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20941440 No.20941440 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20941455


>> No.20941459
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>nigger anime frog pic
>retarded question
Why do the only threads that come close to being on-topic have to be so fucking garbage?

>> No.20941464

the publisher's info

>> No.20941472

Christ's argument to the genius is John chapter 18 and 19 and I cry every time I read it.

>> No.20941476

genesis 38

>> No.20941589

>Colossians 3:11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

>> No.20941609
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i just read it and what the actual fuck

>> No.20941615

Joshua is badass, they fucking murder everyone in the Levant so they can live there.

>> No.20943072

yeah, that's what i thought too

>> No.20943168

I'm not fucking joking, I saw the word "whore" in there for the first time. I learned "whore" at the Bible. I was 11.
At the day I tried to read the Bible, I generally skimmed through it but I stopped there, I couldn't think of what this word meant. That day happened to be my grandmother's birthday, so at the dinner time the whole family gathered together.
The whole family was eating at the table, and I said that to my mother just at that time. "Mom, what is a whore?"
Everyone suddenly became quiet. They were neither angry nor surprised nor laughing. They just looked at me, wondering why I was saying this.
I will never forget genesis 38.

>> No.20943187

>Come now, let me sleep with you
kino pickup line

>> No.20943197

this is probably unironically a good warning against prostitution back then

>> No.20943265

This historical books

>> No.20943279


>> No.20943360

Exodus 4:24-26

>> No.20944212

gawd is a language game acted out by authoritarians, to show others how to simp for them

>> No.20944250

ezekiel 4:9

>> No.20945192

damn at least my language uses old-timey words for prostitutes in the bible so if a kid asked what is a nierządnica the family would know for certain he heard it in church

>> No.20945227

2 Kings 18:27

>> No.20945258

my language uses modern terms it literally says кypвa so it'd be VERY awkward if a child asked that. good thing no one here reads the bible anymore.

>> No.20945317

>spilling cum on the floor is wicked
>making children with your whore in law is allowed
what did god mean by this?

>> No.20945431

"have sex"

>> No.20946495

Ezekiel 37

>> No.20946498

Thanks for including a picture of yourself.
It's called the Quoelet, you absolute pleb.

>> No.20946538

Some of the stories from the histories in the middle of the Old Testament are pretty good. Like that of Ehud, the left-handed Judge. The Gospels and the Epistles are infinitely more important, of course, but they're long on spiritual truths and short on stabbings and fireballs.

>> No.20946555

>god kills onan because he refused to be a cuck for his dead brother that god slew
christ the more I learn about actual christianity the more offputting it gets

>> No.20946566
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>he refused to be a cuck for his dead brother
wouldn't he be the one cucking his dead brother?

>> No.20946571

No it explicitly states it wouldn't be his kid but that he would have to raise it.
Wether that is some god-fuckery or their culture it's still extremely offputting.

>> No.20946677

It was a cultural/legal thing. The idea was that if the man gave his brother's widow a child, it would provide the deceased a legal heir who was still of his bloodline to carry on his family.

>> No.20947630

we call it ecclesiastes, moshe

>> No.20947633

>we changed the name therefore it's no longer jewish