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20926653 No.20926653 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the dangers of weed.
Getting high and reading is my one joy in life but I know that it's probably fucking with my mind considering it's gotten to the point my body doesn't want to read unless it is high.

>> No.20926668

Alex Berenson has a book on this, Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence.

>> No.20926674

That goes for all drugs, when you do something with a drug enough the activity gets tied in your mind with the drug, sorry for using shitty non technical language but you can break yourself of this. I used to read high as a lad and now I cant. Stuff changes, you will change.

>> No.20926683

Sounds like a faggot wrote it, we need violence.

>> No.20926706

imagine being this middle class and sheltered

>> No.20926720

>we need violence
Fag, you aren't Sorel (of blessed memory).

>> No.20926735

unironically Infinite Jest

>> No.20926748

t. vile kikes

>> No.20926776

Weed degrades the brain over long term use but using it like once a week isn’t too bad.

Sadly my friend and his gf smoke weed every single day and they’ve become noticeably less intelligent and aware over the years

>> No.20926778

Of the Bears fame?

>> No.20926793

>Any books on the dangers of weed.
Weed isn't a danger.

>> No.20926820

Neither are alcohol, tobacco, molly, heroine nor opioids.

>> No.20926836

Excess of anything can be dangerous or at least not beneficial

>> No.20927039

Smoke weed, lmao, and my vocabulary becomes far vaster. I'm destroying my intellect for my prose.

>> No.20927465

tell that to michael phelps u fuck

>> No.20927515

All he does is swim and eat. He could be lobotomized and do the same thing, maybe have a few less medals.

>> No.20927853
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Alcohol is by far the most dangerous drug on this list due to unavoidable chemical reactions in your body.
Tobacco (cigarettes) major problem is its consumption method.
Molly has a high therapeutic potential, if not abused.
Heroin and other opioids are rather safe, the major issue lies in heavy stigmatization and vast differences in quality of the product.

How old is your girlfriend? Most "brain degradation" seems to happen during adolescence.

>> No.20927916

Blonde looks bett3r fat

>> No.20927997

Meme. Been smoking daily for over 10 years and while it can cripple your productivity and recall it is also a wonderful tool for insight. If you're irregular in some way it can warp and degrade you but also enlighten you. 10+ years and I still can't crack it. It absolutely is a spirit of some kind, and it likes to see things through me and all of us

>> No.20928028
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>> No.20928032

It's estrogenic and does doom you to cooming in a sock forever past the point of no return like DFW says but there's also a masculine element to it that comes out even in schizoids like me. Smoke with any random street nigger and they'll get weird and cold and standoffish and off on their own autistic worldline that reveals their strangeness as people in startling ways. There's something cold and beautiful in it. I don't like smoking with strangers because it makes me feel so intimately exposed to them.

>> No.20928064

No we don't.

>> No.20928104

That sounds true but it really isn't. Of all the insights I had while I was high, I only vividly remember 2. However, I can tell you that I thought I had many more (I was a daily smoker for 3 years). They weren't really insights, they were good and clever mental fabrications, but not insights. For me, an insight has to have permanent consequences in our being and that can only come from a process that involves self-remembering. When you're high, that's not possible because the only thing marijuana does is enhance the imagination through an increase in the work of our mental/intellectual center. These apparent truths are conditioned by distraction and forgetfulness. Weed is a drug that overstimulates the abstractions of our mind too much and to have true insights temperance is needed.

>> No.20928117

You're mixing up your natural talent for introspection with the drug (which at best makes you slightly more sensitive to life's symbols; psychedelics do this better). If anything weed is terrible for self-discovery because a week from now you won't remember a single one of the enlightening epiphanies you just experienced.
That's what makes the drug so damaging. Not the fact it's a free dopamine hit with the hit of a bong, pipe or joint sinking down your lungs (available at any moment and any time with minimal and negligible effort required) that has zero striking repercussions the way other drugs generally do, but the fact it serves as a way to see your life pass you through in a blink. You're not remembering jackshit when you blaze it every day. The devil's lettuce is Mnemosyne's one and only mortal foe.

>> No.20928120

Have you ever done psychedelics?

>> No.20928259

he didn't take the covid vaccine though so he must be wrong about weed too

>> No.20928282


>> No.20928325

the weed body high is nice but I don't like the paranoia

>> No.20928329

Smoke high CBD content strains.

>> No.20928373

Just checked this out, too much pointless waxing about unrelated topics. Looks like this book could be 70% shorter.
Too lazy to check out the rest now.
I don't smoke weed, btw.

>> No.20928474

I've tried, you need to smoke a lot to feel anything, it's not bad