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/lit/ - Literature

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20936726 No.20936726 [Reply] [Original]

books where the protagonist is a 20-something directionless man

>> No.20936732

The Outsider, Wilson

>> No.20936757

Whatever by Houellebecq. Main character is early 30s though. Side character is 28.

>> No.20936761

The Man without Qualities

>> No.20936774

He’s 32 in the fucking book and you learn that in the first few pages, you retard

>> No.20936783

Fosse’s Melancholy

>> No.20936784

based rigid rule follower even when the rules are informal and hardly established

>> No.20936795

Maybe only tangentially related, but posting /lit/core protagonist novels:

Notes from the Underground
No Longer Human
A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.20936811

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20937030

On the Road.

>> No.20937039

I hate fat people.

>> No.20937066

The Sorrows of Young Werther is what happens when such a man falls for a taken woman. Read it well, because if you don't fix yourself now and you get in that situation (and you probably will eventually) you'll end up like Werther.

>> No.20937104

Boogie isn't directionless, he's a maverick who swears by cowboy justice

>> No.20937251

>/lit/core protagonist novels
What? Stop creating weird consumeristic fetish identities.

>> No.20938472

Le Crime and Punishment

>> No.20938520

The Stranger
I would suggest The Catcher in the Rye but Holden is a bit younger than 20 years.

>> No.20938527

my diary desu

>> No.20938560

Sounds boring as shit, why would anyone read such a thing?

>> No.20938575

"Praise" by Andrew McGahan

>> No.20938608


>> No.20938766

Nausea by Sartre

>> No.20939026

>Why would anyone read most literature aimed at men in their 20's written since the 19th century

>> No.20939040

Sartre was a leftist degenerate

>> No.20939116

Magic Mountain.

>> No.20939119

communist manifesto
not because communism good but to see why it's so easy to get swept up in retardation when you are directionless. it was the peasants' bible