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/lit/ - Literature

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20909604 No.20909604 [Reply] [Original]

What constitutes a "good" author to you?

>> No.20909671
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I especially like authors who give me an existential crisis or refute my entire way of existence to such a degree that it makes me rethink everything I thought I knew about myself and the world around me. I know that's ultra specific but I think this is part of the role of books in the first place.

>> No.20909696
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If the writing makes me go "whoa that's good" and also if they agree with me politically without being cringy about it. Bonus points for cryptofascism and old attitudes that would be considered transphobic or national socialist today.

>> No.20909909

I like authors who are technically good
I don't necessarily care what you write about or what your views are, if you are able to write well and clearly, you are good in my eyes

Schopenhauer is the best example of this

>> No.20909921

Entertains me and allows me to fully consider perspectives I hadn't considered before or had a limited understanding of.

>> No.20910040

If your writing makes me wish I had written it instead. Or alternatively, if you can get me to literally stop while I’m reading to appreciate what you just wrote. Not every author has to do that to be good, but I struggle to think of an author who has done that and wasn’t good

>> No.20910053

Unless you’re a lawyer writing an appellate brief, fuck off and stop using that retarded word

>> No.20910197

sex sex sex sex penis breasts vagina sex sex

>> No.20910569


>> No.20911248
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Being transgender

>> No.20912010

Good use of metaphor. Good prose. Deals with human nature.

>> No.20912024

btw wtf am i looking here?

>> No.20912433

Makes me think or makes me zone out and become part of their world and the ability to do it consistently.

>> No.20912524

There's three tiers:
>beauty of prose
H Miller, Gass, and co stop here
>beauty of prose and nice ideas
Barth, Mishima, and otherwise
>beautiful prose, nice ideas, and paradoxes with high Christian ethics
Chesterton, Dosto, and maybe A Theroux

>> No.20912536

Holy shit you have absolute dogshit taste. Don’t ever reply to my thread again

>> No.20912557

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>beautiful prose
Acquire taste

>> No.20912564
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>> No.20912655


>> No.20912657

Very based.

>> No.20912690
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i dont give a shit about reading overly decadent fag shit flowery purple prose or unraveling prose-as-puzzles like some kind of pseud who pts themselves on the back for it.
anyway sometimes the lines can blur a little, but generally If im reading non-fiction I mostly care if it communicates information smoothly and eloquently and is engaging. If im reading genre fiction it better stir my imagination into a whirlwind curiosity and contemplation of interesting concepts or submerge me in atmosphere as thick as honey. if im reading literary fiction it better cut right into the bosom of the human experience and expose its insides and I better literally weep over what I gaze upon

>> No.20912713

you faggots are overthinking things, a good author is the one who you enjoy reading, simple as