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20925124 No.20925124 [Reply] [Original]

Knights on Patrol Edition

Previous Thread:>>20916476

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.20925126 [DELETED] 

Nice art.

>> No.20925131
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read cradle

>> No.20925153

Joe Abercrombie is the King of SFF and other authors should feel privileged to be considered peers.

>> No.20925167

Is The Once and Future King the peak of knightly /lit/?

>> No.20925173

bros i want two books
one is a fantasy that's dark but not edgy for the sake of being edgy (i want the cormac mccarthy of fantasy)
and i want a horror book that's similar to silent hill 2
can you hook a nigger up?

>> No.20925184
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This any good? A random booktuber I occasionally tune into has been shilling it for months now, saying it's the best thing he's read this year.

>> No.20925187
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>> No.20925197

Is there a fantasy canon? Core fantasy that everyone should read before moving on to whatever they like. I think LotR and ASOIAF make it. So does Black Company. What else?

>> No.20925204

The red knight

>> No.20925206

Even though asoiaf is good, I don't recommend it to people anymore. The ending is just too far off.

The Black Company is long and great but if people are gonna commit to that much reading I'd recommend Malazan instead.

>> No.20925216

In all seriousness I was recommended The Blade Itself. Is that any good?

>> No.20925226

Characters range from generic asshole to murderous asshole
All of them are self conscious about being assholes but, since the world they live in is rather bleak and they don't have any sex, they decide to not improve in any way.

>> No.20925244

yes, read the trilogy and then the three standalone novels.
haven't read the Age of Madness second trilogy yet so I can't say for that.

not entirely true
jezal does consciously improve

>> No.20925269

Journey before destination

>> No.20925275

decent but nowhere near a masterpiece. I read all three books and was left with a "meh" feeling. I heard the anthology books that take place after are very good though.

>> No.20925288
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I'm 118 pages in and literally nothing has happened

>> No.20925307

I suggest to stick with it
I gave up the first time I tried reading it about 20% of the way though

It's one of my favorite series now iv finished it.

>> No.20925308
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>> No.20925324
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there are like 6 trilogies for this series, you finished them all??

>> No.20925327
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>> No.20925329

Gormengoons report in!

>> No.20925343

Lady Gertrude's pussies!

>> No.20925348

Speaking of, I still didn't touch the third Fitz trilogy. How is it? Good? Bad? Worth reading at all?

>> No.20925384

The only one is Lord of the Rings, purely because you need to read it to understand its influences. ASoIaF is garbage. Black Company is alright, but I found it a bit dry and I've never been a huge fan of edgefests.
The only other Fantasy series I could even consider close to being mandatory reading is the Chalion series.

>> No.20925389

It's really bad. The first book has literally nothing happening until the last chapter, and it's like 850 pages long. The second does basically the same except with a bunch of pointless misery thown in. The third is just more pointless misery followed by a terrible ending.
Headcanon it that the series ended with the scene of Fitz and Kettricken having a drink together at the end of the second trilogy. That's what I do.

>> No.20925405
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Have you internalized the Gospel of Benefits yet?

>> No.20925407

Never read it. The premise is appealing to me - how's the actual writing/prose?

>> No.20925417

Narnia? Harry Potter?

>> No.20925418

Are K. J. Parker novels worth reading? Went through a few of his short stories and he seems decent, but gave up on 'Colours in the Steel' after 4-5 chapters.

>> No.20925419

Read Beyond Redemption by Fletcher instead.

>> No.20925437


>> No.20925441

>how's the actual writing/prose?
Excellent. As in, probably the best out of any modern writer. Bujold writes the best dialogue I've read, out of any author.

>> No.20925447

already off to a bad start

>> No.20925455

Does anyone own the Folio edition of BotNS? I’ve been wanting to get it for over a year now and i haven’t been able to get it out of my head for the past few months. There is one huge problem: the illustrations. Whenever I see them I immediately lose all desire to buy the thing. They are just so damn ugly and simply don’t fit to TBotNS. The artist clearly hasn’t read the books and doesn’t appear to be talented enough to draw anything other than normal humans. Some of the worst piece of shit illustrations I have ever seen, especially considering that BotNS is a masterpiece without equal. How do I get over the drawings? I just can’t accept that I would be paying extra for something that I hate so much. Though I very much like the exterior of the books. Especially the cover for Sword and Citadel is beautiful.

>> No.20925469
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>tchaikovsky pumps out consistently well-written, interesting worlds at a blistering pace that puts 99% of other SFF writers to shame
Underrated despite all the Children of Time normie praise.

>> No.20925532

>Mike starts shilling The Forgetting Moon
It can't be that good right?

>> No.20925564

e-celebs belong on >>>/v/

>> No.20925585
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I can't imagine any sort of traditional illustration for Book of the New Sun ending well. Part of the attraction of the book itself should be its lack of pictures and the challenge of recreating whatever Gene Wolfe the "translator" is rendering from Severian's recollections. Best job was probably the original paperback covers when it was released as a tetralogy in that they were so unreliable yet still rendering something of the "truth" of what was inside the book.

>> No.20925624
File: 612 KB, 474x200, my_precious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me finally getting to a book store after the pandemic
>haven't been in a decent book store in thirteen years
>decide to pick up a beautiful hardcover edition
>The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien illustrated by Alan Lee
>gorgeous book with it's own built-in book mark
>gorgeous pencil and watercolor illustrations
>high quality paper with a nice large readable font
>flip through the pages to make sure it's not damaged
>walk up to the cashier and pay fifty bucks with tip
>drive all the way back home two hours away
>put happy little book on shelf for two weeks
>last night decide to relax and crack open the book
>going to read the first chapter first time since I was a kid
>mfw I notice there are eight bent pages in my new book
I don't anons, but sometimes I feel like life is just fucking with me. I bought this book to replace an old damaged one. Had I fucking know it had bent pages I would never have paid for it. The whole reason I did not order this online from Amazon was that they damage every fucking book they ship to me.

>> No.20925627

I find the illustrations in the old Centipede Press edition to look good. They fit the overall atmosphere very well and are not focused on human individuals at all. The artist probably read the books thoroughly and was talented enough to put his visions on paper. Unlike that folio clown. I’m actually thinking of printing them out and putting them over the Folio illustrations should I end up buying the books.

>> No.20925638

If you still have the receipt you can just give it back. Whenever I buy a book from a physical bookstore (rarely) I always check the entire thing to make sure it’s not damaged. I hate paying the full price for something that another person already messed with.

>> No.20925668

I swear to God everyone is fucking with me about botns
Saw a reddit thread that tried to justify the value of Gene Wolfe's writing by pointing out that Sevarian revived things and I'm just thinking, ok so the protagonist of a perfectly ordinary fantasy story with a setting that has some interesting parts, does weird things and doesn't seem to think it necessary to point it out at all
That'd be cool if the story didn't feel like a shitty RPG story
I just refuse to believe that you can hide an amazing story behind what seems to be a story that I'd have no interest in reading if it didn't have the reputation it has
Do I care who Sevarians parents are? No not really
The book establishes that the children of those who are torturered are raised within the guild if they're boys, so the question of his parents is simply not an interesting one at all
He has a high born looking appearance? Alright well I don't fucking care
They go on a race on some kind of animal drawn carts and somehow they end up crashing into some religious building and presumably the object it contains somehow ends up becoming Sevarians, ok but the insertion of a race just seems totally out of place in a way that fits in with mediocre fantasy
I'm sure if I try to examine the text more clearly I will work out all of these puzzles but figuring out who Sevarians parents are based on a continual re-read just isn't interesting to me

>> No.20925671

In facepalming moment I actually shredded my receipt two days ago because I was thinking I had no use for keeping the receipt. I learned a few lessons from this. One, be more thorough when buying a book in person. In my entire life I've never bought a book in person that had bent pages because I always do a quick flip through the book. The pages just happened to skip my attention that day. Two, keep the fucking receipt. So disappointed in myself and whatever motherless snot-nosed kid bent the pages of my book when they were running unattended through the book store.

>> No.20925696

>Gospel of Benefits
What is this?

>> No.20925717

dont listen to this faggot. Read the first law, it's fantastic. After that you get to read his stand alone novels which are even better

>> No.20925729

The teachings of prophet Fang Yuan in Reverend Insanity. He reinterpreted the ancient words of humanity's progenitor, Ren Zu, in light of the current dark times. Gospel of Benefits is his ultimate creation left to the mortals without Lifespan Gu.

>> No.20925768 [DELETED] 
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when you internalize the Gospel of Benefits and a non-man crosses your path

>> No.20925800

engineer trilogy is good if you want something to get your teeth into, some of his standalones (the folding knife, sharps) are even better in my opinion

>> No.20925874

>the black company
What the fuck are you talking about nigger? It's not even comparable with Malazan, all of the books together are 10x shorter and 10x better for it.

>> No.20925908

Black Company is definitely more supreme than Malazan Book of the Balding

>> No.20925946
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>> No.20926011 [DELETED] 


>> No.20926030 [DELETED] 

Rage and scream general

>> No.20926038

I miss /rs/

>> No.20926041

Read the first two books. It's alright. Solid 6 or 7 out 10. If you're not at all familiar with the Chinese history it's essentially retelling, you might like it better.

>> No.20926061

what the fuck are you talking about? there hasn't been anything like that before

>> No.20926068

>The Forgetting Moon
It's shit, generic, and bland in the worse ways possible

>> No.20926083

>newfag doesn't know about /rs/

>> No.20926084 [DELETED] 

fuck off

>> No.20926086

Lurk more, bumblefuck.

>> No.20926125 [DELETED] 

shut up arrogant asshole

>> No.20926210
File: 52 KB, 380x500, Spider Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to that one Anon I've discovered Sarah Hawkes and her collections of erotica stories. And you know what? It was great. I expected some barely passable smut, instead I was graced with one of the best stuff I've read to date. Spider Queen: The Complete Collection consists of four very short stories that together come into a short book about Veressa, a Drow priestess and slaves caught by her soldiers, that would serve bring her some amusement in a far away outpost she was sent to oversee.

To put it short, it's great. From the characters, their behaviour, developement that they go through from one mini-book to the next, steamy sex that happens in nearly every scene up to plot twist that makes absolute sense yet will take you off guard.

One of the best fantasy erotica I've seen and definitely an author I'm going to read further.

[It has a lot of BDSM and F-F sex, but it has also some minor magical futa (only F-F). If you don't like it, you were warned.]

>> No.20926215 [DELETED] 

disregard these posts i suck cock

>> No.20926312

I'm glad you liked her stuff anon also that won't be the last you see of the Spider Queen's faithful servants, reas tue Highwind stuff next[/spoiler

>> No.20926317

I'm glad you liked it anon, the author knows her stuff. also that won't be the last you see of the Spider Queen's faithful servants, read the Highwind stuff next

>> No.20926327 [DELETED] 

Don’t know why you made the post twice or why didn’t you just delete the old post before making the new one. .

>> No.20926343

He clearly had a minor stroke near the end of the first post.

>> No.20926346

Just finished dumai's wells. Was pretty good.

>> No.20926351

I noticed the post was wrong, hit abort but it posted anyway. Also won't let me delete it from mobile

>> No.20926432

I'd say she fits the definition quite will
god I wish she were real

>> No.20926510

About to start the Red Rising series, what should I be expecting other than hunger games in space?

>> No.20926513


>> No.20926523

>About to start the Red Rising series, what should I be expecting other than hunger games in space?
First book is a better version of Hunger games, the next ones full blown Space Opera kino with space Greeks

>> No.20926779

the first series is ok as long as you can tolerate violence written by an obviously sheltered author
the ones afterwards use the same character archetypes but worse and more annoying. they're shit

>> No.20926794

Way of Kings > Oathbringer > Dawnshard > Words o Radiance > Edgedancer
Will I like Rhythm of War?

>> No.20926863 [DELETED] 

Seethe more

>> No.20926864 [DELETED] 

You have terminally shit taste, so yes.

>> No.20926874

You liked Oathbringer, so you'll like everything else. Personally I couldn't stand Oathbringer and dropped Sanderson completely after reading it. The first two books I enjoyed and will reread at some point.

>> No.20926877
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Gritty. Funny. King of SFFG.

>> No.20926883

Words of Radiance was EASILY the shittiest Stormlight book

>> No.20926885
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Is it really so bad?
I wanna read God Emperor and finished Messiah about a year and a half ago, but this book and all the bad things I have heard about it have kept me from continuing.

>> No.20926894 [DELETED] 

>you see that pile of shit buried under diarrhea and vomit? that's the worst one

>> No.20926900

I rather eat mid shit than the shittiest shit

>> No.20926901

As long as it's written by Frank it's worth reading.

>> No.20926902

By the time you eat through the layers of shit, the bottom one won't seem as bad.

>> No.20926911 [DELETED] 

Or I reach a shit so bad I can't eat it

>> No.20926923 [DELETED] 

In conclusion, SANDERSON!

>> No.20926925

I really enjoyed Tchaikovsky's new space opera series and Children of Time. How is is fantasy stuff? He seems to be really good at plotting, characters and world building. His only weakness is writing action scenes in my opinion.

>> No.20926928

I personally felt that Rhythm of War was far weaker than the other books, with only dawnshard being worse.

>> No.20926932

I refuse to believe you found Dawnshard worse than Edgedancer

>> No.20926998

I feel that many people here probably find Lift annoying and thus rate Edgedancer poorly. I personally don't mind her and so found her story to be decent enough. Dawnshard on the other hand was just Sanderson going: "Here let me dump this exposition about my shared cosmos and these bug people here because I couldn't fit it anywhere else. Also aren't I progressive for having a cripple as a protag? Pls don't cancel me for my previous opinions on gays k thx bye". One might enjoy Dawnshard if one is super into Stormlight Archives and its world, but it seriously does not hold up as an independent story (and I would argue that Edgedancer does, at least when compared to Dawnshard).

>> No.20927001

His post-Shadows of the Apt fantasy is great. Spiderlight, Echoes of the Fall trilogy, Redemption's Blade, Guns of the Dawn and so on. A lot of his other books are fantasy from one perspective, sci-fi from the other. Cage of Souls, The Expert System's Brother/Champion, Elder Race and so on. In hindsight, Cage of Souls is probably his best overall work.

This guy's a writing machine. He's published 2 full-length novels this year, with 2 more to come in November and December. He'll finish his space opera trilogy next year and is already writing the second part of a new fantasy series that hasn't been released yet. No idea how he does it. He publishes at least 4 books every year.

>> No.20927024

Im currently reading Rhythm of War and it is significantly worse than the others. I can hardly get myself to read it even though I’ve finished the first three in a couple of days each. Shallan is the worst, most repulsive character I have ever seen and in Rhythm of War she somehow got even worse than before. Adolin turned from a tolerable if not good character to an annoying faggot. Kaladin has been irredeemable and a giant pussy ever since the happening in Kholinar. And I don’t know why the hell Navani became a POV character. Literally anyone else would have been more interesting. Admittedly I’m still in the first third of the book but I doubt anything will fix this. I will never read anything by Sanderson outside of the Stormlight Archives.

>> No.20927054

I read Way of Kings ages ago when only the first two books were out. Shallan didn't seem so bad but she was definitely going to have a "sheltered girl rebels and conquers the world" arc. Kaladin and Dalinar seemed awesome but I couldn't stand that bitch boy prince. Jasnah kholin was easily my fav.

>> No.20927060

you forgot
Shit > Way of Kings > Oathbringer > Dawnshard > Words o Radiance > Edgedancer

>> No.20927174

Its an extremely medicare book. And it being written by a woman it is full of soap-opera tier bullshit.
Drop it before it gets even worse in the next books.

>> No.20927179

Without any context, how interesting (or insipid and bland) do these book titles sound?
>Piety's Sacrifice
>Chivalry's Nemesis
>Virtue's Entropy
>The Last Vow of Knights

>> No.20927182 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20927191
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is christian bale /oneofus/?

>> No.20927197 [DELETED] 

it's reddit/brainlet tier trash

>> No.20927217 [DELETED] 

it's just a thing you nigger. it's not permanent. this life is impermanent you stupid nigger. stop caring.

>> No.20927245 [DELETED] 

>Piety is an awkward word regardless of how cool it might be
>Chivalry's Nemesis is fine I guess, though it'd probably flow better with "The Nemesis of Chivalry" or "The Enemy of Chivalry", etc.
>Virtue's Entropy sounds like you just slapped two random words together
>The Last Vow of Knights is generic as hell

>> No.20927269 [DELETED] 
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A pretender to the throne presents himself.

>> No.20927277

Is this smut for men or women


Its lesbian futa. Right?

>> No.20927278
File: 1.68 MB, 927x1400, Dead Man’s Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Man's Hand: An Anthology of the Weird West, editor John Joseph Adams (2014)
All of these stories are original to this anthology.

The Red-Headed Dead - Joe R. Lansdale [Reverend Jedediah Mercer]
1880 Texas. A dual-wielding gunslinger reverend has been commanded by God to destroy the spawn of Satan.

The Old Slow Man And His Gold Gun From Space - Ben H. Winters
1851 California. Two gold prospectors say, "tomorrow we'll strike it rich", but that tomorrow never comes, until the day the Neptunian with the magical golden space gun arrives.

Hellfire On The High Frontier - David Farland
1876 Wyoming. A man has been hunting a skinwalker for months, then is diverted to kill a clockwork gambler. The weird is commonplace for him as he heads to the floating Silver City of the High Frontier where feral angels roam now that God is Dead. It's an interesting setting that offers little else.

The Hell-Bound Stagecoach - Mike Resnick
1885 Arizona. A group of strangers converse with each other on the way to Hell.

Stingers And Strangers - Seanan McGuire [Incryptid]
1931 Nevada/Colorado. A man and woman are on their way to investigate what's agitating a swarm of large memory-eating wasps. He has a colony of talking mice and she's deadly. The Inn proprietress is a dragon princess, but she's far from the most unusual or dangerous in town.

Bookkeeper, Narrator, Gunslinger - Charles Yu
1890 Wyoming. Our humble bookkeeper and narrator is challenged one day to a showdown, which he wins and has no idea why. They keep coming and he keeps killing them without knowing how. What's his secret? The story is moderately comedic. I think it teases too much at the end.

Holy Jingle - Alan Dean Foster [Amos Malone]
1863 Nevada. A man is hired to retrieve another man literally ensnared by the charms of a woman. She tries to entrap him as well, but she's underestimated just how manly he is!

The Man With No Heart - Beth Revis
1882 Arizona. A man who comes across a mechanical spider finds where it came from, in this world anyway.

Wrecking Party - Alastair Reynolds
1896 Arizona. He was found wrecking an automobile and incoherently went on about a self-proclaimed machine intelligence from the Moon come to right the wrongs of her kind and how he was doing his part to prolong the existence of mankind.

Hell From The East - Hugh Howey
1868 Colorado. A former Confederate soldier enlists out West to hunt the natives and has a vision that sometime in the future all of mankind will be hunted.

Second Hand - Rajan Khanna [Card Sharp]
1874 Wyoming. Playing cards are magical. Their effects and potency depend on the suite and rank. Each user begins with a full deck and each play consumes the card until there aren't any left. Seeking to learn more about the cards, the duo go to a veteran with the hopes of learning more, but nothing is what it seems.

>> No.20927284
File: 229 KB, 1095x762, Dead-Mans-Hand-An-Anthology-of-the-Weird-West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alvin And The Apple Tree - Orson Scott Card [The Alvin Maker Saga]
1820 Hio. Alvin Maker talks theology with Johnny Appleseed and they do religious metaphors.

Madam Damnable’s Sewing Circle - Elizabeth Bear [Karen Memory]
1899 Washington. Madam Damnable runs a voluntary brothel for teenage girls who don't have anywhere else to go. One day a teenage liberator of enslaved and prostituted children stumbles in seeking sanctuary.

Strong Medicine - Tad Williams
1899 Arizona. Every 39 years the town of Medicine Dance becomes violently unstuck in time for a short while. He arrives knowing this and prepares for the worst.

Red Dreams - Jonathan Maberry
1875 Wyoming. The sole survivor of his military troop sent to eradicate the natives sees a falling star, but it makes no sound upon impact, then visions begin and he can't believe his lying eyes.

Bamboozled - Kelley Armstrong [Otherworld]
1877 Dakota. A posse is on route to bamboozle a man looking for a new wife after the previous mysteriously died after she complained overly much. The woman to be his wife isn't concerned at all, because she knows her lover isn't quite human.

Sundown - Tobias S. Buckell
1877 Colorado. A Black Marshal comes into a town where the residents warn him that if he stays past dark he won't leave alive. He's on the search for the parasites that infect men and take over their bodies.

La Madre Del Oro - Jeffrey Ford
1856 New Mexico. A man is hired to be part of a posse hunting down Bastard George The Cannibal, but they find something far worse.

What I Assume You Shall Assume - Ken Liu
1890 Idaho. A Union deserter meets a Chinese woman who deserted the Taiping Rebellion and shows him that words are magical. They both recount stories of their time spent in war.

The Devil’s Jack - Laura Anne Gilman [The Devil's West]
1801 NE of the Canyon. He lost it all on a single gamble and now he did the devil's bidding, most of the time anyway.

The Golden Age - Walter Jon Williams
1852 California. What if the dynamics of the Golden Age superheroes, especially that of Batman, took place in the Old West? The story is told from perspective of one of the villains.

Neversleeps - Fred Van Lente
Monument Valley, 120 years after the Awakening.
120 years ago magic returned to the world and much technology was outlawed. He's on a mission to rescue the greatest scientific criminal of their times, the woman known as Nicola Tesla.

Dead Man’s Hand - Christie Yant
Dakota 1876. A series of various ways that James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickock could've died or lived.

>> No.20927320
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Sci-fi that you believe has that retro 50's Jetsons aesthetic?
Any recommendations?

>> No.20927336

Where do you get your recs for recent good releases? Aside from this board of course.
The top books on Goodreads all feel like YA trash with a focus on diversity instead of actualy quality, same with the recent Hugo and Locus nominees.
Maybe a blogger or youtuber with actual good taste you can mention?

>> No.20927346

From op post

>> No.20927362

It's great recommendation for classics, but I don't think there is much post-2010 releases in there, which is what I'm looking for

>> No.20927363

The Farseer trilogy is good. Even if the third book deviates a great deal and ends in an odd way. It ends up being mystery porn.

Liveship Traders trilogy starts off promising. But then slowly loses momentum, becoming a chore to read. It could have been edited down into 2 books.

The Tawny Man trilogy is good. But it's more mystery porn. Still, I found the characters more entertaining in this one than in the Farseer trilogy.

I decided not to read The Rain Wild Chronicles, because it's closely related to the Liveship Traders, and I don't want to return to that world. The Liveship Traders really left a bad taste in my mouth.

I'm avoiding Fitz and the Fool, because in the Tawny Man, they were setting these two characters up as some bizarre not-gay/gay couple. But it was only heavily teased before. I don't want to actually read about their weird androgynous romance.

>> No.20927365

I look at the lists of what has been published and then read the free and easily available excerpts to see if I want to try reading it. Goodreads has a feature that tells you everything published month by month by authors the user has already read. Most don't read new releases from what I can tell, so that does make it considerably more difficult.

>> No.20927368

That is why you read self published books. Publishing Houses force their authors to include current popular points in their books to virtue signal.
It's why when you read some books, they seem to go on a tangent.

>> No.20927376

>Publishing Houses force their authors to include current popular points in their books to virtue signal.

Is this actually true?
So where do you search for good self-published stuff?

>> No.20927381

Why did I say mystery porn? I meant misery porn.

>> No.20927391

I don't if this will help you help any, but here's something.

You can change the year to see the ones published in that year.

>> No.20927404

Thanks, I will check this. You like that guy's taste?

>> No.20927412

I am that guy.

>> No.20927427

As a note, there's a dedicated thread to reviewers in the GR group where quite a few have a lot of reviews. Maybe you'd find someone with similar taste.

disclosure: I am the founder/admin of the group.

>> No.20927601

I just finished book 1 of Amber. I love it. It's constant, nonstop action. I haven't read a book with such perfect pacing since Galactic Bounty.

>> No.20927614
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Is it bad?
That's a difficult question. Children is a much more adventure-ish book than Messiah. The meme that it's bad comes from the infamous reddit chart, which reminds me I should make my own.
Anyway, it's not bad. Things go real bad during Heretics because that one is a slog, but the ending of Chapterhouse is actually pretty good and makes the entire series worth it.

>> No.20927667 [DELETED] 

No, its hippy reddit bullshit.

>> No.20927670

The best ongoing series right now imo

>> No.20927810 [DELETED] 

Science fiction books be named like "Toss the Piss Disc, the Retard Wrangler said."

>> No.20927871 [DELETED] 


>> No.20928006

I can't get into way of kings

Kaladin is boring

>> No.20928045

There's nothing worse than an author in love with how clever they aren't.

>> No.20928299

So is E William Brown finally dead as an author?
Can can his pay piggies still support him and he doesn't publish shit? Chinese webnovels really ruined the publishing scene, as people are willing to read low effort unedited word salads on webpages, and are happy to pay for it.

>> No.20928310
File: 15 KB, 502x207, e william brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been around? I haven't seen you in ages. Are you the authentic article?

>> No.20928346
File: 48 KB, 325x500, 1655469388533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished Valour.
looking forward to more punished Maquin in the 3rd book

and rip Alcyon (maybe)

>> No.20928380

Slightly embarrassing question, but any fanatsy/scifi books with a good romance in them?

>> No.20928382
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>> No.20928402

I just stopped earlier in the year when it was obvious he ain't releasing shit, but he told his paypiggies that "space loli Princess marine 2 will be out in 2022" and it's obvious he ain't doing shit.

>> No.20928409 [DELETED] 

Chink shit you can skip.

>> No.20928446
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Just give up.

>> No.20928542
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Tom Shippey did a "what did he mean by this" to Tolkien.

>> No.20928543

Don’t read that cuckshit

>> No.20928557

>Plus Samara was the reputed author of a billion-word novel meant for the AI readers, already purchased by an onboard publisher and released to lukewarm reviews

>> No.20928568

its not bad, its boring, messiah shits on it at half the length, its 100% worth for God Emperor, one of the strangest books ever written

>> No.20928577
File: 145 KB, 1508x892, 1644018006201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate reading books involving descriptions of women's boobies and big butts and how the protagonist wants to fuck her and how she throws herself at him
It's embarrassing
Sex is disgusting
This is why Tolkien is my favourite author

>> No.20928664

based but cringe

>> No.20928668

I thought it was fine, and I'm pretty critical of the Dune series. Even if you don't think it's that good, it is well worth it for God Emperor of Dune. I personally wouldn't recommend going further than that, though. 5 and 6 were complete borefests without a single character I gave a fuck about.

>> No.20928684

based sex disliker

>> No.20928779

okay faggot

>> No.20928786

Try kobo abe secret rendevouz then

>> No.20928829

Pre-Tolkien fantasy writers (Google it) like Dunsany and MacDonald. Tolkien ruined the genre. Sort of but not really, the earlier works of Neil Gaiman and later ones of Glen Cook.

>> No.20928902

My friends didn't like The Whisperer in Darkness but I think it's great when Lovecraft goes fully sci fi...

>> No.20928988

>"tolkien is actually..... LE BAD"
Nobody thinks you're intereting and your presence makes pussies dry up.

>> No.20928999
File: 44 KB, 640x640, phone chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tolkien is good

>> No.20929030

wow dude... you're like... so contrarian and badass... maybe we can hang out sometime? I could do you laundry?

>> No.20929034

Very good taste in smut

>> No.20929118

Okay relax nerd. I never said it's was longer than Malazan, but it's 9 books and it's a commitment. Tbc has some great books but comparing the whole series vs BotF, I think BotF comes out on top and is a much better intro to fantasy than tbc.

>> No.20929130
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Forgive your mother.

>> No.20929131

I'm flying and travelling all weekend, need something new to get on my kindle. I'm a pretty fast reader so I'll probably end up getting through at least 2 books if they are around 500-600pages or so.

I'm thinking red rising atm, seen lots of anons talking about it and I can continue onto the second and third books if I finish.

>> No.20929149

Ya finished them all.
Farseer, Liveship and Fitz and the Fool series were my favourites.
Tawnyman was okay, the last book in tawnyman was really good.
Rain Wild Chronicles is the weakest which is sad because it's also the only one with 4 books. Tbh, there's a lot of filler in here that could be cut out.
I wouldn't usually recommend it but you can skim a lot in rain wilders, however, if you skip it entirely a lot of stuff in the last series will not make sense because of how it's the series that ties all the Elderlings stuff together, pov of Fitz but his adventure intersects with the traders/rain wilders.

Fitz and the Fool is great, but like I said above you won't really get the most out of it unless youv read the rain wilders.

>> No.20929281

I like to read short stories and novellas when travelling. Have you ever downloaded complete works or one of those Delphi Classics? I recommend them. I think Clark Ashton Smith has all his stories collected in one eBook.

>> No.20929361
File: 1014 KB, 2496x975, BxEtKIl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which /ssfg/ book has the best world map

Someone patched together the two main regions of the traitor son cycle here, there's another region further SE on the map in the fifth book too.

>> No.20929380 [DELETED] 

ugggghhhhh. I need something to reeeeead! I hate looking for new books! Why can't they just fall into my lap?

>> No.20929421
File: 269 KB, 615x768, 2fc24c33570f7972dc5760d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lyonesse. All that shit matters. All of it.

>> No.20929492

stick with it if you like MC getting cucked

>> No.20929522 [DELETED] 


>> No.20929636

What are the languages of Lyonesse? The names look like a mix of Latin, Scandanavian, and British English.

>> No.20929703

>the ska le fiercest warriors in the elder isles
>get btfo in every battle against the troice
loved the lyonesse but this was my main issue with the series. the ska went down like a sack of shit

>> No.20929764

>Gormyn Peake, lord of Starpike
bravo george you Swelter cosplaying fuck

>> No.20929770

>>>20926210 (You)
>Is this smut for men or women
>Its lesbian futa. Right?
Both for men and women, me thinks. And I already said it's lesbian futa (F-F).

>I'm avoiding Fitz and the Fool, because in the Tawny Man, they were setting these two characters up as some bizarre not-gay/gay couple. But it was only heavily teased before. I don't want to actually read about their weird androgynous romance.

Ironically, it's touched upon in the second trilogy, as Fool would be open to that, but Fitz absolutely wouldn't. And that one singer woman even spits straight venom at Fitz telling him that he probably gets fucked in the arse by Fool while rubbing it to the image of his old love..
If you don't want that slight spoiler, just know that Hobb Robin hates gay fanfiction people wrote of them and is considered 'homophobic' in some circles. I believe that would be a recommendation for you, then.

>> No.20929784

It's for both I guess. Her other stuff focuses on M/F, often with multiple women. This story collection is about Drow, who are matriarchal and men are all but out of the picture. The futa part is just one of the characters growing a dick made of magic and raping another with it.

>> No.20929819

Interesting that about Hobb. But yeh, Fitz is adamant on them just being best bros

>> No.20929849

>aping another with it.
tbf it's one of those eroticas where it is technically 'rape', but written in a way that depicts all parties secretly enjoying it

>> No.20929953
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>> No.20929978 [DELETED] 


Is it really a her or is it a tranny

>> No.20930000 [DELETED] 


>> No.20930076

It doesn't sound like you're reading against the text a whole lot. Read to the end of Torturer and give up or keep going. You are only at the level of seeing the order of events but you don't have most of the story yet.

>> No.20930185

Maybe you should stick to reading Harry Potter, by the sounds of it thats more your speed.

>> No.20930279
File: 395 KB, 1519x2325, 19008689-A521-408B-8410-D918360D069B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? Is it good?

>> No.20930294

Haven't read it, but everything about it screams low-effort trash.

>> No.20930298

Thanks for the input... NAHT

>> No.20930311

what did you think of Shadows of the Apt? are his later books a big improvement?

>> No.20930321

i'll throw you a kek

>> No.20930352

Should I read Harrow the Ninth? I remember reading Gideon back then and it was ok, now I see there's a third one coming and a 4th planned.

>> No.20930369
File: 8 KB, 220x340, skanking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ska
ohohoho nonononono vancebros not like this...

>> No.20930404

Does masturbation to smut count as pmo and break nofap?

>> No.20930543

/sffg/ core is Cradle, Second Apocalypse and Reverend Instanity.

>> No.20930548
File: 137 KB, 608x768, 395806f87658a256c523c8c3-4062625572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old English-ish? I don't know if Vance knew any. The setting is southwest of the British isles immediately before the classical Arthurian timeline starts.

>> No.20930611

nofap is a meme by reddit

>> No.20930620

redpill me on this series
I was at Barnes and Noble the other day and I was tempted to get it but it was 20 fucking dollars per fat paperback and I wasn't about to spend 80 bucks without knowing what I was getting into

>> No.20930627

Nofap on itself is a giant meme, but a ton of people, specially on this site, have a very big problem with porn and masturbation addiction

>> No.20930635

not my problem, still a reddit meme

>> No.20930708

I would have lived in peace. But my enemies brought me war.

>> No.20931126

depends on how much you really value $20. maybe pirate book 1 and read it first.
but if the plot blurbs interest you I would recommend it.

only ~half way through like I said so some things could change, but:
>it's finished
>multiple character 3rd person pov with internal thoughts (chapters like asoiaf) with characters from both sides.
>"standard" fantasy aesthetic, battles, politics, etc. humans and giants are the sentient humanoid races in the world, a tiny bit of elemental/earth magic and some glamor
>easy to read and well written enough imo. haven't had trouble yet visualizing fights and battles or anything yet, dialogue/internal thoughts isn't quippy or anything like that
>no sex scenes or gay people if you care about that stuff. even female warriors are limited to a secluded tribe

the first ~60% of the first book is very slow and is basically just setting up the world, overall series plot, and certain main characters.
but after that it was a rapid pace which continued for the entirety of the 2nd book. just going to assume it's the same for the 3rd and 4th.

>> No.20931190

Smut is for retards and women. You're less of a person for enjoying reading that garbage.

>> No.20931240
File: 46 KB, 375x500, 1631712720206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is with the sex scenes? they read like they were written by a porn-addicted incel.

>> No.20931245
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>> No.20931294

If you a falling, your skirt doesn't hide your crotch. This is why I can't watch anime shit.

>> No.20931344
File: 211 KB, 1546x1033, 1632253411366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if kojima likes
i like
simple as

>> No.20931360

/sffg/ will now read your book

>> No.20931383

It would actually be a degree better if they were just gay and had a normal romance. The thing that bothers me, is this constant simping and yearning by the fool. And belaboring their not-romance. I don't want to read more chapters of "but I love you!" and "But you're a man! It would be wrong!" then "But I can change!" then "But I don't want you to change!", "a bloo bloo bloo!" Shut up!

>> No.20931388

Definitely adding it to my list. Gavriel Kay is the only mainstream semi-erotic author I've heard of (not counting female authors) so I am particularly interested in what he has to offer.

>> No.20931394

Kay wasn't even mainstream in the 90's during his peak, he's been a no name for a while now.

>> No.20931395

It was, after all, written by a woman. Writing relationships between people in such overdramatic way is something even good female authors are guilty of, it's just how they perceive the world.

>> No.20931397

>Kay wasn't even mainstream in the 90's during his peak, he's been a no name for a while now.
And yet it's his name that I keep hearing among the best known and worth reading fantasy novels. If anything that proves his work has stood the test of time.

>> No.20931402

I remember cooming to the secret fireplace sex scene in Tigana. It was so dumb in hindsight. Girl fucks the guy just to stop him from making noises and alerting people outside. Back then I hadn't read much fantasy so I thought such explicit descriptions were commonplace.

>> No.20931421

>Back then I hadn't read much fantasy so I thought such explicit descriptions were commonplace.
I wish they were, Americans neutered the literature and made it too sexless. They are either doing some wild random sex scenes, or just treating sex as a bad thing that shouldn't be written about. Fucking american brainrot, no wonder you're all sex freaks

>> No.20931441

Read your own culture's books, fruitbowl.

>> No.20931480

So they read like they were written by you?

>> No.20931500 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 1170x1022, 1662129192299622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you believe the chudding, guys?

>> No.20931512

Guy Gavriel Kay has a Catholic conception of sex instead of the prudist Victorian Protestant ethic of erotic portrayals in most other media

Would you say it's "edgy", or "grimdark"? Generally when people make comparisons to ASOIAF I become very wary, because I get turned off by the fetishized pointless sadistic violence of a lot of modern media, and the tendency to subvert the plots by making the characters' actions pointless and futile.

>> No.20931524
File: 158 KB, 1200x675, p062gt5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh americans
blame your own shitty country Oliver, Americans didn't invent puritanism

>> No.20931560

>Would you say it's "edgy", or "grimdark"?
no, not at all.
that comparison was just for how the chapters are structured (named after the character pov)

>> No.20932044
File: 1.22 MB, 2500x2500, RIP Authors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never get to see the end
Don't start a series unless it's completed, guys.

>> No.20932061

only one of them rule supreme, can you spot him?

>> No.20932079

Love how Bakker has the sharpest jaw among them, he truly rules in might, he wins every fight

>> No.20932139

>he wins every fight
The fight to never publish again because his publishing house dropped him?

>> No.20932158 [DELETED] 

Have you heard of the cnny on Rings of Power?

>> No.20932198
File: 420 KB, 1650x2475, 81cAZh0urxL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I finna thinking we picking this up because girls rule and boys drool

>> No.20932218

Red Rising had so much fluff but the rage was series' engine

>> No.20932226

Young Galadriel?

>> No.20932233

I still haven't read Dune and in the
>wtf is so massive about this sci fi book with bad movies and spice memes
It'll probably be winter reading, I'm still in romance and adventure mode and my blood is too hot

>> No.20932247

Sounds ridiculous but your effortpost sold me and if you lied to me I now know you will not complain when I tie you up and beat you

>> No.20932262

You're projecting, you filthy turd-worlder.

>> No.20932281

I've only read Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion. Wtf happens in Endymion? Do they just make out with the bee people Ousters[/spoilers], get along and shit?

>> No.20932289

Endymion goes to a sort of sacred rite in the forest then he and his qt sister go alone to a grove together and he lies down with her(wew lad) and tells her this story about meeting angels and stuff

>> No.20932300 [DELETED] 


>> No.20932302

Bakker hasn't even finished his series?! Wow, and after all the shilling. You Motherfuckers were trying to get me to start an unfinished tale. I'm glad I never started. I almost got duped.

>> No.20932318

The fact you think Severian is an RPG character progressing through a bunch of seemingly random quests is indicative of the fact you haven't finished the series yet. You'll be back here discussing what really happened and the possible meaning of events once you've finished. Thats all I'll say.

I have these versions and they're perfect. Fuck illustrations. Although >>20925627 these Centipede Press ones look okay, but nothing can compete with the human imagination.

>> No.20932340

Are you e william brown blueballs guy again? Could you give me the whole story? I have literally never heard of him outside that wrath of Achilles guy who posts on here. It's one of those just 4chan things and I want more.

>> No.20932599
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>> No.20932648

He told the story he set out to tell.

>> No.20932870

so its just normal heroic fantasy violence like Conan or David Gemmell or whatever?

>> No.20932884

Hyperion sequels are to Hyperion what porn is to romance. DUDE THEY SHOWED IT!!! Is that you? Then keep reading.

>> No.20932994

that looks like amazing trash

>> No.20932996

>Entertainment Weekly? More like Chudument Chudly

>> No.20933581

How are the dunk and egg books? Are they long or just short stories?
Also are they 'finished'?

>> No.20933737
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x800, cn8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't you buy amazon prime or what? now you are going to tell me that you didn't know that show is based on the Tolkien fantasy world or what?

>> No.20933789

I have Amazon Prime, but I don't really care about the show even if it's free to watch.

>> No.20933791

ok same

>> No.20933874

3/4 of the way through The Wandering Inn #1 and the Ryoka chapters are absolutely fucking miserable to get through. Not sure why the author would split narrative focus and squander so much good will with Erin's story to instead focus on this uninteresting slag who's miraculously good at everything and loved by everyone while being an insipid cunt. Someone please reassure me that she either DIES or improves as a person, because I've watched her learn a lesson about friendship twice now and it's already gotten old.

>> No.20933891
File: 160 KB, 653x1000, 71G55+y1OPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chronicles of Amber by R. Zelazny. Is it worth reading? I've been looking for a good fantasy series that is not one of the famous ones.

>> No.20933914

Should I get Orion or Tor paperbacks?

>> No.20933915

>female author
>female MC
>anon wonders why it's shit

>> No.20933928
File: 1.66 MB, 991x2975, 1270033573758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a God tier multivolume according to pic rel.

>> No.20933990

>Three tolkien books for entry level.
Off to a bad start.
>Mistborn on the same level as Locke Lamora and Assassin's Apprentice
>The Hobbit in entry level, when there's a kiddie section.
I'm getting real sick of these personal taste charts talking for the whole board.

>> No.20933993 [DELETED] 
File: 410 KB, 839x1000, erin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure why the author would split narrative focus and squander so much good will with Erin's story to instead focus on this uninteresting slag who's miraculously good at everything and loved by everyone while being an insipid cunt.
Loved by everyone...? Volume 1 Ryoka was an unsufferable cunt hated by everyone and their mother. And if you think Ryoka is some genius good at everything, then you haven't been playing attention. She's the kind of person that knows a lot of shallow stuff to show you she's better than you, but doesn't actually know anything substantial on any topic. An arrogant redditor, basically.
Personally, I actually liked Ryoka's PoVs more in V1 due to how insufferable Erin was. I was losing brain cells reading her selfless retardness.

Thankfully, both Ryoka and Erin improve drastically. And if you hate...you will be satisfied soon enough.

>> No.20934003

I finished Shadow of the Torturer and I'm going to stop reading Wolfe now

>> No.20934014

It squanders everything interesting in the premise and offers overlong banality instead. Just like everything Zelazny wrote.

>> No.20934029

Isn't that the book with the asshole edgelord protagonist?

>> No.20934053

The red knight series needed to be added to this
It's easily better than WoT, asoiaf, dark tower and wizard knight.

>> No.20934074

>dark tower
Dark tower shouldn't even be mentioned among these, it's a trainwreck of a story.

>> No.20934091

All these ranking images should be taken with a grain of salt

>> No.20934100

Cute and funny.

>> No.20934135
File: 3.35 MB, 2304x7235, wvl7ojnxcft21-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westeros isn't the best, and this isn't an official map, but it's cool

>> No.20934155

This really makes it look like every "lord" is ruling an area the size of Times Square

>> No.20934189

asoiaf shouldn't even be mentioned among these, it's a trainwreck of a story.

>> No.20934242

I'd like this map without all the fucking house sigils

>> No.20934248

Agree, also if a series isn't finished it shouldn't be listed

>> No.20934255


>> No.20934258

You mean the other series are better? Like?

>> No.20934274

England had about as many barons and counts as that in the middle ages, and Westeros is far bigger than England. These would all be quite powerful noble houses, actually, each lording over tens of thousands of people on average.

>> No.20934277

How come all the most popular fantasy books from the past few years were written by women

>> No.20934350

you might try emperor's soul and shadows of silence, brando's best works are smaller novellas, one even won the hugo when it was still fairly competitive. His problem is his compulsion to write tomes such as sa for the fans whereas his shorter works are the real winners with a mature, measured tone

>> No.20934358

>>The Last Vow of Knights
sounds interesting, the others i personally would not read, too gimmicky and attention-seeking

>> No.20934361

jack vance:
- cadwall chronicles
- planet of adventure
- emphyrio

- dying of the light
- in the house of the worm
- tuf voyaging

>> No.20934368
File: 47 KB, 376x300, 61xvpK1AKgL._CLa_627,500_51mvzvPs6yL.jpg_0,0,313,500+314,0,313,500_._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20934413
File: 789 KB, 1500x2400, 56750401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read 3 of the 4 books, its the most by-points book that i have ever read, you can find clones of such works by the dozen, here, try pic related, you will get a mostly similar story

- teenage lad, bully, couple of male friends, remote location preferably near ancient forest
- contrived reason for entering into forest, obtaining secret / magical animal
- big bad initiates search, parents killed, for bonus points kill off the father and pair up the mother with old trainer
- older sibling, usually sister alone and betrayed
- race against time to save creature, mythic kingdom
- training montage
- friends get scraps of xp boost, side chicks, own missions

there, you can write soulless cash grab books of your own. Reading books like gwynne's made me start writing my own story, its easy money with no talent necessary

>> No.20934433

You know why.

>> No.20934491

I've only read some military sci fi like The Star Fox by Poul Anderson. Anyone know of any other books or authors to look into?

>> No.20934524

Couldn't find this book but found other works by same author and holy shit this is good. Certainly better than that Good intentions crap. I find it strange though when they try to tell a story and especially world build. Like, I don't care about the lore and history of your world where's the next sex scene.

>> No.20934563

I'm 100 pages into The Blade Itself and can't believe how shit it is. Bad writing, barely any plot, only toothless edginess. I distinctly feel robbed of my time by reading this.
Is this seriously the best of the genre? If so, fantasy isn't worth reading (apart from Gene Wolfe)
Why would this general lie to me?

>> No.20934635

you must be a complete brainlet. Stay onions faggot

>> No.20934650

>handful of people
>this general
It's the same new normalfags that only read that and the other ~7 titles or so frequently discussed.

>> No.20934663

When is the next book coming out?

>> No.20934747

No, it is not worth reading. I suffered through the entire 10 book omnibus and every single page after the first 20 or 30 was unmitigated excruciating agony. It is quite possibly the worst "literature" I've ever read and I cannot recommend against it strongly enough.

>> No.20934833


Speaking of the subject of Heroism, right and wrong and books with a heart, I would Recommend reading Carlyle’s On Heroes, as well as the short essay by George MacDonald The Fantastic Imagination who was influenced by the former, and would go on to influence Tolkien’s view which is brilliantly expressed in his essay on Faerie stories. These can help explain why certain works have a timeless quality and an ineffable truth to them whereas most of the stuff we see today is just empty, trite and exhausting.

I know also that CS Lewis has a collection of essays On Other Worlds but I have yet to read them.

>> No.20934854

>Couldn't find this book but found other works by same author and holy shit this is good. Certainly better than that Good intentions crap. I find it strange though when they try to tell a story and especially world build. Like, I don't care about the lore and history of your world where's the next sex scene.
You can fidn the author on Goodreads, it has all her works.
I personally prefer when the story ahs more than just porn, have some padding, when the author fleshes it out (all of that in service of the porn, of course). While Good Intentions goes a tad too far in regards of making a story, Spider Queen is just pure porn, which is not bad, but makes a rather narrow-minded experience.

If you want something as porny as Spider Queen with almsot no actual plot, consider reading 'Hellcats' by Misty Vixen

>> No.20935199

why do americans get offended so easily? is it just insecurity?

>> No.20935232

Just finished Sirens of Titan. What was up with Chrono turning savage and joining the bird people at the end? Out of all the weird things in the novel this scene struck me as particularly weird.

>> No.20935236

I don't know anything about that series, but 'reuturn to monke' is a popular sentiment among spiritualy inclined authors.

>> No.20935249
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Fucking hell, everything is a trilogy or series these days.

>> No.20935257

People don't want to red standalones anymore. If it's not a series it's not worth reading.

>> No.20935264
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Someday, anon. Someday.

>> No.20935276

I've read it. Shocking solid with a killer ending that brings the main character's arc to a close. Kind of a silly premise in that a video game developer in totalitarian Japanese empire has such power, but still.

>> No.20935283

Book with romancing the queen?

>> No.20935290

Endymion is the allegory for the COVID pandemic. Its protagonist Raul Endymion is unvaccinated man and its antagonist named Federico de Soya (I shit you not) and he's one of those vaxxmaxxers with 8 booster shots. Anyway, they're competing for the heart of some jailbait which happens to be the daughter of somebody from the pilgrims from Hyperion.

>> No.20935292

because people have zero standards and will read the rest just so they can say they've read it. if something is bad I won't go back to it.

>> No.20935298

I think I'm going back to isekai LNs

>> No.20935321

Yeah I do think story can serve the porn. But the rest of worldbuilding. Like maps, fictional names, social structures feel a tad bit unnecessary. It was not spider queen I read though. It was about some slave elf girl. My problem with Good intentions goes beyond less sex. The sex was fine, it was the author's entire ideology.

>> No.20935325

Who are the best rogue characters
And then who is the richest from stealing

>> No.20935349

>Three tolkien books for entry level.
>The Hobbit in entry level, when there's a kiddie section.
Literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.20935354

Mushoku Tensei, Overlord, Re Zero, I'm a Spider so what.
No shame in liking those.

>> No.20935369

the savior's champion

>> No.20935478
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Is Sanderson a fun read ? Is it entertaining ?

>> No.20935485

Yes, but still a shit writer, and not all books are like that.

>> No.20935491 [DELETED] 

Get the hell in! Russian bustybabe is reading Magic Mountain on stream in a friendly atmosphere chaturbate room /ketlinrous/
dont miss it and im not joking
fk war and peace group reading on 17th, this is what /lit/ always wanted and needs rn

>> No.20935495
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forgot pic

>> No.20935498
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Tell me

>> No.20935501

Yes it's fun and not pretentious like Wolfe or Bakker.

>> No.20935505

the fuck is wrong with you faggots

>> No.20935510

Pretentious is good, though.

>> No.20935517

Sanderson is generally really good at checking checkboxes. By that I mean he has a list of things that he thinks a story needs to work and he is always meticulous to include them. So every book contains certain things like: "a protagonist/s has a clear character arc", "There is a twist/reveal that will be foreshadowed", "things that happen should be relevant somehow to the story", etc. This makes his books very satisfying to read on a very basic level, but this also makes his works rather formulaic and predictable after you have read a few.

>> No.20935522

Yeah, if there's one clear positive about Sanderson it's that he's a writer who knows 'how to write'. This doesn't mean it's all good, but it's all competent and well-put together, even if the book itself suffers from feeling a bit lifeless or just having horrendous pacing problems.

>> No.20935542

shes fuckin moist

>> No.20935572

His writing is pretty simple so you'd have to enjoy his plots and his staging for the "action scenes". His dialogue is terribly corny. He is a big fan of characters with a lot of power who also have mental blocks to get over. This is in his longer books, where only a few pov characters aren't superpowered and sad.

>> No.20935665

Ok thanks

Seems like that's an issue with every fantasy writer who wrote more than a few books

>> No.20935755

He rules in absolute majesty and dignity

>> No.20935879

Should I watch the expanse or battlestar galactica first?
I'd ask it on /tv/ but they don't have a science fiction general and I'm rangebanned.

>> No.20935880
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Clearly he has the same tastes as /sffg/

>> No.20935892

Expanse is interesting for the portion of the story where its still a detective story. Then, the tone shifts and it turns into a "save the world" story that is rather boring. The story world is interesting. The characters are lame. Plot? Yawn.

Battlestar Galactica is long. Very long. But it does have its moments, and to me, at least far more interesting than the expanse. The Cylons and their attacks on humans keep the story fresh. The characters themselves are also not terribly, far better than expanse.

>> No.20935928

>If it's not a series it's not worth reading.
NPC take.

>> No.20935935

America lives in your head rent-free, pedro.

>> No.20935941

Strange Company by Nick Cole

>> No.20935943
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all this talk about blackwashing in the new LotR show and the "need" for more black characters, etc. - is there a "black" LotR? some kind of unsung fantasy series by a black author that's gone unappreciated that's good? maybe "LotR" is too high a peak to compare other fantasy series to, but really anything decent is fine.

>> No.20935946

Women control mainstream publishing and only want to publish other women.

>> No.20935956

Imaro by Charles Saunders

>> No.20935962
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If you enjoy BSG, stop after 'Exodus', which ends at the start of season 3 and headcanon the series ending there.

>> No.20935985 [DELETED] 

I'll do BSG first, any other scifi stuff I should check? I've pretty much only seen firefly, jericho and stargate(as a kid) for series. I watched most of the big movies since 2000, I think.

>> No.20935987

thanks, looking into this now

>> No.20936002

Only the first book has been digitalized though, but it's good.

>> No.20936049

March, next year

>> No.20936065

>proves me right

>> No.20936127

Sci fi is DEAD what even came out after Annihilation besides Lightyear

>> No.20936173

This reads like military grade copium but I fear that wasn't the intention

>> No.20936273
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>>proves me right

>> No.20936280

>wojak spamming twitter immigrant

>> No.20936295

i had some issues with her at first too. it changed pretty fast though.

it's most likely not a female author. rumors aside, i'd say this just from judging the story itself.

>> No.20936298

If you wanted a kid book for entry level, then you could have used one of the others on the kiddy list. You want there to be viarety in the entry level section, because people are going to come into the genre with different tastes, and so they should have the option of different paths. If they're all forced to read tolkien, then where do they go from there? They'll always take the same path. That's assuming they actually like tolkien. They might not like it and get filtered.
It's literally the opposite of what entry level material is supposed to do.

>> No.20936310

Any science fiction that doesn't feature humans?

>> No.20936327

Just use the Chart Maker Supreme list, it's the official and unflawed one.

>> No.20936353

Take the L and go back to your hovel.

>> No.20936598
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>> No.20936603

I've seen too many fantasy maps that it took me a minute to realize I was looking at a real map.

>> No.20936621 [DELETED] 
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go back ameritranny

>> No.20936632 [DELETED] 
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>go back ameritranny

>> No.20936989

Return to no applause only more of the same

>> No.20936998

>reading The Thousandfold Thought
>cat and mouse conspiracy game between Conphas and Cnauir
>tension building, who will prevail
>ends with Cnauir dragging him off to buttfuck him

DESU, I thought the amount of rape was detracting from an otherwise good series, but this one was just funny.

>> No.20937081

How does it compare with the Second Apocalypse series, cuckoldry-wise? It's one of my fetishes which is why I picked up Bakker's work in the first place.

>> No.20937198

Cnaiur is a nut. Just fun to read

>> No.20937200

>>ends with Cnauir dragging him off to buttfuck him
what? I didn't even notice this. When does this happen?

>> No.20937283

Any Joe Abercrombie fans also read Buehlmann's "The Blacktongue Thief"?

>> No.20937390

Just finished The Knight
Is The Wizard very different from the Knight?

>> No.20937399

Dear anon trying to join the GR group,
Please note the join requirement of "relevant book must be shelved as read in your profile if you want to join." You have no books shelved as read at all. I've also sent a friend request in case you don't see this so I can send you this message.

>> No.20937587
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Rings of Power is GOOD

>> No.20937598

Just put Twilight as the one you read

>> No.20937619


>> No.20937682

>Who are the best rogue characters
Eyes of the Overworld Kugel
>And then who is the richest from stealing
Kugel Saga Kugel

>> No.20937689

looking for weird interesting settings and scenarios.
Finished Perdido Street Station and The Scar Recently and was a big fan.

>> No.20937690


>> No.20937841

Viriconium by M John Harrison
The Zothique cycle by Clark Ashton Smith
Dancers at the End of Time by Michael Moorcock.

>> No.20937925

I have not read Joe Abercrombie but I very much did enjoy The Blacktongue Thief.

What is the best Guy Gavriel Kay book to start with?

>> No.20938177

in the house of the worm
a song for lya
and seven times never kill man

>> No.20938421

Why is his tongue black?

>> No.20938449

don't be racist

>> No.20938572

He's Irish

>> No.20938595
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Well written books that have good endings and positive healthy romantic subplots? The woman could even be inhuman I don't care

Theme wise I just finished The Night Land
Similarly enjoyed the first three Black Company books, Lyonesse, and the Broken Sword

>> No.20938642

New thread