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20917947 No.20917947 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20917950

Literally who?

>> No.20917954

Twitter threads should be deleted on sight.

>> No.20917994

>1274 pages
Damn, that’s long enough I’m speculating she’s gone full schizo. What’s happening? That’s 200 pages longer than Infinite Jest and Rowling is writing genre thrillers now, isn’t she?

>> No.20918001

just 1200+ of rambling

>> No.20918035
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When frantic, dishevelled Edie Ledwell appears in the office begging to speak to her, private detective Robin Ellacott doesn't know quite what to make of the situation. The co-creator of a popular cartoon, The Ink Black Heart, Edie is being persecuted by a mysterious online figure who goes by the pseudonym of Anomie. Edie is desperate to uncover Anomie's true identity.

Robin decides that the agency can't help with this - and thinks nothing more of it until a few days later, when she reads the shocking news that Edie has been tasered and then murdered in Highgate Cemetery, the location of The Ink Black Heart.

Robin and her business partner Cormoran Strike become drawn into the quest to uncover Anomie's true identity. But with a complex web of online aliases, business interests and family conflicts to navigate, Strike and Robin find themselves embroiled in a case that stretches their powers of deduction to the limits - and which threatens them in new and horrifying ways . . .

A gripping, fiendishly clever mystery, The Ink Black Heart is a true tour-de-force.


>> No.20918046


>> No.20918053

>It is 600 pages longer than Dune
Dune is not a very long book(s).

>> No.20918056

To think this book is somewhere in the library of Babel.
Jokes aside, do people read this type of stuff? Maybe because it's not my thing, but I can't imagine reading 1000 pages of Rowling's rambling in another episode of random detective novel that no one would care if her name wasn't attached to it.
She probably owns the publishing house too, right?

>> No.20918071

>1200 pages of rambling
Honestly kind of based. The anti-racist pro-groomer canon should be nothing but useless time sucks that you have to buy and read or you're not a real ally.

>> No.20918117 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 800x450, 9D5B192E-F1BB-400A-BB23-4055A84A28A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JK Rowling is a retarded liberal whore who brought this upon herself in the first place by trafficking in these ideas before they ended up ruining her life but the ferocity of the hatred she’s getting from trannies is impressive.

I think this unprecedented level of harassment and threatening posture is due to Rowling being an actual woman and in many ways cis women are the tranny’s worst nightmare in terms of enemies; this rarely happens of course as cis women are fucking retards who support shit like this in the first place but theoretically a cis women denying the feminity of a trans woman is the ultimate spiritual cosmic blow

>> No.20918128

>this rarely happens of course as cis women are fucking retards who support shit like this in the first place but theoretically a cis women denying the feminity of a trans woman is the ultimate spiritual cosmic blow
Do you truly believe there is some kind of global battle between these groups of people? This entire manufactured problem does not exist in real life. Trannies are like the boogeyman, they aren't real. I have never seen a tranny in 30 years of living and working in a city of 1 million people.

>> No.20918138 [DELETED] 
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tl;dr, you guys seriously need to learn to write more concisely and funnier. I’m not wasting my time reading some gas station attendant’s amateur thesis on the world. Do better.

>> No.20918153

sounds like schizo kino. never read any of her books but this might be interesting

>> No.20918168

The post you're responding to isn't much longer than yours but if you can't think of a response that's fine. Live in your delusional bubble but sane people can see what you're doing and you're no different to a tranny.

>> No.20918192

Twitter users should be deleted on sight

>> No.20918239

is tour-de-force like kino for books?

>> No.20918242

700 pages is pretty long by book standards

>> No.20918257

It's a huge cliché. It's the book equivalent of a Don LaFontaine narrated trailer that starts "THIS SUMMER.... COMING TO A THEATRE NEAR YOU"

>> No.20918258

Vaush btfo

>> No.20918261

sounds like an instant classic to be honest

>> No.20918281
File: 201 KB, 220x173, jack-nicholson-nods.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face every time a public figure is antagonized by trannies, has nothing to lose anymore, says fuck it and admits that they hate trannies, planting the seeds in millions of normie minds that it's at least possible to freely admit one hates trannies, so that a % of that group will inevitably overstep some invisible line, be antagonized by trannies, have nothing to lose, say fuck it and admit they hate trannies
>my face as the snowball of publically visible and normalized tranny hate gets bigger and bigger with every pass around the mountain

>> No.20918288

Rent free

>> No.20918300

She hasn’t antagonized anyone though, her entire issue is to just stop deleting women from existing. But anything less than capitulation to these deranged lunatics is a dog you’re against them.

>> No.20918313
File: 812 KB, 320x180, 1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when women flipped from their early default position of enabling trannies, to default secretly despising trannies after the novelty of the freakshow wore off in 2017
>my face when the only places still remaining that default "support" trannies are corporations doing it for PR, social media, and the HR department of a software or game development company

>> No.20918340

"Trannies" are dominating the culture war and there is nothing chuds like you can do but seethe.

>> No.20918354

are they, rules are finally changed to not allow men to compete in women's divisions

>> No.20918371
File: 486 KB, 256x192, 5eac56ac16e701cbad8b5a6f_FYfW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when thousands of retarded incel programmers who fell for the tranny fad in 2019 have to live with the consequences of their hormonally and surgically destroyed bodies, minds, and personal lives for decades after normal society has moved on so hard that someone even mentioning trannies is like someone saying "remember goths, from the 90s?"

>> No.20918379

Most genre fiction is at least 600 pages. If it's a fantasy series they easily push 800.

>> No.20918382

Hey, at least goths from the 90's had better aesthetics.

>> No.20918384

Do I look like I’m seething? I welcome this hilarity with open arms. Women need to realize their idiotic bullshit has consequences, let them deal with this.

>> No.20918386

>culture war
there is no culture war. The war exists only in your minds and the minds of internet addicted troglodytes.

>> No.20918390

Lol like Dune is a mesure of anything

>> No.20918392
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That's right chuds! You tell them sister!

>> No.20918408


>> No.20918970

I think it's like a bike race or something

>> No.20918995
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That one is a bit different.

>> No.20919083


>> No.20919105

Don't you have a life?

>> No.20919112

>tasered and then murdered
I feel tasered is a little redundant.

>> No.20919116

why dont you go dilate you fucking pervert nigger

>> No.20919124

Should have been the first post.

>> No.20919130

Its called being so popular that editors are afraid of you

>> No.20919135

The marketing fluff on Catcher in the Rye is equally cringe.

>> No.20919174

Women deserve to be deleted. They've gotten way too uppity and disruptive.

>> No.20919187

Editors these days don't work much if at all regardless. It's just called being so popular you can publish your diary desu.

>> No.20919385

Sure, but IJ is in miniscule typeface.

>> No.20919436

>tranny says your books suck
>ree for 1200 pages

>> No.20919463

>trannies turn on their belowed series then attack you in every tweet and even the new HP game Rowling is not involved with
Trannies are toxic scum

>> No.20919488

Correct, trannies are typically dependent on their parents.

>> No.20919533


>> No.20919539

Kiwifarms won
JK Rowling won
Trannies lost

>> No.20919730

>regurgitating retarded terf zionist takes on twitter
>hurr im getting attacked
its worse than commie gobbledygook, and harry potter suck

>> No.20919751
File: 223 KB, 321x512, 1661848401055848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terfs numabh one
Death to trannies
Death to the west insallah

>> No.20919763

>maybe if i string enough things together i can make people like me, the rapist pervert man in women's clothing, more than the woman who dislikes rapist pervert male transexuals
shut up tranny

>> No.20919788

Infinite Jest reformatted to standard page size, font sizes, line spacing, kerning, margins etc would be in the range of 1800-2000 pages. It has over twice the word count of Ulysses despite many editions of Ulysses (unannotated) being only 200-300 pages shorter. And Ulysses is over twice the word count of Gravity's Rainbow despite most editions of both books being near identical by page count.

The only thing page count really tells you is roughly how thick a book will be.

>> No.20919796

>Ulysses is over twice the word count of Gravity's Rainbow
err, nearly twice the word count.

>> No.20919825


>> No.20919827

Tranny Derangement Syndrome is a very serious, often terminal, illness.

>> No.20919833

Based and Crichtonpilled.

>> No.20919840

So how long have you been under/unemployed?

>> No.20919862

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.20919866

so uh why shouldn’t doctors (tm) tell would be trannies to take herculean amounts of test instead of mutilating themselves?

>> No.20919872

If you knew shit in the real world you’d know that nobody actually likes trannies.

>> No.20919918

because that wouldn't serve as a humiliation ritual for the jews who fund the transgender industry

>> No.20920132
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, dfw laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trannies don't realize normal people are uncomfortable with their existence because they never leave their apartment (they have a work from home coding job)