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20934214 No.20934214 [Reply] [Original]

What are some anti-American/anti-European books worth reading?

>> No.20934230

Read Settlers.

>> No.20934239

There are only a few books that can claim to be more blatantly exterminationist than that one. It's quite remarkable.

>> No.20934257

The Talmud

>> No.20934280

>American/anti-European books worth reading?
Do mutts really? So have you finally accepted and completely submitted yourself to your jewish masters?

>> No.20934325

René Guenon, Guido De Giorgio, Johan Huizinga

>> No.20935990

Dandieu and Aron

>> No.20936064

Muhammad Atta's master thesis

>> No.20937867

Actually looks interesting.

>> No.20937873

The only objective answer in this thread

>> No.20937880

>didn't read the post
Anyways the best anti-American book is What Really Happened by Hillary Clinton

>> No.20937882

4th political theory by alexandr dugin

>> No.20937888

Anyone got a link?

>> No.20937918


I looked into it when I read ATTA (/lit/ is finally catching up and becoming aware of that charming novella, even though I've occasionally posted about it over the past few years), and I only turned up one or two German Worldcat entries at the time. ATTA is a good example of two structural memes that /lit/ has been considering recently: a mixture of first-person and third-person tenses (which Kobek does coherently), and BURGERPUNK aesthetic (Atta is disgusted with the eternal gas station/McDonald's road architecture that he encounters everywhere). It also pulls the deliciously dirty trick of humanizing the hijackers, as each one gains his own personality and becomes sympathetic in his own way.

Kobek purports to cite it (Atta's master's thesis), but that citation may be fictionalized. If his citation is genuine, he would either have had to sit down in the library's reading room or else buy the thing as a file. I have no idea if it's on proquest or some German equivalent. I seem to remember once that they were discouraging its dissemination due to its notorious association.

>> No.20938768

Shame, if anyone can find it let us know.

>> No.20939023
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Ayatollah Khomeini Islam and Revolution, muslim bros... just kill us all, the trannies, the gays and the jews.

>> No.20939096

Open Veins of Latin America

>> No.20939126

>In an interview on September 24, 2001, Atta Sr. stated, "My son is gone. He is now with God. The Mossad killed him."[109]
What did he mean by this?