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/lit/ - Literature

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20904757 No.20904757 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>20900369

For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6HOdHEeosc [Embed]

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Note to anyone posting a sample of your writing for critique:

Traditional Publishing
>you get to focus mostly on writing
>you must write a proposal to the publishers and sell your story to them
>you make 10-15% profit max, but they also eat all the risk and the costs
>self publishing is basically like running your own company
>you only need to do some simple marketing and reach out to readers
>you make 10-15% profit max
>self publishing you make 70%+
>they’ll still require you to do all the leg work of a self published author anyways

Finding Agents

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To
>risky, but much more profitable
>you must pay for everything yourself
>if you do, you will spend more time on running a business than writing, but can be worth it

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4on26mKakgs [Embed]
>Manga in Theory and Practice, Araki

For advertising
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQygKqJVFXg [Embed]

AI-generated book covers

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

Other forums

>> No.20904773

>[Embed] [Embed]
OP, has it occurred to you to remove the extra text you copied blindly?

>> No.20904794
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I guess not.

>> No.20906290

What is the best software for writing books in?

I will never make it and my prose is trash and Im esl, if that is relevant.

>> No.20906295

/Handwritten in a notebook is best, followed by typed out on a typewriter, followed by any word processor with Times New Roman 12pt double spaced

>> No.20906310

I like to write in deepdwn but there's also Left which is free. They're both pretty minimal and let you just write. I prefer deepdwn because it has a word count tracker so it's pretty motivating if you go for a daily word quota.

>> No.20906313
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Sublime Text

plain text for life

>> No.20906337

I adjust the dials of the ham radio and attempt to contact the Fort Warden. Countless screams, demands, and conversations pass through the frequencies. I down the rest of my grog to steel my nerves for the conversation.
“Reporting from Fort Arush Televised Surveillance, this is Dehab, rank LeMat of the 84th ground forces, Army of the Republican Rangers. Does anyone read me?”. I wait patiently before repeating the request. An operator responds, “This is Officer Donavin, rank Garand, what’ve you got Dehab?”. I turn to the television and describe the scene, “A dozen troops along road twenty-three have been ambushed. Explosives have terminated twelve steeds, info confirmed. Six men are incapacitated, info confirmed. Six men unaccounted for, status unknown. No visual signs of gunfire, combat status unknown.”.
The operator’s note penciling is audible through the radio, “Do you see any cargo with them?”.
“No, sir. This was a scouting party on return.”.
“Are the weapons of the wounded clearly visible?”.
“Yes, sir. Five M1 Garands and a Thompson are strapped or lying close by the wreckage. Info confirmed.”.
“You said they were headed back to the Fort?”.
“Yes, sir. They were approaching intersection Fifty-four, heading Northeast.”.
“Thank you, Dehab. I’ll be sure to pass this along to the F-dub.”.
“Yes, sir.”.
I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I won’t be the one to present this info directly to the Fort Warden. I turn back to the television and watch for a moment longer the depressing scene. The only light is that of the moon and stars over the landscape. Large mushrooms shaded the disaster, hiding it from the other quiet horrors nature segregates from itself. It’s an eerie calm for such an aftermath, like looking into a graveyard through a glass fish tank.
I see one of the unconscious men begin to move. He flips himself over to his back and is breathing heavily. The right side of his face was shredded by the shrapnel bomb, his eye lying somewhere in the grass. Like a possessed corpse, he lifts himself up almost automatically and pulls out his pocketknife to start digging the metals from his wounds. As he carefully picks through his torn arm, he stares with a serene resignation, calm, but determined to stay alive. He’ll be given a ride home as a casualty and be given the chance to live an autonomous, although handicapped, life.

>> No.20906341

I flip through the channels and start cleaning my colt revolver, the scene rolling around in my mind’s eye. The sound of wooden soles on brick approaches the blast door and is followed by a loud knocking. The man yells, “Kob, age 17, rank Derringer, reporting to relieve Dehab, rank LeMat, for Televised Surveillance duty.”.
I unbolt the door and stand to the side at attention, “Enter”. Kob marches in with his blue peacoat, ascot tie, and two fingers to his temple in salute, his clogs now stomping on hard steel. I return the salute and stomp.
I close the door behind him, and we both take a seat near the desks. I pass him my half-finished grog as he lays his folder on the desk, “Why the fuck are you in dress uniform?”, I ask him. He greedily grabs for the grog and downs it. He then pulls out a rolled cigarette from his front pocket, “The F-dub has been getting a lot of bad info…and I’ve been presenting all of it.”. He pulls out his flip lighter, “You want one too?”.
“Nah, I’m good. What do you mean ‘bad’ info?” He lights his cigarette and grabs for the television remote. He flips through the channels until he arrives at the ambush site, “This shit…This shit right here…all day...and my chief made me surrogate until he gets back from a trip.”. He then flips the channel to a remote prairie, tosses the remote on the desk, and pulls out a tin of Hard-tack.
“Did he go southeast?”, I ask him. “Yep”, he sighed. I pour us both a full cup of grog. I ask him, “Have you heard anything about the conflicts down there? The probation officers still don’t bother telling me anything about the Wunderlands.”

>> No.20906346

He begins sipping the grog and tells me his experience outside on the frontline. He tells me it’s a land of surreal beauty and unrepentant, gory nature. Flora that moves intelligently, with mosaic-like, glass flower buds that spin organic mechanisms within them like clockwork, wafting a strong scent of bleach and flour, and large seeds that crawl into the stomachs of small, sleeping animals that fall sedated by the flower’s aroma. A headless hydra of hundreds of skinny tentacles sitting atop a single muscle with the skin of an elephant. It crawls along the floor like a slug, each tentacle sliding into the crevices and wounds of trees not easily perceptible by the eye, infecting them like a fungus. Forests of giant mushrooms and trees as tall as skyscrapers and furred with rose thorns, standing on floors of bloodied mulch, housing swarms of carnivorous, flying insects the size of eagles.
He recalls a battle atop a marble mountain, firing a gatling gun at a squad of skinless beasts they called ghouls, blind, feline-like monsters that caught the smell of flesh through their exposed muscles. He tells me they rip the throats of human victims to steal their voices. They lure and torment wanderers and soldiers with the wails of women and children, or the cries of loved ones they hunted before them. His team had heard the creatures scream like banshees as they were being followed. They used the screams to guestimate the direction they were following and set up makeshift defenses on the hill.

After a half-hour wait in their defensive position, they were given the order to fire at the first clear sight of a beast. He waited until he could hear clearly a scream from a lone bush, spun his gatling gun, and fired three shots into it. The shrieks of a young boy in pain silenced the rest. The beasts, as well as the men, were now quiet, save the lonely death throes of a young boy. No body had been identified from their position, but the cries were unmistakably that of something wounded. Kob began to believe he had shot a child, then he began to sob uncontrollably, and vomited soon after from his fried nerves and confused brain.
The sounds of the boy soon gave way to a death-rattle, and all had gone silent. Not long after, a war-cry of ghosts followed a leaping horde of the ghouls. The guns began blazing, squeals of vulnerable, dead victims left the husks of the beasts as they tumbled down the hillside. The battle was won without a single causality from the Republican Rangers.

>> No.20906361
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What. The. Fuck.

Y'all niggas unemployed or what?

>> No.20906392

Should I instead have a monthly subscription to a service called like Inklr that I use to spend most of my writing time creating a multimedia flowchart of plot points hyperlinked to individual scenes and paragraphs via Inklr Storyweaver?

>> No.20906409

A low defensive wall is a 'parapet' and the stone blocks are 'merlons' btw fyi

>> No.20906432

I don't even post my stories anywhere so I don't want to spend much making them.

>> No.20906439

Thanks. That's why I post here.

>> No.20906630

How do you guys come up with story ideas?

>> No.20906832

Live life. Read. Talk to people.

>> No.20906867 [DELETED] 

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20906947

buddy, post in the other /wg/ thread.

>> No.20907004
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although im not that good of a writer, i wanted to express my love for the CCP. here's my passage:

I remember the first time I visited Beijing and saw the glorious Tiananmen Gate. I fell to my knees, enchanted by the empyrean design travailed by hundreds of generations of our brethren. The portrait laden with the collective entelechy of the People extruded a rarefied atmosphere fitting for the progenitor of our great nation...

>> No.20907076
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How does this read Anons?
>A short story about a couple trapped on a raft by a lake monster

>> No.20907198

commie cuck

>> No.20907563

1.4k words today
My average is 1k+ stronk
Curry for din dins
This is my writing blog

>> No.20907583

Prey tell thy sweet prose, how doth one such as I attain a tenure on thine pastebin of authorial monikers?

>> No.20907656
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Ok so this is pretty random but which part of the leg needs to be pierced with an arrow to prevent the victim from being able to move? Seems like an arrow to a thigh would still allow walking, just with lots of pain

>> No.20907732
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I want to write a scene from my childhood that I think looking back had a significant impact on my life. Up until now I've always stuck to writing things I've made up, and generally genre fiction, so I'm a bit confused on how to make what I want to write about an actual story.
Is it best to just write the scene as it happened or should I try to embellish it or how does this work? Anyone have any advice?

>> No.20907926

an arrow to the thigh could easily be lethal, because one of the major blood vessels of the body goes through the thigh. generally speaking, unless the person has a superhuman resistance to pain and limb integrity, an arrow anywhere in the leg will render them unable to move.

think about it. in terms of resistances against brute force, no matter who we may be, we all generally tend to fare the same against an arrow to the shin or a knife to the gut. as in it’s probably both lethal and debilitating, outside of those obscenely rare cases. if you’re writing for general humans, something that would feasibly cripple or down you would do much the same to any other person.

>> No.20907947

My prose is so amateur that I took a book that had prose that I like and just started ripping off that author’s style. I’m enjoying my book now. Is this wrong?

>> No.20907965

No that's what every author does going all the way back to shakespeare in the western canon

>> No.20908048

Do any of you write erotic trash stories? Or where can I read something like that?

>> No.20908294


>> No.20908301

I look at it from a mix of therapeutic and creative writing. Is something bothering me? Something in the news upset me? Something I wish would change or people would think about like me? I write it. How do I write it? in a way that is fun for me. If I wanna make Mitch McConnell a turtle with glasses married to an evil chinese fox and AOC as a mad baby donkey, so be it. I think that that is fun, and others might find it funny.

>> No.20908327

I used to use detailed wounds as a writing device, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


The ankle is where all your range of movement comes from. If the tendons in the ankle are severed, like in your achilles heel, you'll be unable to stand on that foot.

>> No.20908342

Every day I’m closer to killing myself. Every day I read some dialogue from Disco Elysium and know that I will never achieve that level of aptitude and whimsy. The lights getting ever so dim for me, friends.

>> No.20908348

>Poème pour 4chan [vers libre]
La philosophie de rien... je ne sais pas.
Pour rien.
Classe sociale et l'asile, comme demain, hier, aujourd'hui!
Pour quoi?
Civilisation de l'Europe est morte.
Pour des année.
Sentiments de ressentiment à les barbarie de Mahomet.
Pour bien.
Gendarmes: police et l'armee, en marche!
Pour des mois.
Légionnaire de Napoleon est distingués.
Pour le rasoir nationale!

>> No.20908358

How's my flash?

I awoke in a strange room I had never been in before with my hands tied behind my back, and the only source of light being from a small candle that lay on a nearby desk from where I was laying. Where was I and why was I brought here? I reflected at the thought of my predicament sombrely , suddenly, I could hear voices from outside; I tried to listen in as to what they were speaking for they talked in a strange language I did not know, and I could hear their footsteps moving closer, and closer towards the door. Eventually, I heard the rattle of keys, entering the lock being twisted and turned until the door eventually opened where I could get a glimpse of my captives for the first time...

>> No.20908392

There's a lot that's unnecessary here.

>I reflected on my predicament "sombrely".
It's safer to expect the audience to empathize with the character than to tack on a description of a mood to 'make sure the audience gets it'.

Treat your audience like they're stupid, not idiots.

On the other hand
>talked in a strange language I did not know
What did it sound like? Did it have a lot of phlegming, like it was middle eastern? Was it completely alien to human sound? If there is no description to entertain the audience with a guessing game, I hope that it is important to the story that he cannot actually understand the language

>moving closer, and closer towards the door.
and closer just feels unnecessary to me. Subjective, but I hate pointless repetition.

>Eventually, I heard the rattle of keys, entering the lock being twisted and turned until the door eventually opened where I could get a glimpse of my captives for the first time

This sentence just needs a complete rework. "entering the lock being twisted and turned" is a description of an action rather than a description of the main characters perceptions, which I think you were going for. Describe how the mc perceived it, not what is flatly happening.

again, repetition. Get rid of the second eventually in this sentence.

typo near the end. I believe you mean 'captors' not 'captives'.

>> No.20908406

you could pin his foot to a log with an arrow

>> No.20908410

I pirated Scrivener. It's cool.

>> No.20908413

Does she cheat on the guy with the lake monster?

>> No.20908443

What's /wg/'s opinion on fanfiction?

>> No.20908453

How do I detect amateur prose?

>> No.20908539


>> No.20908832

>I reflected
>I could hear
>I tried to listen
>I did not know
>I could hear
>I heard the rattle
>I could get a glimpse

>> No.20908867

How do I deal with distractions and get back into the mindset for writing a story?

Like this one time, I was in a thread and a guy started spamming literal shit and it left me in a bad mood.

>> No.20908935

Write it into your story.

>> No.20908966

Wrong tone, wrong genre, wrong altogether.

>> No.20908972

And the best notebook for writing is Moleskine. It’s the brand that Hemingway used, after all.

>> No.20909112

How do I resist the urge to show off my first draft to other people? How do I become a reclusive writer?

>> No.20909123

Show it to your mom and be satisfied with her thoughts on it

>> No.20909360

Writing has to happen first thing in the morning with internet off

If you have to write later in the day do some meditation first

>> No.20910129

I just use libre office

>> No.20910143

I'd try to give the beginnings of my sentences more variety
Always starting the same way continuously gets tiring

>> No.20910149

I went back and watched the movies that inspired me, played the games I am looking at (not Disco Elysium, I merely thought it was an inspiration") and books too
Stop shitposting, you're not me.

>> No.20910155

Are there any GOOD writing discord servers? If so, which?

>> No.20910180

I awoke with the taste of my girlfriend’s jizz in my mouth. I felt sick, but not because I’d spent the night enjoying the feel of her cock on my mouth. It was because she was listening to a podcast and they were talking about global warming.
“Fucking Republicans,” I muttered as I rose off the floor.
“I know. If we’d achieved the socioeconomic capitalism free utopia that Obama promised us everything would be better,” she said to me in her sweetly baritone voice. “But then the ReTrumpicans had to fuck everything up. This is a repeat, by the way. It’s from a few years ago, before we lost New York. I just like to think of better times.”
I walked up to her at the computer desk. Standing behind her gaming chair, I bent over and we kissed from behind. Her tongue swirled within my mouth, lapping up the last remnants of her come from between my teeth. It was a romantic morning.

>> No.20910248

Discord is for trannies.

>> No.20910290

Gimmie a writing prompt

>> No.20910317

Write about someone getting Equinestrated for a crime they didn't commit.

>> No.20910329

Why would you turn someone into a horse as a punishment? I’d be happy with a giant horsecock.

>> No.20910335
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>> No.20910336

It is death by horsecock, actually.

>> No.20910413

You're better off finding a less involved social media group, like a forum or message board.
Something like 4chan, but a place you can stick your face on.

>> No.20910432

Cool, now post a single line of prose that you’ve written.

>> No.20910441

Other Previous Thread: >>20904761

>> No.20910453
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How much detail is too much detail? How much analysis is too much? How much verbosity is too much? How much critical thinking is too much?

>> No.20910469

obviously it depends on your audience
but in general I would be conscious of these issues:
>writing that seems as though the author was thinking it through as he wrote it
>writing that plainly states or directly refers to the central themes and concepts
>detail that doesn't directly or indirectly reflect on a character, or isn't strictly necessary exposition
>any old or rare words that are not 1) inferrable from context, 2) specific technical jargon meant for texture, or 3) absolutely necessary
>writing over the course of which nothing physical has actually transpired. Even if it takes a backseat to some thoughtful, analytical text, have the character be doing something and periodically interrupt the thought process with those doings

>> No.20910537 [DELETED] 

Amazing. You’re the next F. Gardner.

>> No.20910580
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Why most people here don't just use Word?
Is this a meme?

>> No.20910584


>> No.20910667
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I don't have anything ready to show yet.
I need to study writing like the literature and movies I like first.

>> No.20910678

>be me
>be teacher
>have the whole summer to write
>need 19k more words to finish my draft
>totally doable, even for a slow fuck like me
>manage only 11k in two months
>summer's over
>too demoralized to write because of this
>8k more seems insurmountable
>all for a novel that's shit anyway
I'm ngmi. I lack the discipline to even finish a first draft. I don't know why I even try.

>> No.20910689
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This? I've seen better writing from cuckolding erotica.

>> No.20910696

Am I the only one who enjoys reading /chancore/? I like reading about anons out here.

>> No.20910705


>be teacher.

If you’re doing the worst job on the planet don’t expect to be motivated to do anything.

>> No.20910707
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That anon is not me but I am just insecure, I can write the silly stuff in my game too but what about the heavy hitters?

>> No.20910709


Libre Office has a really good plug-in for writers.

But real chads write in markdown using EMACS.

>> No.20910717

How do I know if my plot is good? How do I make a good one?
I like the main (final) plot I've created, but the parts that connect the characters to it feels shallow...

>> No.20910718


An arrow to the thigh is almost certainly going to kill someone.

If you want to knock the leg out of commission your best bet are the joints. Or hit someone in the lower back if you want to have the effect be permanent.

>> No.20910720

I'm motivated to produce something else with my life, yeah. I can't imagine just being a teacher and nothing else on top of that. Maybe because my IQ isn't 105.

>> No.20910728

>an arrow to a thigh
Nobody needs a femoral artery.

>> No.20910734


Get a impartial (not your mom) beta-reader to tell you.

>> No.20910766
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This thread needs more actual writing.

I enjoyed doing this one. I recommend that anyone else feeling stuck try a short, goofy, low-stakes piece just to see where it goes.

>> No.20910772

Use an AI. It'll fill your gaps and storm your brain.

>> No.20910773


>> No.20910776
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Just keep going.

No matter what. Just keep going.

>> No.20910788

Only losers shun tools to better craft their art. You're going to get left in the dust and never make it otherwise. Embrace the future.

>> No.20910790
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After all...
There's nothing left for us...

>> No.20910796 [DELETED] 
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Characters, some manage to feel distinct in their voices because I keep charts of their personal history and production backstory plus read it outloud but it's too casual

For the quest line I made to introduce some worldbuilding, PC goes and talk with what is basically a techie guy. This NPC comes across as cowardly, nerdy, reserved but warm to the PC and his dialogue reflects that.
The PC is the one asking (RPG) and they're forceful.
Basically your usual CRPG
>hey whats that
>why should I do that
>X happened what do you think about it what do you know
>how do I do Y
>so what about Z?
Game dialogue is hard, I still think it reads too casual and naturalistic

>> No.20910801

I'm gonna write a story about a character in a room with the ceiling slowly lowering like that one scene in the mummy and see how an AI handles it.

>> No.20910807

Man I bet she farts like a trombone.

>> No.20910812 [DELETED] 

I do too. I’ve read all of Horror’s Call and it’s become one of my favorite indie series.

>> No.20910831

>Be teacher
>Teach hot as fuck 18 year olds
>Don't see them for 4 years
>A few I see again
>Fat, wrinkled and unattractive now
What the fuck?

>> No.20910840 [DELETED] 

My game might be too naturalistic.
It was influenced by naturalistic movies and documentaries but in the end. Disco Elysium carried their no combat only dialogue game because the writing was like Pynchon.

My game and my writing are not Pynchon like at all even if I liked him.
Maybe some NPC waxing out poetic about a completely unrepentant topic in an infodump if you pick the wrong choices

>> No.20910842

- Third-from-last paragraph, last sentence, should have 'grin' instead of 'glow'.
- Last paragraph, third sentence, should have a comma after 'however'.

>> No.20910865 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 314x500, 2890E2FD-4A7A-4D5F-838D-8511D93ABD05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why try to be like Pynchon? Just be yourself.

>> No.20910869

Lolno. I know exactly what's going to happen, that's not the issue.

>> No.20910881

I'm not writing Death Grips lyrics as dialogue.

>> No.20910918

>You might be my elder, my teacher, AND someone I respect, but if there's one huge issue I have with you, it's the fact that you keep giving names to your techniques. This is reality. Act like it
How can I make this less awkward? Basically, "Attack names are retarded"

>> No.20910944

Some stories have Attack names and others don't, but have you ever wondered why it's rare for a story to bring up their use?
Think about it.

>> No.20910945

They're retarded

>> No.20911300

Sounds like the apprentice is a no-fun little bitch.

>> No.20911352

Bad genes.

>> No.20911357

this isn't Mrs. Caliban, anon

>> No.20911434
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How the fuck do I put more talent points into insight? Am I doomed to be unoriginal?
I consume things from actually talented people and im often in awe at their contributions.
If I try to do the same on subjects im passionate about I realize I actually have nothing original or insightful to contribute, and I suck at writing.
Am I a NPC? A fraud? A retarded fucking ape?

>> No.20911451

Have you considered broadening your horizons and increasing the number of topics you have detailed knowledge of, from which to connect new strands of thought?
There is no such thing as true originality or invention. There is only novelty in the connection of ideas of things that Are. The more of existence you understand the more of these novel (at least locally novel) observations you can string together.

>> No.20911609

She's just telling her mentor that she's an idiot for naming her attacks.

>> No.20911622
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To be honest, it's well written and the subject matter feels interesting enough, but the pacing felt much too jarring. I get it's a short story, but even so, I'm not sensing any despair or plot to this. Is he stuck in a labyrinth? a circus? a bar?chained watching Christine get fucked by goblins? I have no idea.

>> No.20911627

So yeah, a no-fun little bitch.

>> No.20911630

Yeah, and I'm calling her a no-fun little bitch.

>> No.20911667
File: 895 KB, 1348x1722, end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's no context, but how does the ending read? I feel like I should add something.

>> No.20911669

nevermind, i found my mistake, I put Chinatown was gone, then later said it was rebuilt.

>> No.20911674

Also vehicles don't trot.

>> No.20911689

Stop responding to the schizo. He's no different than a crazy homeless person screeching at passersby in a public space. Nothing you say is going sink in.

>> No.20911714
File: 605 KB, 1348x1087, garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy since we're all posting garbage! Read my garbage!

>> No.20911741

>A vehicle trotted
Vehicles don't trot.
That whole first paragraph is a bizarre and awkward.
>cobblestone that once dominated the streets
How could cobblestones 'dominate' a street? Were you thinking of 'predominate'?
>Brothels were replaced by a growing community...
Brothels could be replaced by actual schools, but not a community demanding schools.
>Hung with both words...
Garden path sentence.
>Cloudless and clear, the sun...
The sun is always cloudless.
>A gentle breeze dominated the Spring day...
It gently dominated?
>"Hey John."
"Hey, John."

The ending line is intolerably saccharine.

>> No.20911755

How about sputtered? Or that's too cartoonish? I don't think I want to use rolled, traveled, or moved though.

>> No.20911766
File: 20 KB, 578x276, Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now you fucking stupid bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're all shit-posting-shit today, take my American Psycho reference

>> No.20911771
File: 158 KB, 1275x2400, miniMAG Issue08 chan_page-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miniMAG Issue08

weekly lit mag

submissions: minimagsubmissions@gmail.com

past issues: minimag.space

>> No.20911777
File: 586 KB, 1275x2400, miniMAG Issue08 chan_page-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy his new book (and his old book)

>> No.20911780
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>> No.20911783
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>> No.20911784
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>> No.20911789
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>> No.20911792
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>> No.20911797
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>> No.20911801
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>> No.20911803
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>> No.20911806
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>> No.20911812
File: 624 KB, 1275x2400, miniMAG Issue08 chan_page-0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking cool
goblin market for the 21st century

>> No.20911813


>reputation of lust, sin, and debauchery.
reputation 'for'. This is extra redundant.
>uncharacteristic of him to dispose of you as he sees fit.
Really wordy and stiff.
>natural state of self of preservation.
That's an instinct not a state.
Capitol is a building. Capital is a city.
>a familiar face motioned for me
What the fuck does that look like?
>ignoring the injury she sustained.
Sounds like she is being injured at that moment. 'ignoring her injury'
>wearing the signature chainmail, her shortsword
Swords do not wear armor
Lack of contractions makes the dialog sound robotic. All these greetings, goodbyes, and howdoyoudos distract from the meat of the conversations. Small talk and pleasantries get tiresome to read very quickly.

>Dispose of you as he will
>as far as the eye can see
>familiar face
>at a moment's notice
Cliched phrases

>> No.20911818
File: 214 KB, 1275x2400, miniMAG Issue08 chan_page-0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open submissions:

past issues:

thank you to the anons who make this thing fun

>> No.20911916

Thanks anon. I'll try to watch for these. The paragraph sounded good in my head.

>> No.20911998
File: 296 KB, 1280x337, flufflmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20912067

I have no talent at all. Fallout, Disco Elysium, Planescape, SOTC, I'll never make my game.

It's coherent and high concept. If properly made I know it would be good, but it being properly made requires a better person other than me. My religion? Determinism, materialist though, eugenics.
I am inferior genetically so therefore I am inferior artistically, conceptual inferiority. My life has no justification other than innane animal instinct.

I'll quit my job to "focus" on art and the game. Instead I'll carefully plan my suicide after breaking down my identity, complete identity death. Being born was a tragedy, a mistake I won't repeat.

>> No.20912090 [DELETED] 

One of my old passions was swimming. As a young boy I found joy in it but there is a persistent regret. My belief that it would have been better to drown in one of my many many experiences with water. Didn't cross my mind back then but if only I had the chance to go back to any possible moment and take that way out. Other methods now available to me are better, faster, truly final but I have been tainted now, experienced isolation, defeat, despair.
At that age I wouldn't have cared, would have died peacefully and that would be it for me, back to nothing forever.

No, if only I would have died at 11 on a hospital, in that surgery room. There's more suffering experienced, more of the world now understood but I would have been better off dying there still. Never to wake up from the anesthesia, that sunday morning in which I woke up in sudden pain turned into a tragedy for my family. Instead the world gave me a speedy recovery, 3 days in the hospital, a week of rest and back to life.

Or that time I suffered from heavy trauma and hallucinations took hold, at 12. With a fever that wouldn't go away, feeling my own mind twist and melt, familiar faces turned into abstractions. My entire world gradually becoming a pattern, I've felt it.
If only the fever would have been higher and kept going up, seizures and death, a few degrees off from release.

>> No.20912105

That surgery room, the doctor wa a cute young woman in whom I developed a 10 minute crush. She calmed me down from panic into feeling hopeful, a quick and simple operation. No longer scared about it from bed to gurney to a brief taste of oblivion. To think now I'd want more.

Hatred for life defines me, my own and that of everyone else. It's not juvenile hatred but merely boredom, if only I could be honest and dare to write what I really think about all of this.

>> No.20912118

>“I’m not dealing with you. Just go.”
>He turned away and continued standing still as the stone his weapon was scratched from. I was honestly shocked by this. Here he was, the strongest warrior of the Fae. The Fae that assured their own mutual destruction along with my own people. The Fae that put me in a coma for over a thousand years as a result of their own arrogance. The Fae I killed without mercy. And here he was, not holding a grudge or talking down to me. Why was he behaving in such a reserved way? I pointed at him and said
>“I was half-expecting a “Right now” at the end of that first sentence. What, do you not want to get a shot at finally killing me?”
>He sighed like the wind and turned around. Only then did I start taking notice of what he looked like, and a sense of dread washed over me. The scars on his body numbered in the hundreds. Some small enough to fit in between my fingers, others large enough to cover his entire torso. What horrors had his skin been exposed to? What happened to his species after all this time?
Help, I suck

>> No.20912143

1.2k today
Tfw you finish chapter.
Only to realize you don't know whats coming next.
Then you find out.

>> No.20912175

Anybody know of some video games I can play to improve my typing and grammar habits?

>> No.20912191

I was writing freely before I read a book on writing. Now I'm just feeling overwhelmed.

>> No.20912228

Starting with dialogue like this is difficult unless you really telegraph how the person is speaking.
>"Mutual destruction along with..."
Redundant, remove 'mutual'.
>"I was half-expecting a "Right now" at the end of that first sentence."
I would remove this line, keep the "What, do you not..." part. You've already stated that he was not holding a grudge and that the MC is surprised by this fact, so putting it here again as speech just feels like over explaining.
>Sighed like the wind
This is too vague. Wind can be all kinds of speeds, volumes, and I would argue even tones. Does he sigh like a hurricane or a breeze? Is his sigh refreshing or stinging? Give some more concrete detail, this is a little too abstract.

>> No.20912281
File: 44 KB, 480x640, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being original isn't always the best option. Detective story's are eternal.

>> No.20912291
File: 62 KB, 1024x684, 1660238919258033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already asked this on the last thread, but since it is still here, does anyone have any critiques for me?

>> No.20912302

How would you write about a dead land?

>> No.20912316

Read the road

>> No.20912435 [DELETED] 

I have no talent. I have made my choice, I'll kill myself soon. Like my hero mishima I must disembowel myself

>> No.20912517
File: 8 KB, 308x286, 1632202100888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant focus on writing because of my receding hairline

>> No.20912640

I feel like books on writing are for people who don't want to write or have been writing for so long that they need an occasional reminder of certain things. Try going back to it a little while later. Read more fiction and then use a book on writing as a reference sheet rather than a guideline.

>> No.20912667

I liked this one. Very neat.

>> No.20912740

You write better than I do at the very least.

>> No.20912812

It sure is different when the seething schizo samefagging shill-spamming pseud isn't around, isn't it?
You know who I mean.
Last night he sperged out and posted his usual "gawrsh aren't my shitty books great" spam to /lit/ .
FYI, all of those can be reported as "advertising or begging", then he'll get banned for a while.
I can't be the only one that does this. You all have to join in, too.
That'll go a long way toward un-shitting this thread and this board.

>> No.20912871

>a mistake I won’t repeat

>> No.20912886

You have to pay for it?

>> No.20912887

I use WPS office. I'm ESL too.

>> No.20912892

writing a guide to excelling
what's the best protip you know of for any field, especially learning, in regards to improving

>> No.20912894

I wanted to ask your lads' opinion on a little idea I recently had. I have a side project that I write short stories into whenever I'm in a rut with my main project, and I kinda wanna use it as a free-to-read advertisement for my main book. Plan on shilling it on RR or other somesuch free website where I can snag some easy readers, and I need some advice regarding how to format it.

Either A) have it be a collection of short stories where the same cast of characters fouck around in different places and with difrerent things / people / environments so they can give exposition and show what the world is like or B) have it be a more consistent, linear storyline where they go from place to place and do stuff for a reason, with a more grounded overarching plotline and narrative. Which do you lads reckon'd sell better?

Since I find dividing fiction into genre and lit gay and reductive, just call what I write fantasy.

There's always a seething pesud, schizo, deranged jannie, gardner cuck, failed crab or some other flavor of demoralizing faggot shitting up the thread. Comes with the territory but my fucking god have the last few threads been shit.

>> No.20912895

Do you guys love to write at night? I do.

>> No.20912960

there's nothing more satisfying than getting some (probably) hispanic zoomer coombrain's thread deleted and banned from a board

>> No.20912977

Short story collections are nearly impossible to sell unless you're a known name. But since you're shilling on a free website instead, B is what you'll want to go for. There's also a big meme with short story collections just being a collection of vignettes centered around a few common themes without being actual stories, so avoid that if you can.
I do as well. It's the best time for me in view of the general day and it's best for me mentally to sit and unwind, especially emotionally.

>> No.20912990 [DELETED] 
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It's a dead medium.
Literature is long dead and obsolete.

>> No.20913007 [DELETED] 

Dead hopeless medium and pursuit.
Of course, this doesn't apply to you, you specifically, you're special and your words are magic. They will last and spread, one good novel is what it takes.

Nothing will happen.

>> No.20913018
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You do??

>> No.20913035
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Sounds too robotic, have you voiced this?
I'm still no better and I think you only mentioned that to get a pat in the back.

>> No.20913061
File: 1.45 MB, 1092x1058, stressedpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you finance this hobby?

>> No.20913071

Wait a minute. You can pirate it?

>> No.20913078

Nope, your word choice, flow, grammar, and dialogue is far superior to mine. If we were in a race, you would be at least 30 steps closer than I would be.

>> No.20913087

Kill yourself. I'm the worst and should be called the worst at every single moment besides you're mocking me. I haven'tposted anydislogue at all and you're mocking me, I'll rape you to death.

>> No.20913102

Not true at all. Just reading your posts already proves you are a far superior writer than I am. Your insults feel threatening, a clear indicator of far better writing abilities. Mine are weak and deserving of all the mockery you unfurl at me.

>> No.20913103

Oh woooooooow!
I don't suck! I don't suck! Fuck you, don't you dare say things like that.

>> No.20913106

writing is one of the cheapest hobbies out there, together with reading and drawing
all you need is paper and a pen, and if you do digitally: a cheap machine
even calligraphy is relatively cheap

>> No.20913121

Thiago, Meredith, I'll remember this.
You're a pathetic man, a caricature. Frankly, you're deranged and insane, barely a person at this point. Die stupid fucker.

You think I'm better than you? You mock me saying that? That I am better than you? I'll prove all of you wrong, I am the worst writer I am genetically inferior I am shit a shit writer no talent no potential I am sterile soil I will prove youall wrong I am the single worst writer im the world
i dont eant to improve i want to keep being bad no get worse fuck you

>> No.20913125

I just wish I could make money out of writing. There is nothing else that interests me.

>> No.20913147

write a lot
read a lot

>> No.20913165

if you self publish, one of the best ways to advertise is to create a mailing list.
when you publish a new book, you can announce it on your mailing list
you can ask your mailing list to beta read your books
some authors offer a short story or something for their reader's email addresses. it's a reward.

>> No.20913171

i thought about using word
google docs is fine for what i need and i don't have to install it when i visit a new computer

>> No.20913189

Read your post. An excellent example of anger and frustration. But my writing? Robotic, lifeless, and uninteresting, so much so even a line by line editor anon couldn't be assed to edit it any more.

>> No.20913192



>> No.20913216

What's the plugin called? What does it do?

>> No.20913235

That sounds like a pretty good idea. While I do intend on trying to have my "main" book tradpubbed, making a mailing list out of the people I shill my free shit to sounds like a great idea. Doubt any potential tradpubbers will turn their noses up at an author with a pre-existing audience. Cheers!

>> No.20913250
File: 133 KB, 960x720, Moe suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 3 of my book takes place during December and I shall call this part The Season of Suicides.

>> No.20913260

What is the best font to use for writing?

>> No.20913307


>> No.20913309

Courier is the standard font in the business. I've heard some agents won't even look at a manuscript that isn't in courier.

>> No.20913310

tnr or courier new if you're a boomer

>> No.20913318

I prefer Sylfaen, Perpetua, and Cabin.

>> No.20913325

4th draft starts today. I decided on changing the last three chapters dramatically last draft from original pure nightmare to something equally tragic but more grounded in reality. I think I went way too overboard before.

>> No.20913338
File: 192 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant focus on writing because of my insatiable desire to coom

>> No.20913342
File: 17 KB, 236x275, 1588718669601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change from TNR to Courier
>suddenly my manuscript is 11 pages longer
I don't like the way it looks, though

>> No.20913352

Write about your receding hairline. Writing about your own insecurities leads to a very genuine experience.

>> No.20913355

I like times new roman.

>> No.20913410

Just get used to it. It's a monospaced font. It makes it easier to read and edit. Look this over, https://www.shunn.net/format/classic/1/

>> No.20913471

Not your blog

>> No.20913528

The riddle was several times unnecessarily more complicated due to years of malpractice. So Doctor Funky failed his dissertation because no one told him he couldn't finish on her. So legally crippled, he sought her treasure.
"Ho, land! Ummm, did you, I... I'm sorry. Ummm drugs." They were separated by acid-infused hysteria.
Night came without halt, like a rhino from Holland. So dirty. So clean. Trouble arose from the depths of symmetry. Meat undulated towards us. Solved uncannily. No more malpractce.

>> No.20913576

plot holes
in my current project, i have a character who isn't recognize as the enemy, and he can go anywhere. i also have a switch someone can turn off to disable all the enemy forces.
so why doesn't the character walk in and turn off the switch?
because of plot hole.
am patching it right now.

>> No.20913589

How do I rid myself of the embarrassment I feel when I read my own work and actually start posting online? Or for that matter actually write something completely? Be it a story or an essay.
I have 0 shame when it comes to posting my art online but for some reason writing feels so much more 'personal' to say the least.

>> No.20913591 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 536x442, Kiminthestyleofkurvitzhack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one even looked at my writing posts

>> No.20913610

I write in my free time

>> No.20913616

I mix very random ideas that come from nowhere with historical tidbits and insignificant moments in real life or popular media that gets stuck in my head

>> No.20913629

Yes it is, seethe.

>> No.20913644

in ms word lol

>> No.20913688
File: 6 KB, 320x180, comicsans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comic sans

>> No.20913693

I was reading about these:
gave me a bunch of ideas for stories

>> No.20913733

How's this?
>He slightly turned his head in my direction.
>“I’m not dealing with you. Just go.”
>He turned away and continued standing still as the stone his weapon was scratched from. I was honestly shocked by this. Here he was, the strongest warrior of the Fae. The Fae that assured their own destruction along with my own people. The Fae that put me in a coma for over a thousand years as a result of their own arrogance. The Fae I killed without mercy. And here he was, not holding a grudge or talking down to me. Why was he behaving in such a reserved way? I pointed at him and said
>“What, do you not want to get a shot at finally killing me?”
>He sighed, the breath flowing from his mouth like a dry breeze, and turned around. Only then did I start taking notice of what he looked like, and a sense of dread washed over me. The scars on his body numbered in the hundreds. Some small enough to fit in between my fingers, others large enough to cover his entire torso. His clothing was ragged and waving in the wind like leaves in a hurricane, as if sewn from the very greenery he was surrounded with. What horrors had his species endured after all this time to bring him to such a pathetic state?

>> No.20913761

You never helped me
No one ever helped me
I have no potential

>> No.20913769

No it's not, cope.

>> No.20913770

write the scene that plays in your head, dummy

>> No.20913774

did you think that maybe, possibly, you're approaching this from the wrong angle?
if you think in motion rather than words, why are you doing a text heavy work?

>> No.20913777

what kind of a loser unironically has a job in
>current year

>> No.20913796

I tried, no one replied. I'm not used to writing anymore.
Because sadly I am a human being with a very unique perspective that doesn't translate to anything, I can't even think of a way to translate the way I think into anything. My characters would also think like this.

It's like this one movie, stream of thoughts broken up by rapid sudden motion and sudden images

>> No.20913815

>I am a human being with a very unique perspective
Alright, I'll give you one major piece of advice that everyone needs to learn: Get the fuck over yourself. Holy shit.

>> No.20913824

Do you even grasp what I'm trying to say?
The way I think is by having my images shift around and appear out of thin air, a literal overlay at times. Words turn into patterns, close your eyes and you feel motion.

>> No.20913828

I will never compromise my artistic sensibilities by deviating from my unique perspective.

>> No.20913835

Fuck off I suffer from this thing.
I can't make my game because having a dialogue focused fame with NO dialogue is stupid.

>> No.20913874

Fuck off janny

>> No.20913901
File: 11 KB, 245x250, 40202708_2125384050829012_4076638281389834240_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into independent book store today
>ask about Flashman books
>grab a couple, the guy at the cash says "oh, if you like Flashman I have a recommendation, you seem like you enjoy actual good writing
>puts some $10 book with a generic cover in my hand
>starts to tell me about the protagonist and how he's sort of like Flashman
>half listen to him and go "$10? Sure, why not"
>go home and google the book/author
>find interview
>it's the guy from the store

>> No.20913911
File: 354 KB, 551x812, degen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then make a comic, doofus. Loads of people think via the image phantasmagoria, me included. I only started enjoying writing when I focused on the things I find funny and interesting in language, instead of using language to try to perfectly represent my own mindscape.

You only keep coming back here with endless, unanswerable questions because you prefer being in a state of constant neurotic tension rather than just giving stuff a try and having fun making a small, failed-but-in-an-interesting-way project. But actually making something, and not getting obsessed about it being perfect or exactly emulating someone else, is the only way you will ever break out of your little prison cell. There is no answer anyone here can give you that will change your situation.

>> No.20913942
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>> No.20913954

Every time.

>> No.20913967 [DELETED] 
File: 935 KB, 978x960, Rhea_Seehorn_Inside_Man_2_Most_Wanted.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I want to make a game like Disco Elysium, Pathologic, Fallout, SOTC. I have a very interesting setting and hopefully if done correctly a very interesting way to look at things.
I need dialogue

>> No.20913973

Kys instead janny

>> No.20914129

But your dialogue is already a masterpiece. We even compared our writings. My story is inferior to yours. So what you're doing now. It's working

>> No.20914170


>> No.20914211

Is it better to write something while it's fresh in your mind, or to simply note it down and save it for later? I've finished my most recent project and I don't know if I should go back through my old notes and write one of the few stories I've had floating around in the back of my head for a while now, or if I should jump on a more recent idea of mine? It's been bugging me for nearly a week now. I don't know what to write. Does it not matter, should I just pick something?

>> No.20914215

Any advice on copywriting? I tried making a thread but it didnt take off.

>> No.20914496

Amazing. I'm the next Bakker.

>> No.20914515

I am a family man, etc, have a great job, not worried about money. Looking to write my fantasy book (I have a massive amount of notes so far.) Not really interested in 'selling' it only having people read it. Is that redroad place good? Essentially looking for a place to post my book where people will actually read it. I am setting my goal as to actually bring a bit of joy and motivation to a few random people out there and want to reach as many as I can.

>> No.20914527

My man, famous, extremely rich, acclaimed actors refuse to watch themselves because they cringe so hard. Just do it, other people will enjoy it even if you don't enjoy it yourself. Your joy comes from the writing.

>> No.20914538
File: 417 KB, 693x387, 1661553665108335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can put it up on Royalroad, if it gets popular is up to chance.

>> No.20915051

Fantasy- Books that are fast-paced with wonderful (ideally non-European) characters. I'd love to see more fantasies based on non-European folklore, especially Latinx (new imaginings of El Cucuy, El Sombrerón, Duendes, etc...)!

Science Fiction- I am no longer acquiring Science Fiction.


>> No.20915061

How would you say your place of residence has affected your career, if at all?

>> No.20915152
File: 74 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Viewing Page Search Result 1/5 for: LGBTQIA+

>> No.20915160

You are pond scum

>> No.20915188

>bait that's actually funny
ahh, that takes me back

>> No.20915193

Any advice?
>pretend there is a pic of Kim Wexler

>> No.20915206

Scrivener is best

>> No.20915215


>> No.20915223

No one read any of mine, either. I stopped posting my writing here because I was critiquing every sample I could while getting nothing in return. This thread is a waste of time for serious critique, welcome to the club.

>> No.20915226 [DELETED] 
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niggers have no place in literature

>> No.20915237

I miss /crit/. In those threads people actually cared about providing feedback, or at least knew they were supposed to.
/wg/ is only used for blogposting by generally self-absorbed, disinterested cunts.

>> No.20915254
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will we ever get it back?

>> No.20915263

lately self-loathing avatarfags

>> No.20915531

How do you pirate it?

>> No.20915533

You mean like advertisements or the technique of imitation to learn how to write?

>> No.20915774

I miss it so much I've resorted to fanfic porn forums to get advice.

>> No.20915818

Why don't you fucking idiots go make a /crit/ thread then? There's 4 of you, and there's probably more.

>> No.20915826

>There's 4 of you
but then who would post in /wg/

>> No.20915974

I gots me some ideas, see? Imagining things is hard, but what if - and I know this is crazy - I wrote about REAL things that actually happened to me?
Like how I went visiting my dad a few weeks back and the house was full of flies. I ask him why he keeps all the doors open and he tells me its for ventilation. But the house has machinery for ventilation. He's got one of those air-source heat-pump things installed, it cost thousands and he didn't use it. Why? Because he's got fucking dementia.
Went to the grocery store with him. My god what an experience.
>can't take the first cart because people have been touching it

>> No.20916005

I mean writing advertisements. I've scavanged the Internet for various guides and books but I was wondering what you guys have to say about this topic apart from the podcast episode in the OP

>> No.20916045

>I don’t even know how long it has been since I started fighting him. It’s dark out now and its hard to see, but I keep it up nonetheless. No hesitation or breathing room to be offered. His blows rain down as often as mine, but I’m able to reduce the damage by turning with it.
>One straight hit finally makes contact with my face, sending me skidding backwards. The stone under my feet scrapes against the bottom of my soles, and I can feel the blood tricking to my toes. I slam against a rock, the surrounding area shaking like a leaf as I do. The pain is immense, but I made sure to not hit the back of my head, so I’m still conscious. I turn up and see him taking a deep breath, the sand and dust around him gathering like a tornado.
>There isn’t any moisture in the air, and I’ve already used most of my water. I think I only have around one intense blast left in me, and I’m not wasting it trying to counter this thing. I frantically look around before leaping as high as I can in a panic. I hear that familiar noise and can already feel the heat. It’s closing in on me, and fast. And then the idea comes.
>I briefly let out a slight blast from my mouth, propelling me downwards at breakneck speeds. I brace myself for impact and collide with the ground, sending up a massive dust cloud. I let the dust fall on my moist skin, creating a way to remain hidden. As he blasts into the dust, creating tubes of glass, I take aim at his legs and leap towards him faster than even he can react.
>My motions are fluid, blindingly fast, and completely seamless. I grab his ankles and prevent them from moving, throwing off his balance. I move my body upwards to kick him in the face, hurling him onto his back. Finally, with no hesitation, I flip myself right up to his face and let out the strongest blast I can muster, pelting him in the face with mist moving faster than even me. Maybe I can win
Reminder, the guy narrating here is more like an ape in terms of intelligence. Complex or abstract metaphors or concepts that he has not seen doesn’t cross his mind. He knows what leaves are, so he uses that.

>> No.20916080

Why don't you go check out shit like Udemy or something?

>> No.20916094

Only 1k words today.
Tomorrow I will do better.
I hope you do to.

>> No.20916099

I write a lot every day but I always delete it after.

>> No.20916169

I'm interested in your input.

>> No.20916195

>listening to last weeks WE podcast
>Dan mentioning that big publishers dont want gay voices in other genres
>kindly ignores gay is an entire genre
Why are people like this? Just put the story under the lgbt shelf, every other genre has to get shelfed you cant just go wherever you want.

>> No.20916227

Yea, the narration is full of overused phrases, but it reflects faithfully on his character if he is an ape. You also consistently write fragmented sentences and I personally don't mind if this is his 'personality', but if this is how you write as an author then level up your style.

>I slam against a rock
Sounds odd. Should be: "I slam UP against a rock..."
>I can feel the blood tricking
>I frantically look around before leaping as high
Maybe clarify that he is leaping UP as high as he can since one may also leap forward? Don't know.
>I move my body upwards to kick him in the face, hurling him onto his back.
Should be: I move my body upwards AND kick him...
The way you write it makes sound as if he going to be met with resistance, but that isn't what happens.

There is also an absurd lack of details considering this is a battle. What does the fire look like? The water blast? How does it feel? Where do some of these blast splash onto, and how is the scene altered? You have him say the pain is immense and the he hears the familiar noise, but where is the pain immense and what does the familiar noise sound like?

>> No.20916331

>He coolly turned towards my general direction.
>With a downcast gaze he whispered, "Go."
>Then he looked away and stood as still as the stone his sword was carved from. I stared in amazement. Here he was, the strongest warrior of the Fae. The Fae that assured the destruction of their own, as well my own, people. The Fae that put me into a coma for over a thousand years as a result of their own arrogance. The Fae I killed without mercy. And here he was, without grudgement or judgement. Why was he behaving in such a reserved way? I pointed at him and said
>"What, will you pass up the chance at finally killing me?
>He sighed—his breath flowing out like a dry breeze—and turned his back to me. Only then did I start taking notice of what he looked like, and dread washed over. The scars on his body numbered in the hundreds. Some so small it was as if sunbeams seeping through the interstices of crossing oaks incised them there. Other so large it was as if he'd been hacked straight through with an axe. His clothing dirty and flapping in the wind like burning paper swaying side to side as it falls. What horrors had his species endured after all this time to bring him to such a pathetic state?

>> No.20916344

It's funny, but what the hell is going on?

>> No.20916356

Also I believe the sentence
>The Fae that put me into a coma for over a thousand years
makes it sound like the Fae are perpetually putting him into a coma so I guess
>The Fae that put me into a coma lasting for over a thousand years
is better.

>> No.20916368

It's tedious man. What's the point of all this description?

>> No.20916784
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>Mimi Matthews’s THE MUSE OF MAIDEN LANE, final book in the The Belles of London series, in which unconventional equestriennes fight for individuality, independence, and love in mid-Victorian England, set amid the dawn of the Impressionist art movement; and the first two books in The Crinoline Academy series, in which a wealthy and eccentric Victorian spinster adopts and raises a group of talented orphan girls with the intention of utilizing their natural skills and sending them out in the world to distract, disrupt, and discredit men in power who seek to harm their advancement
>>three book deal
>NYT-bestselling and Lambda Literary Award-winning author TJ Klune’s four original untitled novels about queer love and family, set in curious and enchanting worlds
>>exclusive submission, four-book deal
Signing up for Publisher's Lunch has simultaneously broken and set me free.

>> No.20916844

Because you write so well that nobody has anything negative to say!

>> No.20916850

that's what i'd like to think but it's hard to tell

>> No.20916874
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why write a book that no one's going to read

>> No.20916899

I just tried courier for a day, but it took all the power out of my em dashes so I'm switching back to TNR

>> No.20916900

Nothing, I want to know if I can do it. So could you see it?

>> No.20916913

Merriweather normal, size 11. Easy on the eyes and looks preddy gud.

>> No.20916917

Oops, guess I'm retarded. 9.5, not 11.

>> No.20916922

please judge my tik tok scripts

Teachers cannot truly know what to tell you
Study hard, get good grades, get a good job and you’ll have made it.
No, that’s all they knew and most of them are unfulfilled with low paying careers.
You have to look beyond the scope of their situations and start investing in yourself, your time and your money as soon as possible. When you’re ready, so that means being prepared.
The skills you learn from further education is worth it but you have to actualise it to something beyond working for someone else to actually have it become successful.

Why? Because they are afraid of losing, of revealing the secrets to their mistakes and experiences for the last 30 years because they don’t want to see you rush ahead of them and win. Competition and missing out is the crux of it, crabs in a bucket mentality.
There are better ways to grow and become stable than to slave. Not to say that it won’t be a requirement, that hard or at least very smart work must come into play on your end for things to come to fruition.
Safety is something they espouse but do not truly understand themselves in order to fully propagate a view to you that is cohesive and sensible. A framework that you can rely on and understand instead of just fear mongering.
This means a measure of risk to make sure you reach the place you want to get to, but with greater skill and preparation, the luckier and less risky things become. With wisdom and insight, almost every obstacle can be overcome, but realisation and execution is rare in this world.

>> No.20916926

Do you struggle with achieving your goals? Simple things you’d like to do like study and work out?
I’ll give you the tips I understand to help achieve those things.
-reduce ACTIVATION ENERGY (you might have heard this term from chemistry, it applies to us too), this means reduce anxiety, reduce hurdles and increase preparation
Anxiety causes; Fear of failure, procrastination and perfectionism, literal trauma and ptsd from something
Reducing hurdles; Sometimes this means JUST NOT THINKING, JUST START IT, DO IT
-Have the goal in mind, something you understand and can work towards
-Break it down to the next tangible step, the more practical each step, the better
-Body doubling, simply means doing a task in the presence of another person.
-Keep up research and training to stay fluent and find flow
-*This means creating habits, conditioning yourself for success and discipline

But now, I’d like you to understand the concepts that affect our willpower, self-control, motivation and discipline. From what we can help and change most to things we have little effect on or outright can not do change.
+Your thinking and perspective, your habits and actions (to an extent, genetics/environment/upbringing all affect what you’re ultimately capable of)
Worry/serenity positive/negative thinking, lack of belief/faith, sleep, stress management, over/underestimating ability
+-Drugs and pharmaceuticals
+-Your environment to an extent, what you expose yourself to and block yourself from
+-Friends and social group/circles
-+Your personal history and random acts of god (including parents and stuff, trauma etc, lessons), this means being wise
-Your genes, any medical disorders that may impair you. Including pain.

>> No.20916959

As a teacher I know you're full of shit. Citing Dave Ramsey and Thomas Stanley, it had been studied that teachers are one of the top 5 professions that become millionaires. Secondly, all looking at the pay scale educators in areas such as California, top paying teachers earn upwards of 130k with Summers off and government pension equal to 70% of their largest paychecks; mostly earned at the twilight of their careers.

The study hard mantra does not come from teachers, it comes from the culture of industrialists during the Guilded Age, and it works.

To cite Calvin Coolidge, no amount of talent can replace hard work.

>> No.20916974


again, you have no ambition and cannot speak.
you're just an npc like the rest, youre stuck in your words and cannot conceptualise truth beyond your books and indoctrination

im sorry you feel that way, but you arent successful

>> No.20916979

The description of persons who have the fewest ideas of all others are mere authors and readers. It is better to be able neither to read nor write than to be able to do nothing else. A lounger who is ordinarily seen with a book in his hand is (we may be almost sure) equally without the power or inclination to attend either to what passes around him or in his own mind. Such a one may be said to carry his understanding about with him in his pocket, or to leave it at home on his library shelves. He is afraid of venturing on any train of reasoning, or of striking out any observation that is not mechanically suggested to him by parsing his eyes over certain legible characters; shrinks from the fatigue of thought, which, for want of practice, becomes insupportable to him; and sits down contented with an endless, wearisome succession of words and half-formed images, which fill the void of the mind, and continually efface one another. Learning is, in too many cases, but a foil to common sense; a substitute for true knowledge. Books are less often made use of as 'spectacles' to look at nature with, than as blinds to keep out its strong light and shifting scenery from weak eyes and indolent dispositions. The book-worm wraps himself up in his web of verbal generalities, and sees only the glimmering shadows of things reflected from the minds of others. Nature puts him out. The impressions of real objects, stripped of the disguises of words and voluminous roundabout descriptions, are blows that stagger him; their variety distracts, their rapidity exhausts him; and he turns from the bustle, the noise, and glare, and whirling motion of the world about him (which he has not an eye to follow in its fantastic changes, nor an understanding to reduce to fixed principles), to the quiet monotony of the dead languages, and the less startling and more intelligible combinations of the letters of the alphabet.

You might as well ask the paralytic to leap from his chair and throw away his crutch, or, without a miracle, to 'take up his bed and walk,' as expect the learned reader to throw down his book and think for himself. He clings to it for his intellectual support; and his dread of being left to himself is like the horror of a vacuum. He can only breathe a learned atmosphere, as other men breathe common air. He is a borrower of sense. He has no ideas of his own, and must live on those of other people. The habit of supplying our ideas from foreign sources 'enfeebles all internal strength of thought,' as a course of dram-drinking destroys the tone of the stomach. The faculties of the mind, when not exerted, or when cramped by custom and authority, become listless, torpid, and unfit for the purposes of thought or action.

t. hazlitt

Do you have the balls to go to /biz/ and tell them what you told me?

>> No.20916994

For a vast majority of people that is a great wage. Do you expect everyone to be an entrepreneur?

>> No.20917010

>not reading your own book

>> No.20917011

I gravitate more strongly toward stories of identity and self discovery in literary fiction, thrillers and mysteries, memoir, and queer romance. For science fiction and fantasy, I strongly prefer "SFF lite" and am turned off by vampires etc. I do have a significant soft spot no matter the genre for stories that reflect back our world, that show the truth of white supremacy/patriarchy/oppression/trauma.


looks like 95% of agents are female

>> No.20917013

Because books are good

>> No.20917014

Perfect! I'm going to submit my Chinaman story to her!

>> No.20917017

I hope for everybody to become aware of the economic abuses they are subjected to. That wealth inequality is literally part of the equation that causes empires to fall. From stretched resources that lead to war and conflict and overturned governments.

Ultimately, it's the people that have to pay.

I want to, naively, raise the awareness and will of people enmasse so that they can mimic or at least learn from and vastly improve their countries, like Norway or Switzerland (i'm extremely naive in this regard so they are generalised suggestions)

Teachers are far better regarded in Sweden than they are in the US, even accounting for private schools etc.

So yes, in a way, I want people to become more involved in the dealings of economics and be further invested in themselves.

Even on a small scale, to think that not everybody could at least start something even if it won't scale. Japan has many very small businesses, very niche jobs like companions etc.

So again, yes, with a little too much hope and expectation of legibility in regards to understanding all of this, I want people to become financially capable and endeavouring

>> No.20917021

Why? Because most people these days are addicted to gadgets?

>> No.20917026


This is what I mean about frameworks, perspective and understanding. I could be wrong, because the reality is that not many people can make it, but my paradigm doesn't rely on people becoming overly successful, just cohesively functional and healthy

Arguments against capitalism, arguments for a more exclusive democracy, longer and more stable governing terms. arguments against bipartisan governments

I'm just starting out and to be fair, I'm stupid and uneducated but interested and motivated.
So I appreciate your input, nobody wants to be told they don't have an idea.

To be fair, I'm living on a shonen pipedream while handicapped. I've had a hard time dealing with the concept of right and wrong in terms of ideas and how people even speak when they are just talking about nonsense

so thanks.

>> No.20917083

For a while I thought I couldnt fix the novel but now I think I can. It's incredible how fast people get pissed off at writing if you aren't careful but there are so many layers of what can go wrong. I need to make a checklist for myself.

>> No.20917146

i'm on my rough draft
i was rereading a section and there was a break in the narrative that made zero sense
so i had to rewrite it so that it made sense
if it were clay instead of writing, it would be like sticking a hand on the sculpture's elbow.

>> No.20917183

Finish this Prompt:
It was pathetic, desparate really, watching him gloat over his win against an underclassmen.

>> No.20917199

If I were you, you should cater toward the opposite spectrum from teacher bashing and how the capitalist system is bad. There are way too many anti capitalist videos at this point, you stand out if you take the conservative approach

>> No.20917204

"He walked back up the steps to the bungalow. 879. Beaconsfield. A chill went down his spine."

>> No.20917214

Could you give me an example of what you’re saying?

Just a little further elaboration


>> No.20917215
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You should write a short horror story about skinwalkers.

>> No.20917231

those cats are fucking fat

>> No.20917245

Corporate fatcats

>> No.20917287

Corpulent corporate cats

>> No.20917288

>It was pathetic, desperate really, watching him gloat over his win against an underclassmen.
That evening he scratched another notch into the 2x4 under the top bunk. When his mom pulled off his dirty sheets she asked him what they meant, and he said, "nothin'," and she thought, "God, I've gotta get out of here." His dad only ever entered the room when he was drunk and looking for a fight. That night he was only drunk and passed out on the recliner with the evening news running a story about Americans eating too much salt. He snorted and gasped for breath and shivered while he slept.

>> No.20917291
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I've written 1200 words of one text and 600 of another today and I still have 3 more hours left in the day. I'll hit 3k words today.
Are you an EXTREME enough dude to do this?

>> No.20917302

You'z gud

>> No.20917308

Anyone find they write dialogue far slower than anything else? My middle is more dialogue heavy and I've been progressing at half the pace. Any tips to go faster? There's always so much mulling over how to have a conversation capture the key details while feeling authentic to the two characters.

I need to do this too, there are probably like 2 or 3 common "reset my brain" checklists depending on the issue that resolve the story just not feeling right. Share if you come up with something, id like to copy it to my outline as a reminder.

>> No.20917319

Go with shit like Jordan Peterson. He's big because he went the opposite way. Life is hard, struggle, it's okay, preservere, family, etc

None of this big money hot bitches, etc. There's a huge demand for conservative values right now

>> No.20917333

"It's good that he's finally learning to take responsibility for his actions" thought his mom as she snapped and folded a dry quilt along her waist, watching him reading a book outside. He would be a young adult soon and he never had had a best friend. His mother suspected autism.

>> No.20917343

3k words is just 4 pages

>> No.20917347

dialogue just flows right out of me
what's hard for me is juggling the character arc, exposition, having to hit all the plot beats so the story can advance, balancing narrative with "show don't tell", etc

>> No.20917353

Noted ty

>> No.20917363

One page in a book is between 250 and 500 words. Even at 500 words, you'd still be looking at 6 pages.

>> No.20917404

But I knew deep down he was in pain. His bravado a cheap mask to hide the crying child within. The fleeting high of an arbitrary battle won worth it in this moment to him in spite of the knife his conscience will stick through his heart in the nights to come. All alone in his reflecting pool of piss - his soul will weep.

>> No.20917418

My problem is the opposite. I always first draft as a stilted schizobabble but I have a very detailed account of characters progressing and tension for the scene. It only matters if people can get past the words and hear the story.
I think the worst thing is I am an not looking at a sentence outside of context. Context is important but nonetheless if it's cliche it makes jaded readers roll their eyes. So I am gonna get in the habit of line editing by highlighting one sentence at a time and be as critical as I can. My previous edits I would pass it, stop and then keep going if i felt okay. And sometimes your pacing can affect where people stop and so I suppose I should be more critical of where I stop also.

>> No.20917425

This is true, but
don't bullshit people. Be genuine. I'm so fucking sick of everyone being a fucking phony. It's disgusting.

>> No.20917490

Google docs.
By far superior to anything else with its comment and suggestions feature.

>> No.20917491

Where do you guys submit short stories?

>> No.20917510

I've read a bunch in the past. Ogilvy is usually the go-to. Just type in copywriting into z-lib and you'll get all the standards.
Any specific questions about it?

>> No.20917537

Fuck off Sponge.

>> No.20917567

How do I get people to read my shit

>> No.20917611

Post and pray

>> No.20917626

>NBC News senior investigative reporter, co-host of the Peabody Award-winning Southlake podcast, and Pulitzer Prize finalist Mike Hixenbaugh’s UNCIVIL: ONE TOWN’S FIGHT OVER RACE AND IDENTITY, AND THE NEW BATTLE FOR THE SOUL OF AMERICA’S SCHOOLS, taking us inside the escalating Christian nationalist campaign to take control of public education and illuminating the stories of students, parents, and teachers who are pushing back, to Mariner, at auction.
I'm losing faith.

>> No.20917640

There are lists of tons of magazines that take short stories, most are free submission and there are dozens of them. Also submit to &amp, /lit/'s magazine

>> No.20917647

That's the whole point. It's one big appeal to authority "we published this that means we have an audience". They don't. Nobody is listening to this shit but terminal old folks and trannies. They can't convince people that they're right, they can only do the next best thing and convince you that other people have been convinced. And you're falling for it. Get a fucking hold of yourself mate.

>> No.20917696

Editor is kill

>> No.20917837

I meant more in terms of promoting.

>> No.20917853

The editor shill itt is also missing. Maybe they're the same "person". Maybe not. Either way yhings are looking up.

>> No.20917879

Based and true. Tis all bullshit.

>> No.20917897

twitter, goodreads and Amazon promotions sometimes has free promotions
also shilling out cash for stuff like give-aways and maybe make stickers and free cheap bookmarks made from cardboard which you can gift to strangers
and participate with your book in 'BookCrossing'

>> No.20917905

All my characters are unhinged. Every single one of them except for like one or two who are acquainted with these main characters but for one reason or another are forced to stick by them and watch them do horrible means to an end type shit.

>> No.20918061

Same as my diary desu

>> No.20918080
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I propose that the writing general be split into two separate threads: 'critique and craft' and 'publishing and promotion'.

>> No.20918103

I agree

>> No.20918112

No fuck off

>> No.20918127

I just want to post my stories, have a few critiques, then put it out on Amazon

>> No.20918220

Post your story in the next thread and I’ll critique it for what little my opinion is worth.
Do it or I’ll kill your mother in my sleep tonight.

>> No.20918268

>in my sleep

>> No.20918362

There should just be one thread called Writing General that should only be about critique and craft considering how few things I've seen posted on here worth publishing and promoting

>> No.20918374

How can I improve at dialogue? Been watching talks and reading essays, it is way different from a novel.
Love Sawyer, love Avellone basically

>> No.20918424

Is there such a thing as a wrong reason to write? I get inspired by artwork, concepts, and unexplored ideas. I want to flesh these things out so I can immerse myself in them. But when I go to write, it all feels so shallow. I attempt to insert a plot and it sticks out of place. I try to imagine writing without but I know the results would be boring. I don't understand.

>> No.20918674

New Bread: >>20918666
New Bread: >>20918666
New Bread: >>20918666
New Bread: >>20918666
New Bread: >>20918666
New Bread: >>20918666