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/lit/ - Literature

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20934589 No.20934589 [Reply] [Original]

stack thread?

just picked these up second hand (the jim crace is being dead, it's not easy to see on the pic)

>> No.20935357

Henry Green is very good. Loving is very charming and funny. Green seems to he an oft overlooked yet extremely talented modernist.

>> No.20935375

Gaddis is great but i did not enjoyed AA

>> No.20935381
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I have 13 stacks of unread books.

>> No.20935780
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My most recent stacks from two seperate flea markets (each book was 1€)

>> No.20935849

You'd think an actual German speaker would know better than to read Zweig.

>> No.20935886

Bin Türke, danke für den Hinweis!

>> No.20935957


>> No.20935964


>> No.20936040
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What does /lit/ think of drake's stack?

>> No.20936112
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I got these 3 as my last purchase. The C.S Lewis one is "Fern-Seed and Elephants and Other Essays on Christianity" and the Goethe one is "The sorrows of young Werther". The neko neko thing is self explanatory.

>> No.20936159
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>> No.20936189

I kinda vibe ngl

>> No.20936227

lmfao i went in expecting to scoff at marx, then saw it's a 3 vol and prepared myself to ultra-scoff at "lmao this idiot thinks he's going to read all 3 vols of capital," then saw that it's literally theories of surplus value which he probably got at a fucking yard sale or something and my entire being became suffused with scoffing, i am so scoffused i can't even scoff because it would destroy my physical vessel

>oh yeah. just getting some light reading in. hm? my books? oh, yea you could say im into math... you know... fractions... circles. calculus? heh you know it. anyway this weekend imma dip into Complex Manifolds Without Potential Theory With an Appendix on the Geometry of Characteristic Classes By Shiing-shen Chern · 2013

>> No.20936718
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Found these two at the thrift store but I probably won't read them for awhile because I'm reading Gormenghast and Void Star atm. I was very surprised to find Schrodingers Cat at a thrift shop. I got the book of fairy tales because I like John Bauer's art and I'm trying to improve at watercolor myself.

>> No.20936741

Not a single good book

>werther, goethe
OK at least this one is funny, great satire.

>> No.20936754


>> No.20937277

I hate reading I just like arranging my books nicely and taking pictures of them to post on the internet

>> No.20937516
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>> No.20937599

beautiful purple

>> No.20937831

Thank you

>> No.20937913

OP this is actually a good stack.

>> No.20938065
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All used/secondhand except for the Grudova and Haushofer

>> No.20938084

scoffing at you typing this much at an obvious shoop to feel smart

>> No.20938111
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>> No.20938116

>Jim Crace
You mean Jim Croce?

>> No.20938334
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>> No.20938365
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I got this haul from a garage sale today. The lady had fantastic taste in books.

>> No.20938452

No Iliad?

>> No.20939441

Why was she selling them?

>> No.20939619

Drake is quite a little scholar now. Proud of him :)

>> No.20939812
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reading a pdf version of the Zweig biography of Marie Antoinette at the moment, but this is what I'm tackling this autumn. I'm already halfway done with the bottom book about POWs

>> No.20939823

this stack looks really interesting! Which one are you reading next

>> No.20939842

History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, then as a farce. All these zoomerfags with their unnatural curly hair are the epitome of consumption gone wrong under a neoliberal regime. Their liking of marxism/socialism and 'hatred' for neoliberal capitalism is nothing more than a projection of the disdain they have for their parents on whom they depend and their love for independence that they're never going to realistically achieve in this society.

>> No.20939865

bastard out of carolina is great

>> No.20939882

That lady is indeed very based

>> No.20939922

>stack 1 includes Werther
>not a single good book
>stack 2 includes Werther
>*tips fedora* hehe that one is funny
Illiterate thirdies love to embarass themselves.

>> No.20940026
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Probably won't get to women and men until next year but the vollmann will be read relatively soon

Is this the best choice for my first Vollmann?

>> No.20940332

>first Vollman?
yeah it's pretty good choice, lengthy but of his novels it's the best to read first other than the short story collection

>read women and men next year
mcelroy is definitely a goal of mine for epic tomes to conquer, still gotta get through Ulysses and Recognitions though.

>> No.20940367

Eh I thought I'd skip it

>> No.20940394

Dune is cringe, exploits stereotypes and is very Islamophobic!!

>> No.20940586

Ngl I fuck wit it

>> No.20940668

Alright you reeled me right in; where'd you get that copy from, and for how much?

>> No.20941115

Found out my local library and I "lost" it. Have to pay a small fee or whatever but haven't checked how much it is yet.

Did this with the blessing of a librarian friend. He said they cull thousands of books every year and I live in a rural area so it probably never got checked out anyway

>> No.20941185


>> No.20942419
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Bookoff chad reporting in, I love to dab on Kinokuniya virgins.