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20910213 No.20910213 [Reply] [Original]

"All sick and diseased people strive instinctively after a herd-organisation, out of a desire to shake off their sense of oppressive discomfort and weakness; the ascetic priest divines this instinct and promotes it; wherever a herd exists it is the instinct of weakness which has wished for the herd, and the cleverness of the priests which has organised it, for, mark this: by an equally natural necessity the strong strive as much for isolation as the weak for union..."

>> No.20910255

Buddha as a White man.

>> No.20910305

Nietzsche recognized that it's the weak that are the biggest threat to the strong, not the other other strong men.

Buddha advocates weakness, he's a degenerate.

>> No.20910323

There are many Buddhas.

>> No.20910327

All dying men. Self-castrated, one wonders if they can even be called men. Are Buddhists the first transgenders? Their gender is somewhere between a boy toddler and a woman.

>> No.20910345

No, Buddhas are not men. Anyway, you seem to be too eager to fight your own spooks publicly. That attitude communicates a strong desire to be on the winning team. And that is just another herd.

>> No.20910363

If everyone is strong and an individual there can ever be tyranny. It's in all our interests.

>> No.20910447

You've made a typo? If so, I agree. Sovereignty solves the necessity to gather up into panopticons. Sure, it was a half-joke, but there is some truth to it: Buddhist nature of the ground as guarantor of sovereignty. (In its personalist fashion.)

>> No.20910490

>Buddhist nature of the ground as guarantor of sovereignty. (In its personalist fashion.)
Why would you say no to life when you can yes and be sovereign all the more?