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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 879 KB, 1309x899, 1661975860209707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20934464 No.20934464 [Reply] [Original]

Bros...the normies are starting to catch on..

>> No.20934478


>> No.20934481

>OP immediately gets fired

Thanks for the lols though

>> No.20934486

take that down brother

>> No.20934526

It's was slightly funny the first time it was posted . . .

>> No.20934539


>> No.20934613

Whoever did it put a lot of effort into it and did a pretty good job, so I don’t mind seeing it regularly.

>> No.20934620

Damn /lit/ has pretty shitty taste when you see it all together like this.

>> No.20934629

The Agatha Christie is probably the best thing there

>> No.20934657

Gravity's Rainbow is for sure cringetier meme tome.
I have read thousands of books. I have a book store. I have an enormous collection.
Is as verbose and full of shit as that book.
>start reading
>30 pages later still about the noise of bombs and nothing happened
INB4 that's the point.

>> No.20934662

Someone put a lot of time into that photoshop.
Either that or BASED AF

>> No.20934679

>people buy a book to laugh at how "cringe" it is
>accidentally get redpilled

As usual, leftoids don't think things through.

>> No.20934680

It's not a real image?

>> No.20934688

If that's not real, then technology has unironically gone way too far and every time Biden comes on screen telling you to get the fagjab you should assuming it's a deepfake.

>> No.20934700

These books are garbage. Where the fuck is Evola Guénon Wittgenstein and Cioran

>> No.20934711
File: 188 KB, 376x343, Screenshot_20220903-141404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must've been shit at where's Wally lad

>> No.20934717

You can tell it's fake by the thickness of tennis book.

>> No.20934735

Ah my bad. Spotted the Guénon one as well. In any case this is some advanced autism going on in OP's picture. I'm pretty sure it's edited but even so it's impressive and someone must have spent literal hours on that.

>> No.20934745


you are honest to god retarded. not in a funny ironic 'the retards will inherit the earth' way, but just actually mentally disabled to some degree. this is a 10 minute photoshop job, maybe 30 minutes for an absolute beginner who has to watch a few youtube tutorials.

>> No.20934823

It is photoshopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my day. Well made though.

>> No.20934827

Kek. Really well done shop anon.

>> No.20934837

So none of you have seen the original? The real title was "trending on tiktok" and all of these books are contemporary YA trash

>> No.20934862


>> No.20934866

Fellow /lit/izens, we got too presumptuous.

>> No.20934872

Probably better than this trash

>> No.20934908

>infinite jest only slightly thicker than a goosebumps book

>> No.20934915

>industrial society
>agatha christie

>> No.20934918

based, but I'm not sure it's actually that popular on /lit/

>> No.20934920

wait holy shit thats the turner diaries or whatever thats called i think thats banned over here in england

>> No.20934923

>Rene Guenon (PBUH)
holy based!

>> No.20934965

lmaooooooo it's epic shit like this that has me always coming back to sub

>> No.20935079

No they didn't. Look at the Decline of the West stack, the Jordan Peterson stack, and the Hegel stack. Not to mention that Call of the Crocodile is barely 100 pages...

>> No.20935100

also obviously infinite jest is the "cringetier meme tome"

>> No.20935228

you can literally see the shoop you nigger

>> No.20935234


>> No.20935245

Starting to catch on cringy /pol/tard shit?

>> No.20935747

Where is Nietzsche? That should be what you fuckers should be reading.

>> No.20935753

Nobody reads Nietzsche

>> No.20935759

I still don't get why this includes Toradora

>> No.20935760

Its a shop paid by g*rdner in order to push himself as a board meme.

>> No.20935786

I'm reading every word he wrote. That guy shits gold.

>> No.20935793

nah its just shit

>> No.20935794

How much money does this asshole have?

>> No.20935795

You might be be too small to get it.

>> No.20935804

do you wanna see how big i am?

>> No.20935882

You're a midget, take the Nietzsche challenge.

>> No.20935894

Heckin BASED lol

>> No.20935895

Get glasses you dumb fuck

>> No.20935909


>> No.20936134

Explain how you can see that this is a photoshop

>> No.20936195
File: 65 KB, 696x535, 1614863705191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black future in the back

>> No.20936216

Look at Confederacy of Dunces. It's clearly copy-pasted onto a hardback. It's not a very good shop

>> No.20936462
File: 2.29 MB, 2536x1158, 328B9DD0-6E68-437D-9A4B-5F0234C61805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake but this is real. The Goodreads algorithm is promoting F Gardner books under all the biggest horror titles and thousands are adding them to their “want to read lists” by the day.

>> No.20936467

Call of the Crocodile is like 250 pages. What are you talking about?

>> No.20936480
File: 142 KB, 700x794, DBB83BFE-755E-43D4-AB3D-B218338A2C84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic. Apparently Call of the Crocodile is 228 pages. I remember thinking it felt pretty long. You’re thinking of some other meme book.

>> No.20936487

Please describe the margins, line spacing, and font size. One time I bought a twitter guy's book and it was formatted like a high school freshman's english paper.

>> No.20936510

That Decline of the West shoop is pretty bad.

>> No.20936527

I have no idea. And I don’t know what book you’re even referring to. But Call of the Crocodile is long and bloated and obviously not the book you’re thinking of here.

>> No.20936549

Been here for 10 years and managed to avoid all of these aside from the Russians

>> No.20936565
File: 143 KB, 712x652, ACB8FDD2-81C1-4326-A946-838C9E2B5DD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based. Horror’s Call is redpilled beyond belief. Probably the best things this board has ever recommended to me. The amount of esotericism in that series is amazing.

>> No.20936569

Good to hear that Gardner's taking his craft seriously then.

>> No.20936572

I've never seen it recommended here though

>> No.20936581

Lurk more

>> No.20936585

It's a shill who spams it as a forced viral meme thing. He's a self-publish author. He spent thousands on 4chan ads too. Another one of the books in the OP pic is a forced meme viral attempt from years ago as well.

>> No.20936591

You're being baited unless you're baiting me here

>> No.20936595

/pol/ here. There are threads about Gardner’s books every now and then.

>> No.20936599

The cover's below the phenomenatology of the spirit, mein kampf, the decline of the West, fanged noumena, and the Peterson book do not match all.

>> No.20936608

>There are anons only just now discovering Call of the Crocodile

Did I travel back in time to 2 years ago?

>> No.20936613

I've seen some /x/posters tripfagging here recently. Isn't that guy one of them?

>> No.20936625

You mean Frater Asemlen and the pneuma guy or whatever he calls himself? No, Gardner is a discord tourist who posts pictures of his own amazon self published books, or possibly a few people from his discord are doing it half as a joke. Either way it's always the same, like this

If you really want to read it for some reason he got desperate and posted most of it once so just find the thread in the archive. It's full of typos and isn't ironically funny. It's just a redditor's 2015 random humor.

>> No.20936631


You obviously haven’t read CotC. That book is dead serious and completely humorless.

>> No.20936643

>You obviously haven’t read CotC.
Correct, nobody has.

>> No.20936650

I think you’re thinking of some other book and getting it mixed up with Call of the Crocodile. You said it’s 100 pages and a humor book? It’s like 250 pages and edgy as hell. I don’t even remember a single joke from it. Again, no clue what book you’re actually thinking of. But it sure as hell ain’t Call of the Crocodile. I read that a year ago and your description is nothing like it.

>> No.20936673

I honestly liked Call of the Arcade and Jigoku much more.

>> No.20936778

Holy shit

>> No.20936829

It’s surreal how influential F Gardner has been on this board to the point where Call of the Crocodile is affecting other websites now

>> No.20936871 [DELETED] 

You are a retarded shitposter or one of gardeners paid goys.

>> No.20936890

JIDF detected.

>> No.20936921


>> No.20936925



>> No.20936930


>> No.20936963

Not clicking that

>> No.20936971

Oh wow awesome.

>> No.20936972

Okay, but ordering that hardcover printing of ACoD now.

>> No.20937009

Is this the same interview where Gardner talks about how he thinks the earth is flat?

>> No.20937176


>> No.20937274

>covers under Mein Kampf are blue
>covers under 12 Rules for Life are totally different
>covers under Finnegans Wake are different
>covers under The Decline of the West are different
>half the books have unrealistic sizes for what they are

>> No.20937290

Is lolita actually any good.

>> No.20937319

This is happening because of Redditors “discovering” Call of the Crocodile. Reddit is always late to the party and hijacks our memes as usual.

>> No.20937447

Greatest love story ever told you swine.

>> No.20937716

Those are not /lit/ memes though

>> No.20937962

Call of the Crocodile most definitely is. Infinite Jest? That’s a bonafide Reddit meme and all normies know about it.

>> No.20937975

IJ is mainstream. CotC is bordering on it though at this point.

>> No.20937994

It's not funny.

>> No.20938096

Your right. It’s hilarious.

>> No.20938234

Ancient meme

>> No.20938243
File: 76 KB, 314x494, 2A0CDDAF-27EC-463A-ABC8-FC5694D4420F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20938377

>Call of the Crocodile trending on TikTok

We did it, Reddit!

>> No.20938665

Ok that’s great.

>> No.20938755

>comes on screen telling you to get the fagjab you should assuming it's a deepfake.
i do

>> No.20938770

>No Blood Meridian

>> No.20938804

Burn it

>> No.20938806

It’s fucking hilarious

>> No.20938835

>/pol/thrash, starter books, Moz, Finneygone
There is no taste at all as no one reads
It's just the battle of the meme books

>> No.20938868
File: 31 KB, 700x395, E7BNN0CXoAIEheL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20938874

What’s the one above confederacy of dunces?

>> No.20939381

it 's simply pedo cope, would not recommend

>> No.20939407

>ITT: zoomies can’t detect hack shoops from the pixels
Thread is doing a better job illustrating the average idiot on this board than the picture.

>> No.20939458

IJ isn't really reddit either, it's an American academia meme that pretentious hipsters were recommending to each other well before social media ever became a thing.

>> No.20939567

what's the waifu book called?

>> No.20939628

>Is lolita actually any good.
it's self-insert by an atheist coomer

>> No.20939680


good book dont listen to any other retards here

>> No.20939708

Wish it where real... then I could buy my meme books

>> No.20939713

It’s glorious

>> No.20941090

It’s heckin fucking amazing