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/lit/ - Literature

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20909838 No.20909838 [Reply] [Original]

i've realized that this board is full of nothing but contrarians. half of you guys are still unabashed platonists, christcucks, or larping mystics, who didn't understand Kant, even though the scientific revolution has already happened and you have no excuse. You guys literally think that science is bad or gay or "reddit" or "cringe" or whatever because you've been indoctrinated by 4chan memes. this place is a hivemind and it's worse than reddit. as far as fiction, only a few of you have reached the stage of a mature reader where most of what you read is no longer books literally everyone has heard of. you think that your taste is better because you prefer classics yet you are exactly the same as redditors because both you and redditors get all your taste from the internet and haven't done any exploration on your own, you just think that your taste is better or more obscure because it comes from 4chan. you unironically read people like ted kaczynski and are too stupid to see how retarded it all is because your entire existence is a LARP. fuck you all, fuck this place, fuck the internet, I'm fucking leaving this bullshit and I'm actually going to start learning things.

>> No.20909841

t. soulless hylic bugman

>> No.20909845

exactly what i'm fucking talking about, kill yourself faggot, i believed in all the same bullshit too until i finally finished the greeks and moved the fuck on. you are so retarded you can't even catch up to the modern world and you fucking live in it.

>> No.20909851

the modern world is cringe.
your line of thinking is feminine, always following flashy trends.

>> No.20909856

Yeah, im in my late 20's and im too old for the contrarian, obscure, superiority bullshit. I listen to the killers and read generic self help books.

>> No.20909867

cringe. has to be bait.

>> No.20909871

you are following the trend of 4chan, none of your beliefs are genuine.

>> No.20909888

I don't. I post original stuff here. I'm partially responsible for some of the developed taste here.

>> No.20909901

Huh? Moved on to what? The German idealists? New atheism? Marxism? Trendy panpsychists? Reading hentai doujins?

You've stated nothing about yourself or any potential grasp you might have of literature..

>> No.20909906

You think its cringe because youre obsessed over thinking youre better than people with intangible things that others cant measure up and assess. Like what literature youre into and what obscure bands other people havent heard of. I'm way beyond that pal

>> No.20909916

What is the distinction between genuine belief and inauthentic belief?

So there is people motivated by trends and those motivated by their own authentic desire. What distinguishes the authentic desire of the pre-4chan, generic newspaper reader/uni student and the typical 4chan dweller? What makes one more authentic than the other?

>> No.20909918

And you're more mature and enlightened for reading generic self-help books. A sure sign of maturity.

>> No.20909924

>inauthentic belief
You read it in a book
>genuine belief
You watched it in a film

>> No.20909926
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>you guys are stupid
>you treat read books as a personality, not like me, who treats books-I-have-read as an EXCUSE for a personality
>I care not for the universality of knowledge, now let me shill universal-knowledge-made-a-LARPing-Enligtenment-racist-realist
>what do you mean the Enlightenment period is dead and science is a capitalistic spook? dude stop living in the PAST
>god GET A PERSONALITY and READ THE BOOKS I (my failed humanities department) DO

>> No.20909927

One might even say your gay obsession with being genuine and a non-trend follower is simply regurgitating the trendy ideas of David Foster Wallace or the existentialists

>> No.20909931

Kant is a theologian.

>> No.20909933

Your obsession over being superior is coming out again. I never said I was better, but rather im not partaking in the contrarian superiority bullshit. Youre playing a game im not a part of

>> No.20909937

>le Kant
Bulldoze all Kantboos, Heideggerboos, and Midwittgensteinboos into a mass grave already.

>> No.20909938

you don't know because you never leave 4chan. you literally can't fathom the existence of non-hegelian philosophy because autists on 4chan don't get obsessed with anything that is retarded. the only opposition you can imagine is "new-atheism" because nobody pays attention to anything that opposes them that isn't facile and easy to demonize, so real philosophy never gets brought up. literally just stop being a schizo larper retard and get back to reality, if you had any common sense just looking at the general state of humanity's knowledge would be enough to get rid of your delusive ideas.
the 4chan dweller gets their opinion from literal memetic viruses, that is how the internet works. and they get brainwashed by these meme pathogens through spending hours and hours on 4chan and neglecting the real world. sure, ideas are transmitted memetically in the regular world too, but 4chan represents a hypermemetic echochamber of indoctrination that is all the bad parts of intellectual discourse amplified
you didn't understand kant

>> No.20909939


>> No.20909945

>don't get obsessed with anything that is retarded.

>> No.20909961

Oh? There's something new that 4chan isn't talking about? I mentioned the trendy David chalmers panpsychism. Please enlighten me. I am ignorant

>the 4chan dweller gets their opinion from literal memetic viruses, that is how the internet works
Actually mimetic theory extends beyond the Internet. Taken at face value it applies to religion, ideology and every human institution. So I guess you have this dawkins-darwinian like worldview where all ideas are memetic viruses and only the strongest should survive? Are you arguing "4chan ideology" is insular and weaker compared to, say, Islamic culture?

>> No.20909987

I never read dawkins and I don't know who david chalmers is.
>Actually mimetic theory extends beyond the Internet.
i literally acknowledged this.

if i say anything you will just sort it into the some label that your brain translates to "bad" because of your 4chan brainwashing.
>Are you arguing "4chan ideology" is insular and weaker compared to, say, Islamic culture?
I'm arguing that you people are retarded

>> No.20910010

>I didn't read the book that contains the ideas I'm talking about
>refuses to elaborate and resorts to name calling
You want to leave yet you fit in here perfectly

>> No.20910027

>you didn't understand kant
My Kant's a little rusty anon, can you explain synthetic a priori judgments to me again?

>> No.20910047

the word "meme" was not invented by richard dawkins
a synthetic a prior judgement is knowledge gained that adds something new to your concept of a thing without taking it from experience, and it is based on the categories

>> No.20910054

Why is the fact that a line is the shortest distance between two points a synthetic a priori judgment?

>> No.20910074

there is no conception of the shortest distance between two points contained within the concept of a point

>> No.20910083

you are wrong


>> No.20910091

Immananal Kunt, what do you think about that huh?

>> No.20910144

Good post. I hate this place but I can't leave. I'm addicted.
This is without a doubt the most insufferable board full of loser nerds trying to one up each other on abstract bullshit. It's like a game for who can be the most joyless sperg. I have a feeling you guys were that kid in class that would always try to argue or catch the teacher on some irrelevant triviality. I hate all of you.

>> No.20910162

Yes it was. Who used the word meme as a expression that ideas are subject to evolutionary pressure before dawkins?

Why is your supposedly darwinist worldview on ideology in anyway "taboo" or rejected by the hive mind of 4chan? If anything the unabomber is a more darwinist thinker than a mystic compared anyone else you mentioned in the OP

>> No.20910166

I dunno pal, im seeing the opposite, lots of sciencetards, trannies, degenerate nihilists, "muh college degree fuck autodidacts" niggers and redditors To each their own, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. Peace.

>> No.20910168

More like this board is the kid that wouldn’t speak a word but had the greatest, most elegant and witty retorts in his imagination. I agree with every thing else you said. This site is just social media so we all get that social media high and get addicted. The whole vibe of this place has changed greatly over the past couple years, not to mention the content. Everyone seems bitter, cynical, pessimistic and miserable now. Everyone has to argue. I only post like one day a week and if you come here with a clear head, it’s easy to see what this board is. It’s mostly negativity. If you actually read, make threads about whatever book you are reading, bump literature threads and avoid shitposting and politics.

>> No.20910171

Are you that Pneumakike user or whatever? That hylic cunt is fucking obnoxious and insufferable.

>> No.20910172

Thats a good point:
Almost all our ideas are memes we inherit.
some spaces can shelter memes from competition,
others are more open comoetitive.
a sheltering memetic environment would be a church in a small town,
a competitive one would be this shit hole. The only shelter one can find is usually willful ignorance or their own inability to receive a meme.
4chan is the Black Sea Steppe tier selective environment.

>> No.20910173

That's why you should move onto /sci/ after reading the western canon.

>> No.20910181
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>> No.20910188

this online image board forum user seems upset.

>> No.20910190
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Nah look at old posts. People always posted like this

>> No.20910204

There is definitely a different feel between now and 2011. A single post isn’t indicative of an era. Old lit was snarky, ironic, wanted to be perceived as highbrow. New lit is…different. Mostly political and the fallout of such

>> No.20910215

I agree it's a totally different vibe


Found a thread more or less making the exact same complaint as OP - users having an obsession with esoteric or classical literature over more casual reading. Same vitriolic insults and petty arguing but something about it seems happier and more soulful

>> No.20910235

>t. a contrarian
>durr im not participating in your contrarian games even though it clearly lives in my head rent free and shapes my interests
You're the only one playing that game because you brought it up in the first place.

>> No.20910315

>i've realized that this board is full of nothing but contrarians
contrarian to the contrarians I see
>even though the scientific revolution has already happened and you have no excuse
Prove science to me using science. I'll wait.
>you think that your taste is better because you prefer classics yet you are exactly the same as redditors because both you and redditors get all your taste from the internet and haven't done any exploration on your own,
Yes. No.
>catch up to the modern world and you fucking live in it.
What does that actually mean?

>> No.20910339

Link doesn’t work for me for some reason. I have a feeling that many times when an argument happens today here, anons build their opponent into a straw man. They will extrapolate from a single statement, book liked, etc and turn their opponent into a caricature. It’s mostly political today so anons take that shit seriously and will fight like it is a champion vs champion fight. In the old days, it was just some nameless faceless individual you were arguing with.

>> No.20910347

It's tiring to see the same basedjak threads posted over and over. Then Nietzsche strawmen, along with religious debates.

This place fucking sucks

>> No.20910352
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Someone makes a post like this once a week. You aren't special. When you leave (you won't), someone else will come to bitch about the same things. You're just as anathemic to this board as the rest

>> No.20910355

Nice dubs
You too.
Done scrolling now, this looks less interesting than books. Thank you for reading blog.

>> No.20910360

>still on the first few dozen levels of contrarianism
Like little babbies.

>> No.20910366

Someone makes a post like this once a week. You aren't special. When you leave (you won't), someone else will come to bitch about the same things. You're just as anathemic to this board as the rest

>> No.20910371
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>> No.20910374

Please translate this post into meaningful English.

>> No.20910387

Yeah. This board used to be much more witty and original. Memes are part of the reason the board blows. I miss the old ones like bachelor frog and alpha wolf. It’s especially bad when anons start replying to each other in memes, like someone will eventually win. Dark times. And I noticed Nietzsche is just named dropped to argue over something off topic. What did Nietzsche think of socialism?, what would Nietzsche think of modern day USA?, what would Nietzsche think of modern women?, what did Nietzsche say about incels?, did Nietzsche have a big dick? It’s all so tiring. The board may have never been great; everyone is sentimental about the past; but it was way better than it is today. It used to get me excited to read and I learned a lot.

>> No.20910392
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>Yeah. This board used to be much more witty and original. Memes are part of the reason the board blows. I miss the old ones like bachelor frog and alpha wolf. It’s especially bad when anons start replying to each other in memes, like someone will eventually win. Dark times. And I noticed Nietzsche is just named dropped to argue over something off topic. What did Nietzsche think of socialism?, what would Nietzsche think of modern day USA?, what would Nietzsche think of modern women?, what did Nietzsche say about incels?, did Nietzsche have a big dick? It’s all so tiring. The board may have never been great; everyone is sentimental about the past; but it was way better than it is today. It used to get me excited to read and I learned a lot.

>> No.20910395

Later, buddy

>> No.20910410

You draw nothing but false dichotomies and you know nothing of the things you talk about. You will be forever stuck in the material world and have no affinity whatsoever for overcoming it. Your message is merely an antagonistic rant with no substance and your Ego shows through every line you write. You are the perfect example of a hylic my friend, well done

>> No.20910411

You wouldn't understand. You have to be initiated into my neoplatonist christian cult that rejects Kant.

>> No.20910418


>> No.20910423

>muh words

>> No.20910424

The pic you posted indicates you're a massive faggot

>this place is worse than reddit
Ah okay, now I see you're a seething leftoid

>> No.20910428
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At least Reddit reads and discusses what they read. The bar is very low for reading forums right now

>> No.20910429
File: 31 KB, 141x229, 54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only post here for the (you)'s. I literally don't return to the thread unless I get a bite.

>> No.20910431

What does reddit read, and what do they discuss?

>> No.20910450

Nice diary. c ya tomorrow.

>> No.20910451

Look, if you're going to denounce this board then, at least, write slightly better than the regular poster. Some folk here actually make a decent effort with their prose.

>> No.20910464

I made a high quality thread earlier today based on a book that I had just finished and it got decent engagement. Sorry bucko.
Also on reddit there are plenty of opinions you get permanently banned for expressing and some books you aren't even allowed to discuss. So forgive me for thinking you might be an ideologue.

>> No.20910466


>> No.20910467

Have one you sad useless fuck

>> No.20910468

Take lit’s favorite 100 book list from last year. What opinions are you expressing about those books that would get you banned on Reddit?

>> No.20910472

>Take lit’s favorite 100 book list from last year

>> No.20910473

>no concession whatsoever that maybe an internet forum that bans people for holding certain rather milquetoast opinions is irreversibly tainted

You reveal yourself

>> No.20910482

So what books are you reading where your opinions get you banned? I chose a list indicative of this board’s taste

>> No.20910487

>/lit/ isn’t tainted