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File: 329 KB, 917x1386, manufacturing feed and seed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20917798 No.20917798 [Reply] [Original]

Any thoughts on pic-related? I think the argument here is well argued and sourced but I also consider Chomsky to be a crypto-tankie and am hesitant to take anything he says at face value

>> No.20917828

People like Chomsky can’t accept the fact that socialist ideas just aren’t popular, and therefore have to come up with conspiracy theories about how the media brainwashes us or whatever. Generally speaking the media reflects what he want to see, not vice versa.

>> No.20917831

lol did they seriously plagiarize hideo kojima

>> No.20917860


>> No.20917871

This is definitely true to an extent. Also I feel that Chomsky fails to consider that for a lot of people it is hard to admit that their country has done morally dubious things

>> No.20917881

It's basic institutional economics. I thnk he's basically right for the most part, although iirc there's a later chapter where he claims the media has to invent enemies to stay profitable (or something like that it's been a while since i read it). But for the most part, the idea that the media responds to financial incentives, that the people who work at these companies have a selection / survival bias, etc. are all solid points. You'll find that a lot of what is written in the book applies to institutions in general.

>> No.20917967


>> No.20917977

He is right because he also participates in it every 4 years.

>> No.20918003


>> No.20918018

pick one

>> No.20918297

Rest assured that, by Chomsky's own admission, this is mostly Herman's work.

>> No.20918458

Most socialists claim to be libertarian socialists or anarchists, and yet most socialist movements that gain power are highly authoritarian. A lot of it is just optics

>> No.20918570

More on this subject?

>> No.20919916
File: 207 KB, 1200x1600, 32D0758B-5032-4B67-B128-504AD84F323B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s just talking about tankies.
Chomsky isn’t a tankie, but he doesn’t live in anarchism either. So what?

>> No.20919993

>conspiracy theories about how the media brainwashes us
You must be a happy person

>> No.20920087

To be fair anarchists have lost a lot of influence in history due to the socialists consistently shooting them in the back in every significant class struggle.

>> No.20920100

>Generally speaking the media reflects what he want to see, not vice versa.
Total opposite of reality.

>> No.20920149

he's an anarchist

>> No.20920316
File: 53 KB, 500x500, hollow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are u naive, stupid, or brainwashed? you post is utterly moronic

>> No.20920364

>Obviously hasn't read the book

>> No.20920373

Socialism in the vein of Orwell is about setting an absolute floor of freedom which no man can fall below, since a man is only really free when he has access to resources which cannot be revoked by any private person. This is why a man is only truly free when his government guarantees certain positive rights. This is the libertarian argument for socialism, that it is fair to set an absolute ceiling to the accumulation of wealth (breaking up monopolies) and also a floor (each citizen should have access to the wealth of the nation directly, and not dependent on the whim of any other private person)

>> No.20920383

You're right. I think Chomsky only researched and wrote the chapters on Vietnam and Laos. Maybe one or two others. Herman researched and wrote the rest.

>> No.20920557
File: 51 KB, 584x375, bernays-propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manufacturing consent is really just the continuation of Bernays propaganda line of reasoning. It's not so much a conspiracy as it is a standard operating procedure for pretty much any industry trying to maintain its status quo.

>> No.20920561

He's not a tankie. I'm a tankie and I can tell you for sure that Chomsky is a regime plant (most anarchists are this) who supports Biden and Ukraine, i.e. he is gay.

>> No.20920612

didn't this guy advocate everyone to take an experimental injection and that if they don't, they should just starve to death?

>> No.20921302
File: 7 KB, 175x300, Propaganda_Jacques_Ellul_1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Ellul.

>> No.20921795

>to be fair
Anarchists are just retarded my guy. No need to be coping about the shooting in the back part

>> No.20921986

Christcucks agree with each other.

>> No.20922130

almost every successful revolution is perpetuated by vanguard marxists because mass movements will always be subverted/placated/crushed. the few exceptions are brief periods of history in which anarchists had serious organisation and support. though none of which actually survived significant periods of time (kurds, CNT-FAI, ukrainian anarchists)

anarchists since catalonia have been the retarded children of the left. need i mention the embarrassment and negative progress they create in every nation they exist in. greece, the USA, germany etc. being the most prominent examples.

they are useful boogeymen of the right, almost totally innefective and only capable of like their namesake, creating anarchy in which crime proliferates. its a little faux pas, but chaz was an exact replica of every anarchist chimp out in the last 80 years

>> No.20922142

what does it mean to be part of a vanguard?

>> No.20922151

its a group of committed ideological communists who will lead the proletariat during the revolution and steer society towards a socialist and communist future

famous examples being the bolsheviks during the USSR and the CCP in China. as soon as the revolution succeeds basically anyone in the party becomes top dog and gets to run the state

>> No.20922443

Because libertarian socialism is an oxymoron

>> No.20922464

It means being a petit bourgeois professional ideologue with a western university education who gets imprisoned for writing calls to violence for 20 straight years but then when someone needs to collapse a country they release you from prison and send you into the country to reconnect with other irascible bourgeois intellectuals and "impose form" on a revolutionaory tendency that otherwise would have produced an organic series of relatively peaceful revolutions but when you and your bourgeois boys take over you kill 40 million people and ask for a do-over

>> No.20922564

Only when you accept the neoclassical liberals theft of the term libertarian. It actually means anarchist. Not a capitalist liberal idealism at all.

>> No.20922854

Not just communists, Vanguard means any ideological revolutions group who leads a people, I think. I'm sure it could apply to Fascist Italy or National Socialist Germany, for example....