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20922839 No.20922839 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone use a Kindle? Is it worth it nowadays? Even shit quality and beaten paper back books are becoming expensive here and the local stores quite literally never have anything I want.

I could just snag a Kindle off of ebay and email myself free epubs whenever the fuck I please. Just because I hate reading shit on my pc.

>> No.20922897

Love mine.
It's a lot nicer experience than reading on a phone or PC. Plus if you have crap eyesight they're a lifesaver.
Is it as good as reading a real book? I mean no, probably not. But if you just want the text itself then they're perfect.

>> No.20922918

Good to know. I'l grab one then.

>> No.20923036

Kindle uses drm

>> No.20923045

Better than spending $20 for every book.

>> No.20923050

/g/ is that way
Jannies do you fucking job

>> No.20923058

/g/ is what way

>> No.20923060

I got a Kobo. They seem to be necessary for books which are public domain but no longer in print by major publishing houses.

>> No.20923061 [DELETED] 

Ceres Colony Cavalier!

Ceres Colony Cavalier!

>> No.20923065

Jannies do your fucking job

>> No.20923229

1000% worth it, and now it allows epubs as well. Just go to https://b-ok.cc/ and grab literally anything you want. Now you can snag literally any book in the world and go read it somewhere other than your pc.

>> No.20923287

Kindle 3 with calibre to convert books works best for me. I can't stand touchscreens. The 3's don't last super long (I drop them, they glitch out, etc) but I just buy a new one on ebay and it's fine.

>> No.20923424

Kobos are better. Also new Kobos are coming out in two weeks.

>now it allows epubs as well.
No it doesn't, stop lying.

>> No.20923427


I would advise against getting a kindle specifically, Amazon has a track record of both harvesting data and sending it to law enforcement without user content (this applies to their doorbells but I doubt that they can’t and won’t do it on a kindle) so reading really based stuff might not be the brightest idea.

But a E-reader is a really cool device.

>> No.20923429

>Kobos are better
Read a fucking book

>> No.20923758

>read Turner Diaries, Mein Kampf, and a host of german ww2 memoirs on mine
The only one I'm missing from the "going to fucking jail" bingo card is SIege.

>> No.20923788
File: 187 KB, 644x924, lotr of the nigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick reminder that you only have 24 hours left to cancel your subscription

>> No.20923942

I heard kindles now support epub but only if you email the epub to amazon so that they can convert it to their shit format and then send it to you? Worthless. I've had 2 kobos, koreader and a 32gb sd card on both of them, neither have ever connected to the internet and never will.

>> No.20923960

I get my books from the library. Free and I prefer paperback.

>> No.20924050

But you can also get free ebooks from the library as well, anon.

>> No.20924073

I have a Fujitsu Quaderno A5. It’s great for annotating. It only supports PDFs, though. Feels amazing to write on, but that comes at the cost of a backlight.

>> No.20924089

Screens keep me awake at night

>> No.20924094

That's the whole point of an e-ink display.
But why can't you do both? Have a physical book and an ebook for when you don't have the physical book.
I like to have one of each I'm reading at any time.

>> No.20924120

>That's the whole point of an e-ink display.
Neat. What you said makes sense; I might get one.

>> No.20924198

How does it matter if it doesn't read epub, mobi is the exact same thing just convert it with Calibre which you'll probably have installed anyway if you have an ereader.
I use it to read stuff I can't get easily where I live (currently reading On Inequality, which hasn't been published in Portuguese). I'm starting to use Obsidian for notes and I find it easier to write them down from a physical copy but that's just personal preference, I shouldn't even be wasting time with note-taking anyway.

Now I'm looking at Kindle 5 ads despite having a perfectly functional Kindle 10, thanks.

>> No.20924286
File: 956 KB, 500x418, 1650737728923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a kindle and i love that i can read sitting like a fucking retard and feel okay while with a big book would be unconfortable, also reading with lights off at night, kindle in a super low light so doesnt hurt or get my eyes tired, i even buy some digital books of some authors i really like and want to support but its also super easy to pirate foreign stuff

>> No.20924305

I bought one about a decade ago and really it comes down to how much you read. I'm more focused on rereading physical books I already own, so my old Kindle is gathering dust and usually isn't even charged. That said, if I had to start over as a young person without any books, I'd probably stick to e-readers and digital books. It's just convenient, saves space, and is less of a hassle if you find yourself kicked out of your apartment because your landlord's mother wants to move in.

>> No.20924313

Doesn't seem to be a problem, as I pirated 100s of books

>> No.20924326

I love mine. If you have trouble sleeping then get one, I used to have trouble sleeping but if I read in my kindle in bed I fall asleep before 3 pages like magic. The non-blue light screen does wonders for your eyes.

Also great for travel. Can bring literally a hundred books on the plane and switch from one to the next when you get bored.

Can also download books from b-ok.org on your phone and email it right to your kindle and be reading literally any book ever written within 20 seconds of deciding you want to read it.

Worth every penny.

>> No.20924335

I've had a kindle paperwhite for 4 years and yeah it's pretty great
Personally I still buy used books but I've stopped reading new books, when there's a book I really want to read or can't find used I just download it from lib-gen

I think it's just a meme, the same guy spams it here because he thinks it's funny

>> No.20924336

i don't know if it's just me but i find them awkward to hold. i also hate that it shows estimated reading time left in the corner of the screen because it pressures me to read faster than i want. maybe there's a way to turn that off. idk i really only ever used it for comics. for regular reading i prefer real books despite their limitations.

>> No.20924337

I have a kindle from about 10 years ago. It's slow and cumbersome. The screen sometimes has residue of previously shown text or images even though you set it to refresh every page turn or whatever. I've barely used it but that's mostly because I've been reading less than I was hoping to in general, due to laziness etc. If I read when I'm out the phone is much more convenient. The kindle always stayed in my home. Also having the speed and internet access of a phone or computer is often good for when looking up stuff etc. But I like the e-ink and when I was reading novels for a while I think I used it sometimes.

>> No.20924402

If they're looking they're looking for /isislit/ and whatever comes out of like that order of the nine angles group, not shit i've heard of

>> No.20924429

>Tfw not edgy enough to be on the FBI watchlist

>> No.20924803

Why don't you just go to the library?

>> No.20924861

>Now I'm looking at Kindle 5 ads despite having a perfectly functional Kindle 10, thanks.
What do you mean by this? Don't get a kindle with ads, that's stupid. Like willingly drinking poison to save $20.

I'm not memeing, but I do every now and then post about how Kindle 3's are the best e-reader (because they are) (but don't buy them because I need the entire world's supply until I can get a factory in China to make a warehouse full of knockoffs).

>> No.20924938

I have a Kindle, and still only read ebooks in MoonReader on my phone. It's just more comfortable, my phone is always on me, and I already spend too much time on it, so I don't have to copy my ebooks to Kindle and carry a second, non-pocket fitting device.

Even the physical books I buy, I never open them, I just read the ebook version

>> No.20924974

I have the old kindle keyboard from over a decade ago but also found an og paperwhite shortly after which 8ve been using since.

Should I go back to the kindle keyboard with physical buttons?

>> No.20925082

They are worth it. You can download any book you can find on zlib, libgen and the like, convert it to azw3 and just drag it into the document folder. Saved an immense amount of money with it.

>> No.20925189

who cares? only the books you buy through Amazon are drm. i have my Kindle in airplane mode all the time and just pirate drm free books. also you can easily remove drm in calibre

>> No.20925199

I think my kindle is 4th gen, no touchscreen, it’s lasted forever. I’m not interested at all in any touchscreen functionality either

>> No.20925212

>No it doesn't, stop lying.
The only thing you can email to kindle now is an epub. Then amazon themselves convert it to mobi or AWZ3 or whatever
the consequence of this is you can't get covers showing in the library if you email yourself books.
that, and i dont trust amazons conversion as much as calibre

>> No.20925225

How do you guys cope with inability to write notes on book and tracking progress. Time remaining is always meaningless to me and so are percentages if I can't see the volume of the book.

I would like to read more on my Kindle but these things keep getting me back to paper.

>> No.20925263

>write notes
Mine has a stylus.
>tracking progress
Percentages work for me. Neurons activate when I see number get bigger.

>> No.20925271

i keep index cards next to me that I write on as I'm reading

>> No.20925340

A 50€ kindle paperwhite + calibre is fantastic value.

>> No.20925397

I don't use it anymore, back to reading physical books.

>> No.20925421


>> No.20925547

I meant that I was looking on Mercado Livre for people selling old Kindles. I don't know how I could have phrased that more clearly, though.

>> No.20925560

Can kindle users give some advice? Should I buy a used Kindle 2013 4 gen model. Does kindle battery last this long or will there be battery issues? Will the hardware be able to handle or or will it lag

>> No.20925706

Not kindle exacfly, but an ereader is really nice to read on, especially books that are more obscure and cost a fortune. They do suck for PDFs though, so I can't use mine for everything. Ereaders don't replace books but rather add to the experience of reading.