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20944324 No.20944324 [Reply] [Original]

is this the pinnacle of atheist writing?

>> No.20944329

It's pretty bad, if that's the case, redditors are a long way from writing non-fiction.

>> No.20944334

Reading Dawkins on religion is like reading a papal encyclica on biogenetic law. Anything Richard has written is best used as toilet paper or fodder for your fireplace.

>> No.20944344

Its actually a pretty good book. Certainly better than God is Dead or End of Faith. Covers most of the ground. There's a certain overfocus on Christianity but that's understandable considering the context.

You have to understand that this entire atheist thing started with some idiots trying to introduce intelligent design in a biology course as an alternative to evolution.

>> No.20944348
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No, this is

>> No.20944521

Where’s the lie?

You meant to post The Antichrist
Or what was it? Genealogy of Morality?

>> No.20944534

God or not-God aren't verifiable. This is why Hitchens is better, religions are easy to criticise because of all the vile stupid shit their adherents do on a daily basis.

>> No.20944541

>all the vile stupid shit their adherents do on a daily basis.
They do lots of good, as well.

>> No.20944552

They do good when they're weak and unspeakable things when they're in power it seems like.

>> No.20944558

would you say they're weak now or in power?

>> No.20944562

Giant spaghetti monster or not-giant spaghetti monster isn’t verifiable either.

The ancients had to admit their gods must all be vile stupid shits to make sense of the apparent wild natural world.

>> No.20944574

>The ancients had to admit their gods must all be vile stupid shits to make sense of the apparent wild natural world.

That's why a good loving god doesn't make sense. Christians tried to bend human perceptive reality to create the perfect utopia but it failed. Our myths grant us only so much power over the world.

>> No.20944577

>Giant spaghetti monster
Every day this places gets closer to Reddit 2.0

>> No.20944588

I could cite the tea kettle that orbits the sun, proclaim the divinity of Harry Potter, or make my own. The argument is sound and did not originate on your home board. Stop advertising it.

>> No.20944592

>I could cite the tea kettle that orbits the sun, proclaim the divinity of Harry Potter, or make my own.
All of which have been responded to and debunked.

>> No.20944619

TSZ is the greater filter and more comprehensive book. Everything he wrote after it was just an elaboration of TSZ.

>> No.20944641

How much of it is debunking things like the ontological argument and how much is ad hominems against religions?

>> No.20944645

And thus you debunk yhwh/Jesus/the other guy, and all the other theisms. That’s the point.
You’re not squashing a new rival cult, you’re debunking ancient superstitions

>> No.20944655

It’s great, but it’s not the book called for here.

>> No.20944659 [DELETED] 

They don’t read books. That’s the priest’s job.

>> No.20944661

Why not?

>> No.20944663

They don’t read books. That’s the priest’s job

>> No.20944672

It’s not specifically atheist. It does use a religious figure after all.

>> No.20944694

>It’s not specifically atheist
>book literally starts with Zarathustra saying that God is dead
>book is just a mythological variation of Nietzsche's philosophy which embraces the death of God wholesale

>> No.20944704

I'm euro I'd say they're weak, but one fundamentalist cult in particular is getting more influential.

>> No.20944735


>> No.20944739


>> No.20944748

>David Hart

Imagine being this wrong