helpful.

>> No.20949627

Think about how you would treat a dog or a small child. There you go.

>> No.20949638

Make silly noises at them, and teach them wrong things on purpose, because I think it's funny?

>> No.20949658

You know what I meant mate, stop taking the piss.

>> No.20949707
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The book "Why an Afterlife Obviously Exists" thoroughly crushed my view of the world. I hadn't considered what it actually was to have an NDE from the first-person perspective, but this book really opened my mind to it.

While it was difficult at the time, I'm now glad to be more "spiritual" (I know) and kind, and open-minded.

Here's a decent summary: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

>> No.20949714


>> No.20949721


>> No.20949722


>> No.20949829

Canadian detected

>> No.20949979

this is to be blackpilled

>> No.20950146

>Most of them are obsessed with their work
They're not you stupid fuck. The average programmer or engineer is a midwit barely scraping by and only engaging with his field to the extent absolutely necessary as part of his daily duties.

Part of the reason I quit being an engineer and went back to school to get into research instead.

>> No.20950165

lol, you're in for a big surprise friend.

>> No.20950232

>not kjv

>> No.20950262

speedreading through this shit
>Give women false compliments and see how they respond. They won’t respond very well.
>But communicate with honest appreciation and you’ll be amazed how she lights up in front of you.
>So the catch is that everything you say must be as authentic as possible.
imagine some guy following this advice and releasing his inner true long fermented "appreciation" to her, kek.

unless by "authentic" he means nonchalant and accidental compliments that feel spontaneous, but they can be faked too, dostoyevski already wrote about this in "idiot" or "gambler", much better advice there.
rest of the intro chapters don't inspire confidence either. better read the classics by real womanizers (dostoyevski, hemmmingway, chandler, camus, wagner, chateaubriand etc) and you will have gathered more useful PUA wisdom en passant, while they write about something else entirely. there should be a chart for this already.

>> No.20950390

>I quit being an engineer and went back to school to get into research instead.
Kek, you're fucked. The academy is full of midwits. Every PhD I've met was a literal retard that when presented with real life problems just froze, unable to articulate any intelligent thought.
Understand that the only escape from hell for computer engineers is starting your own business and doing things your own way. Good luck.

>> No.20950430

>read self help books
>get mad, because I can tell the guy is a Chad and all of this "advice" wont work for me
>also doubly mad at women now, because they seem like morons

>> No.20951814

Thanks for the rec.

>> No.20951849

A book about writing.

>> No.20952907

Good question. First, I'd say don't talk to people like they're dogs or small children. Be respectful and courteous, and if someone is being a dick, then avoid them, or put them in their place if you absolutely have to. A pushover of course is also someone that is not safe to be around.

If you have to dominate someone aggressively for them to give you any kind of respect, you're not with the right people.

>> No.20953140

I've read ALL the "redpill" books. They have helped me immensely in every area of my life. Models is top 5, others are
1. Fundamentals of Female Dynamics
2. Day Bang and Game by Roosh V
3. Sex God Method (this will unironically change every female relationship you ever have )
4. Roissy's Rules

>> No.20953179

The one that I see memed on youtube a lot is the rational male? Whats up with that one.