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/lit/ - Literature

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20929925 No.20929925 [Reply] [Original]

Why do educators get so assmad about plagiarism?

>> No.20929948

It's like seeding torrents. Scholars need to be quoted in order to advance their careers.

>> No.20929951

It's to prevent original thinking, which is a no-no.

>> No.20929954

Plagiarism is inherently atheistic. No other people gave a shit about plagiarism before the bourgeois revolutions and their hard-on for property rights. Bourgeois even think that colors and words have owners lol.
Don't think like them and you will be fine.

>> No.20929958

What I don’t get is how self-plagiarism is a thing. Literally contradicts the definition of ‘plagiarism’.

>> No.20929960

'son on the log

>> No.20929965

Literally the opposite. You need to now the subject to formulate original thoughts ergo you need to read people most likely smarter than you. We have a shitton of literature and not taking advantage of them shows ignorance and a shallow approach to the subject. Even Plato quoted Homer and others and there were like 5 books total at the time.
This thread is shit.

>> No.20929969

If you’re writing an assignment or an article for a publication it’s supposed to be something original
When you copy something you’ve done before (self plagiarism) it defeats the purpose of both things (being evaluated and creating something new, respectively). If you do use something you’ve written before you should cite yourself so professors or readers know it’s not something original

>> No.20929976

I think the thing people often miss about academia is its obsession with history which is to really say its obsession with controlling perceptions in general.
The demonization of plagiarism is just a small reflection of this but a clear one.

>> No.20929993

Those too lazy or stupid to do their own work, and those that are too selfish and grade grubbing to give credit to those that were not lazy and did their own work do not deserve the imprimatur of the reputation of the institution whether a publisher, or an academic institution.

Trust not built on action is deception.

Just because academic institutions have become capitalist grifts in the USA does not mean their professors do not have integrity.

>> No.20929996

citing sources is fucking gay and teacher/professors need to quit their jobs and get on the dole.

>> No.20930007

No retard, citing sources is to uphold the paradigm in place and make sure no pesky free-thinkers pollute the halls of academia or rabble rouse other students into free thinking.
Citing sources is necessary if you're writing a paper on math or physics, but if you're doing some liberal arts bullshit writing a paper on the finer points of Oscar Wilde's buttfucking or James Joyce's fart fetish, you should literally be allowed to make shit up.

>> No.20930081

>there were like 5 books total at the time
No, there were many more books, only 5 are known to us today.

>> No.20930104

>but if you're doing some liberal arts bullshit writing a paper on the finer points of Oscar Wilde's buttfucking or James Joyce's fart fetish, you should literally be allowed to make shit up.
Citing sources allows you to enter into a dialogue with other people writing on the topic. You don't have to cite a source to back up your argument. Your inability to see this, just shows you yourself are incapable of the free-thinking you proclaim to uphold.

>> No.20930172

I was exaggerating to make a point

>> No.20930198

>enter into a dialogue with other people writing on the topic.
yeah we all know it's to force you to "engage" with academics producing tertiary scholarship so an infinite enclosed system develops, justifying the academic's existence.
ad infinitum
I'm with the commies on this one. There's no intellectual bravery or dynamism because The System imposes a forced buy-in into itself. Just academics perpetuating themselves

>> No.20930207
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>shows ignorance and a shallow approach to the subject.

Muh romanticism, the only reason to learn the subject is to be approved by academics so you'll get a reputation to earn tenure, it isn't actually to further knowledge at all.

>> No.20930217

Then why do you stoop to the level of producing tertiary scholarship in the first place?
Checkmate, atheist.

>> No.20930222

argumentum ab auctoritate

>> No.20930223

>(Anon 2022, 69)
wow that was so hard

>> No.20930284

kek you're talking about why and not how, if you're writing a paper without the intention to actually learn or teach something then you're just wasting time anyway
Although I agree that there are many such cases

>> No.20930291

also write in LaTeX, it literally does everything for you

>> No.20930306
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If it isn't a /pol/ infographic I could care less

>> No.20930444

This is a surprisingly apt description of academia

>> No.20930465

'b on the 'catty

>> No.20930491

Fpbp. Forces you to seek scholarship before thinking; it's bureaucratic at best, resentful at worst. Kantorowicz's Frederick the Second was completely bereft of citations and is likely still the most original medieval biography of the last 100 years; he produced a bibliography only after his sensational success was criticized by the scholarly infrastructure that did not benefit from it. Ouroboric legitimacy.

>> No.20930500

Found the kike professor

>> No.20930538
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Found the bitter incel

>> No.20930584

Well your "point" is just outright incorrect. There were hundreds of books.

>> No.20930828

Majority of anti semites are in committed relationships. You can't hate something without having love for someone you want to protect

>> No.20931689

does this only count if you self-copy from an article or paper or also for essays that were just assignments
I have to start my thesis and if I cant recicle stuff I have done for essays I'm fucked

>> No.20931715

this part.

>> No.20931776

quite apt