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/lit/ - Literature

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20925335 No.20925335 [Reply] [Original]

What are the consequences of this book, literaturally speaking?

>> No.20925337


>> No.20925342

How does BAP do it bros?

>> No.20925355

BAP is one of those straussians and is cynically selling nietzsche to proles knowing that it's just masturbatory and totally inconsequential to the powers that be

>> No.20925360
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Consult her and yes its a her, bigot

>> No.20925365

>selling nietzsche to proles
the working class aren't reading bap or nietzsche

>> No.20925375
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>check the definition of prole
>working class
>no jobs
What did they mean by this

>> No.20925386
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>the working class aren't reading bap or nietzsche
>dude what if bodybuilders took out the power grid
yeah im sure this is meant to appeal to elites and not just a larp for middle class office workers that work out (prole hobby btw)

>> No.20925391

t. dyel that can't lift his 80kg gf

>> No.20925392

They're reading Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, actual working class heros

>> No.20925396

Amusing based retard version of Beyond Good & Evil.

>> No.20925409

the texts by those weren't meant for the working class either, both were primarily meant for foreign communists and communist parties who would eat up and propagate whatever bullshit they were making up that day. The red book is literally just common sense shit with good things said about the peasantry (their main support base) and the economic problems of the USSR endorses shit that stalin previously went on record as saying is completely bourgeois and impossible
it's mostly read by middle and upper class dudes, it's honestly funny how many people who like bronze age mindset and shill BAP are just middle neets or middle age dudes trying to recapture a sense of masculinity that they never had

>> No.20925410

Discount Nietzsche. The only real consequence is that you will wish you had spent your time reading something else.

>> No.20925415

thats a man

>> No.20925590

Nothing. The book has had and will have no political consequences whatsoever.

>> No.20925734

>Bronze Pervert
He can’t even get his name right

>> No.20925750

They don't have real jobs. Just the jobs assigned to them by the elite to provide service to interdimenssional, astral, pedophiles reptilians.

>> No.20925755

isnt this guy a gay foreign jew with a twitter account? lol

>> No.20925757

The primary consequence is that boards like this are now shit up by 18-25 year old failure to launch types who are only going to talk about Mishima, Junger, Nietzsche, and one or two other approved authors. They don’t need to read because they have already received their opinion from on high. This board is now destined to lag the tastes of some twitter personalities where it once lead by virtue of actual discussion. In 6 more months you won’t be able to stomach coming here, assuming you have been stomaching it post-/his/.

>> No.20925767
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BAP is a spook

>> No.20925774
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>> No.20925777
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>> No.20925780
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>> No.20925806

Teaching women to speak, let alone read, was a mistake.

>> No.20925832

good that she wrote "queer perspective" in the title, so I don't even have to click on it

>> No.20925834


>Ignoring his essay on Israel

>> No.20925853

is any of this factually correct and as connected as the author of the compilation wants us to believe?

>> No.20925890
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>> No.20925986

This (dude?) is spot on. Bronze Age Mindset is loaded with gay subtext. All of its Straussian esotericisms (of the Persecution and the Art of Writing variety) relate to figures BAP surreptitiously posits as perennial or Christian Ideals but who are in fact just gay, e.g. Conradin.

>> No.20926101

Yes -- if anything the compilation is measured and conservative. It glosses one article in which BAP defends the academic practice of certain Jews who raise questions about the doctrine of biological equality. Pro-Israel sentiment is consistent with what he writes in Bronze Age Mindset: "[Camraderie and friendship] was a great act of self-overcoming for [Jews]" [...] "the creation of Israel is the most 'anti-Semitic' act ever conceived" [...] "[Israel is] a great model for others to show that reestablishment of antiquity is fully possible."

The alarm is not that he is a PhD funded by an Israeli think-tank so much as his Peter Thiel connection -- of which I must admit ignorance beyond hearsay -- because it casts significant doubt on his intentions. I wrote this post >>20925986 and referenced Persecution and the Art of Writing; part of Peter Thiel's project uses Strauss and Girard as a kind of foundation to make right-leaning edifices loaded with double-meanings meant to sow seeds for his particular (and dubious) agendas -- what perennialists might call 'counter-initiation'. E.g:

>I’ve been interested in Strauss for a long time. I think Strauss was a very important and profound thinker. His essay “Persecution and the Art of Writing” shows how in all societies certain ideas are not allowed to be discussed. Properly understood, political correctness is our greatest political problem. We always have this question of how to build a society in which important problems can be thought through and tackled. It’s a mistake to simply fixate on the problem of political correctness in its narrow incarnation of campus speech codes; it’s a much more pervasive problem. For instance, part of what fuels the education bubble is that we’re not allowed to articulate certain truths about the inequality of abilities. Many of our destructive bubbles are linked to political correctness, and that’s why Strauss is so important today.

Notice the similar talking points -- almost point-for-point in fact -- between Thiel's quote and BAP's article in the comp.

>> No.20926120

>the creation of Israel is the most 'anti-Semitic' act ever conceived

that's true, though. the only problem is that amerilards are so fucking dumb that they keep sending them money lmao

you act like jews are scourge of the world, but everyone else knows better. The United "Cloaca Mundi" States of America is the responsible for most evils of today

>> No.20926135

I'm not aiming any ire at Jews; I didn't make the comp. The article is just consistent with what BAP wrote in the book.

>> No.20926169

Is BAP really Costin? Because the compilation relies heavily on this implication.

>> No.20926206

Just a rip-off of Crumplar's review essay from years back

>> No.20926240

Newfag detected

>> No.20926243

>What did they mean by this
Their job is unironically to craft an illusion for girlbosses to make them think they are working. While some bitch is working in an office as a consultant thinking she's making a difference, there are a bunch of proles whose only work is to maintain the infrastructure that are needed for her to keep her delusions without realizing she isn't actually doing anything for society. Most city people could disappear and society would keep functioning just as well.

>> No.20926252

Kantbot doxxed BAP a few years ago. Costin's academic work is freely available through University libraries; I would recommend skimming his thesis on Nietzsche and Plato as well as his book reviews.

There's quite a bit of discussion about this in the /lit/ archives: >>/lit/?ghost=yes&task=search&search_text=%22Costin%22&offset=0.. Use your judgment; there are plenty of people who think the dox is illegitimate.

>> No.20926284

>Most city people could disappear and society would keep functioning just as well.

An exaggeration, but your overall point is correct. Bullshit jobs, no measurable productivity etc etc

>> No.20926287

Not gay though

>> No.20926303

Thanks for info. I'm not too invested in the online personalities and the ideologies, I just find his book fun to read

>> No.20926562

If wanting to go back to /lit/ pre2015 makes me a new fag, then I am a happy and proud fag. I liked it then, I don’t like it now.

>> No.20926783

>Most city people could disappear and society would keep functioning just as well
What is the point in this statement, especially on a literature board? Would you prefer you lived in a sterile concrete jungle full of businessmen, mathematicians and bankers? Why the fuck do you fags keep insisting on this bullshit?

>> No.20926802

>What are the consequences of this book, literaturally speaking?

>> No.20926832

It made annoying people adopt the Salo Forum posting style without knowing what that was.

>> No.20926858

illuminate me pls ; i am a young dumb gen z who wants to learn. I read a lot of salo forum. What does its "style" mean?

>> No.20926871

Ironic caveman speech

>> No.20926886

If I pay some thot to pose with my book am I a philosopher?

>> No.20926934
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>> No.20926977
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bam is not a philosophy book. it's exhortation

>> No.20926979

dont cheaply bitch out like that. spill!

>> No.20926995

Spill what? "Poast" "what mean?" "longhouse" etc.

>> No.20926997
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did bap debunk varg vikernes?

>> No.20927012

They are talking about bullshit email and manager jobs that do very little, if anything at all

>> No.20927027

What do you think about his writings on Nietszche?

Didn't he say something like Mussolini best implemented Nietzsches thoughts onto a nation, or something to that effect? I'm going to see if i can find it

>> No.20927030

Breadcels could never

>> No.20927040

This is a man.

>> No.20927050

your mothers a man

>> No.20927065

This is actually a very funny video, and despite what you may think of the poor girl, it's pretty watchable.

>> No.20927127

it's also very obviously satire, she has a vid on evola so i'm almost certain she browses this board as well

>> No.20927145

yea i realized that after i went back and read his whole comment, i'm a retard

>> No.20927173

nah, she likely has a twitter account and twitter fags often steal content from here

>> No.20927177

there's a reason why cities have been around for thousands of years

>> No.20927181

>work out (prole hobby btw)

>> No.20927314

>work out (prole hobby btw)
Please, find a way in fewer words to indicate you have zero muscle mass.

>> No.20927337

Solid book.

>> No.20927951

Increase in homosexuality

>> No.20929141
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>> No.20929762
