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/lit/ - Literature

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20943773 No.20943773 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else has problems understanding descriptions of places in books? Most of the times they don't even make sense.
And if the writer tries to get all poetic with the description its even worse, then I literally have no clue what they are talking about.
Unironically, is it autism?

>> No.20943802

Lmao, try reading philosophy some time. You won't have a clue what's going on.

>> No.20943847

Who gives a fuck what author meant. Just picture the picture in your mind, the details really don't matter

>> No.20943853


>> No.20943858

I'm ESL so I have a hard time reading fantasy with a lot of world building. Have to google most of the nouns.

>> No.20943859

Playing magic the gathering as a kid/teen kinda helped me with that.

>> No.20943937

This is where "the book was better" shills lose footing. Film is fundamentally visual, which offers a great opportunity to bring that book scene description to life, especially with fantasy. With film, it doesn't matter if the story isn't adhered to 100%, as the aesthetic experience provided by artist interpretations of the book is the focus.

>> No.20943947

Good, your vocabulary will grow exponentially

>> No.20943965

it's about associations, what certain words and their combinations conjure up in your mind

>> No.20943973

Why the fuck do writers do this? I don't ever want to hear about the useless faggot details but they have such enthusiasm for describing a fucking road

>> No.20943976

you guys know you don't have to read everything right? if you don't care about the autism descriptions just skim past

>> No.20944634

the advantage books have is that the author can describe what the characters are thinking
many novels nowadays just try to be a movie in words tho
perhaps cos they want their novel to be adapted into a movie