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20921751 No.20921751 [Reply] [Original]

What philosopher believed that life is essentially a competitive battleground so you have to be as dominant and unscrupulous as possible?

>> No.20921760


>> No.20921864

Andrew Tate

>> No.20921870

Tuco Salamanca

>> No.20921900


>> No.20921920

Idk sounds like 20th century evolutionary theory

>> No.20921976

why tf is fveys on lit

>> No.20921980

None because he wouldn't be a philosopher, just a retard who publishes his rants.

>> No.20922276

That’s not a philosopher, that’s an asshole.

>> No.20922337


>> No.20922338 [DELETED] 


>> No.20922357

You're looking at being a narcissistic sociopath so it's Stirner and Ayn Rand(even though Stirner fags will mald at this grouping).

>> No.20922420

It's true but you don't have to be doomer about it, there's many ways to be "dominant", not all of which have to do with social hierarchy or how much money you've got. (The go to things for most people when this subject comes up) For example if you're of the artistic disposition, the best way for you to assert your dominance is to excel at your craft. I see lots of people waking up to the brutal competition of life and in their defeatism focusing on their weakest qualities, instead of improving on fields where they'd be much stronger.

>> No.20922544
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>> No.20922580

He's not like them. They're cowards. Nietzsche is like Musashi.

>> No.20922602

I feel despondent. Even moreso after I began reading The Technological Society. It's just one big factory, serving nothing but itself, and every cog in it can be replaced, and every cog in it has to try being as shiny and oiled as possible not to be replaced, my humanity feels more and more stripped away the more I have to integrate myself into urban society, where I find my job, and if I get a remote job, then at least I have that freedom, but then human connection becomes almost nonexistent, although still better than the fakeness of a white collar job.

>> No.20922611
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Machiavelli a coward?
Anon, you are wrong

>> No.20922619

Holy fuck just touch grass already.

>> No.20922647

I could subdue you and curbstomp you within 30 seconds, you subhuman zoomer trash.

>> No.20922652

Charles Darwin

>> No.20922663

They're all snakes. Sun Tzu too. Nietzsche and Musashi are lions.

>> No.20922672

Woah we've got an internet tough guy here, bros I'm scared af. ;)

>> No.20922685

Tranny zoomer. Stop replying to me and go worship women or niggers, whatever it is you do, subhuman.

>> No.20922692

Ragnar Redbeard

>> No.20922715

Face it chud, you are just blaming all of your personnal problems on minorities and the technological society boogeyman. But the truth is that even in a primitive society you still would have remained a pathetic little incel incapable of acting like a normal person. :)

>> No.20922730
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reptilians rule the world anon, not lions
lesson in there

>> No.20922883

The lion kills the snake with ease.

>> No.20922963

they do in the animal kingdom not in your cope fantasy. we're all bugman to these people, soon to eat nothing but plants and onions. and we shall be happy.

>> No.20922983

Camus, Nietzsche, Hobbes

>> No.20923170

Literally Nietzsche

>> No.20923233

And you would never be able to live in any other era because you are a weak emasculated troon

>> No.20923257

Humanity is thousands years old, the current globohomo judendom have less than 2 centuries.
The idea that they won forever and its over is just gay defeatism and demoralization.
Aryan lions will rule the world again.

>> No.20923265

if you've actually read him you'd know he actively critiques this conception. Check out the two chapters on De Sade in Eroticism/Erotism.

>> No.20923638

>Stirner fags will mald at this grouping
Only reddit "stirnerfags" who associate a red flag with him because they haven't read a word of his work

>> No.20923644

No one because it's wrong. Being unscrupulous is a weakness.

>> No.20923647

Not that guy, but stop putting smiley faces in your post. It makes you sound like a flamboyant faggot.

>> No.20923737

That one line "do not collect weapons beyond what is useful" from the pen of one of the greatest warriors of all time is more powerful than the screeching of every liberal gun control advocate put together

>> No.20924053

>That’s not a philosopher, that’s an asshole.
acknowledge horrors, anon. They also have a right to exist.

>> No.20924699

Your chopped off dick will never grow back no matter how much you regret it

>> No.20924753

Schopenhauer - Will to life
Darwin - Survival of the fittest, Survival instinct.

Other recs are memes

>> No.20924779

Honestly none of them, Nietzsche and Hobbes didn't advocate the barbarism and domination that was mostly only relevant in pre-historic times.
Montesquieu rightfully points out that might makes right, but might without right is as fleeting the clouds in the sky. You need a system of laws, rules and a social logic to keep things together.
And I know you're going to retort with "but capitalism says you have to be as hypercapitalist as possible!!". That only works on like a lower level, in the big league the game is entirely rigged, a truly free market would collapse fast and anyone talking about it is just trying to loot more money from working people.
Schopenhauer argued for the opposite, what are you on about?

>> No.20924881


>> No.20925273

What was will to power about then?