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20942640 No.20942640 [Reply] [Original]

My GF of three years left me the other day and I'm feeling pretty down boys, what's something I can read to help me recover

>> No.20942663

Learn horseback riding and lassoes to get her back

>> No.20942671

>what's something I can read to help me recover
reading is for fags. go bang some hoes instead

>> No.20942678

Shittt is that actually egg?
I remember he had lost a lot of weight and had a gf for a while right?
I remember snapchatting him creep shots of the asian girls panties in my college classes back in like 2016 when I actually used /r9k/, I actually had a streak with him for a while.

>> No.20942709

pic looks edited but that body type is unironically so hot, shame for the face though, would hate to be Eggy

>> No.20942722

Gods I was strong then!

>> No.20942780


>> No.20942791

who is this egg fucker

>> No.20942795

/r9k/ e-celeb from a few years back

>> No.20942826
File: 429 KB, 850x850, havana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically there isn't a book that can fix that kind of loss; your best bet is to travel if you can afford it, see a bit of the world, and realize how vast everything is beyond this one relationship you've been so heavily invested in. In the meantime, there's no shame in indulging in trash media, anything that can make you laugh. Please don't do anything stupid and endanger your life; we have few enough interesting people, as it is.

>> No.20942849

he looks like he belongs in a medieval movie

>> No.20942872

Hey, I appreciate that, It's been really tough, I've got this nasty sinking feeling, but I'm positive ill pull through.

>> No.20942875

damn chum lee slimmed down a lot

>> No.20942882
File: 43 KB, 800x450, 16860761454232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then, you know...heh, sex, ...was occurring.

>> No.20942907

You're very welcome anon; I've been down that road, a few years ago. You'll probably feel like shit for at least six months, but it does eventually get better. Throwing yourself into a task also helps, whether that's a new job or some kind of creative project.

>> No.20943147
File: 135 KB, 1024x768, 85A5B595-E220-4A5E-8F13-7FB89B18BCE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHA what a pathetic specimen. And that dude makes trad rap music too. Maybe the NWO is right, that guy should farmed for organs undoubtably if they even still work. What a useless, ugly, stupid, genetically detestable human animal. Put him in a cage and feed him sausage links for tricks. Damn man. Wow. And all the twitter name fags let him out of his hole because he kissed their ass. But they should be embarrassed. THIS is when I knew it was already over.

>> No.20943182

Journey To The End Of The Night. It's "pessimistic" but it made me appreciate life better, suffering and all.

>> No.20943226

Don Quixote and see for yourself what it's like to be maidenless

>> No.20943523
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>> No.20943546
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I'm sorry for your loss, OP. Is that her in the picture? She has a pretty nice rack, but is a bit on the old and sagging for my taste.

She probably airbrushed out the blemishes before sending it to the OP when they were still dating.


>> No.20943637

I saw him IRL. He is not that fat. There is the fat filter on him. He's definitly shaped up, but is still rotund.

>> No.20943645
File: 90 KB, 612x612, Dogkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don Quixote always makes me happy to read.

>> No.20943886

please keep the reccs coming bros, im in a similar state

>> No.20943927
File: 448 KB, 500x275, 1662294812743101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proust. Winters Tale: Sheakspeare. Pessoa BOD.

>> No.20943950

The Book of Disquiet

>> No.20944178

I read Faust when I broke my engagement to my ex, ended up helping me feel better

>> No.20944191

schopenhauers essays on women

>> No.20944980

why did she leave you? gimme the reason and I'll name the perfect book for your particular case, lad.

>> No.20945021

i thought all of the dwemer were gone for good

>> No.20945033

Typical northern white man.